Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 669

"Success... Success!!"

Danji, who had just smashed the enemy, trembled slightly in his hands, and his voice was unbelievable.

In front of me was the burning wreckage of the body, and the cold touch of pulling the trigger before was still clearly visible.

Danji didn't seem to be able to accept the fact that he actually killed an enemy.

"D1! Don't be in a daze! Keep up with S1! The battle is not over yet!"

Lei Mingkai's voice awakened Danji from some floating state.

"Ah! Yes!"

No matter how Olga and Eugene react, it seems that Danji has accepted the command of Lei Mingkai.

Looking at the mobile engineers following behind the tk-53 driven by sinor according to Lei Mingkai's instructions, Olga's face was indeed a little ugly, but finally he admitted that Lei Mingkai's command did have some tricks.

"Your Excellency, can you really command us to win this battle? This battle that treats us as abandoned children?"

The meaning of Olga's words is obvious.

Lei Mingkai smiled.

"Abandoned son? That's not necessarily the case. Isn't it? Captain Olga, didn't you also keep a hand?"

Eugene was greatly confused by their hidden words.

"Hey, Olga, what the hell are you doing? Hurry up if you want to make a decision! Gallalhorn seems to have increased his troops!"

Olga looked back and gallalhorn did put the reserves into the battle.

Then the decision comes out.

"Then, distinguished guest! The third team, including me, please!"

"OK! K1, come forward! S1, lead your men to follow around K1 and provide cover!"

Olga is so sensible that Lei Mingkai will not let this piece become an abandoned piece as the king on the chessboard!

In the next second, two tk-53s painted in white and blue rushed out from behind the CGS gate and rushed into the battlefield with high-speed maneuvers crossing left and right.

"Oh? Just in time! B1, A1! Your task is to rush into the enemy's formation as much as you can."

Lei Mingkai looked at the two mobile engineers in the high dust and said in a loud voice.

"Hmm? Is that the man? Is he directing us?"

Among the blue tk-53, Zhaohong looked at his code in surprise.

"I don't know! But Olga said to listen to him, then I'll listen to his command!"

Compared with the confused Zhaohong, the third moon is much simpler.

Since Lei Mingkai issued the order to let him attack freely, everything will be completed according to his own ideas on March 3.

As a result, a white figure as fast as lightning shuttled back and forth in gallalhorn's nk-17. Every time it approached the moment of almost zero distance, it was the moment when the 30mm machine gun of the white tk-53 roared.

"Dada dada!"

In the roar of the machine gun, the huge and heavily armored nk-17 was harvested wantonly by the white tk-53 driven by the third moon like fragile paper.

On the other side, so is Zhaohong's blue tk-53.

In that unparalleled momentum unwilling to lag behind the third month, Zhaohong also adopted the same offensive strategy.

Accelerate the movement, shorten the distance, and then explode nk-17 on the spot in a very short or even zero distance.

"Very good! The third moon and Zhaohong rushed in!"

Olga saw the March moon and Zhaohong's appearance, and the situation of the whole battlefield immediately reversed.

Moreover, at the moment when the situation turned around, several red flares suddenly soared from the rear of the CGS base, as if they were telling everyone on the battlefield a signal.

As these red flares rose to the highest altitude, the nk-17 troops who were storming the CGS base really began to divide into two groups, one remained in place to attack the CGS, and the other detoured towards the rear of the CGS.

It seems that he doesn't want to let anyone in this base go.

"No! Don't be happy too soon! Captain Olga."

Lei Mingkai expected the separation of nk-17 troops, but the real play is behind.

The once one-sided fighting situation turned around in an instant, which greatly dissatisfied oulis, who was entrusted with an important task by Connor Connor, head of the Mars branch of gallalhorn, and wanted to show off in front of his former chief.

Originally, oulis despised the old-fashioned of his former chief officer and now subordinate kronk chant. Therefore, under this great opportunity, the commander entrusted with an important task wanted to slap kronk chant's old-fashioned face with facts on the spot.

