Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v3 Chapter 71: Have children!

"According to last month's statistics, so far, the total number of foreigners who applied for the labor certification through our New Moon Chamber of Commerce is 8,451, the largest of which is the dwarf, which has reached 4,792, the next is the Orc. It is 2,447 people, and the least is the elves, with a total of only 1212 people. ()"

After Stil reported this series of data, he looked at Xu Yi inexplicably.

"Xu Yi, I am very surprised, why do you insist that all foreigners are integrated into our human life?"

Xu also smiled slightly: "Because these foreigners have some of the abilities that we humans don't have, and let them be separated from our human life, even against our human beings, why not try to integrate them into our human beings, What is the strength that belongs to them?"

"You need elves and dwarves. I can understand. After all, the elves have a lot of magical knowledge that our human magicians have not mastered. The dwarves are naturally good at smelting and casting. But the orcs... I still have I didn't see that they had something stronger than our human beings." Stiller still couldn't understand.

"Of course, for example, they have great strength, and many physical strengths in the factory are given to the orcs. But an orc worker is almost equivalent to three human workers. The salary is lower than that of human workers. It is more convenient to use. Xu also laughed. "Moreover, the weak orc races like the Fox, the Rabbit, etc. have their own characteristics. You see, the first performance of the song and dance troupe you built is not a sensation."

Steele gave him a blank look: "It's just because everyone is new to these orc girls, and the form of the opera you are talking about is quite novel. It's very popular. But these orc girls themselves There are no places that are too outstanding. Teachers who teach their dance performances are not always satisfied with their learning ability."

"That would be patience to teach." Xu also shook his head. "I just hope that these orc girls can be a window to show us the orcs in our humanity. Let everyone not be too resistant to the orcs, so that they can continue to hire more orc workers in the future."

"Well, those orc girls are also very hard. And they are very obedient, basically what I let them do, they do." Steele glanced at Xu and suddenly smiled: "Xu Yi, Many of these fox and rabbit girls are very beautiful. Would you like to introduce them to you? They are very interested in you."

Xu also rolled his eyes. Didn't pinch Stil's pretty face.

"I don't have the time to get to know them. I am responsible for this song and dance troupe. I will not intervene. If it is not good, hey, see how I can clean you up."

Stil’s charmingly squinted at Xu’s eyes: “Hey, there is something to do, I’m afraid...”

Halfway through, Steele suddenly wrinkled his brows and looked a little bit painful, gently licking his stomach. The bow vomited a few times.

Xu also was shocked and quickly touched her back. Anxiously asked: "What's wrong? Is there any uncomfortable?"

Steele’s sudden reaction did not last long. After retching for a while, he returned to normal.

"Nothing." In the eyes of Xu's concern, Steele shook his head and comforted Xu Yidao: "It's just that I suddenly feel a little uncomfortable and vomiting, but nothing else, you don't have to worry."

"Is it too hard to get busy with the New Moon Chamber of Commerce recently, tired?" Xu also frowned. "It's better to give these things to the deputy to do it, you have a good rest."

"It doesn't matter, it's really nothing." Steele waved his hand. "I will go to the doctor in the city tomorrow and ask, it should be a small problem."

Xu also carefully observed Steele's face, and asked again and again, all got the answer from Steele, and this was a little relieved.

"Well, tomorrow morning, I will accompany you to Dr. Zhao. No, I will go to let people bring the doctors here now." Xu also got up straight, just went out to find someone, let him go to Bangta City to put the most A good doctor is coming to the rainy valley, and two figures suddenly appear at the door, but they are the elders of Yanis and Eleuthera.

"President, where are you going?" Yanis asked with amazement as she looked at her eagerly anxious appearance.

Xu also accidentally looked at Eleutian elders and replied casually: "Steel is ill, I am going to let people go to Bangta City and ask the doctor to come over and show her."

"Ah? Stil is sick? I will go see it." Yanis rushed into the house without saying anything.

Elder Lucia smiled and said: "Mr. Xu, if you don't mind, let me see Miss Stil, I have had some research on your human medicine."

"Oh?" Xu also blinked in surprise. "You actually studied our human medicine?"

"The years of our elves are too long, always looking for something to do," Elder Eleucia explained. "Although my level is definitely not as good as your human physician, there is still some confidence."

Xu Yi and Elder Lucia have been in contact for such a long time. Of course, she understands that she will never talk indiscriminately. Since she says she is confident, she proves that she is definitely not weak in human medicine.

After the Elders Elders also invited them in, they found that Janice was asking around Stil, and she was worried.

Seeing this situation, Xu could not help but reveal a smile.

Unconsciously, the relationship between Yanis and Steele has become so harmonious.

Elder Lucia came to Stil, and asked Steele to reach out and open his mouth to look at it. After asking some questions, the expression on his face suddenly became extremely joyful. He turned his head and looked at Xu Yi. A look of surprise: "Mr. Xu, congratulations."

