Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 683

The dignified atmosphere made everyone hold the gun handle tightly, and their eyes became extremely sharp. Even behind the sharp, there was more excited light.

This is what happened on the other side of the fishing fire in gnaku.

"Time is up! Attack!!"

Holding a rifle equipped with paint bullets for training, sinor's eyes flashed and roared.

At the same time, Cino took the lead in pulling the trigger and ejected a shuttle of paint at the two people standing surrounded by the crowd.

"Dada dada!"

In an instant, the whole genaku was submerged by the sound of gunfire.

Let the Nadi people who are circling around babatos subconsciously look back at the boiling corner.

"What the hell are these guys doing?"

Scorched by the flames make complaints about Nadia's vomit.

Now he has no mind to watch these noisy things. The maintenance of babatos alone was enough to exhaust him.

"Dada dada!"

Among the lacquer bullets whistling past, there were two embarrassed figures dodging.


"Pa Pa!"

Paint bullets kept popping flowers of different colors on the floating debris, which also gave the two people under microgravity a chance to breathe.


There are too many teenagers around with rifles equipped with training paint bullets.

As many as almost every gap between sundries and sundries was stared at by these teenagers, and all these gaps were sealed with bullet screens.

If they hadn't been divided into two groups, I'm afraid they were relying on the cover of sundries. The two people who survived under the barrage would have been covered with colorful paint.

"Hey! Give me a push!! I'll definitely let sinor's guys clean the aisle for us!!"

While playing happily, Eugene, who was in charge of directing another group of people, also secretly glanced at Sinoe, who was guarding the opposite side, while shooting a shuttle of paint bullets.

As if he felt Eugene's eyes, sinoton raised his rifle and waved it at Eugene.

"What are you looking at? If you stay in a daze, you'll clean up!"

"What? Sinoe!! wait for me!"

As partners who have been together for a long time, we all know what their personalities are. Just when the defeated party in this simulation training called sniper warfare will face the terrible task of cleaning the whole fishing fire, I'm afraid the best partner will have to "turn against each other"?

"Dada dada!"

The lacquer bullets roaring from all directions made Zhaohong, who was hiding behind a large piece of debris, almost unable to find a place to stay, especially embarrassed.

When he was almost hit by paint bullets several times, I'm afraid Zhaohong would have been the first out of the simulation training if he hadn't helped him in time on March.

"How... Exhausting!"

While struggling to avoid the gap between sundries and sundries, Zhaohong, a strong man, also saw that his selling partner, including himself, was also happily holding a rifle and shooting paint bullets at himself.

Somehow, under the constant avoidance, some tired Zhaohong breathed a sigh of relief.

"Be careful! Zhaohong!"

Suddenly, a strong force pulled Zhaohong's collar and fiercely pulled Zhaohong back.



Two paint bullets suddenly roared past Zhaohong's feet and played two colorful flowers on the debris on Zhaohong's left.

"Hoo, Hoo. Thank you! The third moon."

Zhaohong looked at the two gorgeous flowers, took a breath and couldn't help thanking them.

"No! Don't be distracted! You don't want to spend your precious time cleaning! Hold on for a while!"

On the third day of the month, while holding Zhaohong, she also looked back to the other side, where Olga and Lei Mingkai were.

This simulation training was proposed by Lei Mingkai.

The purpose is to enable the third moon to adapt to attacks from all directions in microgravity or even weightless environment as quickly as possible.

Although, the third month does not know whether Lei Mingkai's practice will be useful or not.

But after seeing Olga think a little, he agreed to Lei Mingkai's suggestion. On the third day, he knew that what he had to do was to do his best to complete the simulation training.

"Hello! March. I heard that after this simulation training, these sundries will be gradually reduced until we face Eugene and sinor directly."

Zhaohong stretched out his hand and pressed on the sundries around him, slightly stabilizing his body.

"Well, Olga, no, that's what Lei Mingkai suggested."

On the third day of the month, I remembered what Lei Mingkai said to him when he called people to carry out the simulation training.

"What? Is it true?"

Zhaohong's eyelids jumped wildly and couldn't help sighing.

