Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v3 Chapter 94: The goal is abroad

Hank Wilson came to Bangta City this time. In addition to accompanying the **** of Sofia, there are two more important things.

The first thing is to discuss the new cooperation contract on behalf of the Wal-Mart Chamber of Commerce.

In this year's cooperation, the sales of various home magic machines of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce in the Wal-Mart Chamber of Commerce across the Kingdom are extremely hot.

According to the statistics of the Wal-Mart Chamber of Commerce last month, the Wal-Mart Chamber of Commerce in the cities of the Kingdom of Lampari sold as many as 170,000 new flying magic furnaces.

Although the Wal-Mart Chamber of Commerce can only earn an average of no more than one gold coin in the middle of each magic stove, this is only a magic stove. If you count the other types of home magic machines, the Wal-Mart last month. With the cooperation with the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Commerce has obtained a huge profit of close to 300,000 gold coins.

Because of this, the Wal-Mart Chamber of Commerce decided to re-sign a new cooperation contract to the New Flying Chamber of Commerce one year ahead of the deadline before the deadline for this contract.

The new contract that Hank Wilson took out, Xu just swept his eyes and found that the various cooperation terms above were much better than the contracts signed by the two parties for the first time.

For example, in the first contract, the Wal-Mart Chamber of Commerce stipulates that the new Feishang Association must bear the transportation costs of all goods, and the Wal-Mart Chamber of Commerce is not responsible.

In this contract, the Wal-Mart Chamber of Commerce has offered to bear the transportation costs of less than 300 kilometers. If it exceeds 300 kilometers, it will be re-arranged according to the specific circumstances.

There is also a rule that the Wal-Mart Chamber of Commerce promises to have a road repaired. Even if it is more than three hundred kilometers. The Wal-Mart Chamber of Commerce can also take full responsibility for transportation. There is no need for the new Flyer to seek additional transportation routes.

However, after seeing this rule, Xu also shook his head and pointed to the details to Hank Wilson. "On the transportation side, the Wal-Mart Chamber of Commerce is willing to take the initiative to bear part of the transportation costs. I agree and thank you on behalf of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, but In terms of transportation methods, because of the agreement between our Chamber of Commerce and the Philson Cars and Horses, all the cargo transportation of the Chamber of Commerce will be handed over to the Fleming Cars and Horses, I am afraid I will not be able to hand them over to you."

"Oh? Is there such an agreement?" Hank Wilson meditated for a moment. He also asked: "Mr. Xu, the reason why you will reach this agreement with Philson Cars and Horses is because the Philsons and Horses bought a lot of magic locomotives from you?"

"You can say that." Xu also smiled and nodded.

In fact, the reason that Wilson said is only one of them. The real reason is that Xu also hopes that through this cooperation, it will promote the transformation of the Pfeiffers from the previous carriage transportation to the current magic locomotive transportation, thus changing the entire Lanpari Kingdom. Transportation method.

Of course, the actual situation is that the magic locomotive has been launched, because of its powerful performance and far beyond the speed and safety of the carriage, it has been welcomed by everyone in a short time.

It’s only a few months now, not only is all the chambers of commerce in Bangta City adapted to this new mode of transport, but the designated Fleming trucks are responsible for transporting the goods. Even the Chambers of Commerce in nearby and further cities have also found the Philson Cars and Horses responsible for transportation.

Now, the Pfeison Cars and Horses have opened branch clubs in several surrounding cities. Responsible for accepting business.

Of course, the reason why the Philson Cars and Horses developed so fast is that they have a great relationship with the New Flying Chamber of Commerce to temporarily sell the magic locomotives to the Firson Cars.

During this time, countless chambers of commerce have asked the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce to buy magical locomotives, but all of them were rejected by the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce with insufficient capacity.

Now, Hank Wilson, on behalf of the Wal-Mart Chamber of Commerce, has also made the same request.

"In addition to negotiating a new cooperation agreement, the main task I came to this time was actually to buy a magic locomotive." Hank Wilson was in the right direction. "Mr. Xu, President Lundes is very valued for the magic locomotive. I am asked to come here, but I will buy it from you anyway."

Xu also did not simply refuse directly, but thought about it and asked: "Do you want to build your own freight fleet?"

Hank Wilson smiled: "It should be said that it is a logistics team, Xu Huichang?"

Hearing the word "logistics" in Wilson's mouth, Xu also suddenly understood that it is clear that the Wal-Mart Chamber of Commerce has done enough investigation and preparation for the related matters of the magic locomotive. This time Wilson came to Bangta City to prove that the Wal-Mart Chamber of Commerce was at The purchase of magic locomotives is indeed very important.

"Well, it's a logistics team. I can ask, how many large-scale logistics teams do you plan to set up?" Xu also asked.

"If it is possible, the bigger the better." Wilson smiled. "But in the early days, our goal is to set aside 500 freight magic locomotives. In terms of passenger transportation, our Chamber of Commerce does not intend to intervene at present."

"Oh? As long as five hundred?" Xu also had some accidents.

I thought that the big chamber of commerce, like the Wal-Mart Chamber of Commerce, which has been numbered in the entire Lampari Kingdom, will certainly not be worse than the Philippine car, but I did not expect that it would be as long as 500.

You know, Philson is now having more than 2,000 medium-sized cargo magic locomotives.

