Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 699

Crimson gradually flowed on the floor.

The fat body like a hill had already fallen on the cold floor, and could no longer stand on the head of Changhong and others as before.

However, looking at the frightened face like a pig's face, or the eyes that never closed, full of incredible pupils, Changhong suddenly felt that his shoulder, even his heavy body like a walking corpse in the past, suddenly ushered in an unprecedented sense of ease.


Suddenly, a strong force fell on Changhong's shoulder.

The revolver with the smoke of gunpowder not exhausted and the residual temperature not dispersed was also taken away from Changhong's hand.

"Well done! Changhong altland. From today on, you are liberated."

"Jie... Liberated..."

Changhong's dull eyes gradually had a ray of light.

"I... we liberated?! I..."

Changhong's dull face had not had time to show an expression consistent with the words. A figure like an iron tower held Changhong in his arms.

"No... it's okay! Changhong, i... we're home!!"

Looking at the scene that Zhaohong, who witnessed all this, could no longer control his feelings and held Changhong in his arms, and then looked at the tiehuatuan people who quietly wiped their tears, Lei Mingkai smiled and nodded to Olga, then turned around and left genaku with zero style.

"What a moving scene!"

After seeing Lei Mingkai and zero leave, Minglai stepped forward and picked up the left wheel next to Brooke's body.

To mingse's surprise, he noticed something wrong at the moment of starting the left wheel.

The trigger of the left wheel has indeed hit the primer of the bullet.

However, the primer of the bullet was not fired as smoothly as Sete of the same name knew.

Slightly frowned, NAGase skillfully pulled the trigger back to its original position, opened the runner, took the bullet off and held it in front of him for a while.

"It seems that your Excellency's mystery is still unexpected!"

In NAGase's eyes, the primer of the bullet was intact, and there was no sign of collision at all.

Or the primer of the bullet does not exist.

Either, the trigger of the left wheel has never been fired from beginning to end, nor has it ever hit any bullet.

However, in full view of the public, how did Lei Mingkai make the trigger unable to fire the primer of the bullet?

After thinking about it, NAGase put the bullet back in his pocket and handed Olga the revolver in his hand.

"Olga. This may be a good souvenir. For the brothers."

In fact, Olga also saw mingse's move just now, but he was also confused, but he didn't think as much as mingse did.

For Olga, no matter what Lei Mingkai's plans are, the end of the event is that the Zhaohong brothers can meet again after they have been separated for many years.

"Big brother. I'll give it to them."

Looking at Olga who took over the revolver, mingse smiled and raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder.

"All right! The business here is over. Then, the next is the end of the journey. Olga, I hope you can be ready."

"Yes, brother."

The reunion of the Zhaohong brothers certainly made Tiehua regiment happy that they had not suffered any loss in this incident.

But among those who have witnessed the whole process, some people still wonder about it.

Goodelia is one of these people.

She didn't understand why Lei Mingkai made such a decision in the end.

Obviously, for the evil cosmic pirate, only···

"Doubt? Goodelia."

As if she had discovered the doubt of goodelia, lacs, who watched the scene from a distance with her, asked softly.

"Eh? Ah! Yeah."

First surprised, then nodded slowly.

Goodelia hesitated for a moment, and then opened her mouth and said what she thought.

"Actually, we just need to give the pirate to

When the words came to her mouth, goodelia paused.

According to her idea, most of the problems might be solved by giving the pirate to gallalhorn.


Now the Tiehua group is in a situation where it was forced to join divaz's command and continue its journey to the earth after offending gallar horn.

Therefore, to hand over Brooke, the heinous pirate leader, to gallalhorn is undoubtedly to let the tiger go back to the mountain.

Cudilia, who reacted, glanced at lacs and found that lacs was looking at herself, as if she had already seen through her thoughts.

While feeling guilty, two little red clouds also appeared on goodelia's little face.

"Goodelia, have you ever thought about the purpose of Kay's doing this and what it means to Changhong altland?"

While raising this question, lux added one more sentence.

"Look! Changhong, what they look like now, and what they looked like not long ago."


As soon as goodelia heard lacs's hint, she seemed to feel it.

Especially when she raised her eyes and looked at Xiang Changhong and them, gudilia suddenly recalled the scene of seeing Chang Hong and others for the first time before.

A thin body,

An indifferent expression,

Dull eyes,

And the scars all over the body.

This is the epitome of the desperate people struggling to survive in the universe.

Such a scene that is still fresh in memory has formed a strong impact with the scene in front of goodelia at this moment.

People, still the same people.

However, the expression on their faces has become very vivid.



And uncontrollable laughter,

It became the theme of their moment.

"The existence of the desperate sellers is undoubtedly equivalent to the reappearance of the slave age recorded in the books of the old era. Only when they dare to take up arms and force their slave owners to fight against them, can these people who suffer from labor, oppression and unequal treatment usher in real liberation."

After a pause, lacs looked at goodelia's uncertain look and smiled gently.

"Maybe these words are difficult for you. But Kay uses such a sentence well."

"A word?"

Goodelia looked at lacs with a gleam of longing for an answer.

"Yes. In a word. Where there is oppression, there is resistance!"

Lacs recalled a remark that Lei Mingkai casually mentioned during the previous discussion with Lei Mingkai about the seller.

"Where there is oppression, there is resistance!"

In an instant, the memory in goodelia's mind seemed to have been given a command, constantly emerging from the depths of goodelia's memory.

