Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 655

The news that Patrick was shot by his confidant Cruze spread all over Yakin Dewey fortress.

When Kira drove the Broken Covenant gauda back to agin duvi, no one answered his return request.

In desperation, Kira finally drove St. John Gouda alone into the entrance gate in the lower half of Yakin duvi fortress.

But at the moment when the gate opened, several shuttle boats suddenly appeared in front of St. John Gundam and almost hit St. John Gundam.

If the impact of the former peace pioneer forces had not made Kira more attentive, I'm afraid these shuttle boats would have sent a "record" to St. John Gouda.

"What happened?"

Kira had no idea what the shuttle boats that rashly rushed out of Yakin duvi fortress were doing.

Moreover, after St. John Gundam made way of the road, these shuttle boats not only accelerated away, but also flew out of several JINEN behind them.

At the sight of these jin'en, kiraton, who was quick in his eyes and hands, controlled the Holy Shield. Gunda reached out and grabbed the jin'en nearest to him.

"Excuse me, what happened here?"

Jin en, who was held by St. John Gouda, struggled first. It seemed that its pilot saw that it was St. John Gouda who held Jin en, so he hurried to shout in the communication channel.

"You... You keep up! Let's go back to plant! Yakin Dewey is over!! speaker Patrick Sara was shot by Cruze!"

"What? Patrick... Patrick Sarah? Was killed? Aslan's father was killed?!"

Shocked by the news, Kira was accidentally freed and ran away by King.

"Lacs!! no!! you'll be fine!"

Worried about the safety of lh033 once again hit Kira's mind.

Especially after learning that his good friend Aslan's father was shot dead.

As a big man with heavy protection, if he can be shot by people around him, he has no resistance and may even die at any time. I'm afraid Kira is even more worried about the situation of lh033.

Then another figure appeared from behind the gate.

Moreover, the appearance of this figure appeared with a series of fire lights.

"Come on! Stop him!! he's the traitor Cruze who shot speaker Sarah!!!"

At the moment when the dark figure appeared, there was an angry roar in the communication channel.

"What's that?!"

This is just the moment of electro-optic flint.

"Oh? Covenant gauda? It looks really miserable! Just, if you don't die in this way, then enjoy your final fate! Dr. Xiang's strongest masterpiece!"

The dark figure of yagin Dewey who rushed out of the gunfire was the Oracle Gundam.

At the moment of passing by the holy covenant GAODA, Cruze recognized the holy covenant GAODA and Kira Dahe sitting in it.

"The strongest, hum! Just a delusional mortal! Now!!"

Cruze's eyes withdrew from St. John Gouda and looked at the fierce war before genesis.

"The world! Wait for me!"

The emergence of the Oracle GAODA, as well as Kim en and higu chasing after him, rushed past the holy covenant GAODA one after another.

In addition to the angry cries in the communication channel, no one will pay attention to the existence of St. John Gouda, which also allowed Kira to enter Yakin duvi smoothly.

"Lacs! Wait for me!"



Still attack!

I don't know what method the enemy in front of me used, but he was able to stop free Gundam before genesis, and jointly launched a dense fire network with the fire that Gates could not have, blocking free Gundam's rush to Genesis.

"That's not gates!"

At the moment when the fire net appeared, Lei Mingkai immediately felt that it was wrong.

No matter how excellent Gates' performance is, the performance now is not in Lei Mingkai's cognition of gates.

Refitting machine?


Maybe it's a new machine in Gatsby.

"Kay! If it goes on like this, the efficiency of the optical energy defense ring may be low. After all, this is the first time to use it. We don't know how much its performance can achieve."

The white cat zero, which constantly monitors the operation of the radiance transmitter, issued an early warning.

"Yes, I understand!"

Whether it's real gates or fake gates, their beam rifles can't break the powerful defense of the optical energy defense circle at all. The only thing that can be done is to delay the action of freedom.

"Buzzing, buzzing!"

Freedom as soon as his right hand is lifted, the Sirius beam rifle in his hand is a triple shot.

Three beams of light broke through a gates in an instant and died on the spot.

But Lei Mingkai showed a trace of dignity.

The three bursts of fire just now did not aim at a single target, but the three gates in front of freedom GAODA.

Although this was a tentative attack, the remaining two gates seemed to be able to predict the attack of Freedom Gundam in advance and avoided it from the attack axis of Sirius Beam Rifle.


With a flash of brilliant light wings, the free body immediately rose, rushed out of Gates' encirclement at a very fast speed, and occupied a commanding position overlooking all gates.


The multi-target locking system is activated again.

When the red cross cursor was fixed, Lei Mingkai pulled the trigger without hesitation.


When a slight roar echoed in the cockpit of freedom GAODA, the colorful cannon of freedom GAODA roared again!!


The achievements of two whale plasma cannons, two swordfish magnetic railguns and Sirius beam rifles are far from as objective as before.

After a volley, gates, who intercepted Freedom Gundam, only paid the price of several gates being blasted on the spot, and survived from Freedom Gundam's colorful cannons.

"How is this possible? Is it NT that can predict the action of free Gundam attack? A large group of NT? How is it possible?!"

The gravity in Lei Mingkai's eyes gradually deepened.

If it is really NT that Lei Mingkai is familiar with, the quantity is really... Amazing!

Even after deducting the several gates killed by free Gundam before, there are at least 40 gates on the court now!