At this moment, at least half of them are on the various roads in the Kingdom of Lampari, which can be said to have greatly boosted the flow of goods throughout the Kingdom of Lampari.

"Yes, the initial plan is to buy 500 medium-sized cargo magic locomotives." Hank Wilson nodded and explained: "Mr. Xu, in fact, we are very clear about your plans and attitudes for the support of the Philson car. This point has been told to me by Master Kenneder, but you don't have to worry, our Chamber of Commerce does not intend to compete with the Fleming cars for the cargo business in the Kingdom of Lampari."

"Do not compete for the cargo business in the kingdom? Then you have to have a lot of 500 cars?" Xu also wondered, after thinking about it, the mind suddenly flashed. Surprised: "You should not aim at foreign countries?"

Wilson smiled and nodded: "Xu Huichang really thinks agile. It's easy to guess. It's true. Our Chamber of Commerce wants to set up this logistics team, the main goal is to transport the goods to other countries, not for the goods in the kingdom. ""

Xu also looked at Wilson with confidence and a look of pride in his eyes, feeling in his heart.

The Wal-Mart Chamber of Commerce is worthy of being the number one big business association in the Kingdom of Lampari. He is still trying to cover the entire Lan Lampi Kingdom for the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce, but the other side has already turned their eyes to the Kingdom of Lampari. Outside the place.

"If this is the case, then I think that 500 cargo magic locomotives are a bit inadequate." Xu also said: "Whether you go to the surrounding country, the road is farther than in our Lampari Kingdom. Much. There are only 500 vehicles... I am afraid I can only guarantee that several transportation routes in the district are barely open."

"So this is the initial plan." Wilson said. “According to the assessment conducted by our Chamber of Commerce. Five hundred medium-sized cargo magic locomotives can probably guarantee that our Chamber of Commerce is currently leading to the Sak Kingdom, the Kingdom of Rulson and the Rhine Kingdom and two other small Principalities. As for the future, we Of course, this logistics fleet will be expanded according to the development of the situation."

"Well, this is a very prudent plan, I am very optimistic." Xu also nodded.

"Since President Xu is very optimistic about this plan, should you give us some support?" Wilson immediately climbed up. "In the early five hundred and two cargo magic locomotives, I think you should still be able to provide us with the president?"

Xu also smiled and shook his head. He thought that Wilson had said this. If he didn't agree, he would not give the Wal-Mart Chamber of Commerce face. The cooperation after the two chambers of commerce will definitely have a serious impact.

For the Wal-Mart Chamber of Commerce, the Lanpaury Kingdom Retail Giants Chamber of Commerce, Xu is still very valued.

So Xu also seriously considered it for a while. Slowly nod: "It’s just five hundred, I think I can squeeze out a part. But Vice President Wilson, in view of the agreement between us and the Philsons, I need to discuss this with them. Replying to you, I am afraid I can't give you a positive answer now."

"This is no problem." Seeing Xu also promised, Wilton smiled. "But I hope that President Xu will be able to give you a clear answer as soon as possible before I leave. I will also bring it back for discussion within the Chamber of Commerce."

"no problem."

"That's good, Xu Huichang, please take a look at this new cooperation agreement. There are some proposals from our Wal-Mart Chamber of Commerce and your new Feishang Chamber of Commerce to expand cooperation space, you may wish to consider."

Xu also picked up the agreement and looked back for a while, then suddenly lost.

In the last paragraph of this agreement, the Wal-Mart Chamber of Commerce actually proposed to cooperate with the New Flyer Chamber of Commerce abroad!

In summary, the Wal-Mart Chamber of Commerce first proposed to sell the various magic machinery produced by the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce to other countries and regions through the sales channels of the Wal-Mart Chamber of Commerce, and then, after the magic machinery opened the market in other countries and regions, The two sides can even cooperate to directly invest in these countries and regions to open factories to produce and sell on the spot.

I have to say that this is a very attractive plan and proposal.

Although the New Flyer Chamber of Commerce now has the ability to sell the new Flying Magic machinery to the outside of the two Lanpari Kingdoms of the Principality of Constantine and the Kingdom of Rulson, the Principality of Standin can be used regardless of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce in Rulson. Wang still can not be regarded as having no foundation, so Xu has always controlled the pace of investment of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce in the Kingdom of Rulson, and it is not fast.

But the Wal-Mart Chamber of Commerce is different.

As the largest chamber of commerce in the prefecture of the Kingdom of Lampari, the Wal-Mart Chamber of Commerce has a deep-rooted foundation in many countries and regions around it. Cooperating with them, investing in these countries and the earth will save a lot of trouble. It is also easier to open the situation.

But in this case, it will bring a problem.

If it is with the Wal-Mart Chamber of Commerce to adopt such a cooperation model, because the strength of the two countries in these countries and the earth is not equal, in the future cooperation between the two sides, will inevitably be dominated by the Wal-Mart Chamber of Commerce.

Xu also cares about this, because whoever leads can decide the route and direction.

Xu’s ideas in many aspects are actually quite different from traditional chambers of commerce, because his goal is to develop the magic industry on the mainland and create a complete industrial system. In many cases, it is not particularly concerned with interests.

At this point, he will definitely be in conflict with the Wal-Mart Chamber of Commerce.

Looking at Wilson, who looked forward to him, Xu also fell into deep meditation. (To be continued.)