Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 682

In a short period of time, the fact that a fully organized Gretz squadron was destroyed in front of his eyes stunned Gallio.

Even before the battle began, as a military attache from gallalhorn headquarters, Gallio despised the Gretz squadron stationed in remote areas.

But it is undeniable that no matter how unbearable this squadron is, it is also a part of gallalhorn and represents the combat power level of gallalhorn.

In the eyes of ordinary people, such a powerful gallalhorn MS squadron was easily destroyed by people like chopping melons and vegetables.

How can the son of Baldwin, one of the Seven Star families of galarhorn, who always stands high and overlooks all sentient beings, accept this contrast.

"Gallio, don't act rashly! There's a demonstration opposite."

When the strong contrast between reality and cognition was about to make Gallio take action, McGillis's voice came from the communication channel.

Moreover, an eb-05s schwalberg Gretz painted purple and blue also came to the purple eb-05s schwalberg Gretz driven by Gallio.

It is the special plane driven by mckillis, schwalberg Gretz.

"Mckillis. Do you think this is a demonstration? Demonstrate to us with a whole Gretz squadron and an armed transport ship? It's clearly provocative!!"

Gallio's voice was gradually filled with anger.

"No. Gallio, calm down!"

McGillis's eyes have never left the freedom to easily destroy a Gretz squadron since the attack.

McGillis gently held a fringe in his right hand, thinking and saying:

"Gallio, don't you find that the pair of unadorned gorgeous wings of light are gone?"


Gallio was stunned, but the next second he found that, as McGillis said, there was no pair of gorgeous light wings behind freedom GAODA.

If it hadn't been for McGillis' warning, Gallio wouldn't have found out for a while and a half.

Because even without the existence of the pair of light wings, the speed of freedom still refreshes Gallio's three views several times.

"But... But even so..."

"Gallio! The other party doesn't want to be hostile to us. No, it should be said that he doesn't want to be hostile to our galarhorn headquarters!"

McGillis stopped Gallio's movements.

"How could it? That would destroy all our Gretz squadrons in gallalhorn!!"

Gallio couldn't accept McGillis.

In his eyes, all the freedom of the Gretz squadron is undoubtedly the enemy!

"Kay, those two planes are coming!"

Among the debris scattered by Gretz, Freedom Gundam suddenly found the trend of the purple schwabel Gretz driven by Gallio.

Not surprisingly.

Compared with the farsighted McGillis, the eldest son of the baduwin family, garrio baduwin is more easily influenced by Lei Mingkai.

see. Just destroyed a Gretz squadron now, the noble childe born in the seven star family couldn't hold it and rushed up.

Presumably, McGillis should have tried to stop him, too?

Free Gundam slowly raised his right hand and pointed the sharp blade at the purple schwabel Gretz who was rushing here.

"On the third day of the month, you go back to the fishing fire first! Give it to me here!"

"I see!"

On the third day of the month, I took a look at the debris around Gretz and knew the gap between myself and Lei Mingkai.

Just now, when he was still in a hard battle with this Gretz Squadron, freedom GAODA easily solved these enemies as soon as he came out.

In the back of babatos's rapid retreat, purple schwabel Gretz rushed into the airspace filled with Gretz's debris.

"I found you! Strange looking MS!!"

Freedom GAODA did not avoid or hide, but quietly stayed in the middle of the airspace full of debris, as quiet as the host's house waiting for distinguished guests to come.

"Dada dada!"

Gallio said that anger was inevitable, but McGillis reminded him that Gallio listened more or less.

At the moment of discovering freedom GAODA, purple schwabel Gretz immediately raised his 120mm rifle, which was a continuous shot, trying to force freedom GAODA out of the wreckage.

In the light of the 120mm rifle, bullets kept moving towards the debris blocking the attack route, and even Freedom Gundam launched a rainstorm like attack.

Among the constantly tearing debris, more and more bullets penetrated the debris, smashed the debris and directly hit free Gundam.


Among the wildly leaping sparks symbolizing hitting the target, Freedom Gundam remained unmoved, just like a stone carving, quietly bathed in the barrage issued by schwabel Gretz.

"No effect?!! What kind of armor is this? Schwabell's rifle can't penetrate each other's armor?!"

The look of letting the attack go,

The armor that is strong enough to be terrible,

While Gallio was shocked, the anger in his mind was extinguished on the spot, and the rest was fear and calm gradually gaining the upper hand.

However, at the moment when the barrage shot by purple schwabel Gretz stopped, Gundam's freedom to attack disappeared from purple schwabel Gretz's camera.

"No! Where have you been?"

Gallio woke up and found that his purple schwabel Gretz had unknowingly penetrated into the airspace of Gretz's wreckage.

Both in front of and behind him, Gretz's remains are floating around, which greatly hinders the vision of purple schwabel Gretz.


No if!!

The terrible and cold breath suddenly came from the void, shrouded Gallio in it, made him unable to move, and lost the possibility of any struggle.

"Dead?! am I dying?"

At this moment, Gallio seemed to feel the disillusioned end when the Gretz squadron was destroyed just now.

"Dada dada!"

In the terrible cold breath, a fire tore through the fog of death that enveloped Gallio.

The purple and blue schwabel Gretz wielded his axe to chop up the wreckage blocking the retreat of purple schwabel Gretz, and then suddenly raised his 120mm rifle to hit the wreckage on the right.

"Dada dada!"

Another series of barrages blasted the wreckage that had just floated to the right of the purple and blue schwabel Gretz.

