Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 684

"Report! Emergency!! secret service major McGillis!"

In the cruiser, McGillis was sorting out the affairs of the Mars branch, which had become somewhat chaotic due to Connor's death, when a rapid voice interrupted his thinking.

Before he could react, Gallio, who stood beside him, began to scold.

"What are you flustered about? What's wrong with being so flustered!"

McGillis raised his right hand, stopped Gallio, and looked at the man who was a little flustered because of Gallio's scolding.

"All right! Calm down! Make things clear."

Under the appeasement of McGillis, the subordinates who gradually calmed down also told the story.

It turned out that 12 hours ago, an appalling event occurred in an excavation site on the outskirts of the Martian independent city of kreiser.

When the transporter who was originally scheduled to transport materials for the excavation site every day arrived at the excavation site, he found that the whole excavation site was filled with dazzling bright red and crooked bodies, and a pungent smell of blood rose up and swept away in all directions.

In panic, the transporter immediately contacted the police department of the Martian independent city of kreiser. Subsequently, the relevant information about the excavation site was also informed by the local police department to the Mars branch of galarhorn.

"Hmm? What?! it's just a riot among a group of cosmic mice! You need to inform us? No wonder a little girl will escape from Mars with a group of cosmic mice. What a bunch of losers!"

After glancing at the investigation report of the kreiser police department on the excavation site, Gary Orton came to a conclusion.

But McGillis was dignified.

Because, in the back of the report, McGillis saw a huge crater in the middle of the excavation site submerged by bloody purples.

Judging from the sand, gravel and broken soil scattered around the pit mouth, it seems that there was something buried in the pit mouth not long ago.

"No, Gallio. It can't be decided so easily."

McGillis raised his hand, closed the report displayed on the small screen, and looked slightly at Gallio.

"This is not a simple riot. However, we gallalhorn have not degenerated to rob the local police department of the right to investigate these small things."

"McGillis, what do you mean?"

Gallio was stunned. He didn't seem to react.

Mckillis smiled and ordered.

"Inform kreiser that due to the death of Connor Conrad, head of the Mars branch, our Mars branch does not have much spare power to provide any support for kreiser. Therefore, kreiser's own police department can only be responsible for this incident."

After a pause, McGillis looked at his subordinates in charge of communication.

"Let's just inform kreiser! In addition, contact our distinguished guest Mr. K. It's time for us to prepare for our return."

Coincidentally, when his subordinates were ready to inform kreiser, a message from genaku caught McGillis' attention.

"Wait. The contact with Mr. K can be cancelled. It seems that our distinguished guest has returned."

"Haven't seen you for many days! It seems that your Excellency the inspector has encountered something! However, this is also the norm of life, isn't it?"

As soon as the two sides met, the man with a dark mask made Gary Orton angry, but he had nothing to do.

Because, he knew that what this uncomfortable masked man said was true.

"It's a shame! Let's not mention those things. It's our lack of consideration. However, you have a good harvest when you go down for such a trip!"

When he came to genaku to meet Mr. K, McGillis saw the crystal coffin that couldn't see the real situation behind Mr. K.

"This... This is a dead man?!"

Gallio also noticed the existence of that thing, subconsciously said his doubts, but he was suddenly restrained by a terrible threat.


It was like a mountain, but also like a terrible silence in the deep sea.

At this moment, the scene in front of Gallio gradually became blurred, and his breathing gradually became rapid, even without rhythm. It was like a human who was about to drown in the water struggling to breathe in the last breath of air.

"I'm sorry, sir. Garrio just made a slip of the tongue. Please forgive him!"

Just when Gallio felt that he was about to lose his right to breathe and died, McGillis's voice came into Gallio's ear.

Then, the pressure that was terrible enough to deprive Gallio of his right to breathe suddenly subsided like a tide, and the rest of Gallio, who lost all his strength, fell on the ground, breathed heavily and looked frightened.

"That's my sister! She's just sleeping! She will be placed in my room. You don't have to worry!"

When the voice cold enough to freeze people's hearts came from behind the dark mask, Mr. K walked past Gallio with big steps, ignoring Gallio lying on the ground and unable to struggle to get up.

It was not until Mr. K's back disappeared in the aisle that McGillis lifted Gallio up.

"Are you okay, Gallio?"

"No. I'm fine. It's just a little weak."

Gallio shook his head and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with his trembling right hand.

"Maggie, you're right. That guy is definitely not an ordinary person. I haven't reflected this pressure from any one of the seven star family."

"Well, yes."

McGillis looked at Gallio's fear, but with a cautious face, nodded slightly.

"It's just, Maggie..."

"I know. Gallio."

Before Gallio could say his next words, he was interrupted by McGillis.

Then he looked up at the crystal coffin waiting to be sent to Mr. K's room.

"It seems that I have to give up my room! After all, Mr. K's room is not enough for his sister."

The training on fishing and fire is still ongoing.

However, after the training, the teenagers with colorful clothes have to face not only the situation of cleaning their bodies, but also the area they are responsible for.

From the moment when the first training ended, the laments and unyielding roars of teenagers could be heard from time to time.

"It's really reassuring! I didn't expect these guys to be so serious."

Olga, who was worried about whether these guys would turn over after training, was finally relieved.

"That's natural! No one wants to be looked down upon by his partners."