"It's useless! It's useless! I've had enough!"

Watching the attack of mobile engineers and infantry frustrated, driving his beloved aircraft, commander Gretz rushed out of the Mars branch of gallalhorn on the other side of the battlefield, tore away the billowing smoke and rushed to the bottom of the fighting hillside.

"Waste! Waste! It's a group of waste! It's just such a dilapidated base. It still takes so much time! All members of the mobile engineering team have to reduce their salaries!!"

The grumpy voice was played unreservedly by the external sound device.

Combined with the oppressive feeling brought by the huge MS that is many times larger than the mobile engineers, the people on Olga's side have made different responses.

Some were shocked,

Some doubts,

But most of them went back into the cockpit of the mobile engineers without saying a word, ready for a more intense but more dangerous battle.

"Lacs! Come on!"

In the previous battle between mobile engineers, Lei Mingkai didn't want to get involved.

Now, as the protagonist of this offensive and defensive war has appeared, it is necessary for Lei Mingkai to take the initiative.

Otherwise, Olga, who has just admitted his command, may have something to say.

Even Eugene, a noisy rebel all day, would clamor to shut up.

If this really happens, Lei Mingkai's old face will have nowhere to hang.

"I see!"

Lacs knew the situation Lei Mingkai was facing. Therefore, under his driving, tk-53 took the lead to rush down the hillside and went straight to the Gretz commander.

The roar of the tk-53 engine and the flying dust were instantly captured by the Gretz commander radar.

The hint of the enemy's attack was also seen by oulis, who was scolding his own soldiers.

"What?! just a mobile engineer dare to run over and attack?!"

Oulis stared at the mobile engineers who rushed down from the mountain. While feeling great contempt, he raised an unknown fire from his heart.


In the angry shouting, commander Gretz raised his 120mm rifle and fired three shots at the tk-53 halfway up the mountain.




When the shrill sound of the shell tearing the air swept through the air, a series of three explosions immediately covered the hillside.

The high blown dust and the hot and pungent smell of explosion wantonly impacted the nasal cavities of Olga, Eugene and others who had not been able to keep up.

Eugene was stunned when he saw that it was just a simple triple shot that could make a hillside beyond recognition.

"Are you kidding? How can we win MS just by relying on our old mobile engineers?"

The explosion gradually went away. When the CGS side was shocked by the three consecutive shots of commander Gretz, Cronk chant and ain Dalton, who were ordered to follow behind oulis, drove their Gretz to the back of commander Gretz respectively.

"Oulis! Why shoot! Our purpose is..."

"Shut up! Kronk! If you want to finish the task, then the recycling work will be left to you! I'm angry now! Don't force me! Kronk! Now, I'm the commander!"

Oulis yelled at kronk loudly, even using the name of commander to suppress kronk.

Cronk, who was privately called old-fashioned by oulis, did shut his mouth.

"Ain! You too! Don't interfere with me!"

After repeatedly scolding kronk and ain, commander Gretz of oulis raised his 120mm rifle again.

The goal is still the hillside with endless gunsmoke.

No matter how bad oulis was, he didn't feel that the attack launched by his commander Gretz was possible to hit the enemy during the shooting just now.

Even the hillside has been submerged by heavy bombing.

"How is that possible?"

In front of him was the slowly moving, there was no accurate heart to lock the target, and oulis's eyebrows gradually wrinkled.


Suddenly, in the gradually dispersed smoke, a sound like an explosion came.

Drew everyone's attention to the past.


Just as everyone's eyes gathered at the moment when the smoke was about to dissipate, a figure appeared in the air.

It's a mobile engineer!

At the moment of this figure, Olga and others' faces suddenly became wonderful.

without doubt.

From the visual point of view,

From the radar identification signal,

The mobile engineers who rushed out of the smoke were the mobile engineers driven by Lei Mingkai and lacs!


