Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v3 Chapter 68: Magic ship model

When it comes to technical leaks and traitors, Xu also thought of Rem for the first time. . .

At the beginning of Camilo's squatting, he used the relationship of Wella to sneak into the New Flying Chamber of Commerce's Magic Research Institute, and stealed many of the techniques of the Magic Research Institute, which made the complete technology of the magic hot water bottle completely leaked, resulting in magic heat. The kettle was produced by the Chamber of Commerce, which was run by Camilo.

Although this was Xu’s deliberate arrangement, and eventually Camilo, which was dismantled in front of everyone, his conspiracy did not succeed, but the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce still suffered some losses.

The reason why Xinfei Chamber of Commerce simply decided not to produce the magic hot water bottle, but to directly transfer this related technology, the main reason is because of this.

As a businessman who has crossed the commercial development of the earth, he has naturally heard of countless commercial espionage cases, and he is also psychologically prepared to meet the same thing sooner or later.

After all, the new Flyer Chamber of Commerce can now be regarded as the most famous Chamber of Commerce in the entire Lampari Kingdom and even on the entire Sainz continent, and also has many unique magical mechanical production capabilities, if the technology of the new Feishang Association does not It’s strange that people are born.

But suddenly I heard that Kennard used such a positive tone to show that the Chamber of Commerce had a traitor, and Xu was still sinking in his heart, extremely unhappy.

Although the salary of the new Feishang Association to employees is not the highest in Bangta City, the welfare benefits have always been much better than other chambers of commerce.

Entering the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce, as long as you don't make any big mistakes, you can basically say that you can live a life without worry.

Under such circumstances, there are still people who are willing to be traitors. The technical information of the seller's association. It is really to make Xu Yi deeply sad.

But this is only a matter of moments. Xu may not be a child of innocence. Of course, in the face of sufficient benefits, anyone can be impressed and betray everything he can sell.

After being depressed for a while, Xu also asked Kennard about the details.

To his sigh of relief, this time the technical leakage is not too serious, but the technical problems in some small details have been leaked out, and in the most critical core technology. However, it has not been seen from the magic machinery produced at the Anke Magic Chamber of Commerce.

Although this may also be the Anke Magic Chamber of Commerce temporarily not used, but at least from the current situation is not bad.

"This thing is not going to go out for a while." Xu also considered it and told Kennard: "In private, you are looking for an opportunity to conduct a spot check. There are not many people who can access these related technologies. Not difficult."

"I understand." Kennard nodded, and there was a hint of anger in his tone. "This guy dared to make such a thing under my eyes. After I pulled him out, I definitely couldn't spare him!"

Seeing Kenned’s expression, Xu also smiled and patted Kennard’s shoulder: “Well, don’t care so much. You are the CEO of our Chamber of Commerce. Through this matter, you first want It is how to adjust the confidentiality measures of our Chamber of Commerce. Try to avoid the same thing no longer happening next time."

"I will seriously consider it." Kennard focused on the head.

Xu also smiled and explained Kenneder's sentence. He left Kennard's office and went straight to the Magic Institute.

"Evita, look for you to explain two..."

Just as I pushed the door of Evita's research room, a black shadow suddenly came to Xu Yifei. Xu also didn't think that Evita's research room would suddenly fly out of things, suddenly dodge, and was directly hit by this black shadow. Got the forehead.


A muffled sound, Xu also felt a dizzy forehead, and he took a sigh of relief and squatted his forehead.

"Ah? President? You..." Evita's exclamation sounded, and even a flustered footstep came, and then kneeled in front of Xu, holding Xu's face, and asked: "President, are you okay? Is there a bruise? Does it hurt? I...sorry, I am not careful..."

Xu also licked his forehead, frowning at the flower-scarred, Evetta with tears in his eyes, barely squeezed a smile: "Nothing, it is a little dizzy."

"Halo? Oh, come, lie down and rest." Evita quickly helped Xu Yiqi up, helped him to lie down on the sofa prepared for her in the study room, and then went to the basin hot water, hot A towel, Xu Yi was put on the forehead, then poured a cup of hot tea, holding both hands, sitting on the sofa, staring at Xu Yi with concern.

In fact, although he was suddenly hit, Xu was too late to be confused, but after a while he was basically better.

Looking at Evita's look of concern and apologetic eyes, Xu also smiled and waved his hand: "Okay, don't be so nervous, I am already good."

When he said that he would sit up from the sofa, he was pushed hard by Evita.

