Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 659

When the stellar radiance from 149.6 million kilometers away appeared from the back of the earth and scattered in the silver funnel-shaped colonial satellite group in the L5 domain, a supply fleet from the earth earlier slowly arrived in the domain that had just ended a world war.

Arkin Dewey.

The war that took place half a month ago is still fresh in my mind.

Whether it's the smell of war, the remains of MS, the wreckage of warships, or even the remains that can be vaguely seen in the wreckage, are telling the human beings who came to this battlefield a fact.


This is the result of human hands!

Moreover, in the face of this result, there should be the most important existence.

Even if it is destroyed, the countless debris it should leave should become a warning sign for people after the war of Yakin Dewey.


It was this sign that suddenly disappeared in full view on the eve of the end of the war.

The rest is the scar that crosses the void and tears a hole in the dark space.

It was a scar about 100 kilometers long and several kilometers wide at the widest point.

"X1 unknown phenomenon."

This is the tentative name used by the top scientific research team in human society after the war.

No one knows what this wound tearing the void is all about.

The only thing I know is the process of the scar.

It happened at the end of the Yakin duvi war. Under the madness of ZAFT rebel Lao Lu Cruze, genesis squeezed its own energy in an overloaded way and wiped out all living creatures on the earth at one fell swoop.

In this critical moment of crisis,

At a time when the three ship alliance and the eighth fleet were powerless,

A giant lion with pure white radiance all over like a flame resisted Genesis crazily at last, and erased the existence of genesis from the world at the next moment.

Then, in the original position of Genesis, this void scar called "X1 unknown phenomenon" was born.

A bright yellow space transport ship separated from the transport fleet that came to the L5 universe and slowly flew to the scar.

To be exact, the target of this particularly eye-catching bright yellow transport ship, which does not act with the transport fleet, is not the scar, but a space investigation station nearly a thousand kilometers in front of the scar.

This is an arrangement from d.s.s.d.

The predecessor of the space station was the Trojan space station of d.s.s.d.

The Trojan space station, which was originally built based on the cutting-edge technology of deep space development, was jointly invited by the United Earth and plant after the Yakin Dewey war, inviting d.s.s.d to give maximum consideration to the rift that made Genesis disappear.

Therefore, Dr. seleni, who participated in the whole process of the Yakin Dewey war and witnessed the birth of the scar of "X1 unknown phenomenon", also became the general director of the project.

This time, the arrival of the bright yellow transport ship was entrusted by seleni to complete the task of transporting some key equipment left by Dr. seleni in the d.s.s.d headquarters on earth to the Trojan space station.

"Fairway 113, 82. Correct! Trojan space station, newhome, request entry!"

The always lazy professor is very serious at the moment.

No matter how lazy and neurotic her usual style is, in the face of the scar across the void, as a researcher, she inadvertently restored her original rigorous style.

"This is the Trojan space station! The entry permit is passed. Please follow the instructions and enter port 3!"

The entry permit from the Trojan space station was passed soon.

After arranging everything, the professor handed over the driving right of newhome to the intelligent AI named GG.

Then the professor looked at the father and daughter who had been sitting in the guest seat.

"Sir, we are about to reach the Trojan space station. Please prepare for landing."

With the professor's hint, the blonde man who had been keeping his eyes closed slowly opened his eyes.

First, he looked through the porthole and paused for a moment on the scar that could still be clearly seen even on the earth. Then he looked at the professor and nodded slowly at her.

"Thank you, professor."

The professor waved his hand in disapproval.

For her, bringing the father and daughter into space was just an easy task.

Although the schedule is a little tricky, it doesn't need her to do it.

All she needs to do is send the father and daughter to the Trojan space station and then safely return them to earth.

"This is just a small matter. I just don't know what you think of X1 unknown phenomenon? You know, every corner of the earth is discussing this scar."

The professor's words made the blonde middle-aged man's eyes coagulate slightly, and then he sighed again.

"I don't know. I only know that when this scar was born, my daughter disappeared."


At the moment when the blonde middle-aged man showed sadness, the little girl who had been sitting quietly next to him reached out her hand and held the blonde middle-aged man's left hand.

"My sister will be fine. Besides, isn't my brother with my sister?"

Although the little girl's comfort looked clumsy, it warmed the blonde middle-aged man's heart.

He raised his right hand, patted the little girl's little hand, nodded and said:

"Yes! Anyway, at least with Lach, Kai is with her."

"Yes! I believe my brother and sister will come back."

The little girl felt that her father's mood seemed to be getting better, and she couldn't help showing a trace of joy.

