Madam, Your Sockpuppet is Lost Again!

v5 Chapter 641: 641 Morning Gangster Volume 06: M Chau meets, big guys are bound to have big events

641 Chapter 641 Morning Gangster Volume 06: M Continent Encounter, Big Brother Must Have Big Events

Qu Zixiao froze, and he heard the whole sentence, and he reacted as a whole.

The entire face was gloomy. When he first divorced two years ago, Mrs. Qu knew that Mrs. Qu had almost died of a heart attack.

At that time, Ouyang Wei found out that He Chen had personally informed Mrs. Qu.

Since then, Qu Zixiao has never dared to divorce at will in the presence of Mrs. Qu.

Qu thought of this, Zi Xiao called the Qu family.

The Qu family, the answer from the housekeeper Qu, he asked in surprise: "Master, do you have anything to do so late?"

Listening to the steward's voice seemed to be okay. Qu Zixiao's hand holding the mobile phone gradually clenched. He slowed his voice: "Is she resting?"

"Just finished the video with Mrs. Young, and I'm in a good mood." Butler Qu laughed.

"Really, what did they say?" Qu Zixiao's eyes were heavy.

Housekeeper Qu continued to laugh, "Mrs. Young has already gone abroad, and she also said that she would bring special products to his wife ..."

That was to say nothing about divorce. Qu Zixiao was relieved, and he hung up the phone after telling him.


The next day, at nine in the morning.

Qu Zixiao was in the conference room and discussed with several people about the GC Group. The time was short. None of the people under his hands had come up with a plan approved by Qu Zixiao.

As for Guan Chi, Qu Zixiao sent some of his men to contact him and do what he liked.

"The planning department will re-plan some sound effects strategies, and the spokesperson, Song Qingqing," interrupted the planning. "Our recent popularity has increased a lot.

Recently, due to the launch of the magical drama "The Realm of God" abroad, even the popularity of the Qu family products has increased.

Song Qingqing was the spokesperson for the Qu family's products, one because she happened to be the second female in "The Realm of God", and the other was because the people below saw that Qu Zixiao was different from Song Qingqing.

Qu Zixiao made a series of orders and went back to the office.

As soon as he returned, the secretary waited for him at the door and said, "General Manager Qu, Madam Young's lawyer has been waiting for you for a long time."

"Let him in." Qu Zixiao paused and ordered.

The secretary went to the lounge to invite the secretary.

Qu Zixiao returned to his seat and thought about the agreement after divorce with He Chen. At the beginning, he and He Chen agreed about three chapters. After the marriage, he did not participate in anything of the other party.

Except for Mrs. Qu, he was satisfied elsewhere.

Qu Zixiao was thinking that the secretary had brought He Chen's lawyer back.

The other party was meticulously dressed in a black suit and a briefcase, and was imposing, especially those smiling eyes, inexplicably stressful: "Hello Mr. Qu, I am Miss He's lawyer, surname Qi."

He took out a divorce agreement and asked Qu Zixiao to sign it.

Qu Zixiao, who has seen the divorce agreement, read it again. At this time, He Chen went out of the house and did not need a property of the Qu family. He couldn't help but pause, and then looked up, "This plan I will give her a house in No. 1 courtyard, and five million. "

Qi Chengjun continued to smile. He has not tried a divorce lawsuit, but it is still his home court in front of people's hearts and laws.

But within an hour, Qu Zixiao signed a legally efficient divorce agreement.

In duplicate, Qi Cheng took one, bid farewell to Qu Zixiao, and went directly to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

It was Qu Zixiao, who took another divorce agreement and looked at Qi Chengjun's back. It was quite unexpected, "This Qilu sounds familiar ..."

Especially the other person's momentum is not very ordinary.

However, Qu Zixiao no longer wanted this. Looking at the divorce agreement at hand, he was relieved and finally divorced.


a week later.

M continent.

He Chen stood on the streets of a foreign country, took a can of beer at the vending machine, put on his headset and called Changning. "Changning boss, I sent the information encrypted."

"Well," Chang Ning on the cell phone looked at, "still in Mzhou, there is another case you need to look up, Melo, laundering money at Mzhou film and television base."

He Chen opened the pull ring with one hand, drank a beer, and squinted: "Send me the information."

"M Chau is not easy to fool. Need a lone wolf to help you disguise a document?" Chang Ning said.

"No, I have a photographic permit."

Film and television bases, photographers are best not to use.

She hung up and asked for leave from China.

Not far away, Li Yushan hurried over with two bags of bread. "Sister Chen, I'm sorry, there are too many people in the supermarket. Can we catch the plane?"

"No," He Chen drank the last sip of beer, and just received the information from Chang Ning, her eyes frowning, turning the case, and opening her mouth, "I'm not going back to the country for the time being, you'll bring the interview draft back."

Just after she said this, Li Yushan also received a call from her supervisor.

"Sister Chen, the editor-in-chief asked me to go with you to the film and television base again. There was a case of disappearance of a college student over there, and we needed to follow up." Li Yushan raised her mobile phone.

