Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 658

The light of destruction, which is more terrible and terrible than before, tore open the thick smoke at the launch port and declared its existence again.

"Coming! Kay!"

The white cat gave a low roar, and the figure disappeared.

Then, the flying wings of the flying wing type brilliance transmitter behind free GAODA will be separated, and then driven by the auxiliary propeller, they will either move up or adjust their angle until these flying wings converge into a ring behind free GAODA.

"The system is online! The brilliance messenger system is fully activated!"

At the moment when the ring is completely linked with the free GAODA, the complete form of the radiance transmitter system appears.

This is one of the cards of Lei Mingkai and even freedom Golder.

Although originally designed and manufactured for the development of deep space, the brilliance transmitter system can no longer care so much.

Moreover, the system has been deeply involved in this war since the flying wing brilliance transmitter fell into the hands of Lei Mingkai.

At the moment when the radiance transmitter system is fully activated, fluorescence emerges on the ring from top to bottom. Starting from the highest vertex of the ring, it quickly outlines a strange pattern on the ring according to a certain law.

Then, a slightly white light, like a gauze, centered on the ring, threw a dreamy curtain of light behind freedom GAODA.

At first glance, it is extremely dreamy and beautiful.


In this dreamy moment, the attack of Genesis has rushed to freedom GAODA.


A torrent of destructive rays roared in the void,

The almost ubiquitous cosmic dust was ignited by the terrible high energy of gamma ray bursts, which dotted the progress of gamma ray bursts with extremely dazzling but appalling brilliance.

At the end of this glorious road, it is not the earth that has long been locked, nor the plant colonial satellite group hanging in space, nor the three ship alliance and the eighth fleet that are concentrating their strongest forces and launching the strongest and final offensive towards genesis.

"Genesis launch succeeded! Did not hit Earth! Blocked!!"

Sereni looked at the flood of light across the void and couldn't help crying out.

Because, at the end of this torrent of light, it was forcibly cut off by freedom GAODA.


Before this scene, lacs couldn't imagine whether the method Lei Mingkai said before was true or false.

Perhaps, in Lach's mind, she would be as strongly opposed to Lei Mingkai's almost Arabian approach as bartfield, Maliu and even halbarton, the commander of the eighth fleet.

However, due to their experience of supporting the two people all the way from the Yinfeng incident, lacs couldn't help but secretly believe that Lei Mingkai's method was successful.

"I will drive Freedom Gundam to block genesis for a period of time. During this period, I hope you can do your best to destroy Genesis!"

Lei Mingkai didn't say much, but casually said that he would drive free Gundam to block the gun, and still to block the terrible attack of Genesis.

"How can it be! You're crazy! Lei Mingkai! Although I usually call you a knight, you don't really think you're a knight who can kill the dragon!! even if the performance of freedom GAODA is outstanding, it's genesis! A terrible weapon that can destroy the earth's surface ecology in one shot!"

Once so strongly opposed, bartfield bit his teeth and tried not to see the freedom blocking the flood of light.

In his mind, I'm afraid he has linked Freedom Gundam and Lei Mingkai with a certain term.

The warships were under fire,

MS shuttles through the void,

The huge fleet assembled by the three ship alliance and the eighth fleet poured terrible firepower enough to destroy a colonial satellite in an instant around genesis.

But even so, genesis's PS armor with huge energy supply has still become a stumbling block for this fleet, and there is no possibility of breaking down Genesis's defense.

Seeing this scene, lacs was even more nervous.

Subconsciously, she looked at the picture of Sereni at the bottom right of the screen.

Seleni, who seemed to be aware of lacs's sight, was silent and shook her head.


Now, even the designers of the light messenger are powerless.

After all, seleni had never imagined such a scene from the beginning.

With the body loaded with the light messenger to resist the terrorist attacks from Genesis.

"Judging from the design of the light Messenger, it may be able to stop genesis for a little time, but now

Seleni didn't finish, but she had explained one thing.

Lacs bit her lips, but didn't say a word. Some only looked at the end of the flood of light, the position of freedom GAODA, and the necklace held in her right hand.


The terrible wave of sound constantly pounded Lei Mingkai's hearing.

The dazzling light that is almost enough to blind human vision is filled in front of us.

In addition, Lei Mingkai heard the sound that the machinery inside Freedom Gundam began to twist and collapse.


People don't know that the real resistance to Genesis is not Freedom Gundam, but the white cat lying on Lei Mingkai's shoulder all day.


Among the appalling waves of Genesis's impact on freedom, there was the roar of the white cat zero, no, the long toothed lion zero.

Under the roar,

The zero figure of the long toothed lion appears from the void and steps behind the free GAODA.

At the moment of its emergence, the ring behind freedom GAODA suddenly burst into a more dazzling brilliance than the cosmic dust burned by the gamma ray burst of Genesis.


