Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 700

In the dark channel full of debris and rubble, body bags wrapped in long cold bodies are quietly sliding towards the depths of the dark channel.

They, either in their lifetime, were all powerful and frightening in this channel, or trembled at the feet of the strong and fought for the tiger, but in front of death, they all welcomed the body bag, wrapped in it, and silently slid into the dead and cold void.

This was a funeral that completely buried the bruvas Pirate Group.

Looking at the shroud bags that slipped into the void, the history of the bruvas pirate regiment also came to an end.

The desperate people enslaved by the bruvas Pirate Group and Brooke also ushered in liberation.

However, due to the next trip of Tiehua group, it was unable to bring the desperate sellers liberated from the bruvas Pirate Group to the earth.

To this end, Olga, after soliciting the opinions of Lei Mingkai, decided to hand over all the two assault armored ships and transport ships left by the bruvas pirate regiment to the former bruvas pirate regiment's Jedi force headed by Changhong altland, Zhaohong's younger brother. Under the leadership of Zhaohong's deputy, Dante moguro, he first returned to the Martian headquarters and then made arrangements.

"It's far away! Zhaohong, have you said goodbye?"

Outside the side window, it represents the engine that returns to Mars headquarters first. The fire light gradually becomes small and invisible.

Lei Mingkai's sigh also reached Zhaohong's ears.

"Sir, I'm sorry to bother you!"

Zhaohong may just be dull.

Even if I failed to react at that time, I gradually understood a trace of things in the aftertaste.

"Bother? What do I bother about? Zhaohong. Don't think about it! It's just a play."

Lei Mingkai glanced at Zhaohong's serious appearance and then smiled.

"All right! Go back and prepare! The body with only skeleton will be arranged for you. Be prepared! It is a body with the same name as babatos."

Zhaohong's face showed surprise.

I didn't seem to expect that such an organism would be arranged for him.

After all, everyone was shocked by the black skeleton of Gundam Guxin when it was recycled.

The original round outer armor would be completely peeled off, completely exposing the dark skeleton wrapped in it.

Among the Tiehua regiment, no one can imagine what kind of attack can make it possible to peel off the outer armor perfectly without leaving trauma to the skeleton.

This question will not come to an end.

Because, at that time, the object of war with Gouda Gusin was the zero form of the long toothed lion.

It is precisely because the battle between the two sides took place somewhere in the debris belt that no one can see that the long toothed lion zero used the weapons from all over the metal world without scruples in its separate battle with GAODA Gusin λ The drive system easily broke Gouxin, and directly removed the ridiculous armor.

"Can you say that you are disgusting with GAODA Guxin who has no outer armor for the time being? Zhaohong."

Looking at Zhaohong with a surprised face, Lei Mingkai suddenly teased the dull boy in a good mood.

Especially under the influence of Zhaohong's memory, which still makes up for the shortcomings of life, the gangpula world and the previous uncle version, Lei Mingkai seems to have more evil interests in his heart.

"No. I didn't mean that. Just, in this way, wouldn't the body be temporarily unable to move?"

Zhaohong moved his mouth and hesitated to say what he thought.

"That's it? Don't worry! After we reach the dot colonial satellite group, NAGase will communicate with the divaz branch located at dot 6 to transform GAODA Guxin. Don't worry! It won't take a long time."

"Dote six?"

Zhaohong thought for a moment, subconsciously looked at the void of the fire light of the engine of the assault armored ship returning to Mars headquarters, and silently nodded.


After a series of events, Tiehua group finally arrived at the second half of the journey.

"Dote 2? It seems that history will repeat itself?"

In the sunny courtyard, a girl in a dress is sitting quietly in a wheelchair, enjoying the warmth brought by the sun.

Perhaps, this simple thing for girls has not been enjoyed for a long time.

She didn't know where the feeling came from.

She only knew that one night, she should have stayed at home, but was awakened by a familiar but different voice, and then she lost all her sense of the outside world until she heard the voice of her brother Lu Lu Xiu again.

"Sister nanali, how are you feeling? Is there any discomfort?"

A light wind blew in the courtyard and brought two figures into the courtyard.

It can be heard from the young voice that this is what the girl got to know after waking up. "What's the matter, your excellency Gallio? Did you pull me here from the Earth early in the morning to see your great power in the so-called exercise?"

