Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v3 Chapter 70: Dead brain

After leaving the Magic Institute, Xu also took a turn in various factories in the Rain Valley, focusing on the work of the tire processing plant.

Because of the emergence of the magic locomotive, the tire processing factory has also developed a new type of magic locomotive for the tires, and because of the huge demand for magic locomotives, the demand for magic locomotive tires is also extremely high.

In addition, the tire processing factory has accumulated a lot of orders for the carriage tires left in the past, as well as the large number of bicycle tires required by the bicycle factory. As a result, the work of the tire processing factory is extremely heavy, and the workers in the factory have been working for more than a month. Work overtime every day.

However, unlike the workers in the factories on the earth, the work of overtime is different. The workers in the tire processing factory are very welcome to work overtime.

Because the overtime pay is much higher than the normal working hours, so last month, together with overtime pay, the workers in the tire processing factory even got more than double the normal monthly salary, the most workers even on the I got nearly forty gold coins in a month.

For the workers who were converted from farmers who used to be honestly farming, these gold coins were not necessarily earned in the past year.

With the encouragement of money, their work enthusiasm is naturally extremely high.

And if you stay in the factory to work overtime at night, you can also enjoy the dinner and supper provided by the Chamber of Commerce free of charge.

We must know that Xu has always been willing to spend money on the welfare of workers. The dinners and nightingales offered by the Chamber of Commerce are rich in variety and taste very good, but they are very popular among workers.

Even before, there were workers who proposed to the Chamber of Commerce. Simply build a large canteen in the rain valley. Let the workers of the Chamber of Commerce solve the three meals a day directly in the cafeteria. The big meal is deducted from the salary, which is better than having to eat at home every day.

For this proposal, Kennard attaches great importance to it. After being reviewed by Xu Yi, he was immediately approved by Xu Yi.

At present, the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce has selected a place in the center of the Rain Valley, and plans to build a chamber of commerce to prepare for this problem.

Xu also had a very high prestige at the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce. He came to the tire processing factory to inspect the work of the workers. Suddenly, the workers who are working hard seem to have beaten their blood and become more desperate.

Seeing this situation, Xu also did not care much. After roughly reading it for a while, after pulling the supervisor of the tire processing factory to explain the safety issues and the rest of the workers, he looked at the remaining one in the tire processing factory. The hundred elf workers swept over and left here.

In the mind, the one hundred elf workers worked hard to make a living. Xu also thought about it and went to the night song plastic processing factory in the deeper part of the rainy valley.

The current night song plastic processing plant is not much worse than the tire processing factory.

The new Flyer has received orders for a thousand medium-sized magic buses from the Fleming Cars, and each of the medium-sized Magic buses has 13 plastic seats. Calculated is a full set of 13,000 plastic seats.

These things, Xu can also be thrown to the night song plastic processing factory to make.

Just complete this order. It is enough for the night song plastic processing factory to be busy for a long time.

Not to mention that the night song plastic processing factory has gradually become famous in Bangta City and even in several surrounding cities. Now many people find that plastic can replace many things, and it is cheaper to use, so the night song plastic processing factory received The variety of orders has gradually increased, making the elves have been busy.

Into the night song plastic processing plant, I saw that even the factory director of Amrode personally invested in the production line, personally responsible for the packaging of plastic products, Xu could not help but shook his head and shouted him aside.

"President, is there anything?" Because of the busyness of this time, Amroud seems to have not rested for a long time, regardless of his demeanor or appearance, the handsome and straightforward spirit when he first met him. The appearance is a lot worse.

Xu also looked at him, shook his head and pointed at the busy situation in the factory and sighed: "Armrod, are you going to continue this way?"

Ameode said: "What?"

"How?" Xu Yi really wanted to knock on his head and let him wake up, but thought that the elves had always been this kind of dead brain, and gave up on this idea. "Hey, Amrod, Elder Elahi, when you asked to manage this plastics processing factory, how did you explain it to you?"

Amrod looked at Xu Yi inexplicably. "The elders just let me manage the factory well. I must let the factory's production go smoothly. Yes, the elders also confessed that if there is anything you don't understand, you can have more. Like the president, please ask."