However, at this time she was holding a teacup in her hand, and she wanted to reach out and press Xu Yi, but she found that it was very likely that the whole cup of tea would fall on Xu Yi.

Evita was suddenly panicked and quickly stretched out the left hand holding the cup, but because he was leaning down and preparing to use his right hand to press Xu, he suddenly lost his balance under the panic, and the whole body fell down directly.


The teacup fell to the ground and fell into countless pieces. The hot tea flowed to the ground, but the whole room was instantly ruined.

Feeling the gentle touch on my lips, Xu also opened his eyes in an incredible way. He thought that this kind of dog blood can only be seen in the anime on the earth, I can't think of it... it will happen in reality!

Evita also glared at her eyes and stared at Xu’s eyes, and wanted to talk. Her lips moved, but she felt the hotness of Xu’s lips more clearly.

I felt the heavy breath ejected from Xu’s nostrils on my cheeks. Evita’s face was red and red, and finally I came over. I used my support to straighten up and turned back to look at Xu Yi, as if The whole body is stiff and generally must move, but it keeps shaking.

Xu also touched the lips, recalled the feeling of the moment, and looked at Evita's slightly shaking back, his face could not help but show a bitter smile.

Why didn't he think that this accident would happen to him and Evita?

After the room was quiet for a while, Xu also coughed softly: "That... Evita..."

Evita's body trembled fiercely, and for a moment, suddenly nodded hard, took a deep breath and turned around.

Although her pretty face is still full of blush, but her expression is still reluctantly restored to calm.

"Yes... president, you... are you okay?"

"Well... I'm fine, it's okay." Xu also glanced at the strong and calm Evetta. I thought that such awkward thing would not be mentioned, I would forget it faster, think about it, and turn my eyes to the door. Evita asked: "What are you doing? What is flying over?"

Listening to Xu also asked this, Evita's face was loose, but there was a hint of regret, then set the gods, ran to the door, picked up the things that had just fallen into the ground after hitting Xu, and closed the door with ease. This came to Xu Yi and handed this thing to Xu Yi.

"This is a magical spacecraft model I have studied in the past few days. Look at it."

"Magic spaceship?" Xu also took the appearance from Evita's hand and looked like a ship. It was something more plastic than his hand. Look carefully, in the middle of the model. A small magical array was found in the blank space. "This is... the Royal Winds?"

"Well, it's the Yufeng Faction." Speaking of research, Evita's look gradually returned to normal calm. "Look, as long as the magic is injected, the magic ship model can float."

Evita sticks out the slender index finger and gently clicks on the magic ship model, and a trace of magic is injected into the magic array.

The faint cyan ray flashed, and Xu immediately felt that the magical spacecraft model in his hand seemed to lose weight in an instant and slowly floated from his hands.

Looking at the magical spaceship model slowly floating in the air, Xu also suddenly thought of a feeling that he had just crossed the world and began to touch the magic.

In this world, flying is easier...

"Evita, if you study this thing, do you want to develop a real magic ship?" Xu asked.

"Yes." Evita smiled and nodded. "I used to see it in a book. In fact, when the elves were at the most powerful time, they built several very large magical spaceships, so that the elves could easily travel around the mainland. In the race war, the technique of making the magic spacecraft disappeared. Although some human magicians later wanted to study the magic spacecraft, because the magic spacecraft required too many demands, no magician could succeed."

"So how do you know that you can develop it?" Xu also asked.

"Because our new Flyer will study the magic machinery much better than other magicians, are you right, the president will be adults?"

Seeing Evita's slightly playful smile, Xu couldn't help but smile: "Yes, the magic machinery of our new Flying Chamber of Commerce is called magic machinery. Other magicians study it, it can only be regarded as a toy. Ok, Ai Weita, then you tell me now, what is your research on this magic ship?"

Evita looked at the magical spacecraft model that was about to float to the ceiling. She turned and found a wooden block engraved with a magical array from the experimental platform. She explained to Xu: "The president will see that this is the same. The Royal Winds. Then you can use the magical array of the same frequency resonance technology developed by Akali to remotely control the magic spacecraft."

As Evita injects magic into the magical array on the wooden block, the magical spacecraft model floating in the air stops rising.

"In addition to being able to control it up and down from a distance, you can control it to fly."

The wooden blocks in the hands of Evita and the magical spaceship model in the air flashed a light blue light, and the small magical spacecraft model flew back and forth in the lab. (To be continued.)