Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 698

"Dada dada!"

Gunfire kept coming from the depths of the passage.

It was an attacking force that rushed in from the fishing fire.

Since man Rodi and Gunda Gusin were defeated by the free Gunda and the long toothed lion, the bruvas Pirate Group also came to the end.

Even in the face of the collapse of man Rodi's team, the bruvas pirates still burst out a strong desire for survival in the face of the extremely terrible freedom GAODA for them.

However, no matter how dense and fierce the gunfire on the two assault armored ships of the bruvas pirate regiment, it still can't stop the fact that the two high-frequency concussion blades in free Gundam's hand cut and exploded the turrets.

With the strong attack of the bruvas Pirate Group, the turrets on the armored ship were completely destroyed by the free Gundam. Under the guidance of the signal sent by the free Gundam, the fishing fire and hammer finally passed through the dense belt with overlapping debris and gravel and appeared in front of the bruvas Pirate Group.

At this moment, the bruvas Pirate Group was destroyed.

"Hello, hello. Is this true? Just one plane solved the most troublesome bruvas Pirate Group on this dark channel? Your Excellency..."

"It's shocking, isn't it? NAGase."

This is the moment when the Warhammer entered the battlefield. Looking at the tragedy of the two bruvas pirate warships that frightened most chambers of Commerce, Minglai and Amida had a dialogue.

Of course, this dialogue has nothing to do with Tiehua group.

Because when they saw the two armored ships that had lost all their arms and were as weak as a lamb to be slaughtered, Tiehua regiment knew that their performance time had finally arrived.

Moreover, this landing assault will not happen. Lei Mingkai's memory of those experiences that made Tiehua regiment suffer heavy losses but had to swallow bitter water.

"Dada dada!"

While the gunfire swept through the channel, a large number of sparks kept jumping at sinor's feet.

"Cut! Obviously I have lost the chance to escape, and the fire is still so fierce."

Sinor is the commander responsible for leading the team to attack the armored ship attacked by the bruvas pirate regiment.

According to his conjecture and Olga's conjecture, in the face of the terrible military threat of freedom, this pirate group that makes mingse feel headache should know the current situation.

But in fact, when Xinuo led the team to attack, he found that the interception force composed of the same top sellers as Zhaohong blocked them, which made Xinuo and others feel great pressure.

"Don't these guys know that we are not their enemies at all?"

Sinor wanted to quietly observe the situation in the depths of the channel, but before his head reached out, he was frightened back by a random shot.

After thinking about it, sinor suddenly remembered that Olga specially ordered them to take some equipment before departure.

It is said that Lei Mingkai specially asked makumad to prepare when he was on the new year's star.

Although Sinoe couldn't help looking at it curiously when he set out, he didn't care much when he found that the so-called specially prepared things were not strange things, but some shock bombs that made people lose their combat effectiveness.

However, in the face of the tenacious resistance of the enemy and the closed warship channel, sinor finally remembered the shock bomb prepared by Lei Mingkai.

"Did you think of this from the beginning?"

At the moment when the idea passed through sinor's mind, a bright smile suddenly appeared on sinor's face.

"Hey, you, you! Get that thing, right! That's it! Take out what shock bomb!"

After casually clicking on his partner behind him, sinor took a deep breath and shouted.

"Follow me!"

"Dada dada!"

When the submachine gun in Sinoe's hand sounded again, two black shadows flew out of Sinoe's back and disappeared into the depths of the channel in the screaming bullet rain.

"Buzz ~ ~"

At the moment of two shrill buzzing, the road to Brooke, the leader of the bruvas Pirate Group, opened.

Half an hour later, before the plume of gunsmoke dissipated from the assault armored ship of the bruvas pirate regiment, Brooke, like a fat pig, was escorted back to the fishing fire with a smile on his face and sinor and others who came back from victory.

Olga, Minglai, was even cut off by free GAODA. As a result, the captured Changhong and others also stood in the gnaku of the fishing fire and watched the fat pig pushed off the shuttle boat by sinor and others.

"Oh! Who is this? Isn't this Brooke, the leader of the famous bruvas Pirate Group? Why are you so free to come here today?"

Looking at the pile of fat meat rolling down on the floor, Minglai, an old acquaintance, walked up and raised his feet to pick up Brooke's fat head.

"You!! NAGase! You bastard!! i... I will never count like this!!"

