Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 656


A man who was extremely disappointed and even dissatisfied with the stupidity of his own son took back a child from the universe.

A clone made by Yulin Xiang, the top human geneticist at that time, with heavy investment.

From the beginning, he had no name.

I just know that when he was taken back to the earth from the universe and entered a luxury castle, he was locked inside the castle by someone and lived an isolated life.

every single day,

Every hour,

Every minute,

In front of him was always the pile of books higher than his young body,

A course you'll never finish,

Homework that will never be finished,

And the face that has invested a lot of effort, full of expectation, but with a trace of disappointment.

"Who is he?"

Children from the universe don't know.

The only thing he knows is that he may one day become the successor of this man.

Maybe it will become "yourself" in the future.

"Bang Dang!"

The sound of the broken teacup startled the child who was concentrating on learning the books in his hand.

"Too slow! Too slow!"

Originally sitting in a chair, as in the past, the man suddenly broke the tea cup in his hand. In the words of dissatisfaction, he grew up, walked quickly to the desk and looked down at the young face full of confusion.

"Why!! why!!"

The man's eyes swept the book cover in the child's hands.

He knows that this book is undoubtedly a heavenly book for ordinary children.



Now, the children in his eyes are not ordinary children!

But along his genes, the clone created by human top gene technology!!

In other words, the child in front of him is himself!!

Obviously, in the same growth period, I can easily integrate the knowledge contained in this book.

And this clone along its own can't do that!

Even half of the knowledge in this book could not be learned!!


The clone created by spending a lot of money and not hesitate to use a certain means, unexpectedly···

What a sight?!

What's the difference between this and his useless son who is undoubtedly mediocre!!

"Your Excellency."

Looking at the eyes that used to be full of expectation, but now they are gradually losing patience, the child shouted timidly.

"Shut up!"

The man gave a cold drink and his eyes were unusually sharp!

"Listen! You must finish reading this book before dinner!"

The man coldly left this sentence and left.

But the child knows that if he can't finish the task before dinner, it won't be such a simple thing as starvation.

The heavy wooden door closed slowly, isolating the child from the world again.

Although the room is magnificent, it is so frightening.


The child drowned by the pile of books raised questions like men.

But the child wondered why he suffered how harsh and terrible.

The child doesn't know the answer.

The only thing he knew was that dinner was still away from him.

And the face that was so disappointed that it became particularly distorted and terrible.

"Why? Why? It's obviously along my genes, it's clearly my half body, why!! why can't it reach my level!! why!!"

In the terrible punishment, the only thing a child can remember in his mind is what he doesn't understand, but subconsciously remembers.

Darkness came as scheduled.

But the child was unable to return to his desk.

Can only lie on the ground and quietly look at the wooden door that was closed again.


The pain caused by the punishment of failing to complete the task tore the child, but lit the flame in the child's heart - the flame called hatred.

"Why? Why do you do this to me!!"

The scenes that he had been locked in the room since he came to the castle came to mind.

Without any joy,

There is no hope,

yes , we have,

It is the fear and hatred that brings all the pictures together.

The moon was high, and a small figure quickly passed through the long corridor.

Besides the slight footsteps, there was the sound of liquid flowing.

Then, the fire that swept through everything rose into the sky and saw off the little figure moving alone towards the strange outside world.


At the moment of the prompt sound of the shuttle sliding into the maintenance channel of Genesis, a pair of silver masks were also picked up by a pair of faintly decaying hands, covering the wrinkled face.


Under the blonde hair, the silver mask was raised slowly.

"I didn't expect to recall my memory at this moment. Hey! It doesn't matter! This is just the last reminder! Right! Al Da flage!"

After undoing his seat belt, Cruze glanced casually at the screen next to him.

On the screen, it happened that the Oracle GAODA was besieged by gates, and then exploded at the moment when the timing program returned to 0, dragging most gates into the golden spring.

"Hum! Sure enough, are there only these means? Those two women."

For the existence of MIA and ERICO, Cruze noticed something wrong after the silver wind incident.

However, when he observed that the existence of the two people would not cause any obstacles and threats to his actions, and even Cruze saw that their purpose seemed to be to turn around Aslan Sara, Cruze knew that they were hiding secrets he didn't know.

But in the final analysis, it's just a woman who is dazzled by love!

The final trial, let's start!!

The footsteps of anxiety echoed for a long time in the silent passage.

It was not easy to stop Kira, who was slightly panting, and ran all the way along the route in memory towards the ward where lh033 was located.

As a result, as soon as I turned a corner, I saw a gray figure lying to one side.

At the moment when Kira's eyes touched the figure, Kira was stunned.


Without hesitation,

No stranger,

Just the moment her eyes fell on the figure, Kira recognized lh033.


"How could this happen? The woman clearly promised to make you better! Why would it be like this?"

When she stepped forward quickly and held lh033 in her arms, Kira saw lh033's face, which had lost its ruddy color in the past, leaving only a dead gray pale color.

No matter how Kira called, lh033 never responded to Kira and didn't show a reassuring smile as before.

"No! No! I can't let you die like this!"

When Kira picked up lh033, her face immediately became more anxious and panic.

Lh033's body is so light that there is no weight at all. It seems that the weight of life has disappeared from lh033's body before Kira came here.

Worried about the situation of lh033, Kira quickly ran to the medical center he remembered. The speed was getting faster and faster. Even Kira had never imagined that he could have such a fast moment, but he had only one idea in his heart.

That is, let lh033 live.

