Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 654

"Zizi... Zizi..."

The sound of the current dragged the lost soul falling into the darkness back to reality.

Kira, who woke up from the chaos and did not know the darkness of time, faced a remnant.

A cracked screen,

A broken or disconnected line comes out in all directions, which appears to be a particularly broken console,

And the glass mask that was crossed by a crack.


In the dizziness that has not subsided, a fragmented memory quietly emerges.

Broken, but fearless, Mobius launched a decisive charge towards covenant GAODA, and the terrible impact swept by a high and crazy slogan.

"For the blue and clean world!!"

This is the moment when the slogan that runs through Kira's mind reappears, and all the fragmented memories form a terrible picture.

It's Mobius!

It was the Mobius that launched a charge towards St. John Gouda.

Even if Kira's driving skills are strong enough and the performance of St. John Gundam is excellent enough, it is so weak in the face of the fierce and fearless death. Once St. John Gundam avoids the decisive charge and decisively adopts the explosion frenzy caused by the self exploding Mobius.

Even if nuclear bombs are in a vacuum, they are just oversized bombs. However, when the number of self explosions reaches the moment of qualitative change, covenant GAODA will inevitably be affected, and may even be doomed.

Fortunately, at the moment of crisis, Kira finally broke out.

Now that the historical track has changed, Kira has finally ushered in the day of awakening.

But the day of awakening came so late!

As long as there is any mistake late, Kira will be dragged into the abyss of eternal doom by this terrible wave of self explosion.

Even so, Kira, who tried her best, could only escape by driving covenant GAODA.

"The quantum computer virus distribution system goes offline... The virus spreading device cannot be linked..."

"The output of the power furnace is low... It can't last more than three minutes..."

"All weapon systems are offline..."

Enduring the wave of headache, Kira quickly checked the data and systems of covenant GAODA.

The result is not optimistic.

Kira and St. John Gouda, who escaped by chance, can no longer stay in the battlefield here.

Once it is jointly discovered by the previous crazy earth that covenant GAODA is still alive, I'm afraid it will usher in a more terrible situation than before.

However, if we leave in this way, the crisis faced by plant cannot be relieved.

However, Kira is powerless now.


Looking at the Mobius charging madly in the distance amid the artillery fire of ZAFT's MS army, Kira's heart showed her sick face under her gray hair.

"I'm going back to see her!"

Somehow, as soon as this idea appeared, it immediately occupied Kira's mind and quickly expelled all his thoughts about the possibility that plant would be destroyed by nuclear weapons.

Driven by this idea, the holy covenant God GAODA, who survived the self explosion of many Mobius, left the battlefield unknowingly and flew towards agin duvi.

The departure of St. John Gouda did not become an opportunity for the transformation of the battlefield defending the security of plant.

Nor did it make the battlefield worse.

From the beginning, the worst situation was caused by the sudden departure of photocopier troops.

After a hard struggle and pursuit, the ZAFT MS forces led by negor, yizak and Diego finally stabilized the defense line.

However, as long as there is a breakthrough by one or two peace pioneers on this newly stabilized defense front, it will usher in a terrible result.

April City,

Or other cities of plant will be directly hit by the nuclear weapons launched by the peace pioneers, and the terrible disaster of bloody valentine's day will reappear.

"What a hindrance! Are you right, Crot?"

The three small powers followed the rear of the remaining peace pioneers and focused their attention on the dark attack, duel GAODA and storm GAODA that blocked their progress.

When hearing Shani's inquiry, crochet only responded to his partner's inquiry with a vague sentence, no, not even words, but only simple syllables.

The vague words not only made Shani uncomfortable, but also made Olga look unbearable.

Although the top three often fight inside, they still care about each other.

Among the many orphans collected by blue Persian chrysanthemum, only three of them can become the same MS pilot. The rest were either judged as defective products and dealt with, or could not bear it during the test and died on the spot.

"Crot, let's go!"

Olga gritted his teeth, and no matter how many words in his heart, they only turned into this sentence in the end.

In the light of the fire suddenly lit up in the propulsion backpack, there was the figure of the three small powers driving the body over the peace pioneer forces and attacking them in the dark.

"Itzhak! Here comes the new machine of the United Earth!"

As soon as the three small strong appeared, Nicolas Galton noticed their existence.

"OK! Coming!"

Without saying a word, the three fought three-to-three tacitly.

At the same time, on the edge of this increasingly fierce and white hot battlefield, the eighth fleet, in a crazy and reckless hurry, finally came to the edge of this battlefield at the cost of overloading the power furnaces of several warships, paralyzing them, or even dying on the spot.

As soon as they approached the battlefield, the eighth fleet received a fierce battle situation from the center of the battlefield.

"This... Is really a big scene."

Sitting in the command seat, halbarton's face was dignified.

The trend of the battlefield is not difficult to see.

The difficulty is how to make the right decision.

"Ms. yemengard. I don't know what your adult plans?"

After pondering for a while, halbarton put his eyes on yemengard.

"Of course, destroy genesis as soon as possible. We don't care about the outcome between the Earth Alliance and ZAFT. What we care about is to prevent the earth from being destroyed by genesis."

Yemengard naturally knows the actions of the three ship alliance, but it doesn't mean she will say it.

"Genesis? What a dilemma!"

Halbarton's initial goal was to make Genesis a top priority.

However, after arriving at the battlefield, halbarton found that there was only one of two choices in front of him.

Either way, halbarton will face another terrible situation.

"Ha ha! Unexpectedly, Ms. yemengard is also a person who likes to solve puzzles! However, this multiple-choice question is not difficult to choose."

Halbarton pondered a little and saw the intention of yemengard.