Having said that, Amroud seems to have finally opened up and asked: "President, do you think that I am doing a bad job? Please don't worry, just say it."

Xu also snorted softly: "I still don't understand what I mean? Look at what it is like in the factory. If you continue this way, do you think you and the people have any other free time?"

"No." Amrod shook his head honestly. "But the president, the task is so heavy, I can't help it."

"You will not find a way to improve this situation?" Xu Yi quite hated the iron and asked. "I won't say that you can actually push out some unimportant orders because I know you are not willing to do this."

"Well, these orders are all hard to get back from De Lier. How can I live up to her efforts?" Amroud nodded.

Xu also couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "So I am too lazy to say this. The problem now is that the order can't be pushed, the work task can't be alleviated, but you can find ways to improve work efficiency. Look, now the factory is messy. The way, the efficiency is so low, of course, you will not be able to spare any time."

“Is it?” Amrod looked at the busy people in the factory and didn’t feel as messy as Xu said.

"You don't believe it?" Xu also took a look at Amrode: "I don't believe you go to other factories in the Chamber of Commerce in the rain valley to see how they arrange their work. Is it more efficient than you?" ?"

Amrod smiled embarrassedly: "President, I don't have much time to visit other factories, and... I always feel that this is not appropriate because our plastic processing factory is an elf. The family factory is not the same as your human factory."

"The **** is not the same!" Xu couldn't help but swear. “It’s all the same factory that produces products. What can be different? Do you look down on human factories? But if you talk about productivity, the other factories in the rain valley are much stronger than yours. Believe it or not?”

Amroude’s face was even more embarrassed, and smiled bitterly: “I believe. But the president, I always feel that our Elf factory cannot completely adopt the same model as your human factory. After all... here are all our elves. Family."

Hearing this answer, Xu couldn't help but sigh and shook his head. "Do you believe that Eduardo Elder will hear you saying this will be mad? The reason why the elders promised to cooperate with me to start this factory is In order to allow you to have more contact with our human beings, we can learn the advantages of our humanity, but what are you doing now? Let the people stay in this factory every day to do some boring work, but refuse to contact us humans. Didn't completely forget the expectations of the elders, and put the cart before the horse?"

Amroud’s two eyebrows were slightly wrinkled. After thinking about it, he said sincerely: “The president, you have learned the right thing. I just thought about how to manage the factory, but forgot the things that the elders explained. Please tell me the president. what should I do?"

"I can't talk about it." Seeing Amrod admits the mistake very honestly, and Xu is also angry. He puts a hand in his hand: "The advice I can give is to make you think of ways to improve factory management and improve. Production efficiency, so that you and the people have spared time, a lot of contact with humans and dwarves in the valley."

"So the president, how should I improve to improve production efficiency?" Amrod asked again.

"Well... this way, just as Vice President Heinze is back. He has a lot of experience in this area. You will go to Bangta City tomorrow, ask him for advice, or simply invite him to the factory to come to you. Pointing in the face. There is him to help you, I believe that can quickly change the situation." Xu Yidao. "In addition, I have to talk to Delier well. Let her figure out that it is not the stage where your factory is famous. You don't need any orders to receive it. In fact, there are some simple business, you can learn. My approach is directly distributed to those small chambers of commerce."

“Do you mean a small chamber of commerce like the Irish Chamber of Commerce, which is responsible for processing magical mechanical parts? But most of the plastic products we produce are whole finished products, I am afraid I can’t do this?”

"It depends on your own consideration, I will not care that you are so fine." Xu also shrugged. "Elder Eloah let you manage this factory, I hope to use your flexible mind, think about it yourself."

Amrod thought for a moment and nodded gently.

"Well, I will seriously consider it. Thank you for your guidance."

Xu also waved his hand and turned to look at the elf workers of the busy night song tribe in the factory. Then I thought of the one hundred elf workers I saw at the tire processing factory. I thought that the elves were really a subtle race. It is no wonder that it will be eliminated by history and replaced by human beings.

But this is also true, at least to prove that they are really impossible to pose any threat to human beings, so that when Xu is trying to incorporate them into the human life sequence, there is no need to have so many extra worries and concerns. (To be continued.)