Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 660

The vast universe looks very beautiful, but it actually hides the danger that civilization can be destroyed at any time.

But these dangers may only be a tool to spy on other dimensions in the face of higher-level existence.

In the remote universe somewhere in the universe, a black hole that distorts countless starlights and devours tens of light-years is slowly moving along an orbit with its birth.

At the beginning of its birth, the black hole that instantly swallowed everything within dozens of light-years is not a zone of life extinction.

When looking at the black hole from a very long distance on the scale of light years, life looking up at the starry sky will always find that there is a seemingly weak but extremely firm micro white light around the black hole, which is running with the operation of the black hole.

At first glance, the faint white light seemed as beautiful as the halo of the black hole.


This slight white radiance is not the last radiance left by the galaxy swallowed by the black hole, but the slight white radiance formed by the mysterious warships surrounded by the black hole with mysterious patterns made by mathematical models that human beings can't understand.

Where do these pure white warships come from?

Even in front of the black hole, I can dance with the black hole, which is regarded as a forbidden place for life by many civilizations in the universe and brings destruction to civilization!

"The 3336th hyperspace scanning is completed! No abnormality! Change the scanning timeline! It is planned to complete the readjustment of the hyperspace radar in 110 hours..."

In canglan network, a beautiful woman in the uniform of the first fleet seriously exchanged the information she had obtained, and finally submitted the exchange results to the highest level of canglan network, the queen who followed the pioneer with her super flagship.

With the convergence of data streamers, the latest report, which is not much different from the results of previous hyperspace scanning reports, appeared in the hands of the cold and gorgeous woman sitting on the throne.

"Still didn't find anything?"

The proud scarlet pupil raised slightly and looked into the depths of the dark blue network and the sisters who were trying to find the lost two in countless time and space.

She knew that it was almost impossible to find the lost two people in these countless time and space.

Otherwise, with the terrible strength of the first fleet under the pioneer's command, they would have saved those two people from the chaotic time and space turbulence.

It still needs to stay at the edge of the black hole for so long.

"King Kong. Your majesty eufimia is back."

The voice of super flagship birui, the adjutant of super flagship King Kong of the first fleet, reached King Kong's ears, and her figure also appeared below King Kong.

King Kong turned his eyes and stared to birui's right.

The next second, one, no, it should be said that three beautiful shadows appear one after another.

They are eufemia, Vivian, and the young queen, ethelam Visser Elios, who came here for the first time.

"Eufemia Vivian etheram Weiser Elios has seen his Majesty King Kong!"

When ethelham, who first arrived, learned from eufemia and Vivian that the woman sitting on the throne was her Majesty King Kong, who could dominate multiple universes with a fleet, he naturally dared not be rude.

"Are there any new guests? It seems that the knight is really popular!"

King Kong looked back at Ethel yiram and then looked at ufimia.

"Why are you back here? According to the time conversion formula here, you have left your empire for a full year!"

"Yes, your majesty."

Before eufemia could explain, King Kong raised his hand and waved.

"Don't use this name to call me! Just call my name. Your majesty is just a boring act of the layman. According to the pioneers, we are neither gods nor superior beings. In the endless universe, it seems that we in your eyes have the power to dominate everything."

At this point, King Kong smiled coldly.

"But in fact, we are just a mole ant stronger than you!"

After saying that, King Kong seemed to see the expressions of eufemia, Vivian and ethelam looking at each other.

"Oh? Did it scare you?"

King Kong smiled and irresponsibly blamed someone for the fault.

"This is not what I said. This is what the man you call the pioneer once said."

Hearing the speech, eufemia and Vivian didn't know how to respond to King Kong for a moment.

These words really made eufemia, Vivian and even Ethel Elam feel.

The experiences of the three young empresses are very similar, but they have embarked on different roads on the journey of fate.

of course.

This is already the next thing.


A snapping finger rings.

"Well, these words don't matter. The most important thing at present is to find the two lost people as soon as possible! This is also the reason why you don't want to stay on the throne of the Empire, isn't it?"

King Kong's question made eufemia nod.

Since Lei Mingkai disappeared, eufemia has spent almost all her time on this side except going back to deal with necessary affairs. To this end, yufermia did not hesitate to hold high the butcher's knife and slaughtered all the nobles who were ready to move because of Lei Mingkai's disappearance, thus giving birth to a terrible image of a young queen holding high the blood crown and stepping on the blood carpet in the hearts of the nobles of the Empire.

"Your persistence moved me. But..."

When Vajra was trying to persuade ufimia to go back and wait, an emergency communication from the area numbered B601 was suddenly uploaded to the canglan network.

"Report the superpolar flagship! Abnormal fluctuations are found in the b607 area in the charge of our sub fleet, which is suspected to be a hyperspace disturbance! According to the analysis, it is very likely to be the hyperspace disturbance we are looking for!"

At the moment of this message, the proud woman on the throne suddenly stood up and looked down at the three girls below.

"There's news! Follow me!"

In the colorful space, a giant lion wrapped in pure white flame is running with his head held high.

In the strange space where time seems impossible, the giant lion moves freely like a fish in water.

But when the giant lion was running in this glorious and meaningless space, a burst of singing sounded from its interior.

In this song, the boy sleeping in the giant lion slowly opened his eyes and looked out at the colorful, strange and impermanent space.

"You're awake, Kay."

The boy has not cleaned up the current situation, but a pair of delicate hands have surrounded the boy's neck from behind.

Familiar fragrance,

Familiar sounds,

And the familiar pink hair,

At the moment when these factors sounded in his ears and appeared in front of his eyes, the teenager knew who was the person who surrounded him from behind.

"Did you wake me up, rax?"

