Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 671

On the hillside after the war were the burnt out mobile engineers.

On the wreckage swept by the flames, some wreckage remained more or less.

The thin young soldiers gathered in groups in their divided areas to clean up the debris as much as possible.

Especially when they found that there was still a trace of breath in their partners, these young soldiers who still had a sense of happiness for the rest of their postwar life on their young faces broke out a burst of exclamation on the spot, and immediately threw themselves into the intense rescue work.

"Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! This guy is still alive! Come on, let's have more people!!"

The teenagers pushed hard, and there was still a trace of hot debris left, trying to rescue the partner who was pressed at the bottom and left one breath, but the debris that was almost twisted into a ball did not move at all, and did not shake half a point because of the teenagers' hard push.

"Damn it! Come on! Come on, more people!"

Ryder screamed for help, but everyone around him who could come to help had come.

The rest of the people are involved in the rescue of other partners.

"Zhaohong! Go and help!"

Olga and Zhaohong work together to push away a perforated armor plate in front of them, and then look back at Zhaohong.

However, Zhaohong was stunned.

His expression seemed to be full of shock when he saw something incredible.

"Hello! Zhaohong, did you hear that?"

Olga frowned and tried to raise his voice to make Zhaohong recover.

"Ah!? well, I don't think I need to go."

Zhaohong raised his finger somewhat numbly and pointed to Ryder.


Olga was stunned. Before he looked back at Ryder, he heard Ryder scream.


The boy's screams were full of fear and shock.

Then, followed by a sharp sound of metal destruction.

"Squeak! Boom!"

The sound of the metal plate being thrown heavily on the ground attracted everyone's attention.

The eyes of the teenagers, including Ryder, were full of shock and fear, the muzzle of the gun that was subconsciously raised, and the white figure that was pointed at the muzzle, but did not care to point at their own muzzle, and tore open the wreckage of the boy who was left with one breath.

"That... What's that?!"

He is taller than an adult, covered in snow-white, with clearly visible and powerful muscles, his long tail and the shimmering white hair around his head···

This is definitely a beast!!

But in addition, Olga and others could not accurately shout the name of the beast that suddenly appeared on the post-war ruins.

"It... It's eating people!!"

Seeing and unheard of the beast posture frightened the teenagers.

Especially when I saw that the pile of ruins that could not be pushed away with all my strength was torn apart by the strange and mysterious beast like chopping melons and vegetables, a terrible idea quietly emerged from the hearts of the teenagers.

"No... don't move!! don't eat our partner!"

In fear, the teenagers who raised the muzzle of the gun trembled, but still worried that their partners would be eaten, they pulled the trigger.

"Dada dada!"

The gunfire suddenly rang through the wilderness where the battle had just ended.

Olga was also shocked and shouted:

"Don't shoot! Stop shooting!!"


The screaming bullet will not stop because Olga stops it.

In the bursts of gunfire, the pure white beast was not frightened, and even didn't stop for half a minute.

As the bullets were blocked by the debris erected by the pure white beast, Olga and Zhaohong had rushed to Ryder and others and grabbed the guns in the hands of the frightened teenagers.

"Don't shoot! It's not our enemy!"

Olga, who looked at the behavior of the pure white beast from another angle, saw it more clearly than Ryder and others.

The pure white beast who didn't know where it came from didn't want to eat their partner, but tore up all the debris on their partner so that they could rescue them.


After Olga stopped the teenagers' shooting, the pure white beast looked up at Olga and others, and then slowly stepped away towards the other side - the pile of debris that looked more distorted and more difficult to rescue.

"Come on! Go and have a look!"

Olga pushed Ryder to see what the pure white beast was doing.

As a result, as Olga guessed, as soon as Ryder, full of doubt and fear, came to the wreckage manipulated by the pure white beast, he jumped three feet high and waved to them to save people.

"Come on! Come on! Dig it out! Dig it out!! come on! Come on!"

Ryder's reaction let Olga breathe a sigh of relief, but there were more doubts in his mind.

In doubt, Olga looked up and saw Lei Mingkai standing at the gate of CGS.

"Is that you?"

Olga didn't make a sound, just moved his mouth.

Maybe I didn't see it,

Or maybe I don't want to admit it,

Lei Mingkai just moved his eyes and looked at the position of the back door of the CGS base.

Over there, there are bursts of smoke rising.

The CGS team one group is back.

It seems that many people are still alive.

Olga took a look at the high smoke, and then looked back. He was afraid of the fierce appearance, but he was curious about how to take an understatement to tear up the white beast that made people headache. Looking at the teenagers from a distance, Olga knew that the decision in his heart had reached the time to implement.

"Zhaohong. Can you come here? Help me find the third moon."

Hearing Olga's voice, Zhaohong subconsciously looked at the pure white beast and Lei Mingkai, and nodded slowly.


On the tower, gudelia, who was placed here, looked silently at those below, or transported the wounded with stretchers, bound the wounded, or returned the usable ammunition and equipment to gnaku, and pushed the wreckage that had become scrap iron to the other end of the hillside.

"Is it all because of me?"

Soon after the attack began, goodelia learned from biskat who came to take her to the safe area that the enemy of the attack was galalhorn, and she knew that she had become the target of the other party.


Just the victim of this attack.

Especially the teenagers who are busy under the tower are the victims among the victims.

"What are you thinking? Goodelia. Are you hurt?"

