Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 650

The edge of the battlefield.

On one side of yagin Dewey's line,

A blood red body wandered alone in the airspace that had not been burned by the war.

"Is that Freedom Gundam and Justice Gundam?"

Although there was still a long way to go from the battlefield of the fierce battle, the blood red body still turned its eyes to the most fierce battle on the battlefield.

Kira quickly knocked his hands back and forth on the keyboard to improve the blood red body, that is, the electronic eye system of St. John Gundam he drove, so that it can catch up with the super-high-speed battle that is enough to subvert human cognition.

"Can't you?"

Kira, who has strong program editing ability, finally lost.

After some improvement, the electronic eye monitoring system of St. John Gundam has indeed been able to barely catch up with the speed of rebirth Gundam, but it has always been unable to catch up with the free Gundam with a pair of gorgeous light wings behind it.

"I'm afraid even the regulator's body can't hold on to being in the super-high-speed state for such a long time?"

Kira can't imagine what it would be like if she were in the free high-speed state?

Is it hard support?

Or spit blood at the moment of the terrible overload?

These Kiras have never imagined or touched.

Just looking at the action of free Gundam, who could escape from the siege of Justice Gundam, rebirth Gundam and Oracle Gundam in the blink of an eye, Kira had an illusion that she couldn't keep up.

"Arkin Dewey to St. John Gouda! Arkin Dewey to St. John Gouda! Please answer!"

Just as Kira was watching the fierce battle between the four Gundam, a call came from Arkin Dewey.

"This is John Gouda! Arkin Dewey, please!"

Kira's spirit was shocked. After taking all her attention back, she responded to yagin Dewey's call at the first time.

"Covenant Gundam! Now genesis is about to complete the second launch preparation. Please resist the earth joint attack before Genesis launches again! Be especially careful not to let the earth joint nuclear bomb hit any satellite of plant!"

Kira frowned slightly at the order from yagin Dewey.

But he showed no sign of opposition.

"Covenant Gundam has been received! Start to execute!"

There is no other reason why Kira drives the holy covenant gauda and is based on the battlefield here.

So that lh033 can be treated.

Subconsciously, she turned her eyes to the moment of yagin Dewey, but Kira bit her teeth and forced herself to concentrate.

"I'll keep you alive! Lacs!"

Ahead is the earth's combined remnant fleet that gradually appears within the radar range of St. John Gundam.

That is what Kira can do to save lh033.

The long and sharp ghost horn slowly points to the direction of the earth's joint remnant fleet with the turn of St. John's GAODA, and then the quantum virus that can paralyze the warships, fighters and even MS's radar, electronic eyes and other monitoring systems can be emitted from the ghost horn of St. John's GAODA again.

The next second, in the increasingly bright flame of propelling the backpack, covenant Gundam went straight to the earth to unite the remaining fleet.

It is believed that with the strange quantum virus of covenant Gundam, the spirit of the earth United remnant fleet may be frustrated.

But these have nothing to do with Lei Mingkai.

Because now he still can't get away from the battle with justice, rebirth and Oracle.

"It's really entangled!"

Although free Gundam firmly controlled the rhythm of the battle under the growth of flying wing brilliance transmitter, the three Gundam of the other party fully dragged free Gundam here, making it unable to make a breakthrough.

"Kay! That thing is about to launch!"

The white cat who has always been paying attention to Genesis gave a zero roar.

Hearing the sound, he looked at Lei Mingkai on the small screen next to him. He really saw the scene that Genesis was about to complete the replacement of the mirror.

"Tut! Eternity! Eternity! Leave Genesis's firing track immediately! Genesis is about to launch the second shot!!"

Lei Mingkai's call immediately surprised the three ship alliance.

Almost at the same time, director Simmons and Dr. seleni issued the same alarm.

"Captain bartfield, inform the archangel and the grass shaving to evacuate the firing track of Genesis."

Lux did not hesitate, but bartfield frowned.

"According to the knight's speculation, the second genesis is likely to be the lunar base Ptolemy. Then, the archangel and the grass shaving, immediately stay away from the orbit between agin Dewey and the lunar base Ptolemy! Come on! The second genesis is coming!"

The three ship alliance dare not neglect!

