Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 661

The black hole model in front of us is deeply disturbed by some force.

Every moment, different pieces of information appear from the depths of the black hole, and then silence again in the deepest part of the black hole.

The scene at this time completely overturned the understanding of black holes by eufemia, Vivian and ethelam.

In front of them, the black hole constantly rolling debris information seems to be no longer the terrible black hole they are familiar with, which can easily destroy galaxies.

"Lord Kong, what is this?"

Eufemia hesitated and finally spoke her question.

"There's something in the black hole."

King Kong didn't explain much, but it was enough to shock ufimia.

Suddenly, a burst of streamer fell from the sky blue network dome and appeared directly beside King Kong.

"Mother Kong. Did you find the news about the teacher?"

The streamer dissipated, and the girl who appeared in front of everyone was he Meimei, who had not seen her for a long time.

"There are some clues. Meimei. You're still so rash. Aren't you afraid to let you learn after your father knows?"

King Kong looked at the girl in front of him, his cold face became soft, and his eyes showed a trace of doting.

But King Kong's seemingly threatening words didn't scare the girl, but let her walk forward carelessly, hold King Kong's right hand and shake it gently.

"Don't say that! Mother Kong! You know I'm an inspector now! It's hard to do anything if I have to keep that reserved and elegant attitude all the time."

He Meimei's words are serious, but King Kong knows that the girl in front of her is more used to suppressing the enemy with another set of "convincing people with reason" than being used to solving problems through negotiation.

Thinking of this, King Kong shook his head slightly with a headache.

However, it has not continued to struggle in this regard.

"OK! Now it is found that it may be the information disturbance of lacs and Lei Mingkai, but we are not sure where it comes from."

After King Kong casually mentioned their discovery, he pointed to eufemia, Vivian and Ethel yiram.

"Meimei. These are your friends. Don't you say hello to them?"

"Ah! Yes! I accidentally forgot!"

With a cry of surprise, he Meimei quickly turned to come forward, affectionately took eufemia's hands and apologized again and again.

Of course eufemia doesn't care about these little things.

You know, it's just about a year since we last met.

During this year, he Meimei was busy as an inspector, and eufimia herself was entangled in Imperial affairs. In addition, the unexpected event of Lei Mingkai's disappearance occurred. Therefore, it was a blessing for eufimia to meet her close friends again at this time of exhaustion.

"Don't worry! Mother Kong will find the teacher and Lei Mingkai."

After a little greeting, he Meimei comforted eufemia.

"Teacher? Is that the ambassador of cosmic peace?"

Although eufemia is familiar with the name of rax Klein written on the missing list, it always stays on the literal data, which seems strange.

"Well, yes! Lach Klein is one of my teachers."

After he Meimei gave a hearty answer, she said hello to Vivian and Ethel Elam.

Vivian and Ethel yiram were slightly surprised.

They did not expect that the girl who suddenly appeared next to the proud queen would be so approachable.

"Hmm? It seems that you are frightened by the King Kong mother! It doesn't matter. Although the King Kong mother looks very cold, in fact she has approved you. Otherwise, you can't enter the blue network that only the core of the blue mind can enter."

As soon as she found the prudence of Vivian and Ethel yiram, he Meimei enlightened them to relax their posture.

They looked at each other and thanked each other.

To tell the truth, the three have entered the canglan network for some time.

But in fact, except that King Kong informs them of some news from time to time, most of the other mental cores who can see will not pay attention to ufimia. Therefore, so far, the three girls known as the queen are more like outsiders who are incompatible with the blue network.

"Then please! Meimei."

"What's the matter? Aren't we friends?"

Unfortunately, the communication between the four girls did not last long, but was interrupted by an emergency message.

"Ladies, your majesty, something's wrong. We detected another abnormal signal in b607 area! What surprised us is that this abnormal signal is an encrypted message that can be parsed!"

"What?! come on! Take us!"

As soon as the spirit of all the women was shocked, they came to the other end of the blue network according to the guidelines, the area used by the sub fleet responsible for monitoring the b607 area.

"Here you are! Wait aside first! It'll be ready in a minute."

In the swing of the long black dress, the high cold woman who walked down from the throne appeared in front of the women.

Seeing this, he Meimei waved her hands to eufemia, Vivian and ethelam, and the women went to the other side and watched the analysis of abnormal signals.

In a short time, the parsing work was soon completed.

"After parsing, put the results on the screen!"

King Kong seems to have known the analysis results for a long time, but he didn't say anything. He just asked the mental core responsible for the analysis to make the results public.

Therefore, a holographic projection screen lights up in front of he Meimei and youfeimia.

Then, with a slightly noisy sound, another clear but strange sound appeared.

At first glance, it doesn't sound like a conversation between people, or a call signal, but more like a piece of... Music.

After listening carefully, eufemia exchanged eyes with the nearby Vivian and Ethel yiram, and found that not only herself, but also they were indifferent.

But unexpectedly, he Meimei, who was standing on one side, subconsciously hummed with this strange voice, and her face changed greatly.

"King Kong mother!! is this really the information we monitored?!"

King Kong frowned and looked at birui who was directing the work.

The latter gives a positive answer.

"This is indeed the information monitored by our first fleet. We have reviewed it many times before analyzing it."

"No, impossible!! impossible!!"

Birui's affirmation did not satisfy he Meimei.