The same smile as lacs when he was a child made the blonde middle-aged man lose his mind.


His own daughter, rax Klein, has disappeared during the battle of agin Dewey.

But beside him, there is also Clarice Klein, a sister accepted by lacs and recognized by herself.

The professor saw the interaction between father and daughter, but he wouldn't say anything.

From the moment of contact between the recycling house and Lei Mingkai, the position of the recycling house began to change subtly.

Even if the current recycling house still stands in a neutral position and shuttles through the Earth Moon system, in the eyes of some people, the recycling house is already linked to someone.

The scenery outside the porthole has been transformed from the boundless space into the walls made of steel and the busy scenery of maintenance personnel shuttling through the dock in protective clothing.


A slight vibration sound came, which was the sound of fixing the newhome by the fixed mechanical arm.

"We have reached our destination! Sir. Now, I'm going to assist Luo and them in unloading. GG will help you get off the ship in the next trip."

The professor's voice fell, and George's intelligent Ai - GG, the first publicly existing regulator in human history, appeared in front of the father and daughter.

"Well, thank you!"

A few minutes later, the people waiting outside saw the father and daughter walking down from newhome.

"Mr. sass, I've been waiting for a long time! I'm Andy, the Deputy Security Minister of the Trojan space station."

As soon as the man who said this came forward to introduce himself, both sides showed an tacit smile.

"I'm alediano sass. Nice to meet you, sir Andy."

Andy is not a person, but Andy bartfield, the desert tiger who disappeared after World War I.

The man he met was HIGGER Klein, who took refuge in scandenavia before the war.

The two men from the same camp did not expect to meet with their disguised identities on the Trojan space station under such a coincidence.

Bartfield nodded slightly to the little girl who was following HIGGER, and looked at HIGGER.

"There's no more gossip. We're ready here. I don't know if you're ready?"

Higgle sighed slightly.

"Let's go!"

"Then, please follow me!"

Speechless all the way.

The two of them, who were also in the Trojan space station under false identities, did not want to have more contact with each other.

Because, on the Trojan space station at this time, in addition to the original team of d.s.s.d, there are more people who join the earth and plant as a joint observer mission.

If there is any mistake, I'm afraid people will recognize their true identity.

Yes, of course.

This is not a very dangerous thing for bartfield and even HIGGER.

After all, when the joint observer mission was established, the ring around the atrium, hidden behind the scenes, began to operate.

Under the control of yemengard, the members of the plant side of the joint observer mission are more or less connected with the Klein faction, while the members of the earth joint side are more or less simple.

As long as the personnel of the United side of the earth are properly arranged, these people will not have any impact on the operation of the Trojan space station, or even meet bartfield, HIGGER and others.

Therefore, the current Trojan space station is undoubtedly the same as the black light under the spotlight.

Through the channels, led by bartfield, the higgles came to a well protected laboratory.

Here is the laboratory used by Dr. Sereni, the director of X1 unknown phenomenon project.

"Sir, I've been waiting for a long time!"

Looking at the father and daughter who came in, Sereni nodded slightly and sent a letter properly protected by a glass cover to higgle.

"Your Excellency! This is the letter left to you by Miss lacs before she disappeared! Now we will return it to its owner."

"The letter left by Lach before she disappeared?"

HIGGER caught a key word keenly.

Among the messages HIGGER received, lacs disappeared during the war of Yakin Dewey.

At the moment, Sereni claimed that lacs had disappeared.

In doubt, higgle looked at bartfield.

If lacs really disappeared, bartfield, who was the captain of the eternal at that time, must have been the first witness.

Bartfield didn't explain. Instead, he turned to lock the door, raised his arm, pressed a button on his watch, and then spoke about the war and the moment before Genesis disappeared.

While the giant lion with pure white flame stood in front of Genesis, lacs floating on the side of the porthole also shocked bartfield.

The girl singing a song she had never sung gently held the slightly shiny pendant. In the light of the pendant, the girl's figure seemed to become illusory and ethereal.

When bartfield and Aisha saw it clearly, the girl's feet had become transparent and even completely disappeared in front of them.

Frightened, Aisha summoned up her courage, took off her headset, pushed hard, tried to fly to the side of the porthole and hold lacs.

As a result, Aisha's right hand passed through the girl's body and did not touch any part of the girl.

The only clear feeling of contact came from the cold porthole.


Aisha subconsciously shrank, but bartlefeld held her back.

"Your Highness, are you leaving?"

After looking at the pure white lion of Genesis, the desert tiger focused on lacs, whose figure gradually became transparent.

