Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 651

The terrible gamma ray burst is like the terrible torrent that is enough to destroy everything in the world in the fairy tale. It spans a long distance in the void, far away from the eighth fleet that may have been hit by the gamma ray burst,

From the eyes of all the owners of the eighth fleet standing in front of the screen,

From halbarton's eyes,

Swept by,

He hit the lunar base Ptolemy, which had just found the escape of the eighth fleet and issued a warning.

In an instant, halbarton saw the picture of contacting the Ptolemy base just a second ago,

The face that halbarton was very familiar with but tit for tat. Even halbarton himself had been framed by it. Under the gamma ray storm across the void, it twisted and expanded. Finally, at the moment of complete explosion, the communication from Ptolemy was disconnected.

Only the next moment is left, looking from a distance at the huge mushroom cloud rising from the inside of the Ptolemy base and rising at least ten kilometers above the moon.

At this moment, the eighth fleet was silent.


If they hadn't followed halbarton's footsteps and left the Ptolemy base first, I'm afraid they would also be part of the terrible gamma ray storm and the huge mushroom cloud.

"Ti... Ti Du!!"

Even in the past, the adjutant who could keep calm at any time could not help swallowing his saliva.

"Don't panic! Now, we're still alive!"

Halbarton raised his right hand, signaled the adjutant not to be nervous, then slowly closed his eyes and meditated for a moment.

Then, the wise general looked back at the female officer who had always maintained calm. No, it should be said that she was a mysterious woman.

"Thank you very much for your help! Now, your speculation has come true. Then, it's our turn to attack!"

Yemenggard smiled and nodded slightly.

"That's right! At least, we didn't get targeted by the eighth fleet for a moment. That's a good thing, isn't it?"

Halbarton glanced at yemengard, who did not answer the question, and then said:

"At least, we have a foundation of mutual trust. The eighth fleet has now left the orbit of the moon and rushed to the Yakin Dewey line at full speed. But do you think we can catch up?"

After witnessing the destruction of the earth's joint lunar base Ptolemy by genesis, halbarton had only one idea in his mind.

I'm afraid the third Genesis will aim at the earth, at the union of the earth, the capital of the Atlantic Federation.

At that time, under this strike, the whole earth will become a death star with extinct life.

"Yes. I'll catch up! That adult won't let Genesis hit the earth!"

To halbarton's surprise, the mysterious woman who claimed to be yemengard seemed to have a strong trust in the existence behind her.

This made halbarton wonder.

In the final analysis, if it were not for the existence of forces strong enough to a certain procedure, I am afraid it would not be possible to control a considerable part of the power of Ptolemy, the earth's joint lunar base, so that the scattered eighth fleet could gather again and leave the base first.

"I believe there will be a chance for you to meet that adult. Lieutenant halbarton!"

The smile on yemengard's face became more and more mysterious.

"In other words, not long ago, governor halbadu, you also met with adults. But at that time, adults were just an unknown boy."


Halbarton was stunned. Some didn't believe what yemengard said, and even thought yemengard was joking.

"Hehe! Belief and negation are only between governor halbarton's thoughts. Therefore, it's useless to say more about adults."

Naturally, yemenggard would not say that Lei Mingkai was standing behind the ring around the atrium. Therefore, she just fooled around and took the initiative to end the topic.

Halbarton frowned, but there was nothing he could do.

Although yemengard is now standing alone in the flagship of the eighth fleet except for two dispensable guards.

As long as there is any change on halbarton's side, the mysterious woman will not be affected, and may even make the eighth fleet and halbarton pay a heavy price.

Halbarton believed so.

In any case, the mysterious woman who easily controls part of the forces of Ptolemy base will not be a good match.

"Well, I look forward to meeting the adult you said. But now, let's seize the time!"

"Just so!"


Time goes back to the moment of Genesis's second launch.

At Patrick's command, genesis, which brought terror to the earth's joint lunar fleet not long ago, once again issued a roar called killing.

Just for a short moment, everyone's eyes were once again occupied by the terrible light across the void, and they didn't move half a minute away from them.

Any existence that hinders the footsteps of this terrible light will be destroyed by gamma ray bursts, leaving only the twisted body floating in the void.

"Hum, hum!! ha ha!"

At the moment of the second successful launch of Genesis, kruze's laughter rang out on the communication channel.

Loud and crazy,

Lei Mingkai frowned.

"Kruze. I know your plan!"

Lei Mingkai sent a communication with Cruze for the first time since the war.

In the crazy laughter,

At the moment when the mushroom cloud destroyed by Ptolemy, the earth's joint lunar base, rose into the sky,

Cruze snorted coldly.

"Hum! So what? Aren't you standing here struggling? Lei Mingkai!!"


Lei Mingkai responded with a sneer and hit back at Cruze's cold hum.

"Do you think I'm struggling now?! kruzer! Don't underestimate people! It's you who should struggle!!"

The light wing behind freedom GAODA suddenly soared to a huge size that Cruze and others had never witnessed in the blink of an eye.

Under the huge wings of light, the existence of freedom is as small as a moth, but people can't take their eyes away from it.


The colorful streamer appeared from the root of the light wing, starting from the root of the light wing as quickly as the wave sweeping everything, and quickly spread to all the huge light wings.

At the moment when the streamer completely occupied the light wing, an aperture that was slightly bright but inadvertently attracted human attention quietly emerged behind the streamer color light wing.

"That!! that's the solar wind? How is it possible?!"