He didn't lose his life under commander Gretz's attack!

On the contrary, it reappeared in front of Olga and others in an almost intact state.


After the tk-53 mobile engineers rushed out of the huge crater fell heavily on the ground, they broke out their own speed with all their strength at the moment when the buffer device just took effect, and launched an attack towards the Gretz commander again.

"K1, S1, B1, A1, the battle plan has been transmitted to your terminal! Follow the plan! B1, follow me!"

Amid the rolling dust, Lei Mingkai and rax's mobile engineers rode to the commander of Gretz.

"Come on! Keep up! It's just a few MSS! We still have a chance of winning!"

After Olga glanced at the plan sent by Lei Mingkai, he had to admit that from the perspective of tactical arrangement, Lei Mingkai's plan is more comprehensive than his own imagination, and also has more pertinence and possibility of success.

"I see!"

On the first day of March, when Olga said this, he rushed up on the spot and quickly followed Lei Mingkai's footsteps.

Looking at the dust rising again and the mobile engineers rushing over, oulis's anger soared to a new height on the spot.

The burning anger finally ignited oulis's reason.


The hiss of the 120mm rifle sounded again.

But they didn't smash the locked target, just hit huge mud pits near the target.



Although it can avoid most of the attacks of the 120mm rifle, the shock wave caused by the bullet it fired is difficult to avoid.

In the cockpit, which was shaking constantly and whining from time to time under the blast wave of the explosion, lacs slightly clenched her teeth, but there was no mistake in her hand, making the tk-53 avatar an unimpeded fish swimming in the explosion frenzy, and rushed to the vicinity of commander Gretz flexibly and quickly.

"Da! Da! Da!"

At the moment when the distance between the two was shortened, Lei Mingkai, who was in control of the fire control, pulled the trigger on the spot and bombarded the key joints such as the heel and knee of commander Gretz at close range with the bullets fired by the 30mm machine gun equipped with tk-53.

Lei Mingkai knows that the 30mm machine gun of tk-53 can't penetrate Gretz's armor at all. Therefore, some skills are needed to master the victory of this battle!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The bombardment of 30mm machine gun constantly set off bursts of explosions on the knee and heel of commander Gretz, which also made oulis see Lei Mingkai's intention on the spot.


Even if he had seen through Lei Mingkai's intention, he could not blow up the mobile engineers driven by lacs on the spot in a short time.

"Try to be smart! Just some humble insects!! what's the use of facing my Gretz!"

As mentioned earlier, the rampant noise of oulis has been spread all over the battlefield by sound external equipment.

"What a noise! This man."

Lei Mingkai and lacs did not respond to this, but their actions were seen by the third moon.

"I see. I see!"

After a little observation on the third moon, I saw a crack in the knee of commander Gretz, and I already understood the intention of Lei Mingkai and rax.

MS is not invincible.

It just depends on one's courage, technology and luck.


In addition to the first two, the latter is in the hands of Lei Mingkai.

"Da! Da!"

In this cat and mouse chase, or mouse and cat chase, commander Gretz's action suddenly froze, and then there was a harsh wail.

"Squeak ~ ~ ~ Click... Click..."

The MS with great pressure suddenly froze.

Then, it fell down inexplicably.


In the heavy sound of MS crashing to the ground, oulis was stunned, Cronk was stunned, and ayin was stunned.

However, Lei Mingkai remained calm.

Because Gretz's fall was already in his calculation.

"March moon! Attack Gretz's cockpit!! come on!"

At the moment when the command fell, the white tk-53 tore away the rolling smoke and raised a 30mm machine gun to the neck of commander Gretz - it was not protected by thick armor, but it was a crazy shooting with the cockpit protected by a protective layer that was not armor.

"Dada dada!"

In the light of the uncertain fire, bullets set off a terrible metal jet, which dragged the oulis who instinctively raised his arms and protected himself into the boundless darkness.