"That woman, the woman with the same appearance as lacs, may... No... Be able to keep lacs alive!!"

Suddenly, several white shadows appeared in front of Kira's eyes.

From the back, it seems to be the medical expert who participated in the treatment of lh033 before.

"Wait... Wait!"

Kira quickly made a noise and tried to call the medical experts who evacuated along the escape route, but she couldn't call them.

Anxious, Kira's speed accelerated by three points and caught up with the medical experts before the next corner.

"Doctor! Please! Help her!"

Kira, who suddenly grabbed the way, startled the medical experts, but after hearing Kira's words and seeing the figure in Kira's arms, the medical experts stepped back and looked at each other.

The gentle middle-aged man couldn't help but speak until he couldn't stand the short haired man in the middle under Kira's almost begging words and eyes.

"Sorry! We can't let her live. Because this is not what we can do."

"What?! no, it's impossible! Didn't you treat la... For her before?"

Kira couldn't believe what she heard and begged again and again.


A trace of intolerance flashed on the faces of the medical experts. Finally, it was the gentle middle-aged man who spoke.

"It's not a treatment! It's just hanging the life of this young lady! From the day she was sent here, we knew she wouldn't live long."


Kira couldn't accept the fact.

But before the words of pleading were said, a slight pull came from his collar.

"Enough... Enough... Ki... Kira... Enough!"

"Lacs?! you're awake!"

Kira was surprised to see the girl in her arms wake up and quickly looked at the medical experts with hopeful eyes.

"That's enough! Kira. That's enough! Let's go! Don't embarrass them."

Although the sound of lh033 is still very small, it gradually becomes smooth.

Kira hesitated.

He knew that if the medical experts were allowed to leave, lh033 would die.

"Kira, let's go! Is St. John Gouda still there? Take me away!"

Lh033 saw Kira's hesitation and begged.

Kira, who couldn't bear to refuse lh033, bit her teeth, finally nodded, and turned away under the stunned eyes of those medical experts.

There was no word all the way, only the roar echoing in the channel and the flashing red lights back and forth.

In addition, Kira and the gray girl held in her arms were left.

At the end of the passage, the Broken Covenant GAODA waited there quietly, waiting for Kira and the girl to appear.

"How miserable!"

Lh033 raised her head slightly from Kira's arms and looked at the body that was completely different from the covenant in her memory.

In the past, the blood red armor with strange beauty is so broken at the moment,

The pair of sharp long horns were broken, leaving the head armor torn by cracks.

"Well, it's OK."

Kira answered softly and then looked at the girl in her arms.

"Lacs, shall we go back?"

go back.

For the two people, this word may represent the abandoned colonial satellite they stayed before lh033 came on.

"No. Kira. I..."

Before lh033 finished, Kira knew what the girl thought.

"Well, let's go! It's time to put an end to these things."

With a slight kick under Kira's feet, the two flew to St. John Gundam in microgravity and to the cockpit that had been opened to the two.

"Kira. It's great to see you again!"

Lh033 looked up at Kira, who knew that the next action would be dangerous, but still acted without hesitation.

"Well, me too."

The holy covenant Gundam launched again rushed out of yagin Dewey, saw the scene that Genesis had completed the replacement of the mirror, and saw the scene that the temporary joint fleet of the three ship alliance and the eighth fleet merged with Freedom Gundam.

"Kira. We want to stop genesis. No, we want to stop Lao Lu kruze. Just now, he killed speaker Sarah and took Genesis's password card. Now I'm afraid he has fled to genesis and changed Genesis's shooting target."

Lh033 told Kira what he heard.

"Well, I know. There are some things, maybe I, we can do."

Kira nodded silently and drove covenant gauda straight to Genesis.

Fortunately, with the joint efforts of the three ship alliance and the eighth fleet, the battle in the universe around agin Dewey gradually subsided, which gave covenant GAODA the opportunity to go to genesis at full speed without hindrance.

"Kira, don't you regret it? You still have so much time."

Lh033 asked softly as he watched the countless war debris passing around St. John Gundam.

"No. I just want to do what I can and want to do. Lacs. Don't care about me! This is also my choice."

Kira smiled gently and looked at the gradually clear genesis in front of her.

"Besides, even if I chose to stay in agin Dewey just now, I'm afraid you can't even start covenant gauda. Can't you?"

Hearing Kira's words, lh033 showed a faint smile.

The pain of tearing from the inside of the body gradually made lh033 unable to hold on.

If lh033 hadn't stayed in Kira's arms at the moment, I'm afraid lh033 would have been in the silent passage at that time···

"That's right."

At the moment when consciousness gradually blurred, Kira's voice slightly cheered up the scattered consciousness of lh033.


"Well, didn't we agree to go to a name for you?"

"Yes. Kira, did you think of it?"

Somehow, when the name was mentioned, lh033's eyes seemed to begin to condense a bright light again.


In front of us is the genesis that has come into our eyes.

Kira smiled softly.

"Xiao Ye. When I first saw you, I felt that with you around, even if it was a terrible night, it was no longer terrible."

"Xiao Ye? It seems to be a good name."


At this moment, it quietly lights up from the depths of Genesis.

Lh033, no, the smile on Xiao Ye's face is gentle and moving.

"Kira, let me sing for you!"

"Waiting for you in such a silent night,

Pick up the smile you forgot at that time... "

In the more and more dazzling light, the singing of the little night made Kira firmly push the putter and made covenant GAODA rush towards the light.