Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v3 Chapter 69: Take out the look of the dean

Looking at the magic ship model flying over the top of the head, Xu also could not help but give birth to a feeling. . . See the latest and most complete novels

This world is really different from the earth.

The existence of magic makes the development of many things much simpler than the corresponding industrial machinery on the earth, and in many respects has the advantages that the industrial machinery on the earth can't match.

Take the magic locomotive as an example. Although the research of the engine still takes a long time, because of the power of magic, the biggest advantage of the magic locomotive developed nowadays compared to the car on the earth is that it only consumes magic crystal, not Gasoline is consumed, so there is no pollution, and there is no need to consider exhaust emissions.

At the same time, the energy utilization rate of the magic locomotive is very high. As long as it is a refined magic crystal, it can be almost completely consumed without any impurities, so that the loss of the magic engine is also extremely small, and the life span is greatly increased.

Of course, there are also some shortcomings. Compared with the cars on the earth, the magic locomotives that are currently driven by the wind-powered magic engine are not enough in power, making the speed of the magic locomotive still not comparable to that of the car. It is similar to an electric car.

However, the development of the Magic Engine is just getting started. Xu is confident that he will gradually increase the output power of the Magic Engine and steadily increase the speed of the Magic Locomotive.

This is just the advantage of magic on the magic locomotive. If you look at the magical spacecraft model in front of you, the advantage is even greater when comparing the aircraft on the earth.

The first problem that needs to be solved for any flying props on the earth is to fly.

In order to get rid of the gravity of the earth, people who study various flying props in the history of the earth have worked hard. I have tried my best to come up with a variety of methods to achieve my goals.

And the plane on the modern earth. Whether it is a helicopter or not. Jet planes, in order to get rid of the shackles of the ground, we must first ensure a very large power output.

On the mainland of Sainz, because of the existence of the wind-based flight magic, it is extremely easy to make the most basic and difficult to achieve requirements. It only needs to imprint a magic array to easily climb into the air.

And with the magical array of the same frequency resonance technology researched by Akali, it is easy to remotely control.

Although it is currently viewed. The magical spacecraft model successfully developed by Evita is about the same as those of the model airplane toys on Earth, but it represents a very feasible research and development direction.

The magical airfare on the magical spacecraft model was injected by Evita without much magic. After flying a few laps in the air, it was taken back by Evita.

Xu also took this magical spaceship model from Evita to take a closer look and found that the model is really simple. In fact, the whole body is just a simple plastic model, and then Evita is only printing the royal wind array on it. , no other parts or processing.

"Evita, are you sure to come up with a magic ship that can fly in the air with ordinary people?" Xu also thought about it.

"Of course." Evita showed a confident smile. "Otherwise, what am I doing with this model?"

"Well, I will officially approve the Magic Research Institute to set up a magic spaceship research project. You are the project leader. I approve the project as a president and have a second-level priority. You can call any resource in the chamber." ""

"Secondary priority?" Evita looked at Xu Yi with a surprised look. "Great! The president. I didn't expect you to pay so much attention to this thing."

"Of course." Xu also smiled. "It is not difficult for us to be able to fly to the sky, but for thousands of ordinary people, that is what they dream of. The magic ship has such a great significance, how can I not pay attention to it." ”

Evita smiled and took the magic ship model back from Xu Yi, carefully put it back on the bench and took a long breath.

"I am still worried that this research will be a little redundant. Now I am sure that you will be sure of the president. I am relieved."

Xu Yi suddenly laughed: "I have not told you many times. Any experimental research related to magical machinery, you can boldly try, I fully support. Moreover, the research of this magic spaceship is obviously very promising. What are you afraid of?"

"I'm afraid of spending money." Evita may be too happy, and Xu Xu also spit out his tongue, revealing a rare and playful smile. "This year is only the first half of the year. The research funds spent by our Magic Research Institute have exceeded 500,000 gold coins. The results are not so many. I always feel that we are wasting money. Last time Kennard told me. However, we must grasp the direction of the allocation of research funding, and do not use it in research that does not help the development of the Chamber of Commerce."

"Oh? Kennard told you this?" Xu also had some accidents. He frowned slightly: "This guy, I have emphasized the importance of technology research and development countless times. He also said this to you, he is the chief executive. How is the official?"