At this time, a voice that was both strange and familiar sounded.

Gudelia turned around and saw a beautiful woman who put on lighter casual clothes and scattered her long pink hair on her shoulders.

Judging from the slightly wet hair, the woman seemed to have taken time to wash herself.

"Hmm? Sorry! Just came out of the cockpit of the mobile engineer, it will inevitably smell."

Goodelia shook her head, and there seemed to be a trace of envy in her eyes.

"No. I didn't mean that. I just think, Miss lacs, you are very strong. You can sit in the cockpit of the mobile engineer and fight seriously."

When she heard goodelia's words, lacs smiled with theout showing any complacency.

"Do you envy me? Goodelia."

Lachs stepped forward, stood beside goodelia, and looked like her at the teenagers coming and going under the tower.

"Is it because you can only stand here and watch them get involved in the battle because of you, get hurt and die in the battle?"

Lux's eyes seemed to be able to see through gudelia, gently telling what gudelia was thinking at the moment.


Gudelia subconsciously wanted to refute and avoid, but when she touched lacs's eyes that were enough to see through her mind, gudelia chose to admit it.

"Yes, lacs."

The blonde nodded slowly, with a trace of confusion and guilt in her tone.

"Why did things become like this?"

"Don't you understand? What's the matter with your own existence for gallalhorn?"

Goodelia Lana Bernstein.

Lacs had already learned a lot about the name from Lei Mingkai.

The blonde girl in front of me is somewhat similar to herself in some cases.

Although the idea is very beautiful, but in the process of practice, it can not bear the means and power to realize this ideal.


Goodelia was stunned and couldn't respond at the first time.

Fortunately, at this awkward moment, the maid fermitan admos, who went to inquire about the situation earlier, appeared in the tower in time.

"I'm back, miss."

The maid seemed surprised at Lach's appearance.

Judging from her surprised face, she seemed to know the scene of lacs driving a mobile engineer into the war just now.

"I'm very sorry! Before I came here, I received the order" if there is an accident, I must inform the master immediately ". So..."

"No! It's okay. Does father already know what's going on here? What did he say?"

Furmitan's appearance not only relieved gudelia, but also focused her attention on her father Norman Bernstein's views on gallalhorn's attack on CGS.

"Sir, he didn't express any views. He just asked the young lady to go home as soon as possible and stay away from this land of right and wrong."

Furmitan's eyes took a silent look at lacs, but unexpectedly, they collided with lacs's eyes in an instant.

Between the shaking of her eyes, fermitan, who had not yet had time to look away, saw lacs nodding slightly and saluting her smile.

"She, see through me?"

Frightening thoughts hovered wildly in his mind, but fermitan's rarely expressive face calmly lowered slightly.

"I'm very sorry! I didn't notice your presence just now because I was worried about Miss's safety. Please forgive my abruptness!"

"Ah! Oh! Lach, fermitan didn't mean it just now. Please don't blame her!"

Their eyes collided only for a moment, and goodelia couldn't notice the difference at that moment.

He simply thought that fermitan didn't notice the existence of Lacs for a while, so he tried to explain it for fermitan.

"No. I don't care about these things. I'm rax Klein. I just became friends with goodelia Lana Bernstein yesterday. Please give me more advice in the future!"

Lachs waved her hand and said magnanimously that she had no intention of blaming fermitan.

"Thank you very much for Miss lacs' forgiveness! I'm fermitan admos. In the future, please ask me to do fermitan directly. If there's anything I can do, please don't hesitate to ask Miss lacs!"

I have to say that from this point of view, fermitan is indeed a competent maid.

"Really? Well, I'll trouble you in the future."

With that, Lachs waved at goodelia casually.

"All right! Goodelia, let's talk next time! Kay, you're still waiting for me!"

At the same time, there were bursts of startling voices at the CGS gate.

A teenager was successfully rescued from the wreckage of the tk-53, which was all over the battlefield.

Some are already dead, but some still have the hope of life.

When the number of survivors gradually increased, almost every two teenagers without tasks in their hands followed the pure white beast behind with a stretcher and shuttled among the wreckage.

"Squeak! Bang!"

The sharp claw was waved and the wreckage was torn on the spot.

The last survivor was successfully rescued.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!"

In the cheers, someone noticed that the pure white beast that appeared here inexplicably and helped them rescue their partner inexplicably took another step and walked slowly towards the CGS gate.

At present, in the case of many survivors rescued by him, the teenagers who follow the pure white beast with a stretcher don't care whether the pure white beast is hostile to them.

In the eyes of these teenagers, if there is really hostility, will the pure white beast help them tear open the distorted wreckage and rescue their trapped partners?

The teenagers looked at each other, carried the stretcher on their shoulders, kept a distance, and closely followed the pure white beast.

Seems to want to see what this strange pure white beast wants to do?

Unexpectedly, Lei Mingkai saw this scene.

"What are you looking at?"

Rax's voice came from behind.

"Well, I'm watching how zero style gains a bunch of fans."

Lei Mingkai saw the scene of zero rescue, and also saw the whole process of those teenagers' shock, fear, doubt, curiosity and finally gratitude.


Lachs was puzzled, and looked at the pure white lion slowly walking in front of him.

She, then saw the zero type that helplessly rolled her eyes, full of humanized expression.

"Kay! Next time you let me do some junk work, I'll make you look good!"