In the roaring explosion,

Under the dazzling light,

Purple and blue Schwarz came directly forward, grabbed purple Schwarz and ran away.

"Gallio! Keep up. The battle is over. We don't have to give our lives for Connor!"


Gallio's eyes were fixed on the figure emerging from the sea of fire.

He is very unwilling!

But what?

"Let's retreat first! This is not our battlefield!"

McGillis was calm in his eyes. After comforting Gallio casually, he threw out all the flash bombs equipped on the love plane.



In an instant, the dazzling white light separated the two schwabel Gretz from Freedom Gundam.

"Don't you chase?"

For the zero type, this mere flash bomb is not enough to mention.

It's just that Lei Mingkai didn't mean to pursue.

"No. that's enough! It's a demonstration. If you keep chasing the inspectors from the galarhorn headquarters of the earth, I'm afraid the next journey will not be very easy."

Although there was no communication between the two sides, from the shape and painting of the body, Lei Mingkai had seen through the identity of the pilots of the two schwabel Gretz.

Mcgillius Farid.

Gallio Baldwin.

These two great men who will play an important role in the future are indeed here.


Lei Mingkai's eyes left the airspace that had been blocked by dazzling white light and landed on the debris floating around free GAODA.


"Didn't think of anything? Regret letting them go?"

Zero doesn't understand where Lei Mingkai's exclamation comes from.

"No. It's just a sigh. Go back!"

The inspector from gallalhorn headquarters escaped.

Connor Conrad, head of the Mars branch of gallalhorn, who has been standing on the top of the Martian people for a long time, has become a sacrifice for the new iron huatuan to enter the universe as a result of his death.

Anyone who has witnessed this battle can hardly forget the moment when the whole battle was reversed at the moment when the light appeared.

Looking at the debris floating quietly in low orbit, which will be captured by the gravity of Mars from time to time and fall into the atmosphere, an embarrassed sigh will sound when an armed transport ship comes to this area.

"What the hell did I do? I agreed to the entrustment of that fat pig."

White suit, straight long hair, triangular hanging eyes and a slightly frivolous smile are the owner of the armed transport ship that came to this area. At the same time, it is also the leader of tabbins, a transport organization under the name of divaz, named Sete Tabin.

"What? Do you regret it?"

The person standing next to the famous man was a brown woman with long brown hair who tied up the hem of the red shirt to show a devil's figure.

She seemed happy to see men's embarrassment.

"Yes! I'm a little regretful! Amida. You saw the previous battle. No matter how the Tiehua regiment got the MS, the MS that appeared at the end was so foul! I'm afraid that even the star of divaz doesn't have such a frightening existence?"

Minglai picked up the white hat at hand and put it on his head. At the same time, it pressed the brim of the hat.

Under the shadow of the brim, a trace of regret quietly emerged from the bottom of my eyes.

How on earth can we have the terrible combat power?

As the most famous transportation organization under divaz, NAGase thinks there is something he has never seen on Jupiter from the earth circle to the outer circle

But the last scene of the battle surprised Minglai.

"I said, Amida, can we break the contract?"

After pondering for a long time, Minglai took a slow breath.

As NAGase's assistant and his wife, Amida pursed her lips and couldn't say anything for a moment.

Because, she knows.

The entrustment, whether done or not, will have an impact on tabins' reputation.

"NAGase, why not..."

"No. I've decided."

Before Amida finished, Minglai raised her right hand to stop her from speaking. It seems that she has an idea.

"Amida. Go on! Let lafda attack! With refined speed, it should be possible to ambush in front of those teenagers in the shortest time."

Amida was silent and nodded.

Then, the Commission continues.

Just, I don't know what will happen to tabins?

Can tabins retreat from the moment he provokes that terrible enemy?

The two men who are racking their brains to arrange the next action do not know that Lei Mingkai has already stared at them when they have just bitten the tail of Tiehua regiment from a distance.

The fishing fire in gnaku has long been a busy scene.

With the help of microgravity, groups of teenagers pushed the parts taken out from the warehouse and floated towards babatos on the left side of gnaku, so that the serviceman father floating in front of babatos could make a unified summary, and then carry out the maintenance of babatos.

"This is really nerve racking!"

Nadi has made the same lament more than once.

Since babatos was included in the battle sequence of Tiehua regiment, Nadi felt that his head was not enough.

After racking his brains, Nadi suddenly saw the two figures floating towards the entrance in the area on the right side of genaku, where free GAODA was parked.

"This is really convenient!"

After more contact, Nadi learned more or less that Freedom Gundam doesn't need people to maintain.

After returning from each battle, the radiance transmitter system equipped by free Gundam will enter the self-test state and repair the damaged parts of free Gundam during the battle.

Nadi didn't understand how such a convenient system was born.

But he knew that if babatos had such a system, he wouldn't need to worry so much now.

As everyone knows, if freedom GAODA can have such a convenient system, it does not come from the brilliance transmitter, but from the zero type credit.

Otherwise, how can zero type lie on the free GAODA without moving?

Lux's nose flapped a few times and her eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

"Kay, what next? There is no guide to guide the ship to the earth. I'm afraid captain Olga and they are at a loss?"

Lei Mingkai shook his head slightly, sniffed slightly, and frowned.

"No. It's nothing. The wizard problem will be solved soon. But now we have a more important problem to solve."

"More important question?"

Lachs blinked, as if she didn't respond.

"Yes! It's time for Olga to gather people to clean up the transport ship! Otherwise, we'll have to endure on the ship for half a year."

"Kay! You!"