Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 670

The flame at the muzzle of the 30mm machine gun went out quietly.

Oulis, who should have been abusing CGS people, also extinguished all life reactions.

Even if his abusive voice was so loud just now, it can not change the fact that commander Gretz's cockpit has been turned into a horse honeycomb by the attack of white tk-53.

"Lieutenant K. Cronk!!"

As the new pilot of gallalhorn, ayin fought a cold war and quickly shouted the experienced and steady kronk.

Eyin's anxious call, Cronk naturally heard it.

It's just that he can't believe his eyes.

He could not imagine that the overwhelming MS would be solved in an instant by two mobile engineers who were undoubtedly equivalent to iron coffins.

Even as a veteran, kronk could not react to this situation at the first time.

"Lieutenant Cronk! Lieutenant Cronk!"

Ain's call continues.

Moreover, a few dusts had been raised near krank and ain's Gretz.

It seems that Lei Mingkai and March jointly succeeded in killing the Gretz. Olga, Eugene and Zhaohong also saw the dawn of victory in this battle.

"Everybody! Although I don't want to bear it, the noble guest's tactics are really useful. Then, let's go!"

"I see!"

"Copy that!"

Under Olga's leadership, four mobile engineers crossed at high speed and surrounded Cronk and ayin's Gretz from all directions.

That momentum made ayin's heart beat faster.

"Lieutenant Cronk!"

Seeing that kronk didn't respond, ayin bit his teeth and changed his hand, Gretz immediately raised his 120mm rifle to the mobile engineers driven by Olga and Eugene.

I have to say, Ayn's luck is really good.

He was able to inadvertently select Olga's mobile engineer.


However, the moment he fired his first bullet, ayin's Gretz's next attack was stopped.

"Stop! Ain."

It's Cronk.

Finally, kronk controlled his Gretz to stop ain, and then looked at the seemingly insignificant mobile engineer parked in front of the Gretz commander.

He knew that all changes would start from the moment this mobile engineer appeared.

In other words, it is the culprit that leads to the current situation!

"Ain! Retreat!!"

Cronk stared at the mobile engineer without paying any attention to Olga's attack on his Gretz.

Even Olga and others were inspired by Lei Mingkai and then specifically attacked Gretz's joints.

Unfortunately, the four mobile engineers, including Olga's mobile engineers, failed to paralyze Gretz's movement as accurately and quickly as Lei Mingkai did before.

Instead, Gretz, who was driven by kronk, was forced to withdraw from a long distance.




Gretz's 120mm rifle fired again.

But it was not aimed at mobile engineers, but only maintained at a level sufficient to push back the attack of Olga and others.

"Ain! What are you doing? Retreat!"

Cronk shouted for AIN.

"No! Lieutenant Cronk! We can't just retreat!"

Cronk's caution, ain doesn't understand!

All he knows is that if they retreat now, his task will fail!

It's just some mobile engineers!

Why let the team with three Gretz choose to retreat!!

Ain doesn't understand at all!

So ayin drove his Gretz to the fallen commander Gretz.


Ain's goal is the mobile engineers driven by Lei Mingkai and lacs!

"Hey! That Ms wants to kill our distinguished guest! Stop him!"

Eugene, the nearest one, shouted for support on the spot.

However, the gr-h-01 Tomahawk waved his left hand by ayin's Gretz was almost hit.

"Hey! Eugene! Be careful! Our mobile engineers are not as strong as these MS!"

Olga, who drilled back to the rear cockpit in time, patted the protective board of the mobile engineer vigorously.

"I know! But we can't let it attack our distinguished guests!"

Eugene shouted anxiously, but he couldn't catch up with leimingkai and rax's Gretz by jumping long distances in the splashing mud and stones.

"No! Our distinguished guests will not be killed so easily."

Compared with Eugene's anxiety, Olga calmly said this sentence.

Moreover, Olga's sharp eyes cast from under the dart bangs to the screen in front of him - the mobile Engineer tk-53 under the shadow of death brought by Gretz's Tomahawk.

"Dada dada!"

In the roar of the engine, the white mobile engineer jumped up from the fallen commander Gretz and met the waving axe with a fearless attitude.

The flame of the 30mm machine gun stabbed ain's eyes as deeply as a mockery at the moment.

"Don't get in the way!! clearly!! clearly, things are so simple! Why resist US!!"

As soon as Gretz turned his left hand, he fell down all the attacks of the white mobile engineers with a wide side. At the same time, he pushed forward and beat the white mobile engineers like flies.


In the loud impact between metals, Gretz, about 18 meters high, fell in front of the brownish yellow mobile engineer.

"The person who commanded the battle before is you!! as long as we kill you, our task can be completed!"

There was anger in ein's eyes, and his Gretz suddenly raised his axe and cut down at the target.

The blow was as fast as thunder, and there was no time left for Zhaohong to rescue.


This blow must be able to split the fragile armor of the mobile engineer's Tomahawk, but Lei Mingkai was not afraid, and even lacs could not be frightened by it.

Because a flash appeared!

Above the sky, at the moment when the scream tore the sky, a flash of light, like a mythical punishment, hit Gretz straight.


This is a sudden change between lightning and Firestone!

This is the instant upheaval that will ruin Lei Mingkai and rax in ain's eyes!

Gretz's axe is down!

But the sharp blade of the Tomahawk did not hit the mobile engineer, but fell powerlessly and splashed a burst of dust in ain's stunned eyes.

"What happened?"

