Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 668

The bright light of the gunfire illuminated the wasteland area where the CGS was located.

The constantly rising grenades hit the CGS defense line like a meteor, setting off bursts of debris mixed with soil and concrete.

Among the debris, the mobile engineers who had entered the combat post at the moment of the battle were trying to shoot a 30mm machine gun in the far away area where the enemy was likely to exist.

However, even though the number of CGS mobile engineers is quite objective, in the face of the dense barrage formed by grenades occupying almost the whole sky and bullets passing through the wasteland, the only thing CGS young soldiers can do is to strive to maintain their own barrage and front.

"Cut! Is the local tyrant great? Indiscriminately smashing shells on our heads!!"

Located in the front of the CGS defense front, sinor on duty was the first to appear here and gained a firm foothold here.

However, even sinor, who took the lead, may have to face an amazing fact.

"Sinoe, the enemy is coming!"

Among the mobile engineers in a slightly backward position, it was the third day and month when the enemy attack signal bomb took off and interrupted their training.

Intuitive and sensitive, he had already found the trace of the enemy in the thick smoke.

I saw that nk-17 mobile engineers with purple brown coating and an unexpected icon on the side, much larger than the tk-53 used by CGS, rushed out of the billowing smoke with the roar of the engine.

Such an amazing discovery was naturally sent back to the rear by sinor team for the first time.

However, this amazing fact may lead to some expected results.

A tk-53 mobile engineer rushed out of genaku suddenly stopped.

There is no other reason.

It was in front of the mobile engineer that a couple of men and women were standing in the middle of the road, forcing Eugene sevenstock, who was driving the mobile engineer, to make a decision to brake.

"Hello, Olga! Haven't you arranged for our distinguished guests?"

Eugene, who was already unhappy with Olga, attacked him on the spot.

"No! Wait. Eugene. Our distinguished guest seems to have something to tell us!"

Olga, standing at the rear hatch, raised his eyes and looked at the pair of distinguished guests who were expected to appear here.

"Two distinguished guests. Now the base is under attack. Please take refuge as soon as possible! Just give it to us."

Olga's response is both natural and duty.

After setting the escort Commission, Olga was indeed qualified to intervene in the actions of the couple.

However, the man and woman are not the Lord who is safely protected.

Lei Mingkai moved his eyes and looked at the tk-53 stopped in front of him.

The mobile engineers at the moment are a little different from the training bullets seen in the daytime.

The whole looks like there is a smell of Xiaosha.

"No, Captain Olga. We didn't come here on a whim. We just want to help in this battle."

Olga was stunned by Lei Mingkai's words and almost didn't react.

"No! Lord Lei Mingkai, you're joking! How can our CGS let your guests risk joining this battle! This..."

Suddenly, Olga saw a flower in front of him. The man and woman who stopped in front of the tk-53 mobile engineer were one less.

"Can this prove that I have the ability to protect myself on the battlefield? Captain Olga."

The next second, the voice of Lei Mingkai came from behind Olga.

"What? When..."

Olga was stunned. He suddenly turned around and saw Lei Mingkai who had just stood in front of the mobile engineers, but he didn't know when he stood behind him.

"Is that enough? Captain Olga. I may not have much confidence in other things, but I am still confident to protect myself on the battlefield."

Overlooking Olga from a commanding position, Lei Mingkai smiled confidently.

Olga's expression stagnated for a moment, and then showed a smile with some self-confidence, but stronger flavor.

"Really? Since your excellency Lei Mingkai has said so, do you also want us to provide you with a mobile Engineer?"

Lei Mingkai raised his eyebrows, looked back and saw that there were still several mobile engineers in genaku.

"Well, so good. But, Captain Olga, are you ready to be cut off?"


Olga's eyes flashed, and then he remembered the message just now.

"Is it gallalhorn?"

"What do you say?"

With a meaningful smile, Lei Mingkai jumped down from the mobile engineer and joined lacs who gave way to the road.