Seeing Xu also sinking his face, Evita was shocked and waved again and again: "No, no, Kennard is right. There are indeed a lot of funds that our Magic Research Institute has recently spent on some unnecessary research projects. I am planning to do a good job of checking out these unnecessary research projects during this time. In any case, the research funding provided by the Chamber of Commerce cannot be wasted."

"You have this idea is good, but Evita, at this point, you must listen to me." Xu Yizheng. "No matter what kind of research, as long as it is definitely related to the development of the magic industry, how much it costs is worth it. If Kennard comes back to you to say this, you will tell me that this is what I mean. In the Magic Research Institute and the Magic Machine Tool R&D Center, don't say 500,000 gold coins, even if it is one million."

Looking at Xu’s firm expression, Evita opened his mouth, but in the end he did not say anything and nodded.

Xu also eased his expression and smiled and said: "Well, it is not good for you to negotiate with Kennard. I will talk about it. Evita. Your idea is correct. You are the dean of the Magic Research Institute, and you must know what to do with the research project of the Magic Research Institute. I fully trust your judgment on how to determine which project is useful and which project is useless."

"But many times I can't even judge myself..." Evita whispered.

"That is simple. If you are not sure about it, give it to me to judge." Xu also smiled. "Evita, there is a saying I always wanted to tell you. Since you have been the dean of the Magic Institute, you have to be the dean. Your character is too gentle. So the researchers under the opponent. Management is not strict enough, this is actually not a good thing."

Evita looked at Xu Yi, and with her intelligence, she naturally heard that Xu also had other meanings hidden in her words.

Xu Yi probably explained to her what happened to Kennard’s mention of the Anke Magic Chamber of Commerce, and Evita’s face changed immediately after hearing it.

"President, are you doubting the institutes of our Magic Research Institute?"

Xu also shook his head: "For the time being, I didn't doubt that they came up, because if any researcher completely betrayed the Chamber of Commerce, the technology we leaked out would definitely not be just something that was completely unrelated to the core technology. I am going to you. To mention this, I just hope that Evita can you secretly observe whether any researcher will inadvertently reveal something. Then it will be used by other chambers of commerce."

Evita bites her lips and looks ashamed: "The president. It is not good for me. I have not managed the Magic Institute."

"It's none of your business." Xu also waved his hand: "And for the moment, the loss is nothing. I just hope that this time things can be used as a warning, the researchers under the opponents... oh... It’s a reminder of education, telling them the importance of keeping secrets. After all, they have signed a confidentiality agreement with the Chamber of Commerce. If it is really a problem, neither they nor the Chamber of Commerce would like to see it.”

Evita focuses on the head: "Okay, I will."

"Of course, don't say anything about this, you pretend to remind them inadvertently." Xu also shouted.

"Well, I know what to do."

Xu also smiled and said nothing more.

Although Evita is not very old, but her character is quiet and she is cautious and steady, Xu believes that she has enough ability to handle this matter.

And in the end, the scale of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce Magic Research Institute has not yet expanded to a particularly large size, and it will be relatively easy to master.

This matter is also a small test for Xu Wei.

"Right, president, what you said when you came in was to explain two things to me? What else is there besides this?" Evita asked again.

"Oh, I was forgotten by this magical spaceship. I almost forgot." Xu also laughed.

Evita looked at the magical spacecraft model on the test bench and thought of Xu’s feelings of horror when he was stunned. Then he thought of the embarrassing things that happened afterwards, and his face suddenly flew two blushes.

"Another thing is about the standardization and refinement of Magic Crystal." Xu also continued. "Since your research on this aspect has been basically improved, the next step is to incorporate this into the official production operation. According to the plan, I plan to build a magic crystal refining factory within three months. At the same time, you work with the Magic Machine Tool R&D Center to do research work on Magic Crystal Refining Equipment."

"Well, this should be no problem. I have talked with Camby many times before, and Camby said that it is okay." Evita nodded.

"That's it, I am waiting for your good news."

After explaining these two things, Xu also looked at Evita, who still had a clear blush on his face. He thought that he might not be suitable to come here again and talk to Evita before playing with his work and continue to chat. When I thought about it, I got up and said goodbye.

Evita also sent Xu Yi out in an uncharacteristically silent way.

Just looking at the back of Xu Yi’s departure, the expression on Evita’s face became very complicated, and the eyes also revealed the complex emotions of disappointment and hope. (To be continued.)