Madam, Your Sockpuppet is Lost Again!

v5 Chapter 642: 642 Morning Gangster Vol 07: Morning Bird Messy Vest

642 Chapter 642 Morning Gangster Volume 07: Morning Bird's Messy Vest

The broker is truly frightened of seeing He Chen in this place.

After all, he clearly remembered that when Qin Yun was at the wedding reception, He Chen was sitting at the second seat.

Although Qin Yue talked with He Chen at will, but the agent knew that when Qin Yue was serious, she was also called the Miss He Chen, sister Chen.

He heard the sound, and He Chen turned to his side and saw Xu Yu at a glance.

He Chen has not had much contact with the Qin family, but Sheng has a good memory. He also said a few words to Chen Yu. He recognized people at a glance and raised an eyebrow: "Are you filming here?"

"Yes," Chen Yu didn't plan to go out when he saw He Chen. He stood in place, holding his thermos cup slightly restrained. "Miss He, why are you here?"

"Look for Lin Dao," this is the film and television base. It's normal to meet Qin Mao's uncle. "Run a news by the way."

Chen Yu watched He Chen go to Lin Dao, waited for her to go far, bypassed a tree, and stopped beside Lin Dao and Qin Xiuchen who were doing the opera, and then he looked back.

"Mr. Qu, let me take something for Emperor Qin." Chen Yu turned around and said goodbye to Qu Zixiao.

The tone is relatively new, so be a little more active.

Qu Zixiao looked at He Chen's movements and choked for two seconds before Chen Yu bowed his head.

After saying hello to Qu Zixiao, Chen Yu left directly.

Qu Zixiao's eyes moved away from him, and he continued to look in the direction of He Chen. He Chen was dragging Lin Dao's special small bench to sit under his butt, while the grumpy Lin Dao only glanced at her. And said nothing.

Since the shooting of the director by the two little fresh meat, the atmosphere has frozen. Except for Qin Yingdi, no one dare to pant.

Seeing that this bold move by He Chen had not annoyed Lin Dao, most of the staff members secretly looked at her direction, and Qu Zixiao's eyes were also briefly surprised, and it was a matter of an instant, the next second completely Lost.

He also came to the studio, one was to watch the movie "The Realm of God", and the other was to talk to Song Qingqing for endorsement.

I did not expect to run into He Chen.

"I'll say hello to Guide Lin." He lowered his voice.

Lin Dao has a bad temper now. Song Qingqing performed fine in the traffic actress, but Qin Xiuchen was there, and she was not scolded by Dao Lin too much, so she was afraid to go with Qu Zixiao.

Just stopped there, looking thoughtfully at He Chen's direction.

"Sister Song," she was thinking, not far away, looking at the woman in the costume at her side walking carefully, she seemed to have just cried, her eyes were red, and she was looking in the direction of Qu Zixiao. "Who is the woman who just spoke to President Qu? Do they feel familiar?"

This woman is the female partner of "The Realm of God", Lu Junke, is also a small flower of the same company brought by Song Qingqing.

Song Qingqing stood upright. She looked at the back of Qu Zixiao, and slightly pursed her lips. "It was pretty good, it should be Mr. Qu's hidden marriage wife."

Reporter, plus the mistaken words of Secretary Qu Zixiao, Song Qingqing can guess.

"What is Du Shao talking about is she?" Lu Junke looked at He Chen's direction, and was shocked. "I didn't see anything special, did you hear that President Qu came to you, and she came right away?"

Song Qingqing was silent.

Lu Junke said to himself, "Where can she deserve you, sister, you can rest assured that President Qu came to see you on the scene so far, even Qu's advertisements are yours, indicating that his heart is still with you, Du Not to mention that they agreed to marry, absolutely right. "


Lin Dao over here.

He Chen was sitting on a small bench. When Li Yushan followed her, he recognized that the big director He Chen was looking for was the famous domestic director Lin Chen who had invited He Chen to appear in the middle of the journey last time!

So these two people met before?

This is important, the important thing is the slender figure sitting opposite Lin Dao-

Emperor Qin Ying! !!

Real! !!

Live! !!

She is dead! !!

Qin Xiuchen held the script in one hand and a lit cigarette in one hand, leaning leaning on the back of the chair, looking down at the script.

When he returned to God, he saw Li Yushan behind He Chengen sitting on the side.

He saw Li Yushan's excitement.

Qin Xiuchen reached out and put the half-burned cigarette in the ashtray and pressed it. He smiled, "Sorry."

"Do you know?" Lin Dao combined the script with the mark in his hand and looked at Qin Xiuchen in amazement.