Before the war, Lei Mingkai's speculation was still vivid.

Whether for their own survival or to preserve the strength of the three ship alliance, Maliu and zisaka responded quickly.

At the moment when the three ship alliance urgently avoided, Patrick, sitting in the middle of Yakin Dewey fortress, gradually deepened his smile.

"Well, it seems that Cruze has done his job well."

"Father, genesis is ready!"

Mia, who stood beside her, looked at the weapons controller and said softly.


Patrick nodded slightly, grew up, clenched his fist again and shouted hard:

"Genesis! Launch!!"

At Patrick's command, it seemed as if the terrible light from the interior of the abyss of hell appeared again.

At the moment when it bloomed its glory wantonly again, the whole battlefield fell into stagnation again.

In addition to the ZAFT fleet and the three ship Alliance on the side of yagin duvi, bakilulu and Murta yazlar of the earth joint fleet have no idea where genesis, which did not attack the earth joint remnant fleet, is going.

"Genesis launched!!"

In the bright and frightening radiance, bajilulu trembled all over and subconsciously ordered:

"Come on! Calculate where it's going!"

The result of the calculation will come out soon.

That is the earth joint lunar base Ptolemy.


Bucky Lulu's mind exploded, and she could hardly think about anything.

In addition to sending a support fleet, Ptolemy, the earth joint lunar base, has a man in the depths of the base!

An important person for the earth joint space fleet, especially the scattered eighth fleet.

Duane halbarton.

"Ah ah!!!"

Seeing the launch of Genesis again, Murta yazlar repeatedly made strange noises, and his face became more and more distorted.

Is it fear?

Is it anger?

No one knows.

The only thing I know is that the man who insists on stopping Genesis's re launch at the fastest speed is afraid to go crazy.


Time went back to half an hour after Genesis's first launch and heavy damage to the earth's joint lunar fleet.

The earth's joint lunar base is deep in Ptolemy.

In the tense working atmosphere, most people's faces are more or less mixed with a trace of fear.

Maybe half an hour ago,

Maybe a few hours ago,

No one knows where the news came from.

But they knew that the lunar fleet with the will to win and weapons had not yet achieved results, so they were defeated by ZAFT with a terrible weapon called "Genesis". They could only regroup with the remaining warships and MS under ZAFT's eyes and wait for the time to attack again.

At the moment, what the Ptolemy base on the far side of the moon can do is put all its warships, MS and even nuclear weapons into the support fleet to support bakilulu and Murta yazlar as quickly as possible.

However, in this tense and gradually controlled by panic, a woman wearing a white uniform of the earth United female officer system came to the deepest part of Ptolemy base accompanied by two earth United soldiers.

That house arrest is the area where men who are united by the earth, no, should be said to be feared by the Atlantic federal military.


As soon as the woman appeared at the end of the passage, the guard in front of the door immediately raised the muzzle of the gun, pointed to someone and shouted, which was not affected by the rank mark representing the lieutenant colonel at the collar of the woman's military uniform.

"Atlantic Federation, Audrey amilt, lieutenant colonel. Now on orders from this department, I have come to meet brigadier general Duane halbarton."

The woman pointed at the muzzle of the gun did not panic. Instead, her face calmly took out a document from her pocket and raised it in front of the soldiers.

"This order?"

The soldiers were puzzled by the woman's performance and the documents in her hand.

All the soldiers who can stand here to guard are the direct line of the upper leadership of Ptolemy in this lunar base.

If there are any changes or orders, they must be the first to know.

But they were puzzled by the woman who claimed to be from the headquarters and had orders.

"I'm very sorry! Colonel! We need to report to the superior department!"

In spite of their doubts, the soldiers decided to report according to the procedure, but unexpectedly, the two soldiers standing behind the woman suddenly burst into violence and knocked out all the soldiers who were ready to pick up the phone to report.

"Alas. Why do you have to do so much? You could have survived."

Looking at the subordinates who quickly launched the action of cracking the gate after solving the guards, the woman sighed.

you 're right!

The identity of the woman and her party was forged.

The woman and the soldiers behind her are not the united people of the earth, nor will they be the people of ZAFT.

The real identity of a woman is the mysterious woman who commands the ring around the atrium - yemengard.

