Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 657

At the moment when the harsh alarm struck people's hearing, the glory feared by human beings lit up its terrible glory again.

"Avoid!! avoid!!"

In an instant, the same words resounded through both the Earth Alliance and the ZAFT fleet. I was afraid that as long as it was so late, the warship I was in would be affected by genesis.

you 're right!

Because at the moment when Genesis completes the third mirror replacement, a warning message sent from the public channel has informed the goal of Genesis this time.


The headquarters of the United Earth!!

This not unexpected goal immediately made everyone's heart beat wildly.

Some people are ecstatic!

Some people are very nervous!

"Is it still a step slower?"

Halbarton clenched his fist, and his face showed reluctance.

The eighth fleet, which ran all the way from the moon, has paid a heavy price, but has never been able to prevent the re launch of Genesis.

Bucky Lulu is more aware of this.

If it had not been threatened by Murta yazlar, I'm afraid the archangel would not have experienced such twists and turns, resulting in the delay in stopping the launch of Genesis.

"Archangel! Avoid it! It's over if you're hit!"

Even if there were many unwilling in her heart, Bucky Lulu subconsciously sent an alarm to the archangel.

The crisis is imminent!

Even if bakilulu's warning was not issued, the three ship alliance would naturally know.

After all, Lei Mingkai gave the three ship alliance enough preventive shots before that.

Therefore, the three ship alliance was not on the firing track of the third launch of Genesis.

However, at the moment, the three ship alliance can only watch the light of destruction burst out from the interior of Genesis and rushed to the mirror at one fell swoop. Then, after many refractions, it thundered towards the earth with the light of destruction enough to destroy tens, hundreds, or even hundreds of billions of lives.

"Kay! Get out of the way! We're a step late!"

At the moment when the terrible radiance rose, freedom GAODA, who should have retreated together with the three ship alliance, suddenly did not retreat but moved forward, fully broke out the power of flying wing radiance transmitter, and went towards genesis.

This move not only startled the white cat zero, but also made lacs scream.

"Kay! Danger!"


In the picture in front of lacs, there was no emotion related to impulse on Lei Mingkai's face, but he was particularly calm.

Under the light of destruction, this calm is so deeply shocking.

"This!! does this guy want to be with genesis..."

Bartfield was shocked and looked at Lei Mingkai in shock.

"Lach, I'll be right back!"

Rax's exclamation and baltfield's shock did not make Lei Mingkai open his mouth to explain his actions. Instead, he calmly made a promise and cut off the communication with the eternal.

"Captain bartfield, freedom up to

Almost at the same time, the archangel and the grass shaving, which found the strange freedom up to, also sent questions, followed by the information of Carrie, who was protected by the M1 heretic trio of dawn society.

"I... I don't know."

Bartfield opened his mouth and did not dare to say his guess.

Because Freedom Gundam has rushed to the front of Genesis - the airspace where the mirror is located.

"Since you can't destroy your body, then directly destroy the launch mirror!"

Lei Mingkai searched back and forth in his mind several times. Except for the story of self exploding nuclear power machine in genesis, he never found a way to destroy PS armor with huge energy supply and destroy genesis.

The possibility of the implementation of the former has long been blocked by kruze.

While the three ship alliance arrived, Dr. seleni, who had a good understanding of Genesis's system, had already begun to work with director Simmons to try to crack genesis's system and look for the possibility of closing genesis.

However, kruze is worthy of being a terrible man who deliberately wants to destroy the world and can successfully implement his plan by half a step.

At the moment of the Oracle's self explosion, the possibility of invading the genesis system from the outside will return to zero. At the same time, the possibility of prying the door of the genesis by any means from the outside, even including physical destruction, will also return to zero.

Now, in the face of this "tortoise shell" that completely closes the link with the outside world, I'm afraid there are few ways to stop Genesis launch.

Under the mirror, the light of destruction is more and more dazzling.

Above the mirror, Gundam tries to destroy the mirror with colorful cannons.

But in the face of the MS army, the invincible colorful artillery can not complete the task of destroying the launch mirror of Genesis in a short time.

Although the launch mirror is a disposable product that is discarded after use, it can withstand the terrible power of Genesis in a short time and complete the launch mission.

Compared with the terrible power of Genesis, the attack of Freedom Gundam is so careless.