Upon hearing the speech, lacs turned her head and looked at bartfield, Aisha, Martin and the people on the bridge, showing an apologetic smile.

"Sorry! Guys, I have to go now. Otherwise, Kay will get lost on that side."

"That side?"

This is the speech left by the moment lacs disappeared on the eternal.

Not only let bartfield and others feel puzzled, but also let Sereni, who was later responsible for the whole X1 unknown phenomenon, feel puzzled.

"Sir, we don't know what's going on on on the side Miss lacs said for the time being. However, after several targeted probes recently, we finally found something."

Seleni was not surprised by higgle's doubts and directly led the topic to the scar.


Higgle frowned slightly, but gave the right to speak to Sereni.

"72 hours ago, we tried to release three batches of detectors to approach the crack. From the data obtained by these detectors, I'm afraid the opposite of the crack is a world we have never touched."

"The world? Is it the second planet with civilization? Or... Galaxy?"

HIGGER frowned deeply and tried his best to understand what seleni said with his knowledge.

Unfortunately, seleni did not agree with higgle's conjecture.

On the contrary, even the Trojan space station, which is at the forefront of detecting and studying this crack, has not been slow to make a conclusion, and even has been arguing about a variety of possibilities.

"Now, we don't know! The only thing we know is that on the other side of this crack, maybe the world we haven't imagined may also be."

"So, did sister lacs and brother Lei Mingkai just travel?"

When the adults were worried about the meaning behind the crack, the quiet little girl suddenly said so.

Although it was unintentional, it stunned higgle and bartfield.

"Hahaha! The young lady is really humorous! Maybe it is!"

"Really? If so."

Higgle sighed and subconsciously looked at the huge cracks that occasionally appeared outside the side window as the artificial gravity ring of the Trojan space station rotated.


When the space spread by the war was quiet again, the far north of the earth was covered by the vast white snow again.

Since the beginning of the first World War in Obo, OBO refugees who were urgently evacuated to friendly countries have also faced varying degrees of tests.

However, the bird family, which is divided into the OBO refugee camp in scandenavia, is much luckier.

Here, there is not only sufficient material supply allocated by the sass family, but also temporary jobs arranged by Scandinavia officials to earn salary.

Although these salaries are much lower than when he worked in AUB, it is the best situation now that the war has just subsided and all industries are waiting to prosper.

"Good morning, viewers! Today we have a special program to broadcast. I believe that when you look up at the sky, you can see a huge crack across the starry sky. Today, we will discuss its origin and existence. Please pay attention to it..."


With the instant of the sound, the already baked bread also bounced up, and then was picked up by the boy watching the screen, put it on his mouth and took a bite.

Although he didn't apply any sauce, the boy didn't care at all.

Because his attention at the moment has already been on TV.

"Today, we have the honor to invite Dr. Sereni from d.s.s.d. to introduce the origin of this crack in the starry sky. Please applaud..."

When applause broke out, the sound of the door opening came.

"Brother! Haven't you had breakfast yet? We'll be late! If we go late, the supplies will be taken away!"

With the sound of charming and naive, a girl who tied her hair into braids also walked briskly to the boy.

Then, after looking back at the TV and confirming that it was not what he was concerned about, he pushed the boy hard.

"Don't you go yet? Brother! We're going to be late! Today's supplies are mom's favorite tomato salad!!! Come on! Go!"

The girl kept pushing and shoving the teenagers who were watching the content on TV.

Helpless, the boy sighed.

"OK! Let's go! Now! Mayo. We still have a lot of time!"

"Come on! Let's go!! dawdling!! today is my mother's birthday!"

Mayo's grumbling made the boy's footsteps beat up, and almost let Mayo hit it.

"Hey! Zhen Feiniao, what do you want to do! Just say it if you don't want to get paid!!"

Before Mayo scolded, the boy ran away.

Only words from the wind.

"Mayo! I'll go first! Who's late, who's the pig!"

"Hello!! brother!! you cheat!!"

As a result, Mayo, who was panting all the way, finally came to the location of the material team, but she didn't find Zhen Feiniao.

"Where did this stupid brother run?"

Mayo looked around and looked puzzled.

Unexpectedly, Zhen Feiniao, who left first, was stopped by a car earlier.

"Zhen Feiniao. Nice to meet you! This is our first meeting, and it may be our last. You can call me yemengard! I'm just like you! I'm the one favored by the lion!"

"The lion... Who... Cares for...?!"

In an instant, Zhen Feiniao's mind recalled the pure white figure he had just seen on TV.