Originally, according to the original plan, she followed HIGGER Klein and returned to earth, but unexpectedly came to this dangerous base.

"Boss. It's done!"

Yemengard nodded slightly and then walked to the door that was slowly opened after being cracked.

"Boss, we don't have much time! Please act as soon as possible!"

"OK! You just stay here and act according to your circumstances!"

"I see!"

The crisp footsteps came from far to near, attracting the middle-aged man who sat steadily in his chair and passed the time with a newspaper.

"Headquarters, is someone here again?"

The newspaper put down, and a pair of wise and calm eyes looked out the door and at the graceful figure standing there.

"Hehe! I didn't expect that a great beauty was sent to the headquarters this time! But it's a pity that I have explained everything I should explain. Do you still want my old bone to move my muscles and bones?"

"I didn't know that halbarton, a wise general praised by the knight, would have such a rogue face!"

Although halbarton's words just now sound like nothing, they have actually offended yemengard.

But yemenggard calmly hit back at halbarton.

"Ha ha! That's it!"

Halbarton smiled, put the newspaper on the table, grew up and looked at yemengard.

"Compared with your Excellency's disguise, my coarse scoundrel is just a joke."

After a pause, halbarton said:

"You know, in the Atlantic alliance, there has never been such a beautiful but unknown female lieutenant colonel."

Yemengard was stunned and smiled calmly.

"Really? It's worthy of being a wise general halbarton! I'm lucky to see it today!"

Then, jemengard was no longer polite and no longer testing halbarton's details, but chose to get straight to the point.

"Duane halbarton. Half an hour ago, the lunar fleet carrying nuclear weapons to attack plant had failed. The main reason for its failure was that Genesis, a new weapon hidden by ZAFT, destroyed most warships and MS in one fell swoop."


Halbarton frowned and immediately keenly caught what yemengard wanted to express.

"You mean the next attack of Genesis will be here?"

Yemengard nodded, but did not speak.

Halbarton gradually smiled.

"I didn't expect that at this critical moment, someone came to save my old bone. Presumably, you have controlled part of this base!"

"Yes! Although the time is short, we can guarantee that Lord halbarton will leave the base safely."

"Then, hide aside and watch this base destroyed by genesis?"

Halbarton asked back, but he didn't get an answer from yemengard.

Halbarton narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he wanted to find a flaw in yemengadna's calm face.

The result was nothing.

He understood.

The other party will appear in front of him unconsciously.

The fundamental purpose is to keep him alive, not to save the base.


To be exact, it is the military faction that does not want to save the blue Persian chrysanthemum that controls the base at all.

"Who sent you?"

As soon as this sentence came out, yemengard knew that halbarton was excited.

"We are nothing but little snakes. Lord halbarton. Please leave with us at once! If you delay like this, genesis will come!"

Since he chose to believe, halbarton no doubt had him, followed behind yemengard all the way, and quickly came to the cosmoport on the upper layer of the lunar base Ptolemy.

There, halbarton saw his old subordinates.

Most of the crew of the eighth fleet, which should have been broken up, are lining up at the port entrance, waiting for halbarton's return.

"Lieutenant! Please order!"

As soon as he saw halbarton's appearance, the tacit adjutant came forward to ask for instructions.

Halbarton did not answer immediately, but looked at yemengard.

"Is this your plan, too?"

Yemengard smiled.

"This is just a means to ensure victory! Your Excellency halbarton, please act immediately! If you drag on like this, not only this base, but also the earth will be hit by Genesis!!"


Halbarton nodded, then looked at his old subordinates and said loudly and forcefully:

"I won't say anything more! This is a battle of life and death and a battle of death! Whether we win or lose after the war, I'm afraid we will be sent to the military court in the name of treason. Even so, are you willing to follow me to stop genesis?"

As soon as the voice came, all the people who had been waiting for halbarton for a long time tried their best to respond to halbarton loudly.

"Yes!! follow the governor to the death!!!"

The simple answer, however, represents the following who vows not to turn back.

Halbarton's eyes were slightly red. He turned back and nodded slightly to yemengard, raised his right hand and jerked his hem.

"Then, in the name of Duane halbarton, the eighth fleet! Set sail! Target: Arkin Dewey!!"