Brooke is tough, too.

Even if he was captured by Tiehua regiment, he dared to threaten Minglai.

"Oh? Isn't that how it's calculated? It's also interesting. But I'm not the one who settles with you today! I'm just going to the theatre and greeting my old friends."

NAGase raised his eyebrows, touched Brooke's fat head with his right foot, and turned back to Olga.

"Olga, what do you want to do with this pig?"

Olga lowered his head slightly in the face of the famous Sete's inquiry.

He knew that although Brooke was captured by the Tiehua regiment, the decision was not in his hands, even in the hands of any member of the Tiehua regiment.

Just then, a roar of mechanical operation came.

Freedom Gundam, return.

When the steel giant with unparalleled combat power and iconic steel wings appeared in gnaku again, thunderous cheers swept the whole gnaku.

Especially when Lei Mingkai walked out of the cockpit of freedom GAODA, the members of Tiehua group burst out a louder and louder call than a burst.

For nothing else,

I only cheer for Lei Mingkai's feat of destroying the bruvas Pirate Group with one plane.

"This guy is getting more and more popular!"

In the cheers, NAGase glanced at Olga quietly. When he found that his righteous brother seemed to be one of the cheers, he shrugged his shoulders.

"Oh, there's nothing wrong. After all, your ambition should not be in Tiehua group."

On the other side, lying on the cold floor, Brooke, who couldn't move, looked dead gray when he saw freedom GAODA.

No matter how hard he was, he knew his end at the moment when he saw the body of the bruvas Pirate Group destroyed.

Lei Mingkai, who stepped down from free GAODA, was surrounded by people and came to Olga and mingse.

NAGase's previous inquiry to Olga was also placed in front of Lei Mingkai.


Lei Mingkai was a little surprised.

As the leader of the outer circle of the circle, the famous tabbins should also know very well about how to deal with the cosmic pirate.

After pondering for a while, Lei Mingkai seemed to understand mingse's practice.

"Maybe I'm not qualified to make any judgment on Brooke."

In the eyes of the crowd, Lei Mingkai said this sentence.


"Don't you intend to do anything to this fat pig?"

There was a burst of discussion among the people of Tiehua group. At the same time, it also made Brooke feel a glimmer of hope.

"Be quiet! I am not the most qualified to deal with him here, nor is it Tiehua group, any one of tabbins, but they."

Lei Mingkai first raised his hand to stop the people's discussion, and then pointed to the end of the crowd. The group of people who had been looking here, but never dared to look forward.

The group including Changhong altland.

Seeing them, the people of Tiehua regiment and even Yu Minglai understood Lei Mingkai's meaning on the spot.

Therefore, a road leading to Lei Mingkai and Brooke, who was lying on the floor and couldn't move, was let out by the people of Tiehua group.

Chang Hong, who stood in front, was stunned. He didn't seem to think that everyone of Tiehua group would push them to the front so simply.

"Come here! Changhong altland. If anyone on this ship is qualified to deal with him, Brooke, the leader of the bruvas Pirate Group, then you and you are the most qualified."

Lei Mingkai stretched out his finger and pointed to Changhong, the partners behind Changhong, and Brooke lying on the ground.

Seeing Lei Mingkai's statement, Brooke's face became more pale.

He knows how he treats the top sellers including Changhong.

More clearly, in the past, how they arbitrarily punished these worthless sellers in the eyes of the world.


Looking at Brooke with a pale face, Changhong suddenly felt a trace of happiness in his heart.

But it was too late to make a decision.

This is not only him, but also the selling partners standing behind him.

Looking at Brooke's tragedy, they were happy, but they didn't know how to deal with Brooke···

But he shrank and failed to say even one word for a long time.

This made Olga and even Zhaohong, who were watching, frown.

"Is the prestige deep?"

Seeing this scene, mingse already understood.

From Zhaohong's body, Minglai didn't see too much about the current situation of the seller.

Or, this is because Olga is in front of the wind and rain, so that Zhaohong and others have not been treated as inhumanely as the desperate sellers in the universe.

"Zhaohong. This is the current situation of the best seller in the universe. Even if you watch the owner become a prisoner, you still don't dare to make any resistance. Do you see it clearly?"

After taking a look at Minglai, Lei Mingkai looked at the big man who was still very conspicuous even standing in the crowd.