As soon as the question emerged from the bottom of his heart, ayin's consciousness fell into darkness in a violent impact.

Ain didn't know what happened, but Cronk witnessed the moment when ain's grace was split by the lightning falling from the sky.

The dust gradually settled.

A long sword, about 8 meters long, with white blade and body, appeared at the feet of grace in.

It is the real murderer who let Gretz's Tomahawk attack in vain.

A long sword falling from the sky.

It not only cut off Gretz's left arm, but also let ayin's life reaction fall to the lowest point.

"Get out of the way!! I have no intention of continuing to fight you!!"

In order to save ain, kronk no longer hesitated and drove his Gretz straight up.

But unexpectedly, they were besieged by many mobile engineers led by white mobile engineers.

To tell the truth, compared with the battle just now, kronk, as a veteran, took a response that put great pressure on the siege team of white mobile engineers. If he was careless, he would be blown up on the spot.

"Cut! This guy is different from the two MSS just now!"

Zhaohong drove his blue tk-53, narrowly avoided the bullet of a 120mm rifle, and was in a cold sweat.


On the third day of the month, I didn't feel anything. I just wanted to make the idea of dropping the Gretz more intense.

Nevertheless, their obstruction on March was always unsuccessful.

Gretz just jumped many times and rushed to his destination.

Looking at the white blade falling from the sky,

Also looking at the mobile engineer parked next to commander Gretz,

Kronk will inevitably have some ideas in his mind, but rational he did not hesitate to retreat quickly with Gretz whose left arm was cut off at the next moment.

In the roar of AHAP furnace's full operation, two Gretz quickly disappeared in front of CGS and others.

The remaining forces of gallalhorn who participated in the attack followed closely.

Looking at the enemy gradually disappearing on the edge of the wasteland, Olga and others couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Some even collapsed directly on the ground and didn't want to move any more.

"What is that long sword?"

The excitement brought by the fierce battle gradually subsided, and Olga couldn't help looking at the long sword falling from the sky.

In terms of specifications, this is not a human weapon, or even a weapon used by mobile engineers.

you 're right!

This is the weapon used by MS!

However, in this battlefield, in addition to the three Gretz, there is only the one in the deepest part of the CGS base···

"No. It won't be it!"

Even at the beginning of the battle, Olga had asked the serviceman's father to prepare for it, but in fact, the body was far from ready.

Not to mention, it has the possibility of launching a god like attack.

"In that case..."

Olga's bangs fell slowly, covering Olga's eyes as he looked at the mobile engineer next to the long sword.

"Is this the sword of Freedom Gundam?"

Holding Lei Mingkai's right hand, lacs, who came out of the stuffy cockpit of tk-53, looked at the long sword and felt a sense of familiarity.

"Yes. Luckily I caught up."

Lei Mingkai nodded.

At the critical moment just now, Freedom Gundam is ready after all.

Moreover, under the control of zero type, he threw out the blade in time to shoot down Gretz's Tomahawk.

"Really? Then my work is over."

Lacs stretched slightly and then untied her curled hair.

Between the long pink hair flying in the wind, the charming face and the sassy posture just walking down from the fierce battlefield have formed a strong visual impact at the moment.

This scene was stunned by the young soldiers who surrounded and looked at the long sword falling from heaven.

"Cough! What are you doing here? Go and clean the battlefield and guard! The enemy won't leave so easily! Go quickly!"

Olga's cough followed, woke up the young soldiers one after another, and quickly dispersed in this burst of shouting and swearing.

"Captain Olga. Don't you clean up the mess?"

Lei Mingkai glanced at the scattered young soldiers and looked at Olga.

Olga's eyes stagnated and he already knew what Lei Mingkai meant.

"Well, I'll deal with these things later. It's just..."

As he spoke, Olga's eyes couldn't help floating to the long sword.

"That's my stuff. But it's not time to tell you what it is."

Lei Mingkai simply admitted some facts, but retained the most critical facts.

For Olga, this part of the truth is enough.

"I see! Mr. Lei Mingkai, thank you very much for your help! I hope we can have a chance to talk again after the matter is settled."

As he turned to leave, Olga suddenly added.

"Mr. Lei Mingkai, if you are interested, this mobile engineer can be lent to you for a while."

Lei Mingkai raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"How about this? You know, this is CGS's property."

Olga shrugged his shoulders and the corners of his mouth tilted slightly.

"There's nothing wrong. CGS may no longer exist when father Maruba abandons us and runs away."

With that, Olga waved and walked towards his mobile engineer.

Facing the breeze with the residual smell of gunsmoke, lacs's long pink hair flew gently, and her smart eyes watched the young soldiers cleaning the battlefield.

"Probably, they have figured out something."

"Yes. I have figured it out. But the road ahead of them may become more difficult."

Lacs looked at Lei Mingkai with the light that saw through everything.

"Actually, is that your plan, too, Kay?"

Lei Mingkai didn't deny it, but he didn't admit it. He just sighed.

"I just pushed it. Lacs. Even without us, they would still make the same choice."


Even if there was no chaos between the two, the battle ended with Olga's victory.

It's just that there are different objects to end the battle.

Babatos, who should have been the protagonist of the battle, is still sleeping.

Instead, a group of mobile engineers under the command of Lei Mingkai achieved this incredible victory.

Lacks looked at Lei Mingkai's expression carefully, but she didn't find out the flaw of Lei Mingkai.

So lacs smiled softly:

"Well, what shall we do next? My knight."