Another roar.

However, this roar can penetrate the vacuum and resound in the ears of all humans in this empty battlefield.


The roar of the beast rang through the void. Everyone's attention subconsciously gathered towards the end of the flood of light, but they saw an amazing scene.

A virtual shadow does not know when to envelop freedom GAODA, isolating the flood of light from Genesis in front of freedom GAODA.

What is more surprising is that the torrent of light, which can destroy all creatures on the earth with one blow, can't move forward in front of this virtual shadow.

"That... That's!! the gamma ray burst emitted by genesis was absorbed?!!!! How is it possible!!"

Sereni straightened up, almost failed to master the body balance that needs to be controlled under microgravity, and almost hit the ceiling all at once.

Fortunately, Simmons took Sereni in time.

However, the development director from dawning society was also shocked to look at the screen of the observation instrument in front of him.

"What is that... That virtual shadow? It can absorb gamma ray bursts?!"

Shock is shock, but the current situation represents their time!

We can also continue to carry out the task of destroying Genesis!

"All ships! Continue to attack!"

Halbarton breathed a little relieved and then looked at yemengard.

"Is this also your adult's means?"

But when he looked at it, halbarton saw that he remained calm at all times, and the elegant yemenggard was also shocked.

However, this appearance was just a moment's effort and was hidden by yemengard.

"Yes, Lieutenant halbarton."

Yemengard responded.

In the tone, there was already a trace of fanaticism.


Halbarton opened his mouth and finally just spit out the word.

Bartfield had the same feeling, but the desert tiger did not choose to say his sigh, but slightly raised his eyes to the pink figure floating from his seat to the porthole at the moment of the virtual shadow, and nodded silently.

With such a nod, Martin and Aisha, the adjutants who are always watching the trend of the desert tiger, immediately began their next action.

"Archangel! Now the eternal will shoot close! Please pay attention to the surrounding situation!"

The move of the eternal immediately attracted the imitation of many warships around.

Despite the risk, this is the only feasible way at present.

However, the front end of Genesis is inaccessible and inaccessible.

Because that's hell, the area shrouded by the terrible light from hell!

"Why!! why!! why appear in front of me again and again!!"

Inside genesis, looking at the fleet moving again, Cruze with his hands covered with his own blood stared at the end of the light column, which seemed to be an indestructible rock of freedom.

"It's just Yulin Xiang's masterpiece! Why did you show up again!!"

Cruze raised his finger and pointed to the scene on the screen where free Gundam blocked the light of creation.

"Why does that plane have this power!! why!!"

As the pilot of the Oracle Gundam, Cruze knows the power limit of Freedom Gundam.

However, why can Freedom Gundam still have the ability to block the light of creation after having that pair of terrible light wings!!


Cruze kept asking questions, but finally stopped thinking about all the doubts in a cough more severe than before.


In the midst of a severe cough,

In the fishy sweetness pouring from his throat,

In kruzer's mind,

In my heart,

There's only one idea left.

That is, destruction!


Do everything you can to bring the world···


no, it isn't!!!

Will appear in front of me again and again,

The knight who stops his action is destroyed!!


Only in this way,

Lao Lu Cruze destroyed the world,

The ultimate goal of destroying mankind can be achieved.

"Cough... Cough... Hahaha... Hahaha..."

Under blonde hair,

It's that crazy look,

The withered and twisted face was almost occupied by purples.

"Yes!! that's it! That's it! It's because of your existence that human beings dream of catching up with a stronger existence and mastering a stronger power!!"

That little bit of red flowed slowly through the gap between the keyboards along Cruze's arm and the bright red that his fingers fell on the keyboard, dyed the whole console red.

Cruze reached into his arms, took out the bloodstained password card, and then inserted it with his last effort.


The sound of a prompt has pushed Genesis to the brink of collapse, and it is also the start of the destruction process that erupts the last energy of Genesis.

"Now, it's the last!"

Looking at the rapidly completed reading strip, Cruze slowly tilted on the console.

The body, which has already begun to collapse and can only rely on drugs to maintain life, can no longer support Cruze's crazy move at the moment.



"This is the last... Result of mankind!"


At the moment when the destruction program started, the PS armor of Genesis, which was still unharmed by all means despite all the firepower exhausted by the Alliance fleet, suddenly darkened, and then completely lost all its luster and turned back to its humble gray appearance.

"Genesis's energy is off?!"

Before the consternation appeared, a more terrible and terrible breath suddenly fell and pressed on everyone's heart.

"Kay! Run!"

Floating out of the side window, looking silently at the position of free GAODA, lacs felt an unprecedented chill and immediately called Lei Mingkai loudly.

But it's too late!

Genesis's PS armor failed, not because Genesis's reactor stopped, but because under the control of the destruction program, genesis will put all its energy into launching gamma ray bursts and make the ultimate destruction at the cost of self destruction.