It's really embarrassing!

On the other side, Olga felt the back of his head inexplicably as he watched the crowd bustle and scrambled to kick the third moon and Zhaohong out of the simulation training, so as to save his side from the terrible task of cleaning the transport ship.

He's never seen these guys be so positive.

"Surprised? Olga."

Lei Mingkai's voice came.

But Olga shook his head.

"No. It's just a little surprised. I didn't expect that it was just a simple cleaning task that could make these bastards so active. I never thought of it."

Leiming Kailang smiled.

"Really? It's just to find a reason to let them pay attention to their image and hygiene."

"Is it just that simple?"

Olga learned for the first time from Lei Mingkai the reason why the third moon, Zhaohong, sinor and Eugene were so noisy.

"Part of the reason! To be honest, in addition to being noisy, it can also make sanriyue and Zhaohong adapt to the cosmic environment as soon as possible. After all, enemies who are used to fighting in the cosmic environment will not attack you obediently according to the ground combat mode, will they?"

Leimingkai's words made Olga silent.

Really, although Olga knows that he needs a spaceship and a guide to go to earth, the actual situation... Seems a little thoughtless.

"Thank you very much!! Your Excellency!! let you take so much trouble!"

Suddenly, Olga bowed and thanked Lei Mingkai.

This surprised Lei Mingkai.

"No, you don't have to! Olga. You just lack experience. To be honest, you have done well without relevant training."

Lei Mingkai's boast made Olga a little embarrassed.

"No. I just think a little too much."

"Ha ha. It's not a question of thinking too much. To survive in the universe, thinking is necessary. Only when we think more comprehensively and rely on this fishing fire to cross the universe can we reach the earth safely."

"Yes! I see! Sir."

Under the distant back of the fishing fire are the wreckage of the armed transport ship and Gretz.

These killing weapons created by human top technology not long ago, after the spacecraft used to cross the universe became useless debris, they were also captured by the gravity of Mars and turned into fleeting meteors over the Martian sky.

In the eyes of the world, under the spectacular meteor shower, it is the desolate desert and the people who transport the sand excavated from the desert to the other side under the bright light of the searchlights artificially surrounded in the potholes in the desert.

Most of the people who are sweating and waving their excavation tools are old and hungry adults.

Next to this group of thin people who are still struggling to dig the desert under their feet is a ruddy but ferocious man with a whip.


When a loud whip broke the air, a thin figure fell powerlessly in the dust under the bright meteor shower.

"Get up! Get up! You scum!! even if you fall down, you won't have another bite to eat! Get up quickly! Finish these damn jobs!!"


The flying dust was torn to pieces by the waving whip, and brought up bursts of bright red mixed in the dust.


Under the sound of the whip breaking the air that made the people around shiver and subconsciously accelerated the excavation action, the fallen figure seemed to lose all reactions, motionless, and let the whip that was enough to tear the skin and flesh whip on himself.



The whistling of a whip,

The dull sound of the whip on his thin body,

Like the murmur of the devil, the people around showed an expression of great fear, for fear that it seemed to tear the whip of the night sky on themselves.


A clear and pleasant voice sounded, like the sunshine breaking the night sky in the morning.

The whip that exploded with terrible noise stopped immediately.

His fierce eyes and cruel face softened and even flattered Kong dun.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Ms. C. C. I just urge these lazy people to work hard! Please understand!"

In front of the green haired woman who is only 1.68 meters tall, the strong man of 1.8 meters is like a flattering kitten, slightly bowing his body, and his voice is as soft and low as possible, for fear that he will disturb the mysterious girl wearing white clothes and soft and beautiful green hair, who is undoubtedly similar to the legendary spirit.

"The progress is going according to our plan. There's no need to force them like this! Take turns when it's time to take turns!"

The green haired girl turned her eyes and looked around at the frightened figure. The figure was so low that she couldn't be called by anyone. She couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

"Yes! Yes! Everything is as you wish! Ms. C.C."

Although the strong man was very unhappy, he did so under the strong financial resources shown by the green haired girl.