On the contrary, the cheerful girl couldn't help stepping back, looking at the ups and downs of information on the holographic projection screen, listening to the slightly strange voice for others, but it was a very familiar voice for he Meimei.

"It's... it's impossible. She... Is... Gone. Why... Why does the" wind "appear here?"

"She? The wind?!"

He Meimei's abnormal reaction made King Kong's eyes coagulate slightly, and her mental core operated at a super high speed in a way that ordinary people could not understand.

In an instant, King Kong knew the cause of he Meimei's abnormal reaction.

"It seems that things in those years were not as simple as we saw!"

"The wind that brings recovery to the world!

Guide the lost people who have lost their way... "

A piece of music,

A lyrics,

He Meimei, who was gradually calmed down, sang slowly. Then he Meimei looked at King Kong and seemed to have some persistence in her eyes.

"Meimei. If you want to go, go! The first fleet will provide you with space-time anchor."

"I see!"

The next second, he Meimei's figure immediately disappeared and was offline from the blue network.

"Lord King Kong. What happened? Is that a song?"

Eufemia, who watched the whole process, asked tentatively.

"Yes. It's a song. A song that guides the lost traveler home. It's just that this song should have disappeared with the girl's death."

"The girl?"

Questions followed, but eufemia, Vivian and ethelham didn't ask any more.

Because, judging from the reactions of he Meimei and King Kong, the reason for the reappearance of this song that should have disappeared is probably not the world they can touch at present.

That is a story that happened when he Meimei was still in a rebellious era.

The content of the story may be very long, but in this "wind" song, he Meimei met the most important person in her life.

The monster accelerated away from the array of the pure white fleet and drove fearlessly towards the center of the black hole.

In the bridge, the little blonde girl named why Nana sat on the sofa and looked at her sister with a trace of dignity and a trace of nostalgia.

This was the first time he Nana had such a complex expression when she saw her sister.

"The Mars goblin sent a departure request to the super flagship King Kong of the first fleet!"

"The macro goblin's departure request has been approved!"

King Kong's voice paused and became soft.

"We don't know the danger of this trip. Be careful! Nana, take care of your sister!"

"Yes! I see!"

The wind becomes very noisy at this moment.


The wind is very noisy.

The strong wind sweeping the red desert rolled up the dazzling red sand and swept away into the distance, burying everything blocking the road ahead.

In the midst of this sandstorm, a team of motorcade is moving all the way along the road guided by the radar.

Although the speed is not fast, it is the most appropriate promotion strategy in the red sand.

"Bah, bah... What's the matter? Just roll up this damn dust storm at this time?"

Among the leading off-road vehicles, a slightly obese man with a fierce face shouted and scolded discontentedly.

But no one dared to answer his words.

The time of shouting and scolding was a little longer. The man stretched out his palm a little bigger than ordinary people and caught the thin man sitting next to him.

"Hey! Sambas! Do you think so! Does this damn Mars know that we just sold a batch of rotten moths to CGS, so he specially came to get us!!"

A thin man named sambas trembled when he was caught by a man. For fear of provoking the man to anger, he quickly rubbed his hands and said flatteringly: "Where, where! Maybe I'm surprised at your wisdom and martial arts! You know, a few days ago, there seemed to be an unprecedented meteor shower on Mars. I heard that some debris with some devices fell in a certain area."

"The wreckage of the device?"

When the man heard this, he slapped sambas aside.

"Hum! I'm afraid those rags don't come from that dead channel. What's there to turn over! If you have time, you might as well get more rotten moths and sell them."

He said so, but in fact, the man still moved his mind.

Because he knew that if the debris scattered on Mars from space floated from the death channel, it would not cause such a wide spread of news.

Men know their position very well.

Although the name of the chamber of commerce is hanging overhead, it is actually just a search work in the vast space.

If the area scattered in the wreckage really has a chance, men think they may not be able to miss such a good opportunity.

Therefore, under the command of the man, the motorcade in the sandstorm changed its direction, turned its back to the sand city storm sweeping a large area, walked farther and farther, and drove towards the area where it is said that a lot of debris was scattered.

The wind roared, and the sand rolled up by the strong wind constantly hit the rock wall. There were bursts of slightly harsh noises, which made Lei Mingkai frown.

This is the third day they are trapped in this desert.

They escaped from that strange space. Before they were happy to be down-to-earth again, they were blocked by the red sand all over the sky. They couldn't move at all. They had to find a cave nearby to temporarily avoid the sand storm in the sky.

The zero style, which should have been a major help for Lei Mingkai and lacs to cross this dust storm, has become a sleeping lion lying in the deepest part of the cave.

This makes Lei Mingkai a little distressed.

Behind him came a slight step.

"Kai, go back and have a rest first. I'm afraid this sandstorm will blow for several days."

A kettle came from Lei Mingkai's side, and then the pink hair fell into Lei Mingkai's arms.

"Lach. How many more supplies?"

Lei Mingkai took over the kettle, but did not open the lid and take a few drinks. Instead, he focused on the problem of material consumption.

Since the war of Yakin Dewey, Lei Mingkai and lacs have not received any material supplement.

What we can rely on is the materials configured according to the standard wartime configuration in the free up cockpit.

This material seems to be able to keep Lei Mingkai and Lacs for a period of time, but it will be used up one day in the end.

Such a situation made Lei Mingkai a little anxious.

"It'll last about three days! Don't worry! Kay! We'll be fine."

"Three days? I hope this sandstorm will end ahead of time!"