The youth is Lei Mingkai who lost himself in this colorful different space with the long toothed lion.

"Yes! It took me a long time to get you back. Otherwise, you might get lost here."

When a slight sound sounded in Lei Mingkai's ear, a delicate body slipped into his arms from one side.

It's lacs.

Looking at the charming face under the flying pink hair, Lei Mingkai knew that he was not dreaming now.

This brilliant space,

And in front of me, there is a different Rex Klein. They are all true.

"I remember driving free Gundam to Genesis."

Before Lei Mingkai finished, a burst of disdainful laughter rang out.

"Hey, Kay, is your brain still awake? Do you want your royal highness to give you a good morning kiss?"

This is a zero sound.

With the sound, the white cat image of snacks also appeared in front of Lei Mingkai.


The appearance of white cat zero shocked Lei Mingkai.

Suddenly remembered the last scene before losing consciousness.

Stepping into space, the giant lion burning pure white flame knocked Genesis out of the universe in a fearless and earth shaking way.

"Here is the world, space?"

Recalling that memory, Lei Mingkai looked around at the surrounding scenery, but he couldn't find a reference that could make him understand the current situation.

"Yes, it's not. The big man was swallowed up by this space after he was attracted by me. Now, I'm trying to escape from this space."

The white cat zero wagged its long tail and looked back at the strange space where the end seemed to be in front of us, but it was always far away.

"Can you do it?"

"Of course."

Maybe it's because of eating and drinking,

Or maybe it's because I haven't seen you for a long time,

White cat zero is full of confidence.

However, this state of confidence will not last long.

All of a sudden, the giant lion running in this gorgeous and unusual space suddenly fell to the ground.

Then, there was a violent shaking all over the giant lion, as if something was affecting the existence of the giant lion, sweeping around the body of the giant lion.

"What's going on! Zero!"

When Lei Mingkai subconsciously protected lacs, he also looked up at the white cat zero in front of him.

The white cat's beard trembled on his zero face, and his whole body trembled. His eyes showed an unspeakable pain.

Seems to be suffering from something that makes him feel extremely painful.

"Zero! What happened?"

White cat zero did not answer Lei Mingkai, but looked up weakly. After glancing at Lei Mingkai, he trembled again.

Suddenly, a more violent shaking swept from the giant lion's body, shaking the two people sitting in the cockpit.

At the moment when Lei Mingkai couldn't bear it and was ready to scold the white cat zero, the white cat zero suddenly showed a comfortable expression.

Then, a strange feeling rose from Lei Mingkai's heart.

"Zero form... You!!!??"

Surprised, Lei Mingkai stretched out his hand and pointed to the white cat zero.

The white cat zero style did not care about Lei Mingkai's accusation, but licked it slightly with its claws.

"What are you? You just eat and have indigestion for a while!"

"This joke is not funny!!!"

In an instant, Lei Mingkai patted the white cat zero, but unexpectedly, the white cat zero appeared in front of him was just a holographic projection.


Cold steel plate,

A stinging palm,

Immediately let Lei Mingkai's anger disappear by three points.

Looking at Lei Mingkai's fierce eyes, the white cat zero, who didn't care, shrunk his head.


be like,

it seems that,

you bet,

It's your fault.

However, as soon as the white cat's zero apology came to his mouth, the colorful abnormal space suddenly changed.

Just now, although the colorful space is unusual, it seems that there is a kind of life that Lei Mingkai can't understand. It flows in this space forever without all external factors.

However, at the moment when the white cat zero claimed to be indigestion and made the joke, the brilliance that should flow forever suddenly stopped all activities and became lifeless pictures.

"Kay! I have some bad hunches!"

Lacs grabbed Lei Mingkai's collar and looked around anxiously.

This doesn't need lacs's hint, and Lei Mingkai feels it.

"Zero, you did a good job."

Looking at the dead things around, the white cat twitched his zero canthus a few times, but he couldn't refute it all the time.

After all, these abnormalities occurred after its temporary indigestion.

"Ka ··"


A crack of something sounded from the top of the lion's head.

"Broken space?! zero! Run!"

When Lei Mingkai saw the crack on the top of the lion's head, he shouted on the spot.

"Ka ··················"

When the pure white giant lion ran again, the cracks on his head spread rapidly, tearing the space from top to bottom at a speed visible to the naked eye, so that the pure white giant lion faced the final solution no matter where he ran.

That is to fall into the boundless dark abyss while the space is broken.


Chaos that can't see the boundaries,

I can't see the black and white world,

At the same time, I can't feel the desolate world of time,

The pure white giant lion who fell here struggled to adjust its posture, reluctantly stabilized itself on a space fragment slightly larger than itself, and looked up at the dome scattered with a little light towards the chaotic dark space.

The next moment, when the pure white lion moved again, he took the space debris under his feet as the pedal and jumped towards the dome above his head.

Because, in this desolate chaotic darkness, only close to the dome with a little light scattered is the chance for Lei Mingkai, lacs and the white cat to escape from the sky.

Space debris scattered like whispers. In the swaying, it scattered the last brilliance from the colorful different space in this chaotic space. It was extraordinarily beautiful, but it was so deadly.

The pure white giant lion shuttling through the beautiful and deadly drizzle of space debris carefully avoided all the dangers that could be avoided, and finally touched the dome representing vitality.

However, at the moment when the pure white giant lion was about to rush up the dome, an abnormal wave suddenly crossed from the void and echoed in Lei Mingkai's heart.

Subconsciously, Lei Mingkai looked back along this fluctuating call, but he saw a strange and mysterious scene.

Among the countless scattered and rolling space debris, a crystal coffin appeared there.

Behind the transparent crystal coffin was a beautiful face that people could pity at first glance.

"Who is she?!"