Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v3 Chapter 92: Family unified regulation remote operating system

"Hey, Evita, are you coming back from the mine?" Akali stepped forward with excitement and a look at Tibes, who made a grimace at him: "How? Perth, Evita also grabbed you to accompany her to do the experiment? It’s too hard, obviously it’s time to eat while you work. () Let you go to my group and you still don’t do it, now regret it. What?"

Tibbs gave a wry smile, and he managed to show his courage to showdown to Evita, but was interrupted by Akali.

Let him open to Evita again, I am afraid it is difficult to have such courage again.

"No regrets, I like the Dean... The magic crystal refining topic of research, I think it is more promising than the magical array resonance technology." Tips hides.

"Do you dare to say that the magical array resonance technology I studied has no future?" Akali immediately raised his voice: "Tell you, this is a very promising technical issue that the president will tell me personally! Do you dare to look down on it?"

"No, no, I don't mean this. I just prefer the subject of the dean's research." Tibbes waved his hand.

"Hey, I don't think you prefer this topic, but prefer Evita?" Akali squinted at Tibbs.

When Timbord had a red face, he was just arguing, but Evita raised his hand and stopped him.

"Oh, don't try to argue with Akali, it's useless." Evita smiled and glanced out the window, and said to Tibbes: "Akali is right, now is lunch. Time, I can't leave you here to work, you go to eat."

"But these..." Tibbes pointed to a large pile of magic crystals on the table.

"These don't need your help."

Listening to Evita's tone, Tibbs left the lab with a disappointment.

I saw Tibes bring the door to the lab. Akali narrowed his eyes. Asked Evita: "How do you feel about him?"

"Not bad. He is very talented in the magical array, and his mind is clear and his mind is flexible. It is very suitable for these studies." Evita.

"You know that I am not asking this." Akali rolled her eyes and leaned over to Evita, grabbed her arm, and rounded her face and smirked: "You think he How is this person? Do you like him? I see that you have been experimenting with him recently."

"Hey said." Evita is pretty red. Immediately rebuked Akali. "I just think of him as an assistant. How can there be so many messy ideas?"

“Assistant is easy to cultivate feelings.” Akali laughed and said: “It’s all young boys and girls. It’s normal to have something happening together for a long time. What are you shy about? What about Tibes? It’s not bad.”

"That's nothing to say to you." Evita didn't breathe open the hand of Akali holding her arm. He said, "I warn you, don't talk about this kind of thing, if it affects me and I will not spare you the relationship between the assistants."

Akali spit out her tongue and made a look of fear, but then she smiled again: "The problem is. He obviously likes you, don't tell me you don't know."

Evita said: "He likes me? Are you kidding?"

Akali looked at Evita in amazement. After a while, I took a shot on my forehead and painfully said: "I used to think that you are the smartest and most delicate one in us. Now it seems that you are as slow as the president! You think about it, How is Tibes always for you? If he doesn't like you, then I must be blind!"

Evita showed a good eyebrow, carefully tasted the words that Akali just said, and then recalled in his mind the words and deeds that Tibbes usually touched with him. The more he thought, the more he found out, Akali. What I said, I am afraid it is a fact.

"This... I'm not too good." Evita is a bit embarrassed. "I don't have any feelings about him in that way, I am afraid it will be very embarrassing to get along with him in the future."

"What's so good. If you really don't like him, find a chance to explain it to him. Anyway, no one forces you to like him." Akali did not care about authenticity. "Look, I like the president. The president doesn't like me. Everyone understands it, but when you get along, there is nothing wrong with it, because it is a normal thing."

Evita looked at Akali with some surprise: "You have admitted so generously now? How do I feel that you should not continue to like the president now, so you are so calm?"

"Hey, I figured it out, I like it, I don't like it, I don't like it. I like the president is my thing, whether he likes it or not, I have no influence." Akali stunned Evita A glance. "In any case, I don't like someone. I obviously like it in my heart, but I always refuse to admit it. It is hard to be uncomfortable."