He Chen nodded, "Well, let's go."

"How to go, Sister Chen," Li Yushan took the mobile phone to contact the person who brought them in Mzhou, her brows tightened, and she was very worried.

It's a bit weird. Generally, people will be picked up by parties to pick them up. After all, M Zhou is too messy.

"Is there an international driver's license?" Before Li Yushan finished, He Chen squeezed the bottle.

Li Yushan nodded, "Yes."

"That's OK." He Chen snapped his fingers, "wait."

But ten minutes.

A black car parked beside He Chen.

The person in the driver's seat respectfully handed the car key and the pass to He Chen.

He Chen drank and didn't drive, so he put the camera in the back seat and instructed Li Yushan to drive. "Find your own navigation."

Li Yushan aggressively took the key to drive.


After more than half an hour, arrived at the film and television base.

Mzhou Film and Television Base, the world's largest film and television base

He Chen leaned into the back seat to sleep.

Woke up by cell phone ringing.

"Hello?" She yawned and pressed the answer button.

"I heard you're in business?" There was a middle-aged male voice over there, mixed with his roar. "Are you expressionless? People in your sect are dead for you and you can't shed a tear ... "

There was a swearing sentence, and then turned back, but did not wait for He Chen to answer directly, "I have a scene here, these actors are uneasy. You come to help me as a staff officer, and there is just a print advertisement You take a picture. "

"OK." He Chen responded lazily, receiving an address within seconds.

Then he took Li Yushan out of the car.

"Sister Chen, where are we going?" Li Yushan took the camera and carefully shuttled between the peoples of various countries.

"Find a great director." He Chen brushed his sleeves.

The people in M ​​Zhou were very fierce. Li Yushan didn't dare to look around, and his daughter-in-law followed He Chen.

As soon as He Chen arrived at the center of the film and television city, a young man with an inverted peak cap saw He Chen, "Sister Chen, you are here, and Lin Dao soon scolded the little flesh."

He pointed a direction and let He Chen go in, but he didn't dare to go in.

A long distance away, you can see that the legendary Lin Dao has stopped filming and is performing a show with the man sitting opposite him. It looks a lot better.

He Chen has not spoken yet.

Suddenly a male voice came behind him, "Young ... Miss He, why are you here?"

Familiar voice.

He Chen also twisted her eyebrows and looked sideways, just to see that Qu Zixiao and his secretary both looked at her. There was a tall woman standing next to Qu Zixiao.

The secretary frowned at her subconsciously, this was what the secretary said.

And Qu Zixiao, his eyes turned.

He had thought that He Chen's divorce was such a happy one, and he would definitely have something wrong.

Li Yushan knew Qu Zixiao and he had seen a lot of lace news.

He Chen thinks she owed Qu Zixiao money in her last life?

You can meet anywhere, if not, Qu Zixiao will not always suspect that she is following him.

"There is something." He Chen carried the camera.

"This is ..." The woman standing next to Qu Zixiao looked at He Chen.

Qu Zixiao's secretary quickly said: "Ms. Song, she ... she is a reporter for Xinyu Ji, and she is here to run the news."

"So it is," Song Qingqing's eyebrows were raised. She glanced at He Chen and smiled. "Qu Shao, let them go quickly. Lin Dao and Emperor Qin don't like paparazzi. Temper, if they knew you were coming in, there would be no good fruit. "

It was just this tone that made Li Yushan very uncomfortable.

Only a few people knew about He Chen's divorce. Li Yushan didn't know it. She looked at Qu Zixiao and Song Qingqing with anger.

"He Chen," Qu Zixiao took a step forward. He grabbed He Chen's arm, and with a voice that only two people could hear, his eyes lightened: "We have been divorced, you better not cause any more trouble."

With a clever arm, He Chen easily broke Qu Zixiao's imprisonment.

After divorcing Qu Zixiao, she didn't even want to perfuse Qu Zixiao.

Qu Zixiao only felt that he was numb and looked up.

He Chen directly passed him and walked inside.

"He Chen ..."

Inside the door, a person hurried out with a thermos cup.

Qu Zixiao didn't bother to care about He Chen, and when he saw it, he politely said, "Brother Chen."

Qin Xiuchen's agent, Chen Yu, with Qin Xiuchen's current status, even a few male brothers in Beijing will give Chen a three-pointed face.

This is why Qu Zixiao called him Chen Brother.

Song Qingqing also changed his look, respectfully, "Brother Chen."

Chen Yu, one of the investors of Qu Zixiao's "The Realm of God", also knew him and greeted Qu Zixiao with a smile, but he felt that something was wrong.

He was holding a thermos cup and suddenly remembered something. He turned quickly and He Chen hadn't gone far. He looked at her back, trembling, "He ... Miss He?"

What's going on at this film and television base? ?


To be honest, the name of the agent stuck to me for half an hour today.

It's really hard to name people! !! !! !! !!

(End of this chapter)