"Congratulations to me?" Xu Yiyi. "Congratulations to me?"

Elder Elijah glanced at Steele with a smile on his face, and he replied to Xu: "Miss Steele is not sick, if I am not mistaken. She should be pregnant. Have a descendant. Of course it is a very welcome thing."

"Ah?" Xu also suddenly stopped.

On the other side, Yanis looked excitedly at Steele's hands: "Stil. It's great! You are pregnant! You have children! It's great!"

Steele was also a bit worried at first. But she was a girl after all. When she saw this situation on the first day, she guessed this. With psychological preparation, she quickly responded. Although she was equally happy, she still has her generous personality. Inevitably, the face is red. There was a trace of shame.

At this time, Xu Yi was reluctant to react, and looked at Steele for a moment, his eyes moved to her belly.

"Stil is pregnant? So to say... I am going to have my own child soon?" Xu Yi's expression is still a bit sluggish, almost afraid to accept this fact.

After spending more than twenty years on the earth, he did not even talk to his girlfriend because of his personal character and experience.

After crossing the world, he not only met Steele, but also eventually merged with Steele, and now he will even have his own children!

Xu also swallowed a bite. Go forward and kneel down. Stretched his hand slightly and sneaked into Steele's belly and touched it.

"Stupid, how can I feel it now?" Steele stunned Xu and was very eloquent.

Xu Yihe smirked, scratching his head and looking at Elder Essau and asked: "This... Eleuthera, what should I do now?"

Eleutian elder smiled slightly: "There is no need to do anything special. Although the birth of life is a very happy thing, it takes a long time for him to grow up. In this day, you only need to take care of it. Miss Stil's body, so that she can successfully give birth to this child."

Xu Yiding thought for a moment and finally recovered from the slightly sluggish situation.

"Well, Steele, about the New Moon Chamber of Commerce, you should leave it alone for a while, so let's rest at home." Xu also held Steele's hand and said: "Now, no matter what is important, do you understand?"

Steele frowned and shook his head: "No, I don't agree. Although I understand the meaning of the child, I don't want to stay at home all the time. I still have to work, but I will try to make myself try. Not busy."

Xu also frowned deeply: "How can this be done? When you are pregnant, it is the most dangerous time. If something goes wrong..."

"No, I don't want to be a waste of nothing." Steele shook his head firmly. "The New Moon Chamber of Commerce is a chamber of commerce that was founded after your proposal, but I have put a lot of effort and affection on it, I will not give it up."

"No one wants you to give up on it. I just hope that you will take a break for a while. After waiting for this time, you can do whatever you want." Xu also patiently persuaded.

"But this time is the most important time for the New Moon Chamber of Commerce. If I am not there, all the efforts before it will be in vain."

"Nothing you think so exaggerated. The New Moon Chamber of Commerce is the only chamber of commerce in the Kingdom of Lampari that has the right to act. Even if you don't care, you just need to let the hand go down and handle some formalities. It's not that complicated."

"Xu Yi, are you questioning my work?" Steele suddenly became a color.

Xu Yiyi looked at the expression on Stil's face and he immediately understood that Steele was serious this time.

According to his understanding of Steele's character, if he does not agree, Steele will eventually reluctantly agree with his opinion, but the heart must be extremely unhappy.

However, considering that Steele is now pregnant, for the sake of stability, Xu also hopes that she can stay at home to cultivate.

After all, their small family does not need the work of Steele to support.

This is the first time since Xu Yi and Steele knew each other because of the disagreement caused by different opinions. I looked at Stil’s face with some unwillingness and a mixture of dissatisfied expressions. Xu’s reason told him to continue. However, I am afraid that the dialogue that has only stayed at the level of debate will rise rapidly to quarrel, but he definitely does not want to see it.

After thinking about it, Xu also showed a smile to Steele and shook his head: "How can I question your work, just care about your body." Turned to Eleuthera, Elder: "Er Lucia Elder , Stil, what do she need to pay attention to now?"

When Xu Yi and Steele argued, Eleutian Elder and Janice naturally said that they were not good at it. Now, when they asked Xu, the Eleutian elders immediately showed a smile.

"Hui Huichang, in fact, you are worried about excessive. Although Miss Steele needs to pay more attention to take care of her body after pregnancy, but the mother of life is not as fragile as you think, so you don't have to worry too much. Miss Stil, the most important thing now is that she has a good mood. But... Miss Steele, the process of nurturing life is very complicated, and this is a very precious and rare experience. Please be sure to Be careful about your body, or if something goes wrong, it will be the biggest regret in your life."

With Euresia Elder in the middle as a temper, Xu and Steele calmed down at the same time.

The two looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

Steele will squat in front of him and sit next to him, then pull his hand on his stomach and smile, saying: "Xu, old rules?"

Xu also nodded immediately: "Good, old rules." (To be continued.)