Zhaohong moved his mouth, but didn't say a word.

In fact, he has been vaguely aware of the reason why Changhong, who has been reunited for a long time, refuses to recognize himself.


Coincidentally, while the people were waiting for Changhong's decision, a familiar low roar came out from the nearby aisle.

It's zero.



With the sound of heavy footsteps, the pure white lion, tall as a hill, walked slowly out of the corridor, along the road out of the way of the crowd, and came to Lei Mingkai's side.

At the same time, people with sharp eyes found that there seemed to be a sword in the mouth of the pure white lion, as well as two pistols with gorgeous shape and higher appreciation than practical level.

"Bang Dang!"

The sound of metal falling on the floor startled Brooke, but it also made him see a glimmer of vitality again.

"Since Changhong can't make a decision, let's decide with a game!"

Lei Mingkai and zero looked at each other, then bent down and picked up the two pistols that fell on the floor. While checking the situation of the pistols, he said.

"These are two revolvers. It happens that there are two bullets here. I will load both revolvers with one bullet, and then you, Lord Brooke and Changhong choose one revolver respectively, and then pull the trigger at the end of the countdown."

"Wait! This..."

Before Lei Mingkai finished, Olga spoke on the spot and asked questions.

"Yes. Death revolver. It's a cruel but fair game, isn't it?"

Lei Mingkai sneered and pushed the two bullets into the two revolvers, showing the moving revolver to the public.



As the two left wheels were ready, zero also popped a sharp claw to cut off the rope tied by Brooke.

"Come on, Lord Brooke. It's up to you to decide whether to live or die! Isn't that just the way for pirates to survive?"

Looking at the two revolvers in Lei Mingkai's hand, Brooke, who stood up slowly, took a look at Minglai.

"Hehe! Don't worry! Lord Brooke. I will guarantee that you will survive. But the premise is that you can survive in the death wheel."

In Lei Mingkai's cold laughter, Brooke bit his teeth and finally chose the left wheel held in Lei Mingkai's right hand.

He didn't expect to hijack Lei Mingkai with a revolver, but he didn't have any confidence to dare to use a bullet against the frightening lion and Minglai.

"I hope you can keep your promise!"

Brooke, who had no choice, walked out of a distance with the left wheel he chose, waiting for Changhong's choice.


This so-called death revolver is a scene Brooke is familiar with.

In the past time, Brooke didn't know how many times he had seen or even participated in these tricks. As a result, he survived.

Remembering all kinds of luck in the past, Brooke took a deep breath, suddenly widened his eyes and glared at Changhong.

"Come on!! I'm Brooke Kabayan right here! Waiting for you worthless scum!"

Under the accumulated prestige of the past, Changhong and others were scared to step back and didn't dare to look at Brooke.

This made Zhaohong anxious, but he couldn't come forward to help.

"Calm down! Zhaohong. Your Excellency may have his idea."

Although Olga could not see the intention of Lei Mingkai, he also felt some clues.

"I said, little brother! It's not like you to step back or move forward. If I were you, I might as well choose to move forward. At least, I'll die like a person, won't I?"

Minglai glanced at the anxious Zhaohong and Olga who seemed to understand something. After secretly winking at Lei Mingkai, Minglai knocked Changhong intentionally or unintentionally.

Sure enough, under Minglai's percussion, Changhong seemed to react.

Brooke, who has deep prestige and is waiting for his death with a revolver,

An anxious brother who has always been unable to recognize each other,

And between Lei Mingkai, who set out this battle but didn't know his intention,

It seems that a huge net is enveloping itself.

Or, he who falls into this huge net falls into it and cannot break free until he is strangled by the huge net.

Or, go ahead bravely, fight for a glimmer of hope, tear the huge net and win a free sky for yourself.

The choice was made at this moment.

Changhong calmed down, but did not look at Xiang Changhong. Instead, he stepped forward to Lei Mingkai, reached out and took the remaining revolver from his hand.

Then he walked across from Brooke.

"I'm ready!"

At the moment, Lei Mingkai's mouth showed a smile of appreciation.

"Well, let's start!"

"Ka Ka!!"


As soon as Lei Mingkai's words fell, the two left wheels broke out a continuous trigger sound under the pull of their respective owners.

However, after two rapid trigger pulling sounds, a fat figure fell like a hill.