"Kay! Get out of here! We don't have time!"

The light of destruction below was close at hand. The fluff on the white cat zero was frantically blown up, making the white cat zero almost a big cotton ball.

Suddenly, a black spot in the light of destruction attracted the attention of white cat zero.

"That, that's the body! The body that the boy drives! What the hell is he doing?!"

The white cat almost jumped up and looked at the covenant GAODA that suddenly appeared below and stopped in front of the light of destruction.


Lei Mingkai's eyes flashed and there seemed to be a burst of singing in his ears.

The song is very familiar. It is the song that Lei Mingkai remembered when he first appeared with lacs - "silent night".

However, from the singing, what Lei Mingkai feels is a tenderness snuggling up to his lover.

"Is that the photocopier?"

The answer to this question will obviously not get Kira's response.

Because, in the song and in the light of destruction, the Broken Covenant GAODA rushed in like a generous warrior.

Then, a seemingly weak but brighter light was born from the interior of the light of destruction.

"Opportunity! Kai! Let's go!"

At the moment of the birth of this brilliance, I'm afraid Lei Mingkai is still driving free Gundam to continue attacking the firing mirror. In the blink of an eye, he has a functional integration with free Gundam.

You know, this is the first time for white cat zero to actively integrate functions in front of Lei Mingkai.

In the next second, the white cat zero who completely controls Freedom Gundam will directly control Freedom Gundam and avoid it from the front of Genesis.


Covenant Gouda's generosity is not meaningless.

At least, it bought a little time for the evacuation of free Gundam, which also led to some accidents in the third launch of Genesis.

The terrible light of destruction was still terrible, but in the case of St. John's GAODA self exploding reaction furnace, the ghost sent God to launch for several seconds, and then fell into a dead silence.

In the void, the terrible high-energy burning cosmic dust contained in the destroyed light is still slightly bright, but the earth locked by Genesis rotates slowly according to the time track of thousands of years.

At present, the faint light left in the vacuum made everyone sweat.

"Quick! Quick! Confirm the damage caused by Genesis!"

People who responded for the first time began to confirm the situation.

The three ship alliance suffered no loss,

Neither the eighth fleet nor the following Archangel suffered losses,


Negor, Itzhak and Diego also suffered no losses.

The loss occurred in the fierce battle just now. Unfortunately, he was involved in the third launch of Genesis. The disaster went up in smoke and seized the MS of many blue Persian chrysanthemums on one side.

"Olga!! Crockett!!"

Being entangled by the dark assault on Gundam, he was lucky to avoid the prohibition of the launch orbit of Genesis. Gundam floats in front of the disaster Gundam destroyed by gamma ray burst and the capture of Gundam.

"No, it shouldn't be! It shouldn't be! No!!"

Shani, who was stimulated by the scene in front of her, was crazy!

Deeply stimulated by the sight of being swept by death in an instant, Shani completely fell into madness and completely became a madman who killed everyone regardless of the enemy or ourselves.

"Tut! Are you crazy? Nigol, Diego! Kill him!"

After fighting with the three small powerhouses for a period of time, he ran out of all his arms. In the duel of ammunition, Gao Da drew out the beam sword and met him without fear.

Yitzhak was not afraid of the already crazy prohibition of Gundam.

Because behind him, behind the duel GAODA, there is a partner he trusts.

The beam sword waved and cut straight on the two shields of forbidden high.

Of course, the shield enough to distort the beam will resist the duel as high as the beam sword.

"This attack can't hurt me at all!! die!"

On Shani's twisted face was the crazy expression.

In this regard, yizak showed a faint smile.

"General! You lost!"


Shani was stunned. The screen in front of him suddenly flickered and presented a snowflake directly. A hot enough to burn the flesh and blood swept through the cockpit.

The crazy abstinence was as silent as ever.

But Yitzhak gasped.

In the game just now, as long as you take the wrong step and pull out the beam sword foolishly, the duel GAODA will be banned. GAODA will fight back and break into the abyss of eternal doom.

"Izzak, are you okay?"

The two beams were pulled out from behind the forbidden GAODA.