ERICO, who has the status of an outstanding mechanic, can see the truth of the form displayed by Freedom Gundam at the moment.

"Solar wind?!"

Cruze's eyes were frozen, but someone reacted faster than him.

When a red light flashed, Justice Gundam rushed over.

Under Aslan's control, Justice Gundam erupted in an instant. First, he threw all the remaining beam boomerang towards free Gundam, then emptied the remaining ammunition in his own battle, pulled out the last two beam swords and waved to free Gundam.

This round of attack was fierce, and it was also the most terrible attack that had erupted since the war between Aslan and zhenggouda.

But Aslan didn't know, Ellie didn't know, even Cruze didn't know!

What changes have taken place in Freedom Gundam at the moment!!

The beam of light that drew an arc in the void, and the boomerang was cut off by a light band that suddenly appeared from around the body of free GAODA before it approached free GAODA.


"Bad!! Aslan! Come back!"

At the moment when the beam boomerang was cut off, ERICO didn't care what happened to free Gunda, directly bit her teeth and fired a powerful beam gun in the form of rebirth Gunda Ma again.


While the buzzing of the beam gun was still reverberating in the cockpit of the rebirth of GAODA, the beam gun took a step first and hit free GAODA.


The light of the explosion was dazzling.

But ERICO's heart is cold.

No harm!

Rebirth of Gundam's all-out strike did no harm to Freedom Gundam!

At the moment when the beam gun hit free Gundam directly, ERICO saw that the light curtain suddenly appeared in front of free Gundam to stop the rebirth of Gundam's attack.

"How is that possible?"

Free as high as again and again, it shows the powerful performance beyond ERICO's expectation, which makes ERICO vaguely feel that the plan can no longer keep up with the change.

Fortunately, under the attack of rebirth GAODA, the justice GAODA who charged directly stopped.

"Kruze! Originally, I wanted to leave this blow to Genesis! But now it's for you!"

The light of fire dissipated quietly, and the victory or defeat of the scuffle was the moment when the huge streamer wings appeared again in front of kluzer, Ellie and Aslan.

One after another, the light that is slightly bright, but cannot be ignored, seems to be given life, guarding around freedom, sometimes relaxing, sometimes flexing and stretching.

Surrounded by the light, under the streamer light wing gradually closing towards the center, freedom GAODA had an extra trace of sacred breath, which made Cruze bite his teeth secretly.

"Divine power!!"

Unwilling to admit the inference of his good friend Gilbert dilandal, kruze uttered a low roar, and the Oracle reached the only dragon cavalry left to launch again.


No matter how fast the Dragon cavalry starts, the competition of light around freedom GAODA is faster.

The ghost like dragon cavalry that made many MS hate the yellow spring had not entered the best attack position, so they were directly split in two by the pursuit of light on the way.



The explosion of dragon cavalry made Cruze's heart more dignified and angry!

"Ah!! God!!"

The unwilling roar broke out from Cruze's heart!

"If there are gods in this world, why don't they appear earlier!! see! This is the result created by your loving human beings!"

When the Dragon cavalry was destroyed and the means of attack of the Oracle GAODA was abolished, kruze was still unwilling to give up the attack, but drove the Oracle GAODA up and down in the void.

Frantically and fiercely, under the pursuit of the light, seize every chance to attack freedom GAODA.



The beam attack of ma-m221 Beam Rifle is as dense as rain, constantly creating opportunities for the advancement of Oracle GAODA.

"See! The dream created by your beloved human in pursuit of power, the result!! stronger than others!! before others!! stand on top of others!! compete! Envy!! hate!!"

In the picture intertwined with the light beam, even if the Oracle GAODA's shoulder armor is cut off and his huge backpack is cut off, he still unswervingly rushes in front of free GAODA.

"For the sake of so-called power, I will fight for all available resources by all means to create ugly and evil results one by one!! and this result is me!!"

In front of you is the colorful light wing!

It's Freedom Gundam with a hint of holiness!

What's more, there are men who are called gods by their good friend Gilbert dilandal!!

"Answer me!! God! This is the world you expect!! will you feel extremely angry and nauseous when you see this world!!! Answer me!!"


A ray of light smashed the ma-m221 beam rifle in the hands of Oracle GAODA.


In the roar of the explosion of the beam rifle, the Oracle raised his left hand, and the ma-mv05a composite armor shield equipped on his left arm shot a hot beam!

It's a large beam sword!

At this moment, after paying all kinds of costs, the wounded Oracle GAODA finally rushed to free GAODA, raised the large beam sword activated by the ma-mv05a composite armor shield and stabbed free GAODA's trunk - the position of the cockpit.


The roar swept in.

But Freedom Gundam was unharmed!


The large beam sword of Oracle GAODA is enough to cut off the earth United warship with one blow, but it has no effect in front of freedom GAODA.

"I am not a god! Cruze!"

The light competition cut down the Oracle's ma-mv05a composite armor shield, making it follow the footsteps of the beam rifle.


During the explosion, a dazzling white light broke out at the fracture of the ma-mv05a composite armor shield without warning, which made the monitoring system of free Gundam suddenly lose its function.

When the picture in front of Lei Mingkai was clear again, he saw Cruze whose left arm was cut off and quickly fled back towards yagin Duwei, as well as justice GAODA and rebirth GAODA who rushed up again.

"How fast!"

Cruze's decisive retreat was different from the crazy Cruze just now, which surprised Lei Mingkai.