With a piece of red and green paint on his face, Eugene didn't care about his image at all and walked into the bridge.

"Eugene, you guy, go back and clean up! From today on, not only the partners who lost in training, but also ourselves must pay attention to personal hygiene. We should stay on this ship for at least half a year."

Olga's reprimand caught Eugene off guard.

But when he glanced at Lei Mingkai sitting next to him, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration and seemed to have understood.

"Yes! Commander. I see!"

Looking at Eugene's back, Olga sighed.

"What a troubling bunch of guys. Then, sir, what do you think of the situation we are facing?"


When Lei Mingkai opened his mouth, it was a somewhat ambiguous answer.


Olga doesn't understand.

"Yes. Wait!"

Lei Mingkai nodded.

"Someone will bring the guide in front of us."

"Someone? Who is it?"

Olga asked a question subconsciously, but suddenly remembered someone who didn't appear in the first team returning to the base after the first battle with gallalhorn.

However, Olga learned from those people that the man should have died.

"Dead? Olga. Did you see the body of the fat pig with your own eyes? Or did those who have been dismissed see the dead pig ground by the gunfire of gallalhorn?"

Lei Mingkai saw Olga's doubts at a glance.

"This... That is to say, father Maruba may find other forces to pursue us?"

Along the guidance of Lei Mingkai, Olga suddenly understood.

Moreover, as his thoughts became active, Olga soon figured out the cause and effect.

"Your previous amazing move was not for the Mars branch of galarhorn, but for the forces hidden behind it and possibly entrusted by the living father Maruba?"

"There are indeed such considerations. However, all we can do now is to wait."

Lei Mingkai raised his hand and drew the track from Mars to Jupiter on the star map in front of him.

"As long as the ship moves towards Jupiter, Maruba and the party entrusted by him will inevitably jump out."

"So, would they be under the command of divaz, a huge organization that controls the trade in the Jupiter circle?"

Olga thought of a possibility.

"Well, very likely."

Just then, an unknown communication reached the fishing fire.

Looking at Fu mitan, the maid who has become the correspondent of fishing and fire, Lei Mingkai's eyes flashed and showed a smile.

"Look! Olga. The enemy has sent it to the door."

The negotiation was carried out without accident and waves, and ushered in the end of the quarrel between the two sides.

Looking at the young man of his own side who somehow seemed confident and had no fear of being named, Minglai felt a headache.

In particular, there is a useless fat pig who can only shout. While making noise, Minglai has to distract himself from pacifying the pig.

"All right! All right! Maruba! I remember there was a saying, courtesy before soldiers. Now we have done enough in etiquette, and the rest is practical means! Amida. Are you sure?"

NAGase dealt with a few words casually. With a big belly, NAGase constantly scolded Olga and other Maruba, and looked back at his wife.

The brown beauty sighed slightly and looked at Minglai with some bitterness.

"Do you think I will be sure after witnessing such a battle?"

"But, but..."

As soon as Maruba next to him heard it, he shouted, but Amida interrupted him.

"All right! All right! I know! After all, our tabbins has accepted your entrustment, Lord Maruba. Isn't it? I'll do my best."

After that, Amida looked at Minglai.

"Well, I'll fight with Aji. I'll leave it to you. NAGase."

That's what they say, but as husband and wife, they see each other's meaning in eye contact.

As soon as something goes wrong, take necessary measures to protect yourself.

This deal is not worth all tabbins has done.

Sadly, Maruba, who wanted to destroy Tiehua regiment, couldn't see the eye contact between them.


After the communication with tabbins was cut off, Lei Mingkai looked at Olga.

"Sir, will you attack?"

Olga's first sentence is such an inquiry.

"No. I'll stay on the fishing fire."

Leimingkai refused without hesitation, which stunned Olga, but then showed a clear smile.

"Really? I see. Then, inform the 3rd month and let him attack! In addition, Zhaohong also attack! This is the first battle of our Tiehua regiment! Don't lose!"


In genaku, babatos was ready to go, and on March 3, he changed his driving suit and sat in the cockpit, waiting for the moment of attack.

"Hello! The third month. The boss doesn't seem to attack!"

When Zhaohong's voice appeared on the communication channel, on March 3, he also noticed the other side of genaku, the motionless freedom up to.

"Really? What does that have to do with us? If freedom can't attack, it's to let us fight with all our strength. Otherwise, those training will be in vain."

The third moon did not think so much as Zhaohong.

From the beginning of those training, the third month seemed to understand Lei Mingkai's intention.

Everything makes the third moon adapt to the cosmic environment as soon as possible, and adapt to the battle of driving babatos in microgravity or even weightless environment.

"The third day of the month. You're really

Zhaohong moved his lips. Finally, he put away his mind and waited for the attack.

The sound of the operation of the mechanical arm rumbled, and babatos was placed on the ejection track in the sound.

"The third moon. Pay attention to the front of the fishing fire. There is an MS with high-speed performance! Don't be brought into its rhythm! Otherwise, I will drive free Gundam out to save you! At that time, the training will be tripled! Moreover, I will drive free Gundam to carry out simulation training with you personally, one-on-two simulation training."

At the moment of the imminent attack, the voice appearing in the communication channel made March and Zhaohong fight a cold war.

"Hello! The third moon, do you hear me?"

"Well, let's go!"