Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 652

"Detected the energy reaction emitted by the light energy protection ring!! Sereni! Free Gundam uses that system!"

Simmons gasped and looked at the screen in front of him and made a surprised sound.

Hearing the sound, Sereni tightly locked her eyebrows.

"Director Simmons, Dr. Sereni, what happened?"

The images of lacs and Maliu popped up continuously on the screen, and even zisaka nearby looked at them.

After Simonds and seleni looked at each other, they handed over the right to speak to seleni.

"In fact, when I improved the cooling system for freegaoda, I loaded a certain function of the brilliance messenger on freegaoda together with Senator Yuli amafei. Its fundamental purpose is to give freegaoda more assurance when attacking genesis."

With that, Sereni looked at the data of energy response that only when the light energy defense circle was started, and sighed slightly.

"However, Freedom Gundam has started this function before it is close to Genesis."

"In other words, the situation has forced Kai and free Gundam to use the optical energy defense circle?"

The concern in rax's voice was obvious.

"I'm afraid it's true."

When bartfield's head appears in the lower center of the screen, it tells a fact.

"Since Freedom Gundam was close to yagin Dewey, it has fought with many MS forces of ZAFT successively. Until the second launch of Genesis, the body that fought with Freedom Gundam still has Justice Gundam and the emerging new body rebirth Gundam and Oracle Gundam."

"Rebirth Gundam? Oracle Gundam?"

The two strange names surprised everyone.

"ZAFT has produced so many new airframes offline? Can you say..."

Bartfield nodded, affirming Maliu's doubts.

"That's right. Like free Gundam, they are all nuclear energy bodies of the same series. In the face of such an enemy, free Gundam has no choice but to use the optical energy defense circle. If it were me, I'm afraid it would be used earlier."

"Then, the next one is up to us."

Zisaka's face was dignified.

"Yes! Captain zisaka, Captain Maliu. Inform everyone that we go to genesis at full speed!!"

Lachs raised her head and looked to the side of yagin Dewey, where there was a faint flash - the position of Freedom Gundam, which was still in the fierce battle.

But at this moment, the war situation is inclined towards the situation expected by the three ship alliance.

"Captain! The earth joint remnant fleet is turning! The target seems to be plant!!"

Millia, who had been watching the movement of the archangel, screamed for the first time, which changed everyone's face, but she made arrangements for eye contact the next second.

"That's true! It's easy to guess what the blue Persian chrysanthemum group thinks! Then, the archangel went to stop the archangel. Besides, nigol, you followed. Is there a problem?"

In the face of the crazy earth joint remnant fleet, the three ship alliance finally allocated its forces as much as possible to intercept the earth joint remnant fleet.

"I see!"

Although negor wanted to support free Gundam, he knew that the most critical thing in front of him was to intercept the earth's joint remnant fleet and the nuclear weapons it launched enough to destroy the plant.

"Nigel! Please!"

Lachs nodded slightly towards nigol.

Nigel pretended to compare his thumb with ease.

"OK! I hope Kai won't blame me for not supporting him!"

Laches smiled and shook her head.

"No, Kay is not angry about these things! It's just, Nigel, you have to be careful!"

"I see!"


There was also tension in the bridge of the Lord angel.

The reason for this situation is that we saw the scene of the lunar base destroyed by genesis from satellite monitoring.

Deeply stimulated by the mushroom cloud rising from the screen in front of him, Murta yazlar has given up his previous idea of destroying genesis as soon as possible, turned the muzzle of his gun and tried to shoot all the remaining nuclear weapons at plant.

This is undoubtedly the practice of dying together.

Bakilulu objected on the spot, but ushered in the dark muzzle of Murta yazlar's gun.

"You're such a boring woman. What are you talking about from the beginning to the present?"

Murta yazlar's face was extremely distorted.

"It's just a puppet chosen by those incompetent people! Don't you finish it by obediently listening to my command? Don't you see whose responsibility it is now?! if the plan of peace founders was implemented at the beginning, will the earth still be threatened by the genesis?"

Bucky Lulu clenched her teeth tightly, but had to bow her head when her life was threatened.

"What are you waiting for? Look back! Look back! Just have the archangel in Genesis! Let's go and kill the root of evil!! come on! Come on!"

Murta yazlar is crazy.

Even the earth United warships outside the Lord angel are crazy.

This is especially true of the USS Agamemnon, which carries the founders of peace.

No retreat,

Regardless of anything else,

While the fleet turned, all the peace pioneers who had attacked ignored the forces intercepted by ZAFT and launched a decisive charge towards plant.

"Are you crazy?"

Duel up to almost no aim, just raise the muzzle of the gun, and run through the two peace pioneers.

"Itzhak! The United Earth is heading for plant."

Storm Gundam's shotgun never stopped, but the earth United remnant fleet released all the bodies at once at the moment of turning.

Whether intact or damaged, as long as they can move and press the launch button, the attack body has joined this wave of attack army.

The vast quantity made Diego's head numb.




At this time, two beams of light appeared from the upper right of duel GAODA and storm GAODA, exploding the two peace pioneers who were about to rush past them.

"This is..."

If Yitzhak suddenly looked up, he saw a body with familiar shape and dark painting all over.

"Attack Gundam? Nigol! You bastard, why are you here if you don't stop Genesis!!"

At the sight of the familiar shape, Itzhak immediately recognized the body and the pilot driving it.

"Itzhak. There's no time to explain now! Kai is stopping genesis, and I'll stop the nuclear weapons of the Earth Alliance!"