Evita looked awkward and stunned for a long while, and shook her head slowly: "Don't say these things. You are running to me now, shouldn't you say these nonsense? Is there anything right?"

Akali stared at Evita for a moment, sighed, and stopped going on this topic. She said, "I have a business. Evita, how much do you standardize the magic crystal you are studying now?" ”

"It's hard to say, what do you mean?"

"You should know that my team and I have been studying the magic array resonance technology in the past some time, and intend to create a family unified control remote operating system?" Akali asked.

Evita thinks and remembers.

"It was what you said last time. If you want to use a remote control box, you can control all the magic machines in your home, and you don't even need to switch by yourself?"

"Yes, that's it." Akali nodded. "Now our research in this area has already begun to pay off. At present, it can be adjusted by a small magical array to distinguish different magical machines for remote magical resonance, thus forming a remote control. But now it is very important. The problem……"

“Is this the problem that the vibration frequency of the magic is not uniform?” Evita asked immediately.

Akali smiled and reached for a moment on Evita's face.

"Our Evita is so smart and clever. Yes, that's the problem. If you want all the magic machines in a family to be controlled by the same remote operating system, then you must let the magic array inside these magic machines The magic vibration frequency is exactly the same. But different magic arrays are definitely different in this respect. We can find ways to adjust the magic vibration frequency of the magic array, but there is no way to solve the magic crystal used by the magic array. This question. So Evita, have you standardized the magic crystals you developed?"

"Not completely successful, but it is almost successful." Evita smiled. "Have you forgotten? A few days ago, Kennard also held a press conference to propose a unified standardization of all aspects of magic machinery to avoid confusion in the magic machinery market because of the inconsistency of standards."

"Oh? Have you said this? You should know that I have never been too lazy to read these words that make people feel a headache, so I didn't notice." Akali thought and excitedly said: "So research should already be fast. Success? That's great! The longer I study these things, the more I feel that I will grow up too much. The more I ask for fine things, the more I need a unified standard, otherwise it is too inconvenient. ""

"The president has always been so far-sighted, and he can't be wrong if he said it." Evita said lightly.

"You really like it..." Seeing Evita's eyes slightly pick up, Akali immediately took the second half of his words back into his stomach. "Ah... since the magic crystal will soon be standardized, then we will have no problem with this unified control remote operating system. Think about it, Evita, you just have to sit at home and hold this operating system. Just press a button, or fiddle with a button or something, the magic machine that is far away from you can start automatically, does it feel amazing?"

Evita showed her a white look: "Do you tell me what is the use of these? If you have the same words as advertisements, you should go to those who don't understand."

"Cut, advertising is the matter of the sales department, I don't care." Akali turned his eyes and suddenly turned a topic and asked: "Yes, Evita, Steele has been pregnant for so long, we I only went to see her once. Should I find another time to visit her? By the way, they will also call them Claire?"

Evita nodded gently: "I should go see her again. We are busy doing experimental research during this time. These old classmates have not gathered together for a long time. It is better to wait for the study to come to an end. We are about to Time to go together, give yourself a day off."

"Good idea! I will tell Claire them!" Akali gave a thumb to Evita, and turned around and walked to the gate.

Halfway through, she suddenly stopped, looked back at Evita, hesitated, and asked: "But Ivita, you ran to see Steele with the president and the child, not I think... cough... what?"

Evita smiled a little: "You guys who like to know how to grow up don't care, why should I care?"

Akali turned to Evita for a silver and turned around and went out.

Looking at the back of Akali's light departure, Evita sighed softly, shook his head, opened his mind and messed up his thoughts, and returned to the table to continue to experiment.

However, just ready to start, the laboratory door was once again ringing.

Evita is slightly frowning, thinking that this experiment may not really go on.

Looking up at the direction of the gate, I saw that Teresa would always look like a petite figure standing outside the door. (To be continued.)