Madam, Your Sockpuppet is Lost Again!

v5 Chapter 643: 643 Morning Gangster Vol 08: Smiley Spy

Chapter 643 Chapter 643 Morning Gangster Volume 08: Smiling Spy

Chapter 198

In addition to some hidden information, He Chen's resumes to school in the early years are also very easy to check online.

No secret.

Qin Yue also made it very easy when she shifted files, so she adjusted a file for Qin Xiuchen, and she also took a curious look.

As long as the results recorded in the file, she was transferred.

"How is it?" The agent glanced around.

He knew that for Chen Dao's attention, He Chen's ability in photography must be outstanding.

But I did not expect this to be the case. He Chen studied liberal arts. From elementary school to high school, almost every course was full marks, but chose liberal arts in high school. The ratings are excellent. By the time of the seven million-dollar photography work, the agent has no artistic cell and cannot appreciate it.

Although the major of He Chen University is photography, the second major is criminal investigation. After entering S major, he entered the M major by himself.

the most important is--

Since she was admitted to M University, she has worked with Interpol on several major international cases!

After looking at it, the agent looked back aggressively, remembering the “second professional” incident of the high-profile student who had made a big noise on Weibo before.

After a long while, the agent Nana said, "The friends of the little niece ... are ... at this level?"

Qin Xiuchen jumped to this page and chuckled, "Very good."

He also did not expect that the laughing reporters on weekdays actually wandered on the edge of danger.

Working with the Interpol is not a simple matter.

The agent also looked back, thinking about what she had just seen, and couldn't help staggering: "You said that her science scores are so good. The junior high school also won the chemistry competition award. How did you go to study literature?"

Qin Xiuchen lifted his eyes and put his mobile phone on the table. "The pursuit is different, prepare for it, I will go out later."

"Go out?" The agent was used to it.

Qin Xiuchen resisted the Qin family in the hands of Qin Siye and Ouyang's family. He could also find Qin Hanqiu under his eyelids, and the agent knew that Qin Xiuchen was not ordinary.

Although Qin Hanqiu is now struggling, Qin's family can now be so big, and it has a great relationship with Qin Xiuchen's help. Qin Hanqiu has a natural gap compared to him.

"Second brother, he has a contract. I have the other party in the shop. I will check it." Qin Xiuchen took his coat and went out.


Eleven in the evening.

"Sister Chen, haven't slept yet?" Li Yushan looked at her as she came out to the bathroom.

From the back, you can see He Chen inserting the card reader.

Li Yushan looked at the interview draft while watching the hot water while watching her, and found that He Chen was watching a video. The video was very dark, as it was many years ago, it was not clear, only the faint soil , Like on the loess high slope.

Not an interview draft?

Li Yushan plugged in the plug and never looked again.

There are too many things on He Chen's computer. Last time she borrowed He Chen's computer to watch TV. She saw a software dialog box that she didn't enable suddenly appeared halfway. A black avatar asked her for inconvenient videos.

Li Yushan was terrified. Later, He Chen told her that it was a virus, and Li Yushan was suspicious.

After Li Yushan finished going to the toilet, she poured herself a glass of water and drank while asking about the progress of tomorrow, "Sister Chen, where are we going to follow up on the news tomorrow?"

"A police officer will come to pick you up tomorrow. Just follow him for an interview." He Chen turned off the video and came over for breakfast.

Li Yushan nodded, thinking Police Officer M Zhou was so considerate.

She took another serious look at He Chen and determined that she was not affected by Qu Zixiao and Song Qingqing, so she was relieved, "What about you?"

"I'll rest tomorrow." He Chen took a sip of orange juice.

He Chen was thinking about the USB flash drive. The USB flash drive was the one that Mu Nan took back. In addition to the evidence about the criminal, there was another video left by the Mu family. The crater incident was kept secret by those above The ordinary people do not even know.

Cheng Xuan placed the order three times before and after 129. In addition to Zhan Ning and Qin Xuan, there was also a crater.

But 129 nobody answered.

Chang Ning told Qin Hui several times.

There were not many people left in that generation, Ning Min, Chen Shulan, Xu Shiying ... all these people who knew the specific things were dead.

There are also a lot of people involved in M ​​Zhou, and the money laundering criminal Melo she is investigating has participated in this program.

This is the main reason for Chang Ning to take over the Maillot list.

He Chen turned off the computer slowly, thinking about it, and went to his luggage to get a black bag.

Li Yushan next to her watched her move, hesitated, and even forgot to yawn, "Sister Chen, are you out again? Be careful, M Zhou is too messy."

M State is also absolutely secure only in the area managed by Interpol.

"Rest assured." He Chen took the backpack, "You don't have to wait for me to return at night."

ten minutes later.

A street outside the film and television base.

At this time, the lights were bright and the fish and dragons were mixed.

on the street.

A woman in black cropped jeans and a black skinny T-shirt caught most people's attention.

She was wavy, fair-skinned, and had a bumpy figure. She rolled up her black T-shirt, revealing her waistline, put a pair of sunglasses on her tall nose, and finally stopped outside a bar. She took out her sunglasses Exposing a pair of glasses, the eyelashes are densely curled, and the dark eyes are full of charm.

She stuck out her light green fingers, nodded her red lips, and finally smiled and went straight in.

(End of this chapter)