At this moment, the Alliance fleet, which either understood or had no time to react, could only watch the flood of light more than twice as dazzling as before, directly broke through the virtual shadow that enveloped freedom GAODA, and directly bombarded the figure of freedom GAODA.

"Zero! Can you hold it?"

Lei Mingkai was overwhelmed by the suddenly enhanced gamma ray burst and shouted loudly.


The zero voice did not appear a trace of panic, and even a trace of expectation.

"Roar! That's it! Z core, spare no effort to liberate!!"

Feeling the gamma ray burst increasing, zero was happy to make a sound.


However, at the moment of the liberation of Z core, zero lost its voice on the spot like a duck pinched by the neck.

As soon as the liberation of the Z core was about to begin, it stopped without warning.


The layer of shadow that insulates freedom GAODA from the gamma ray burst is still fragmented after all.

Together, Lei Mingkai shuddered. The radiant energy he subconsciously wanted to escape boldly penetrated the cockpit of free GAODA and directly bombarded Lei Mingkai.

Dark blue glow.

At this moment, Lei Mingkai thought of the terrible images he had seen when he was young about the human experience after encountering nuclear radiation.

"Zero! Hold on! It's almost there!"

Fortunately, Lei Mingkai's pilot suit can still block the little radiation left after penetrating the cockpit.

But if this continues···

"It shouldn't be like this! How can the liberation of Z core stop!! it shouldn't be like this!"

Feeling Lei Mingkai's state, zero type was burning with anxiety.

It originally wanted to rely on the liberation of the Z core to absorb and devour all the energy of Genesis in one breath, but it didn't expect such an accident at the critical moment.


A familiar wave of power came from Genesis.

It's the fluctuation of debris!

The zero type spirit was shocked and quickly tried to resonate with the power fluctuation.


Lei Mingkai heard a song.

"Looking up at the sky, it is so sad

There is only a pale and lamenting song

"Singing? Lacs?"

Lei Mingkai's spirit was shocked. The pain that penetrated the cockpit and the pilot's uniform and kept his body sliding towards the abyss of pain quietly subsided at the moment.

"Roar!! power!! that's it! Kai!! hold on!! Z core! All-round liberation!!"

Zero roared in surprise.

The power of fragments crosses the void and converges on the virtual shadow of the long toothed lion like stars.

Under the starlight, the broken down shadow made a comeback, gradually expelling the light of destruction of genesis from freedom GAODA.

Then, a more obvious and brighter figure appeared in front of the light of destruction.


This is a roar of rebirth!

This is a,


This is the roar of a beast reborn in the light of destruction!!



From a distance, at the end of the light of destruction, a lion with a clear outline and pure white brilliance all over, higher than freedom and larger than the archangel slowly raised his head and looked at Genesis through the void and the light of destruction.

Then, the pure white lion raised his front feet and stepped into the empty space, which turned into a brighter and more dazzling light than the light of destruction, pushing the light of destruction back in the past.

"The light shines white and gentle

But it was taken away by the wind and taken to the far side

All human beings who witnessed this scene could not think about how the scene in front of them happened. They just knew that everything in front of them was true, but that the song in their ears was so sad···

Under the pure white radiance, it is invincible. The light of destruction, which vows to destroy all living creatures in the world, can no longer erase everything in front as before. Finally, it is pushed back by the pure white radiance to its birthplace.


In the song, the pure white brilliance that pushed back the light of destruction hit the launch mirror of Genesis.

On the spot, the reflection mirror turned into fragments and scattered in the void.

At this moment, the battlefield is silent.

Only the lion with a pure white body and the song that resounds through the hearts of the people.

"Did we win?"

At this moment, this idea can't help but emerge in all people's hearts.

It's just that things are far from over.

The pure white giant lion looked back slightly, looked at the location of the eternal, slowly stepped back for a distance, and again raised his head to face the moment of Genesis. In the eternal, the girl who called Lei Mingkai with her own song shook her head and stretched out her right hand to the pure white lion.

"No! Kay! No!"

The pendant in the girl's hand glowed slightly.

That's a call,

And the return of power,

It is the moment of awakening from the throbbing buried in the depths of the soul.

"I have made up my mind not to run away

Stay by your side and feel your warmth

Don't look away

If everything in front of you

It's all the truth that pierces into the heart... "

The pure white radiance shines in the void again, and the palpitation in the girl's heart is already very clear.

So when the girl stretched out her right hand to the pure white lion again, her mind was clear.

"Walk with you

Until it is twisted and blocked

The other side of the gate of stars... "

On this day, the pure white radiance crossed the earth's night sky like the Milky way across the starry sky. It will also expel the unknown existence that almost wiped out the life of the world from the world, leaving the traces of tearing the void and the songs lingering in the hearts of the survivors after the war.