"She is the best friend of my niece." Qin Xiuchen took his tea cup again and smiled against the back of the chair.

Qin Yingdi's niece, the entertainment industry also has a faint sound, and can hardly mention the characters.

Lin Lin glanced at He Chen, shook his head, and threw the script to He Chen. "That's right, Act 13. The assistant photographer and the two actors couldn't do well, especially the two actors, Qin Yingdi took them in If you ca n’t do it, you can guide me. I ’m blushing for Beijing ’s intermediate photographers! ”

Director Lin scolded him.

Drive He Chen over.

When Qu Zixiao came over with his secretary, he heard Lin Dao ’s order. They were both surprised. The secretary looked at Qu Zixiao who was pursing his lips and took the lead to say, "Lin Dao, would you let her take a picture?" Miss He runs the news, right? "

"The main photographer has taken a leave of absence, and the photographer's assistant is not enough. Xiaochen is better off than him, but I know she came to her on M Zhou specially, otherwise no one will be allowed in two days. Rest assured, President Qu, today Even if the main photographer isn't there, it won't make any progress. "Lin Dao lost his temper to Qu Zixiao, the golden master's father, and his tone improved a lot.

Hearing Lin Dao ’s explanation, the secretary opened his mouth. He did n’t expect He Chen to be here with Lin Dao, so much praise?

Lin Dao is famous for his harshness in the circle. He is a big artist and he plays a very important role in the entertainment industry. His films have won numerous awards, and he can't count them with one hand.

Even the Grand Slam Emperor Qin Ying was scolded by him lightly in the early years.

However, for so many years, he has publicly praised Qin Yingdi, and other actors have been scolded under his hands.

Fuer, the secretary then gave Qu Zixiao a complicated look.

So it was completely accidental that the former Madam came here ...

Qu Zixiao also pursed her lips.

"I didn't expect that Lin Dao and you know the paparazzi, too." Qu Zixiao looked at He Chen and Qin Xiuchen in the direction. He couldn't hear the same tone of expression. "I thought that you didn't like it very much. Paparazzi. "

"Dogs?" Lin Dao took a moment to hear Qu Zixiao's description, then reacted, and then sneered, "Who knows that she has studied for so many years, and degenerates! Go to interview the kitten and puppy zoo every day!"

Mentioned here, Lin Dao is even more angry.

"Ah, what's wrong with Lin Dao, don't you know Miss He," the old man next to Lin Dao poured a glass of water for him, "she likes to run east and west. Young people, although they like to run, but When did she come back without a medal? "

Lin Dao then lifted his chin and went with Qu Zixiao.


Go through the location part of the ride.

On the way, Qin Xiuchen was pondering about the script and didn't say a few words to He Chen.

Arriving at the set, He Chen went to the main camera and instructed the camera.

The main photographer is not present, and the photography assistant was surprised when he heard that He Chen replaced him as the main photographer today.

This filming was mainly performed by Qin Xiuchen, Lu Junke and two groups.

Lu Junke is the newcomer who was scolded by Lin Dao frequently, and the main photographer was not there. Lin Dao instructed for a long time. The photography assistant failed to understand the effect he wanted. Act 13 was almost stuck for a day.

She stood by the main camera and briefly communicated with a few photographers around her. She wore glasses and Rong Se seemed not to be outrageous among actresses, but some could not be ignored by her presence.

Several people nodded quickly, and someone immediately went to say something to Lu Junke.

She stood among the people in charge of the camera, adjusted the angle and lighting problems, and retreated to the main camera.

He Chen knew what Lin Dao wanted, especially in photography. She could not express as much depth as Lin Dao.

Although two more because of Lu Junke.

But on the fifth time, the play finally came to an end.

The background is a real scene built with huge sums of money. Qin Xiuchen held a sword in his hand, half-knelt on the platform, staring up at the sky, a narrow scar on his face, blood flowing down his chin, his eyes stagnant, his performance Impeccable ability, full of visual impact.

He Chen picked up a camera she rarely used aside, adjusted the angle, and took a picture.

So far, the world's top ten top landscape photographers have finally taken a portrait.

Chapter 195

Lu Junke found the photographer's assistant sitting on the side, thank you.

The photographer's assistant is a man in his thirties. "I didn't help."

"You have debugged so many times back and forth, I am curious how Director Lin came to take over the reporter." Lu Junke looked at He Chen's direction.

The photographer assistant sat upright, "Do you know her?"

"Yeah, a reporter from a local station in Beijing has previously been a paparazzi and heard it a little." Lu Junke laughed.