In other words, these gates pilots are also likely to be NT?

More than 40 NT?

Miss. E can get this amount of NT?

Such and such questions constantly appear in Lei Mingkai's mind, but there is no result.

Fortunately, Lei Mingkai was not shaken. On the contrary, under the influence of strong psychological endurance, Lei Mingkai became braver and braver.

The song had already sounded in the communication channel that Lei Mingkai had not known, and echoed for a long time in the ears of the photocopier army driving gates and fighting with Freedom Gundam.

At the other end of the song, Patrick, who was sleeping forever, had already been properly placed aside.

Standing on the platform again is the pink figure.

The pink figure again in the image of Lach Klein.

The song sounded from then on.

The unknown,

The unspoken song echoed in the empty command center except for the dead Patrick and the pink figure.

In the song, a small step came.


As the automatic door opened, the song gradually stopped, and Mia looked back at the entrance.

"Are you back? ERICO and Aslan."

At the entrance, ERICO and Aslan.

It's just that Aslan's situation is not too good.

Most of the red mask covering his face was broken, and the rest was still firmly attached to Aslan's face. There was no sign that it could be removed.

From the broken mask, it can be seen that Aslan now seems more like a puppet than before, a puppet whose self-consciousness has been defeated.

Seeing this, Mia looked at ERICO, but got the same answer.

"This mask was given by miss. J. we don't know its structure. Li Ke shook her head, but saw the sleeping man placed aside.

"Patrick Sara?! is he... Dead?"

Mia nodded silently.

"Ka ··"


Empty eyes wandered in the empty command hall until the moment they touched Patrick Sarah's body, the broken mask finally fell off.

Revealing Aslan's original appearance will also make Aslan's repressed emotions, memories and soul rebound violently to form a terrible vortex and devour Aslan.

"Father... Father..."

In a trance, Aslan seemed to hear the last words left in the world at the moment Patrick died.

Under the huge impact, Aslan's eyes touched the two women around him.

ERICO Pompeii,


"Mi... Mia!??"

"Aslan. Sorry! I couldn't save my father."

Mia looked at Aslan's eyes and shook her head slightly. There was some avoidance in her eyes.

"This... This is not a dream? Mingming... Mingming..."

Patrick Sarah's body,

Mia Campbell, who should have died long ago,

And the huge screen behind him that still demonstrates the launch process of Genesis.

This clearly only exists in Aslan's unforgettable but irreparable memory in the past.

"This is not a dream! Aslan, you have returned to the world of the past."

ERICO's voice sounded faintly, but she couldn't attract Aslan's attention.

"Past? No. love... ERICO... You... No... no... no... star... Star shining city... Inspector... Inspector... I..."

Previously suppressed, but at the moment of releasing the seal, the soul vortex formed by the huge memory involved Aslan in an unprecedented impact and fainted on the spot.

"Did we do wrong?"

Mia quickly stepped down the platform and held Aslan gently, her voice trembling.

Mia didn't want Aslan to suffer like this.

From the endless darkness, Mia awakened by ERICO Pompeii has only thought from beginning to end, that is to create a world where Aslan will not be betrayed or hurt by anyone.

"No, we didn't do anything wrong! We just made some mistakes in the process. Mia, save Patrick... No, save his father's body! We may have a chance to wake him up."

ERICO looked at Aslan's unconscious face and looked at genesis on the screen.

"Now, we have more important things to do!"

"Mia! Let the photocopier troops shift their targets! Although the lion is our enemy, our purposes are the same now! What we want and what we want to create for Aslan is not a mother star burned by genesis."

Mia gently stroked Aslan's side face.

"Probably, Aslan will resent us!"

Then MIA gently placed Aslan next to Patrick Sarah.

"Now, rest assured! Aslan."

The next moment, when the song sounded again, the Gates who besieged freedom GAODA suddenly stopped, then turned around together and rushed in the opposite direction.


The white cat raised his head in surprise and looked at his unprotected back.

"No. It's the discovery of a higher priority enemy!"


From the beginning, the tremor from the bottom of my heart told Lei Mingkai that the war had ushered in the final scene.

"Lao Lu Cruze!!"

Far away,

Under the fire of the thrusters formed by gates, the broken Oracle Gundam flew alone towards genesis.

At this moment, the broken Oracle is as high as a lone sheep, surrounded by the hunting wolves.

light beam,

a blade,

At this moment, an overwhelming hunting net is interwoven to cover the Oracle GAODA, leaving no gap for him to escape from heaven.



As if he accepted his fate, the Oracle GAODA did not move and accepted it completely in the face of an unreserved attack.

Whether it was the beam or the blade behind the beam, the Oracle GAODA remained unmoved and waited for the last moment.

"No!! that's a trap!!"

In an instant, Lei Mingkai's eyes changed, his hands moved every move, and free Gundam quickly left the area driven by the light wing.

Because, in the next second, the Oracle GAODA besieged by gates turned into a terrible bomb, released all the most terrible energy contained in himself, and swallowed most Gates who participated in the siege of the Oracle GAODA in one fell swoop with that terrible energy explosion.

"Self explosion!! kruze is not in the Oracle Gundam!"

Behind the glory of the Oracle Gundam explosion, genesis silently changed the mirror for its third launch, and finally came to the last moment.

"Genesis has completed the mirror replacement, and the third launch is about to take place!"

The red words stabbed the eyes of everyone on the battlefield like a tide.