Looking at the mobile engineers who restarted and accelerated out of genaku, Lei Mingkai turned his head, pulled up and rolled up a beautiful pink hair, and put on lacs, who was easy to move.

"Lacs. Please."


The tacit understanding between two people doesn't need too many words.

When lacs offered to help Lei Mingkai, Lei Mingkai knew that his persuasion could not play any role.

Moreover, Lei Mingkai was more surprised that lacs would take the initiative to put forward the idea of driving mobile engineers.

Although there are many doubts in his mind, Lei Mingkai knows that lakes Klein standing next to him will not be lakes Klein in seed.

"Hmm? What about the two distinguished guests..."

As soon as the serviceman uncle who was packing up and preparing to transfer his post looked back, he saw Lei Mingkai and lacs entering genaku.

Especially at the moment when he saw the serious lacs on his face, he couldn't help but step back and pull away from them.

"Sorry! Lend us this mobile engineer."

Lei Mingkai nodded to the serviceman Nadi, took the lead in jumping on the mobile engineer, turned and stretched out his right hand to lacs.

"Hey, hey! This thing can't be driven by ordinary people."

Nadi was stunned and subconsciously dissuaded Lei Mingkai and lacs.

"No! Now we need this mobile engineer. Please allow us to use it!"

Lacs, who was pulled into the mobile engineer by Lei Mingkai, turned around and looked down at Nadi from a commanding position. A burst of irresistible pressure shrouded Nadi, and Nadi couldn't help swallowing.

"Please... Please be careful."

Without hesitation,

And there's no idea of rejection,

At the moment when lacs proposed to use mobile engineers, Nadi knew he could not refuse lacs.

"Wait! Wait!"

However, just as lacs was about to enter the cockpit of the mobile engineer, Nadi suddenly shouted.

Then there was a sound of tumbling tools.

"Yes! Sir, go on."

Nadi threw a can of air that had been deliberately wiped on its surface into Lei Mingkai's hand.

"Those guys seldom pay attention to cleaning, so it's inevitable that there will be

Nadi looked funny, but Lei Mingkai recognized his intention.

"Thanks! Uncle Nadi. It's just that we don't need it."

The moment he threw the air tank suspected of being an air freshener back to Nadi, a sound like lightning sounded in the cockpit of the mobile engineer.

Then, a breath of fresh air like after the rainstorm quietly filled Nadi's nose from the cockpit of the mobile engineer.

"Is it raining?"

No matter how confused Nadi was, Lei Mingkai and lacs would not explain it.

The lightning sound just now was undoubtedly made by zero type.

To clean up the cockpit of mobile engineers.

"Lacs, can you do it?"

Lei Mingkai, who entered the mobile engineer from the rear hatch, saw lacs fiddling with instruments.

"Well, it's strange. But it's no problem."

It was as if it was verifying rax's words. In less than a few minutes, the tk-53 mobile engineer rushed out of genaku under rax's driving.

The quick and flexible maneuvering posture is no worse than that of the pilots Nadi knows, and may even be a little better.

"What a... Strange guest."

Nadi touched the back of his head and hurried to pack up.

He has more important things to do.

"Dada dada!"

The roar of 30mm machine gun became the main melody of this battlefield symphony at the moment when the nk-17 of gallalhorn entered the shooting position, and along with this main melody was the large caliber rifle equipped by nk-17.

Although the large caliber machine gun equipped with nk-17 is inferior to the 30mm machine gun that can use triple fire and automatic fire, its lethality is unmatched by the 30mm machine gun.

The large caliber rifle equipped with nk-17 can explode the tk-53 used by CGS on the spot as long as one or two precision shots, while the 30mm machine gun equipped with nk-53 can not cause effective lethality to nk-17 in the case of long-distance shooting.

Even, gallalhorn's nk-17 swaggered directly like the CGS's nk-53, pulled out the horizontal formation of "line up and shoot", and slowly pushed the line towards the CGS's defense front.