These are incompetent professions, which are very different from serious photographers.

Wen Yan, the photographer's assistant froze, "I saw it, she did better than mine ..."

"She graduated from the S major art student, who comes here, who knows if she has gone through the back door." Lu Junke lowered his voice.

S is not as good as the top two universities in China. Its art major is not ranked in the country and is not well known. S in arts is a major ... At least the culture class must be bad.


at night.

Qu Zixiao invited the crew to eat, because Jin Zhuan's face, Lin Dao gave it, and rarely gave the crew a night off.

"Sister, it's still your face." Lu Junke was in Song Qingqing's ears, and many people in the crew looked at this side.

After the hype between Song Qingqing and Qu Zixiao, it is not a secret in the circle. In addition, Song Qingqing worked with Qin Yingdi and others as soon as a new film and television newcomer came out. Most people have acquiesced. Song Qingqing's relationship with Qu Zixiao .

Qu Zixiao was well-received in the circle, except Song Qingqing, who had few scandals and never brought a female companion.

The crew opened three tables.

Lin Dao, Qu Zixiao, Qin Xiuchen, and Song Qingqing were key figures at the same table.

These three people are definitely c, and it is indisputable.

He Chen sat on the side of Qin Xiuchen, Li Yushan touched her light, separated from Qin Xiuchen, almost chopsticks were unstable.

At the dinner table, Jin Zhu, Qu Zixiao, and Lin Dao were there, as well as several other partners. In this scene, Lu Junke naturally started to accompany the drink, one drink after another, and it was quite a fight.

The atmosphere is very active.

He Chen first took a bottle of beer.

Seeing that she took the beer, Qin Xiuchen handed her the bottle opener beside Lin Dao. Qin Xiu's filter was there. Qin Xiuchen would naturally take care of the younger people outside.

As soon as he handed it over, He Chen bit the open bottle cap with her teeth. The bottle cap landed at her table and beat her up.

Seeing this scene, Qin Xiuchen chuckled, and he put down the bottle opener, "eat something before drinking."

He turned the sweet wine to her, and then continued to talk to Dao Lin.

Opposite the two, Qu Zixiao's eyes kept looking at He Chen's direction.

After dinner, Lu Junke finally found an opportunity and looked at He Chen to express his gratitude for today's shooting: "I really thank Miss He today, not you, I don't know how long I will delay the crew."

He Chen also held up a wine bottle, "It's easy to say."

"Ms. He's photography technology must be from the A Department of Photography," Lu Junke sighed. "The A Department of Photography can be ranked no matter how international it is. It ’s because the art test cultural class scores are not low, it ’s really good. "

He Chen looked up at her and said, "The university is in S, the scores are forgotten."

After hearing the words, Lu Junke smiled, but some people on the side of his heart were not bad enough to have heard it.

The S major photography department is completely mixed, and it is just multiple S major names. Lin Dao ’s films have always been a top team, and the photographer ’s assistant has also graduated from the Jingda photography department. Other than that, technology and reputation are there.

He Chen ...

In the evening, He Chen and Li Yushan stayed in the crew's hotel.

She was contacting the police in M ​​State and asking them to file a case of missing college students.

On the one hand, Li Yushan had already recovered, and now when she saw the case where He Chen was missing from the university, she glared, "Sister Chen, you you you ... how can you have a police case?"

"They will give it if they want it. The police in Mzhou are fine." He Chen returned.

"Oh." Li Yushan nodded. Is the police in Mzhou so easy-going?

at the same time.

Upstairs, Qin Xiuchen's room.

He was watching tomorrow's script. Outside, the agent from the suite came in and frowned. "Qin Yingdi, the crew has bad wind."

The matter of He Chen, catching the wind and catching a shadow, many people are discussing in private.

She has no qualifications, and the words of a mixed diploma flow through the crew.

The Qin family didn't have one, and Hushang's personality was one by one. He Chen was a friend of the little niece, and naturally Qin Yingdi would not look at it like that.

He put down the script and thought about it. When he called Qin Qin as usual to ask at the end, he asked at the end: "How is your grade, your journalist friend?"

"What?" Qin Wei, who was on the other side of the phone, threw the notebook aside.

Qin Yingdi explained in a hurry.

There was silence for two seconds, "You wait."

Qin Yue hung up the phone. Three minutes later, Qin Yue sent all of He Chen's files.

Emperor Qin Ying looked down and was silent when he saw the second line.


This chapter has written more than two thousand words! I did n’t even eat spicy food! !! The fans inside are confused ...


(End of this chapter)