Watching gario walking in front of the meteor, the black haired boy behind him mercilessly satirized the man who pulled himself from the warm ground to the cold universe early in the morning.

"Yes! Drill, drill. It's just a name! Lulu... No. Mr. K, with your intelligence, you should have thought of my idea."

When Gallio stopped and wanted to call each other's name directly, he suddenly changed his name.

"Name? I didn't expect that your excellency Gallio, as the successor of Baldwin, would be interested in getting involved in those things. What? Do you lack credit?"

The black haired boy raised his eyebrows, casually leaned his back against the wall and said with a smile.

From his tone of voice, it was not hard for Gallio to hear that this was more sarcastic about his actions.

As one of the Seven Star families and the successor of the Baldwin family, Gallio doesn't need to get involved in any messy things at all. He just needs to act according to the experience and tasks given to him by the family at the right time, so that he can naturally get on the top seat symbolizing gallalhorn.

"No, this is not an admixture! MR.K. This is a war of shame! Those cosmic mice on Mars are so humiliating that we have to pay the price. Now, under the surveillance of Maggie Lys's eye liner, the group of cosmic mice has entered into the multi group colony."

Gallio doesn't care. No, it should be said that he has a certain immunity to the ridicule of black haired teenagers.

Looking at Gallio, who spoke his thoughts calmly, lulushu lowered his eyes and smiled.

"The battle of shame? It looks like that. It's just, are you ready? The body will certainly appear."

"The plane?"

Gallio's eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

you 're right.

Lu Luxiu's words are not wrong.

Although the terrible body did not appear many times, it would rush into the battlefield with a posture sufficient to peak Gallio's understanding of MS and destroy the enemy.

No matter how Gallio looked for information and looked through the documents inherited from the era of Ecuador sacrifice war when he returned to the headquarters of gallalhorn, there was only one result.

The mysterious body with the terrible speed that dominates most bodies does not exist in gallalhorn's literature, but in any folklore about the era of the sacrifice war in the earth circle.

As if, as soon as this plane appeared on the stage, it was absolutely impossible to ignore, and the impressive body suddenly appeared.

"But even if the body is here. Gallalhorn, no, I will definitely go. This is a shameful war!"

Gallio was silent for a moment and made the same decision before facing the fog that could not be removed.

"Really? Since it's a battle of shame, please hurry up, Lord Gallio! Lord McGillis is not the kind of person who waits for the end of the holiday."

I don't want to, no, it should be said that Lu Lushou never wanted to stop Gallio's action. While expressing his opinions, he also said meaningful words.

However, Gallio seems to have misunderstood lulushu.

"Yes! After all, my sister is very annoying! Although she is McGill's fiancee, McGill must be worried about it! So let's solve the matter as soon as possible before McGill is worried!"

"That's right."

Starting from Mars, halfway to Jupiter, and then from Jupiter to the earth circle, after an unexpected journey, we finally came to the end.

Looking at the approaching roller colonial satellite, Olga, standing in the middle of the Yuhuo bridge, was also a little relieved.

"Don't be too relaxed! Olga. This is where the earth circle belongs."

Lei Mingkai looked at Eugene and sinor, who were cheering at the roller colonial satellite in the distance, and reminded Olga.

Lei Mingkai knew that mingse should have reminded Olga before.

But there are some things that NAGase can't and can't make suggestions.

Because these things themselves are unknown to Minglai himself.

"Do you mean the difference between the earth circle and the outer circle? Brother NAGase has mentioned this to me. I will draw your attention."

Sure enough, as soon as Lei Mingkai reminded him, Olga took the initiative to retell mingse's words one by one.

This is not surprising.

Lei Mingkai pointed out.

Olga wondered for a moment, but he still followed Lei Mingkai and left the bridge.

The two who left successively did not seem to attract the attention of Eugene and sinor.

Even if someone noticed it, it was only one person on the third day of the month.

As a person on the third day of the month, even if he feels confused, he will disappear in the next second, waiting for Olga's opening, and then go to beat up the enemy.

At the moment when the automatic goalkeeper isolated the noise of the bridge, Olga looked up at Lei Mingkai and waited for Lei Mingkai's following.

"Olga, get ready to fight the enemy!"

To Olga's surprise, Lei Mingkai asked him to be ready for battle.

"Is it gallalhorn?"

"No. It's not!"