In the smoke like a wave, the nk-17 cluster closer to the defense front made the CGS young soldiers feel great pressure.

In an instant, screams and even zero cries of mental collapse rang out one after another in the communication channel.

"Class three! Support will be here soon! Hold on!"

"Class five! The attack is too loose! It will be scattered by the enemy!"

The voice of Olga commanding the defense came to his ears, and the image of the defense front impacted by the nk-17 cluster was in front of him.

"Kay! Is that how you look?"

Lacs moved her hands and looked eager to try.

During the test drive just now, lacs's control over the speed of the mobile engineer surprised Lei Mingkai.

Probably, this is the advantage of the regulator?!

"No, wait."

Lei Mingkai waved his hands back and forth on the keyboard, and instructions were input into the communication system of the mobile engineer.

Even though Lei Mingkai had never been exposed to the system language of the mobile engineer, with the help of zero type, these were just a piece of cake.

"Unexpectedly, you can't use free Gundam for the time being. You ran to get such a small toy. Why don't you sit and watch?"

The sound of zero yawning echoed back and forth in Lei Mingkai's mind.

"No. just watching is not in line with my next plan."

Lei Mingkai knocked hard with his right index finger, and all instructions were input at this moment.

Then, orders were sent to the nk-53 mobile engineers who were fighting on this battlefield, centered on Lei Mingkai's mobile engineers.


The moment when the prompt sound started, Eugene's attention was attracted to the past.


In surprise, Eugene did not forget to shout.

"Hey, Olga! Did you do it?"

"No! It's not..."

Before Olga could clarify what he had not done, sinor's voice followed.

"Olga! What are you doing? What S1? What does that mean?"

"Be quiet! I'm conveying the battle command now! If you don't want to die and want to win this victory, please concentrate on completing my battle command!"

The noisy communication was suddenly interrupted by a sharp and familiar voice.

"This sound?!"

Olga was surprised, subconsciously turned back and looked at the gate of CGS.

There, a tk-53 mobile engineer is parked.

At the top of the mobile engineer, a man was standing there, overlooking the whole audience.

"Captain Olga! Are you ready to be cut off?"

The same question was asked again.

Olga's reaction was the same.

"Ah! Yes! I'm well aware! Then, your excellency, do you want to command us to fight?"

"If you want to ensure the survival of the vast majority of your partners in the event of victory."

At the moment when Lei Mingkai's eyes collided with Olga's eyes in mid air, Olga showed a ironic smile.

"Do you mean that many of us will die?"

"Isn't it?"

Lei Mingkai's eyes looked at the other end of the front, where several scattered mobile engineers were being spread all over by the leaping flame.

Judging from the tragedy, I'm afraid the pilots inside are more or less dangerous.

"Olga! Don't listen to his nonsense! How can laymen know how to command us to fight!"

Eugene was the first to object!

Originally, he was unhappy with Olga, and he added another person to command him on this basis?

Eugene thought it was ridiculous.

"D1! You're going too far! Turn right now, go straight for 3 seconds, turn left and retreat!"

At this time, when Lei Mingkai's voice sounded again, the battlefield sent out a scene that surprised sinor.

A minute ago, earlier, the young soldier dangi, who took the initiative to fight and was sent to sinor by Olga, was eager to defeat the enemy. When he tried to kill the enemy by shortening the fighting distance, he was almost shot by the quick reacting nk-17.

If Lei Mingkai's instructions were not sounded in time at the critical moment of life and death, and Danji, known as D1, reacted quickly, Danji would face either death or injury.

Under the command of Lei Mingkai, at the moment of completing the electro-optic flint like maneuver, a purple brown figure appeared in front of Danji's eyes.

It's the enemy!

It's gallalhorn's nk-17!

"D1, attack! Retreat quickly in three seconds!"

"Dada dada!"

The ultra close range shooting of 30mm machine gun tore the armor of nk-17 madly, and tore Olga's hesitation and Eugene's resistance to death.