It turned out that taking advantage of the opportunity of dueling GAODA to attract the interdiction of GAODA, the dark attack and storm GAODA successively cut off the interdiction of GAODA's hands, feet and head monitor with a beam sword, and then pierced the interdiction of GAODA's cockpit, which was a long time, but in fact it was a tacit cooperation in an instant.

"No. It's okay! It's just Genesis..."

Yitzhak saw the genesis launch just now.

According to the previous two Genesis launches, the irradiation time of Genesis will never be as short as a few seconds.

I'm afraid there's something wrong here.

"Come on! Maybe Kay needs our help!"

The three looked at each other across the screen, summoned up their last strength and drove the scarred body to Genesis.

Looking at genesis,

The third launch of Genesis makes people despair and feel the hope behind despair.

Because the earth was not directly hit by genesis.

According to the calculations and observations of Sereni and Simmons, the short seconds of Genesis did not penetrate the earth's atmosphere, that is, the earth temporarily passed the threat of Genesis.

"This does not mean that Genesis can no longer be launched. If the people who control genesis are desperate and do not hesitate to take the cost of Genesis self explosion, genesis can still have the power to instantly burn and melt the earth's surface. After all, in the just launch, the third mirror did not appear to be unusable."

Sereni's face was dignified, which made everyone dare not breathe a sigh of relief.

Watching the genesis launch results simulated by Sereni again, the people were silent.

"That is to say, did Kira Dahe just drive covenant gauda into Genesis and explode, just buying us a little time?"

Lei Mingkai uttered a sigh or a sigh.

Unexpectedly, Kira's fate would be like this.

In the midst of that song, he made such a move.

"That song just now..."

Obviously, lacs heard the song, too.

"Yes. It's her."

Lei Mingkai nodded.

He knew what Lars was thinking.


Lacs sighed.

"It's a pity we didn't have time to talk."

"Well, now is not the time to sigh. The terrible thing is still there! I don't know when it will be launched again!"

Bartfield clapped his hands to show everyone to cheer up again.

After looking at the crowd on the screen, Lei Mingkai looked down at the white cat zero pose that appeared again.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I may have a way to solve genesis."


The sound of electric spark jumping constantly sounded in his ears, like a buzzing, and as harsh as a sword blade, pulling Cruze back to reality from the boundless chaos.

"Ho... Cough..."

The intense pain came from all over the body, and the smell was sweet in the throat.


Cruze coughed hard, raised his eyes slightly and looked at the screen in front of him.


It is a picture occupied by dazzling red.

"Ha... Cough... Hahaha... Cough... Hahaha!!"

While coughing, Cruze's laughter gradually became crazy.

"Is it you again? The masterpiece of Dr. Youlian Xiang! Ha ha! I didn't expect you to make such a choice in the end! Ha ha! Ha ha!! interesting! Interesting!!!"

In a room surrounded by cold steel plates,

The man surrounded by the floating debris looked ferociously at the blood red screen in front of him, and then raised his hand to pull off the mask on his face, revealing his rapidly aging, distorted and terrible face.


Suddenly, bursts of roar penetrated the protective walls and rang through Cruze's ears.

"Hum! Are you still struggling? This is just a futile move!"

Withered hands quickly skimmed over the keyboard, pressed letters, and input a series of instructions into the system. At the moment, a trace of purplish red dripped on the keyboard along cruzena's twisted face.

Looking closely, the crimson that drips on the keyboard is as charming as the other shore flowers in full bloom!

"This is the result! Human beings! Accept the final sanctions!"

In front of me was the word overload alarm.

But Cruze was unmoved and pressed the last button directly.

Then, wait for the last moment.

In the dark, kruze seemed to see the huge and terrible energy converging in genesis, and then advanced all the way along the launch channel. He rushed to the launch mirror again with the glory of destroying all things in the world. After repeated refraction of the mirror, he once again hit the hell light of erasing all living beings in the world towards the earth.

"Human beings! Accept the ultimate destiny!"

In the seemingly eternal glory, kruze saw destruction and all living beings struggling under destruction, which made him feel very happy and happy!




this is it!

In pursuit of strength!

To be stronger than others!

To compare···

Feeling extremely happy to witness the extinction of all things in the world, Cruze suddenly seemed to be strangled by his neck and stared at the front, staring at the front of the launch track of Genesis.


A ring!

A body!

And a lion stepping on the void, and the virtual shadow appears impressively!