Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 685

Babatos and gretzgai, who were repaired by Tiehua regiment, flew out of the fishing fire one after another.

As soon as they appeared, they were captured by tabins' radar attacking the armored ship hammer.

"Did you find our attack first?"

Looking at the two light spots moving in the opposite direction with the fishing fire as the center, Minglai immediately frowned.

The light spot appearing at the front of the fishing fire should be the old body named babatos in the hands of Tiehua regiment, and the other one quickly towards the rear of the fishing fire is obviously the light spot that wants to stop the MS attack sent by tabbins. I'm afraid it is···

It seems that Minglai looks arrogant at himself, but he doesn't know that Maruba, who has begun to play other abacus in Minglai's heart, waved his hand in a hurry.

"I don't know where they got the MS?"

As he spoke, Maruba suddenly a spirit.

"By the way! It may have been the MS of gallalhorn captured during the previous attack on my base."

NAGase frowned slightly.

Now in the whole human world, only gallalhorn has the resources and technology to continuously produce a new AHAP reactor. In addition, even diwaz, who is famous in the outer ring of the circle, can only use the antique AHAP reaction furnace left over from the era of the Ecuadorian war.

Today, the unknown Tiehua regiment can capture and put gallalhorn's MS into actual combat.

I'm afraid even most organizations under divaz can't achieve this strength?

"Maruba! Do you remember any notable people among those teenagers?"

NAGase pondered and tried to learn about the composition of Tiehua group from Maruba.

As a result, it was regrettable.

Although Maruba shouted fiercely, he didn't know the composition of Tiehua regiment.

He kept repeating the names of Olga, Eugene, the third moon and Zhaohong.

Besides, Maruba knows nothing.

In this regard, NAGase gave up and continued to dig information about Tiehua regiment from Maruba.

At the same time, the heart was also shrouded in a haze.

This is not caused by the fact that Tiehua regiment can capture and put it into use again.

However, NAGase was never able to obtain information from Maruba about the body of the plane that appeared in an earth shaking way at the time of the battle between Tiehua regiment and gallalhorn in low orbit on Mars.

Because of the existence of this mysterious body, NAGase's heart has actually played a retreat drum.

If it weren't for the client and tabbins' reputation.

When NAGase considered the next action, babatos had encountered MS ambushing in front of the fishing fire.

It has to be said that the moment babatos, who did not act as expected, suddenly appeared in front of the fishing fire, had surprised lafda Frankland, the pilot of the impatient sth-14s hundred miles.

"Have I been found? How is it possible?"

Now, Baili is located behind an asteroid fragment floating in the channel between Mars and Jupiter.

In this excellent hidden position, lafda has enough confidence to ensure that she will not be found by the fishing fire of Tiehua regiment.

In addition to being surprised, lafda also forgot all these emotions that had become indifferent.

"Whether you are found or not, since you brought it to the door yourself, don't blame your sister for being polite!"

Slightly licked some dry lips, lafda quickly adjusted her relaxed body and put her whole spirit into the battle.

The next moment, a firelight flew out from behind the asteroid and disappeared into the vast space.

As everyone knows, at the moment of the fire, babatos, no, should be said to have found something different on the third month.

"Enemy? So fast."

As soon as the surprise appeared, it was pressed down by the third month.

The reason is that the third month has already seen a faster and more terrible speed.

"Although it is fast, it is slower than the speed of freedom."

In the mind of the third moon, I have already recalled the scene that freedom GAODA broke through the Martian atmosphere and smashed the Orcus armed transport ship like a meteor.

That terrible speed, I'm afraid, is the first time in my life and the only limit I can see?

Thinking of this, the third moon shook her head slightly and left all her unnecessary thoughts behind.

"Over there!"

As the third moon's eyes locked on a certain position in the vast space, the folding shotgun folded behind babatos's right shoulder began to unfold.


There was a roar and a recoil force sweeping towards the cockpit.


The shell with high initial speed was launched. The next second, under the cover of the darkness of space, it made a sudden move towards the hundred Li behind babatos in a fast and circuitous way.

A fleeting fireball flew past hundreds of miles in front of her on the spot, which frightened lafda into a cold sweat.

"Good... Dangerous! Is the movement of hundred miles seen through?"

Fortunately, it was more shocking.

A hundred Li who has always relied on high mobility to run across the battlefield will be seen through at the beginning of the battle?

Is that possible?

Lafda gradually put away some playful thoughts, and there was a trace of seriousness in her eyes.

"Interesting guy!"

As soon as the light of fire changed, he did not advance for a hundred miles but retreated. He turned and plunged into the darker and deeper space, and opened the combat distance with babatos at a faster speed.

"Can't you reach it?"

Babatos constantly adjusted the firing angle of the shotgun, but he failed to catch up with the more and more distant back.

Slightly frowned, and finally made a decision on March.

That's, chase!

On the other side, the gretzgai driven by Zhaohong also encountered two hundred miles from the Warhammer.

"Blue and red MS? It seems to be called Baili? Bailian? Well, I don't remember."

Compared with tabbins' lack of information on Tiehua regiment, Tiehua regiment learned in advance about Baili and Bailian driven by tabbins because of the existence of Lei Mingkai.

However, Zhaohong, who has no developed brain and muscle, doesn't seem to remember the difference between Baili and Bailian.

However, after a short observation, the two are divided into one category.

"Da Da!"

Gretz took the lead in launching the attack and tried to break up the two refined formations with the barrage of the 120mm rifle in his hand, so as to avoid being attacked by the other party at the same time.

of course.

Such an attack, Zhaohong did not intend to be able to beat down even one of the incoming refining all at once.