The sound of the whip tearing the night sky sounded again.

However, this time is not a reminder of forced excavation, but a horn of liberation.

"Listen, you humble scum!! thanks to the understanding of the kind and beautiful Ms. C. C, you can finally get 4 hours of rest! Therefore, in the next 4 hours, you worthless reptiles give me a good thank you, Ms. C. C, and give me enough spirit and strength to complete the next excavation plan!"


Under the sound of the whip again, the crowd scattered like an amnesty.


The strong man who issued the dissolution order looked at the ungrateful crowd and couldn't help but bah. He felt unworthy for the green haired girl standing beside him.

"Ms. C. C, you see, these reptiles don't know how to be grateful! Even if you treat them better, these reptiles who are worse than garbage will forget your kindness to them as soon as they look back!"

The green haired girl looked at the scattered crowd, silently shook her head, and then looked up at the night sky, the night sky occupied by the meteor shower.

"Why? Why are you sad today?"

At this time, a familiar sound of footsteps sounded. At the same time, it also brought a sound that unexpectedly made C.C feel a little beaten.

"Oh? It is a natural right for women to be sentimental about something. Is it true that the great majesty is jealous of it?"

The purple light of dawn suddenly appeared from behind the green haired girl, and the strong man guarding the green haired girl fell into a dull state before he even spoke.

"You did a good job! Now, go back and have a rest! The next task is very important."

When the steady and magnetic male voice sounded, the strong Hamilton stood upright and knocked hard on his heart.

"Yes! My holy and supreme majesty!!"

With his head slightly sideways, he looked at the strong man walking towards the brilliant lights like a string puppet. At a glance, he knew that it was the area in the center of the excavation site. The green haired girl walking showed an unidentified smile.

"Why? Did you start playing your tricks as soon as you came here? Your majesty."

"Don't call me that! C.C. you know I hate it."

When the fine sound of leather shoes trampling on the desert echoed in C.C's ears, a black haired teenager with tall and straight posture and superior temperament appeared beside her.

"Hehe. Really? I don't call you your Majesty the emperor? Is there any other name to call you? For example, Mr. K, councillor Zhong Yan? Or Lu Lu Xiu?"

C. C smiled gently, like a witch who likes mischief.

The black haired boy shrugged helplessly and said with a smile:

"Whatever you like! But I have a better suggestion. If your initials are C.C? Then my name is L.L. for lulushu lampeki. How? We can call each other like this."

The black haired boy half smiled and half spoke seriously, which stunned the green haired girl on the spot. She didn't return to her mind for a long time.

Until her expression changed several times and her eyes began to glow, she suddenly pinned her face away and turned her back to the black haired boy who claimed to be L.L.

"Whatever you like!"

Seeing this, the black haired boy smiled proudly at the corners of his mouth.

Suddenly, a noise broke out from the central area of the excavation site without warning.

Listening carefully, we can find that these noises are bursts of fear calls of human beings in panic.

Moreover, the sound of gunfire and explosion followed the sound of fear.

"Here we go!"

The green haired girl who secretly wiped the water vapor from the corners of her eyes raised her head and looked at the brightest area of the excavation site. Her eyes showed a burst of unbearable brilliance.

"Can't you bear it? C.C. I didn't expect that you, known as the witch, would be soft hearted."

"No. It's just that I don't want her to see this. Lu Luxiu."

"No! She won't see it! Because we didn't cause this scene at all! It was caused by the culprit who trampled and abused his fellow human beings wantonly."

The cold laughter of the black haired boy sounded.

"In order to plunder more wealth, they don't hesitate to sell the same kind as goods. They, no, those animals are doomed to the end. An end that deserves it."

At the brightest moment of the meteor shower in the night sky, the desert rolled up bursts of cold wind again.

In the cold wind, deep and strange words came faintly from the fear cry mixed with gunfire.

"The world is the egg..."

"I'm a chick..."

Facing the cold wind blowing in his face, Lu Lu Xiu walked up the hillside and looked at the excavation site with bright lights, but it had been stained with blood by the dazzling bright red.

"Nanali, my brother finally found you!"