At the moment when Nigel's dignified face appeared on the screen in front of him, Itzhak bit his teeth and finally shouted in a dumb voice:

"Diego! This guy is a teammate for the time being! Don't hit him!"

Diego sighed helplessly.

"Yes, yes. So, Nigel, welcome back!"

When the former teammates gathered again, it was a time to face the flying nuclear weapons.

The fierce competition of light hovers on the side of freedom GAODA, leaving no flaw that can be caught by justice GAODA and rebirth GAODA.

When the Oracle Gundam blundered and ran back to Yakin Dewey, the left Justice Gundam and rebirth Gundam launched joint attacks at least three times, but failed to break through the optical defense circle erupted by Freedom Gundam.

"It seems that this is the other party's last resort."

ERICO glanced at the small screen on the right.

That's the body damage information fed back in real time from Justice Gundam.

The shield is broken,

The left hand was cut off,

The rifle was also cut off,

Even the basic armed beam sword of justice GAODA was blasted one by one under the repeated counterattacks of the light energy defense circle, and even involved justice GAODA's right hand, which was also blasted and broken several fingers.

From the head to the foot, the only intact place of justice is probably the small plane with the back.

But what can we do just by relying on small planes?

The defense of the light energy defense circle burst out by free Gundam is almost perfect!!

At that moment, the optical energy defense circle circling around the free GAODA body can almost resist the live fire attack from 360 °.

Even if it is a beam attack, it may not be able to hit the freedom of those who fully display the brilliance, right?


Erica's face was gloomy, but unexpectedly, Justice Gundam suddenly made an unexpected action.

After the thunderous attack was launched in the blink of an eye, justice GAODA suddenly separated the small plane on his back from the body and rushed to the light energy defense circle that would protect freedom GAODA at a faster speed than the body.



Between the continuous flashes of light, the little plane waved up and down, left and right, and cut scars on its body.

without doubt.

Justice Gundam released the small plane and rushed to the light defense circle first, which was the explosion of the small plane under the counterattack of light.

But this explosion, however, was just as high as, no, it should be said that Aslan wanted it.

Because at the moment when the small plane was blasted by the pitting of light, only a thick and huge smoke was blown out, which shrouded the subsequent arrival of justice GAODA, and completely covered the whereabouts of justice GAODA.


ERICO saw what Aslan meant.

Without hesitation,

Without hesitation,

She moved her hands and raised the rebirth of the large beam gun in her hands again. GAODA aimed at freedom. GAODA was a shot.

of course.

This blow, Erica did not expect to hit free Gundam.

What she has to do is to be able to use this blow, or the next attack, to contain freedom and create opportunities for justice.

The afterimage appeared constantly between the light beams.

So that Ellie can be reborn and Gundam's attacks fail again and again.

However, during these attacks, the position of free GAODA gradually moved closer to the area where the smoke was located.

It was not until the smoke that had not dissipated suddenly rolled and Justice Gundam rushed out under the roar of the remaining head Vulcan gun that ERICO's containment attack completed the final goal.

"Aslan! Do you think you can deceive me?"


Aslan and Erick did not deceive Lei Mingkai.

Moreover, even if justice GAODA is allowed to rush to freedom GAODA by relying on the containment and smoke of rebirth GAODA, what can justice GAODA do without most weapons?!



Maybe it's so magical!

When the competition of light cuts through the darkness, cuts off the left shoulder and right leg of justice GAODA, it fails to prevent justice GAODA from successfully rushing to freedom GAODA.

The broken Justice Gundam appeared in front of Lei Mingkai's eyes. At the moment, a shock spread to free Gundam's whole body and rushed into the cockpit.

"Kay! This guy wants to explode!"

The white cat's eyes changed and shouted.


Lei Mingkai's eyes changed and his face was shocked.

Even if only his right hand and left foot are left, Justice Gundam, who is broken all over, still clings to Freedom Gundam, and has no intention of letting go of Freedom Gundam.

At the same time, in the cockpit of zhengaoda, the suddenly lit red light makes the red mask on Aslan's face frightening and frightening.

Now, absolute reason tells Aslan that there is only one option to destroy Freedom Gundam.


The keypad pops up on Aslan's right hand side.

Aslan's cold eyes moved down and looked at the keypad. At the same time, his right hand pressed it three times.

"Aslan! Stop!!!"

ERICO's scream and a burst of impact so violent that a crack burst out of the screen in front of Aslan appeared in front of Aslan at the same time.


A remnant shadow suddenly hit the red mask on Aslan's face.

Cracks arise from this.

At the same time, the streamer flowing under the red mask suddenly stopped, and Aslan's right hand froze.

"No!! this..."

A flood of memories suddenly swept through Aslan's mind,

The bitter pain suddenly swallowed Aslan's heart,

Under the impact of the two, Aslan lost control of zhenggouda and freed GAODA from difficulties by smashing his fist into the cockpit of zhenggouda.


The shadow broke through the air raid, kicked it in the chest of justice GAODA and kicked it hundreds of meters away. When the residual shadow reappeared, freedom GAODA had rushed to Genesis.

Alice wanted to chase, but there was nothing she could do.

Looking at the justice GAODA caught by the rebirth GAODA and falling into silence, ERICO can only give an order.

"All photocopier troops, go immediately to intercept Freedom Gundam!"

In an instant, light spots appeared from the Yakin Dewey line, from the plant direction, and rushed straight in the direction of Genesis.

The number of these light spots is no less than 50?!

Is this all the photocopier troops that ERICO controls?