All he expected was to delay the attack as much as possible.

"Oh? Do you want to break up our formation as soon as you come up? It's really the same as a textbook! Aji, spread out! In addition, be careful of each other's warships. I have a hunch that we will be in big trouble as long as we get close to that warship!"


Among the blue refining, a calm female voice named Aji gulumin came.

Looking at the enemies separated from the left and right as he thought, Zhaohong took a breath and drank secretly.

"Good! Go on!"

"Dada dada!"

In the twinkling of an eye, Gretz jumped on the red refining that spread to the right.

"Oh, did you attack directly? Hehe. Men who are too direct won't please women! Boy!"

Amida was not surprised by Gretz's action.

Instead, she hoped from the beginning that Gretz would make such a decision.

Therefore, while the two refining planes spread out, the blue refining that Aji drove not only spread out, but also secretly retreated some distance to reduce his sense of existence as much as possible. With Amida's red refining, he attracted Gretz's attention.

"This is a trap! Zhaohong was caught."

This scene was naturally seen by Lei Mingkai standing on the Yuhuo bridge.


Olga, who gave up the captain's command position and handed it to Eugene, looked up and saw that Gretz, who seemed to have fought with the red refining, had changed.

"Yes. This is to lure the enemy in depth. The other party has been afraid of the shelling of fishing fire from the beginning and has no intention of attacking our ship at close range. Therefore, the only options that can stay with the other party are babatos and Gretz."

Lei Mingkai made a simple analysis of the current situation.

He believed that these simple battles would not defeat Olga.

What can make Olga feel difficult, I'm afraid, is the next action.

The opponent has begun to consciously lure Gretz into the shooting range of Warhammer.

If he fails to make a decision in time and Zhaohong fails to respond in time, I'm afraid gretzgai, who is attracted to the attack range of the Warhammer, is likely to become the first victim of the battle.

Olga's eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

Now, in order to meet the attack of tabens, the fishing fire has turned the bow and hit the other party's ferocious cannon fodder with the hardest armor in the bow.


Olga's eyes drifted involuntarily to Lei Mingkai.

As long as Lei Mingkai drives free GAODA to attack, with the unparalleled speed of free GAODA, he will be able to solve the battle in an instant.

But as soon as the idea appeared, Olga strangled it.

If every battle depends on Lei Mingkai and Freedom Gundam, does Tiehua group have the face to face Lei Mingkai's investment?!

Olga was suddenly photographed.

"Captain Olga. Sometimes hesitation will make you regret."

Lei Mingkai patted Olga on the shoulder and looked at Olga with a smile.

Olga was stunned and shook his head slightly.

"No, sir. If we have to rely on you every time, what value does our Tiehua group have for you to invest?"

Lei Mingkai disagreed.

In other words, the reason why Lei Mingkai offered not to attack just now is here.

"Olga. Since I have invested in Tiehua group, I am also qualified and obliged to participate at the critical moment involving the future development of Tiehua group."


"Look up! Head Olga, you are facing the major shareholder of Tiehua group! It is not shameful to ask the major shareholder for assistance at the critical moment of Tiehua group."

Lei Mingkai looked serious and criticized Olga's hesitation with an almost reprimanding attitude.

Olga opened his mouth and couldn't say anything for a moment.

"Or are you going to fight and try to make a surprise attack on tabbins' ship by means of forced raid and jump Gang operation between warships?"

In a few words, Lei Mingkai broke all the ideas in Olga's heart, leaving Olga speechless.

"Sir, how did you... How did you guess what I thought?"

Lei Mingkai smiled confidently and pointed to Olga's shocked face when the fishing fire was constantly bombarded by gunfire from the Warhammer.

"Needless to say? Olga, your thoughts appear on your face without reservation."



A more violent bombardment blew a big spark on the bow armor of the fishing fire, and also made the personnel in the fishing fire bear a more intense shock.


Olga breathed out slowly at the epicenter of the earthquake.

It seems that he has made a choice.

"You're right! I'm cutting corners. Then, sir, please help Tiehua group! We need diwaz's help anyway, so please let tabbins, no, please let diwaz see the power of our Tiehua group!"

The awakened Olga respectfully asked Lei Mingkai.

The next second, Lei Mingkai clapped Olga's shoulder again.

"Look up! Olga. You don't have to do this in the future! To tell you the truth, I'm also a member of Tiehua group."

Olga watched the figure of remingkai disappearing behind the hatch and slowly breathed out a breath.

Is the battle of Tiehua regiment a victory?

The answer is obvious.

"Inform the 3rd month and Zhaohong that they will hold on for a while! We have won this war!"

"It seems that we lost!"

The trap set by Amida and Aji really attracted the Gretz driven by Zhaohong and lured him step by step into the Warhammer's air defense fire network.

However, NAGase's heart was not happy.

The hunch in his heart became more and more real at this moment.

"Where's lafda? Are you still entangled with the warship?"

As soon as he spoke, NAGase knew it was impossible.

From the beginning of the battle to now, the only artillery that bombards the fishing fire is its own Warhammer.

Baili, who was scheduled to launch a surprise attack on the fishing fire, fell into entanglement with the old antique body.

This is for mingse, but seeing lafda's refining for the first time will fall into a stalemate battle.

"I say, Lord Maruba. This battle is almost over! Before the terrible body appears."

NAGase, who pressed his hat slightly, looked obliquely at Maruba, who was gnashing his teeth at the fishing fire on the screen.


Maruba didn't react for a moment.

The next second, NAGase sighed helplessly and raised his finger to the light under the fishing fire.

"You see, the terrible body appears! Let's surrender!"