Both the memories that gudilia remembered and those forgotten by gudilia are springing up like mushrooms at the moment, tumbling madly from the depths of the memory ocean. Under the guidance of an opportunity, gudilia has seen everything she has experienced from the perspective of a bystander.

"Where there is oppression, there is resistance!"

It's night.

The night sky on earth is not only bright, but also quiet and beautiful.

Under this beautiful night sky, a banquet was held to welcome the two heirs of the seven star family who returned from the inspection of the frontier universe, and to celebrate the successful marriage and engagement ceremony between the Farid family and the baduwin family, the second of the seven star family.

In the richly decorated venue, a social celebrity from gallalhorn, all over the world, is holding their own wine glasses and gathering in groups at every corner of the venue to carry out a loud discussion or a quiet exchange of views.

And those beautiful girls in dresses that show their figure and appearance incisively and vividly are also looking for their favorite knights in this burst of conversation.

Especially at the moment of seeing the two young heirs of the Farid family and the baduwin family, these beautiful girls acted decisively on the spot and surrounded the positions of McGillis and Gallio.

"How enviable! Lord McGillis and Lord Gallio. As soon as you show up here, those beautiful girls will always be the first to meet you."

Looking at McGillis, who walked over after easily and familiar with the beautiful girls surrounded by him with elegant words, a black haired girl standing on the edge of the venue slightly raised her glass and greeted McGillis.


Looking at the black haired boy who took off his familiar dark mask and showed a strange and familiar face, McGillis was stunned at first, and then showed a friendly smile.

"Yes. It seems that my act of taking off my mask without authorization has embarrassed Lord McGillis."

With a slight smile, the black haired boy glanced at the girls gathered on one side and said jokingly:

"Are you afraid, Lord McGillis, that I will attract the attention of these beautiful and lovely ladies?"

"Ha ha! Mr. K, don't laugh at me! This is not a joke. It would be great if you could attract the attention of the beautiful ladies here."

Mr. K heard the speech and couldn't help laughing bitterly.

"Spare me! I'd rather face the enemy than these women. It's a big trouble."


McGillis smiled bitterly after reciting Mr. K's adjectives to those girls, but he didn't say much.

Perhaps, in his heart, he also thinks so.

"What are you talking about? Don't you enjoy the rare party, McGillis? Hmm? Your face is very green. But your voice is familiar. Are you the masked man who deserves to be beaten, Mr. K?!"

At this time, Gallio also came to this corner.

Suddenly, this unnoticed corner was noticed by most people because the successors of Farid and baduwin appeared at the same time.

The black haired boy who talked with the two heirs of the seven star family, even talked and laughed, gathered most people's eyes.

Who is he?

This question became a problem in everyone's mind on the spot.

"I think Mr. Gallio's proposal is very good! Mr. McGillis. Taking advantage of the good opportunity that most people's attention is on me now, won't Mr. McGillis take this opportunity to leave a good memory?"

Mr. K seemed to glance casually at the crowd here and casually echoed Gallio's proposal.

"Look! McGillis. It's rare that I have reached an agreement with this masked man. Don't you really try it?"

Watching Mr. K and his good friend garrio put forward suggestions together, McGillis pulled his mouth slightly, neither agreeing nor denying it.

Fortunately, the two figures who appeared at the meeting saved McGillis.

That's a young and lovely figure in clothes!

It was a thin figure sitting in a wheelchair and slowly pushed by the maid into the venue.

The former is the eldest daughter of the Baldwin family, the sister of the current heir garrio Baldwin, and almilia Baldwin, the fiancee of macgillis, the heir of the Farid family.

Since the day of her birth, she has been known as baduwin, one of the Seven Star families.

But with her footsteps, the thin figure who could only be pushed slowly by the maid in a wheelchair was very strange.

A long, flaxen hair, beautifully combed,

A decent and fitting dress,

A quiet manner,

And the delicate face,

It seems like a princess coming out of a fairy tale, lovely and beautiful.

Unfortunately, the fairy tale princess not only asked the maid to push the banquet venue in a wheelchair, but it seemed that her eyes could not see anything clearly in front of her, and she was closed from beginning to end.

Who is she?

Different objects, the same questions, accompanied by the girl who appeared next to almilia Baldwin, filled everyone's hearts.

This question was quickly answered.

I saw the three young men gathered in the corner of the meeting one after another and walked towards almilia baduwin.

The only surprise was that it was the strange black haired boy at the top of the line, not McGillis or Gallio.

"Good evening! Beautiful and lovely miss almilia badouin! I'm lulushu lampeki. Thank you very much for taking care of my sister nanali lampeki."

In full view of the public, the black haired boy who came to almilia saluted the young almilia in a friendly and solemn manner.

Almilia was stunned by the friendly and solemn etiquette, and then smiled back.

"Hello, your excellency lulushu lampeki. It's nothing. I like sister nanali very much, too! So you're welcome."

Since Mr. K, no, it was Lu Luxiu who found Nana Li sleeping in the crystal coffin from the meteor falling area on Mars and returned to earth with the help of McGillis, Nana Li sleeping was placed in baduwin's house, waiting for the moment of awakening.

Tonight is the day when nanali wakes up from her deep sleep.

The black haired boy nodded to almilia and moved his eyes to look at his sister who had been separated from him since that day.

"We are finally reunited! Nana Li."

In the wheelchair, the girl who could not see gradually showed a gentle smile.

"Yes, brother."