From the moment he saw yemengard, he found that yemengard seemed to have a strong sense of trust in the adult she claimed, and even a faint sense of worship in some aspects.

Therefore, halbarton, who should have kept calm, made an extremely risky choice in his life.

In the smile of yemengard, halbarton raised his right hand and ordered in a loud voice:

"First class combat readiness of all warships! Target, peace pioneer force! Our eighth fleet will participate in the battle of encircling plant! This does not mean that we give up our hostile position towards plant, but to avoid plunging the war into a more terrible abyss and preventing the destruction of our mother planet earth!!"

After a pause, halbarton saw the last batch of peace founders launch nuclear weapons.

"All warships! Fire! Target! Nuclear bomb!"

In an instant, the eighth fleet broke out its first roar to join the war.

The salvo fire in the sky immediately intertwined an airtight interception network in front of the plant and shot down all the nuclear weapons.

The scene of Freedom Gundam stopping all the nuclear bombs launched by the forces of the peace pioneers with a single machine is repeated again.

But this time it was done by the eighth fleet.

Sudden gunfire,

A sudden fleet,

Let the heat of the battlefield suddenly cool by three points.

Both the United side of the earth and ZAFT were blinded by the eighth fleet that suddenly joined the battle.

"I'm Duane halbarton! Now tell the earth joint remnant fleet that our enemy is not plant, but Patrick Sara, who made genesis, and destroyed genesis as quickly as possible! Continuing to attack plant is just a waste of our precious and little time left!"

When the all channel radio from halbarton rang through the whole battlefield, the crazy momentum of the earth joint remnant fleet suddenly withered.

"Du... Duane... Halbarton!?!! didn't this... This guy die together when Ptolemy was hit by genesis?!"

Murta yazlar, who clamored to make the adjuster look good, jumped at the sight of halbarton appearing on the screen.

At the next moment, Murta yazlar seemed to feel something and suddenly looked back at bakilulu sitting on the captain's seat.

He had just pointed a gun at the female captain who had to give in. Her eyes were full of ridicule.

"You!! natal!! what are you looking at!! perform your task quickly!!"

Murta yazlar, whose face gradually began to twist, reached into his arms and was ready to repeat the scene of threatening bajilulu with a gun, but he was suddenly pressed on the wall by two quick eyed soldiers next to him.

"You!! you!! reversed!!"

Caught off guard, Murta yazlar, who still wanted to struggle, was caught by the third soldier who followed him with his right hand and pulled it with force, and the pistol was taken away on the spot.

"Ah!! natal!! halbarton!! you!! you are crazy! You must be human sinners!!! Let go of me! Let go of me!!!"

Murta yazlar, who was frantically struggling, kept shouting, but he didn't get a response from bakilulu.

"Take it down! Take care of it!"

After a faint command, Bucky Lulu raised her hand and pressed her hat to calm her crazy beating heart.

She did not expect that the change she was waiting for would come so quickly.

It was so fast that she almost didn't react.

"Contact lieutenant halbarton! The archangel, request to join the eighth fleet to fight against Genesis! In addition, inform the remaining warships of the lunar fleet whether to follow in the footsteps of lieutenant halbarton or stay here and live and die. It's up to them to decide everything!"


In the blink of an eye, Bucky Lulu and the archangel launched an unexpected counter attack with the amazing appearance of halbarton, seizing the command from the crazy Murta yazlar.

On the archangel side.

Halbarton's appearance also surprised the archangel.

"Lieutenant, are you still alive?"

Malau was stunned.

"Captain. Received a communication request from the eighth fleet."

Miriam's voice came in time.

"Come on, connect!"

As soon as malau's voice fell, halbarton's picture appeared on the screen.

"Long time no see! Ramias! Now is not the time to catch up! I have learned about your experience from Ms. yemengard. So let's focus all our energy on the task of destroying Genesis!"

Looking at the dignified habalton, Malu opened his mouth and finally responded with a serious salute.

"Yes! Lieutenant!"

The situation has changed!

As soon as halbarton and the eighth fleet appeared, the pressure on ZAFT's side suddenly decreased.

The Earth Alliance, which originally launched a crazy attack fearlessly, has split into two waves.

One wave is fighting and retreating, chasing around the battlefield and heading for the eighth fleet of Genesis,

The other wave maintained the crazy attack, ignoring the existence of the eighth fleet.

"What the hell happened here?"

Join hands with the dark assault to force the duel forced by Gao Da. Gao Da looked at the unity of the earth torn into two pieces from a distance. Yizak was a little incredible.

"This is an opportunity! Yizak! As long as we kill the enemy in front of us, I'm afraid the war will be over."

Nigol knew more or less about remingkai's plans, so he was relieved to see the split of the earth joint lunar fleet due to the emergence of halbarton.

Although the situation is grim, it is not as dangerous as stepping on the tip of a knife before.

The strong intervention of the eighth fleet triggered a sharp change in the battlefield, which affected the other side of yagin Dewey.

"Dada dada..."

In the sound of gunfire, kruze moved flexibly through the aisles and quickly rushed into gnaku where his Oracle Gundam was parked.

At the moment of leaving the aisle, Cruze turned and threw two grenades at random.

Under microgravity, the grenade rolled into the darkness of the corridor under the gaze of kruzer, and then set off a violent explosion and a scream symbolizing death.

"Sorry! I don't have time to play with you now!"

He stretched out his hand and propped himself back. He stopped steadily next to the cockpit of the Oracle GAODA. After glancing at the smoke billowing aisle, kruze threw himself into the cockpit.

"I didn't expect that the knight had such a skill! Halbarton, who should have died, was rescued by him! Then, my time is running out!"

In front of the gradually lit screen, the genesis password card drifted silently from kluzer's line of sight.