Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 649


The black-and-white flag is vertically and horizontally on the square under their hands, but the two people who drive the black-and-white chess pieces are not here.

"Yes, God."

Under his black shawl and long hair, he is a typical scholar of elegance.

The long and narrow eyes glitter with the brilliance of wisdom and the persistence hidden in the depths.

"Jill. Although I entrusted you to find ways to make Ray's situation better, I don't remember making you so

Under the silver mask is the face that ponders for a moment.

"So devout."


A look of surprise appeared on Gilbert dilandal's face, and he laughed.

He didn't care about his opponent at all. His good friend, who has been showing himself in the image of a silver mask since he became famous in World War I, would describe himself as a believer, a scholar with a good reputation in the field of genetic research.

"Kruze. If my findings are correct, maybe you can describe me as a believer."

Dirandal's calm surprised Cruze.

"Oh? Your discovery will make you make such a change?"

"Hehe. Kruze. If your time can be longer, maybe you can see miracles."

Dylan Dalton added.

"Probably a more terrible miracle than the super adjuster pursued by Yulin Xiang."

"Terrible miracle?!"

Cruze smiled.

"Miracles never have anything to do with horror, Jill."


Dylandal shook his head as if he were sighing:

"That's true. But if there is such a day, this miracle may be very terrible. Kruze."

The exclamation of former friends sounded in his ears in the fierce battle, and kluzer's mind gradually sank to the bottom of the valley.


As another small dragon cavalry was shot by freedom GAODA, kruze's cold voice suddenly sounded.

"Gods?! it's just a delusion imagined by human beings at the moment of pursuing power!!! There are no gods in this world!!"

The cold and fierce voice resounded through the cockpit of the Oracle GAODA, and the Oracle GAODA's action suddenly changed from the original fight and retreat, combined with the attack rhythm of justice GAODA and rebirth GAODA, to the unilateral attack against freedom GAODA.

The most conspicuous thing is that the remaining dragon cavalry of the Oracle Gundam directly took a crazy attack plan regardless of consumption. They just hit free Gundam one after another, regardless of whether it is possible to hit free Gundam, which is still in a high-speed mobile state.

"The action has changed?"

In Lei Mingkai's eyes, the Oracle GAODA's action became extremely fierce.

Whether it is the Dragon cavalry or the ontological Oracle GAODA, the cooperation between the two is seamless and extremely terrible.

If facing the oracle at the moment, GAODA is only ordinary, no, mu, or even Kira in Lei Mingkai's memory, the former is afraid to be killed on the spot, and the latter will also fall into a situation of near death.

"Drugs? Or... Abyss?"

From several previous contacts, Lei Mingkai did not find that Cruze could break out such terrible strength.

Shocked, but also wondering where Cruze's explosive strength came from.

During the rapid rotation of freedom GAODA, he raised his Beam Rifle and fired continuously, but failed to kill the Dragon cavalry around.

At this moment, the Dragon cavalry seemed to have life, and there was no mobile weapon controlled by the cold quantum computer.

These changes made Lei Mingkai's eyes more dignified.

"I got you!"

When freedom GAODA and Oracle GAODA fell into a fierce battle, the previously backward rebirth GAODA caught up with freedom GAODA again, giving the Dragon cavalry circling around freedom GAODA a chance to breathe.

Otherwise, no matter how fast the attack is, sooner or later, the Dragon cavalry will be nothing but waste floating in space.

"Annoying! Rebirth Gundam!"

Lei Mingkai wanted to kill Gao Da.

However, if you fail to kill the rebirth of GAODA and let the independent cockpit that can be separated from the body run back to Yakin Dewey, I believe that in the near future, free GAODA will face the rebirth of GAODA after "rebirth".

Once again, free Gundam, who was involved in super-high-speed combat with rebirth Gundam, suddenly threw out the shield on his left arm, but was overturned by rebirth Gundam to avoid the whirlwind shield.

But it is such a rollover, but it is an opportunity for the rebirth of GAODA to be thrown away by free GAODA again.

"Getting dumped again!?"

ERICO gritted her teeth and looked at the seemingly endless energy driven light wing.

Even if there is a huge energy support of Genesis behind the rebirth of Gundam at the moment, it can only last for a period of time under super acceleration, and it can't fly at super high speed as long as free Gundam.

With the shock of the light wing, freedom GAODA really threw off the rebirth GAODA again and rushed to the Oracle GAODA again.

Fortunately, in front of the Oracle, justice has been waiting for a long time.

"Lei Mingkai!"

As soon as Freedom Gundam appears, Justice Gundam explodes its strongest firepower, not for killing, but for slowing down the speed of Freedom Gundam.

light beam,

Vulcan cannon,

Take turns,

Constantly pouring ammunition towards Freedom Gundam.

But under the ghost's high-speed maneuver of freedom GAODA, the fire interception of justice GAODA can't play any role at all, and it doesn't slow down the speed of freedom GAODA at all.

Aslan has only one choice.

That is, rush up and collide with free Gundam!!

You know, this is not a rational choice.

But only in this way can justice GAODA have the opportunity to stop freedom GAODA.

The next second, justice GAODA's right hand turned between the left and right waist, combined the two beam swords, and dragged the two sword lights to free GAODA at its fastest speed.


The justice that rushed in the face was as high as a mountain, but Lei Mingkai was not shocked by his indomitable momentum, but his eyes were dignified, but his hands responded quickly.

The red body came down like wind and thunder, took up the frightening sword light and cut down.

Freedom GAODA, who was stared at by him, only turned sideways lightly, avoiding the attack of justice GAODA.


This is not the whole attack of Justice Gundam.

The blow avoided by Freedom Gundam was obviously already expected by Aslan.

Seeing that the light of the sword had not been exhausted, he suddenly crossed and went straight to the waist of free GAODA. No, it should be said to stab at the position of the cockpit of free GAODA!!

Can you remember that when Aslan went to war, Patrick Sara once ordered to recapture Freedom Gundam as much as possible. If you can't do it, you will destroy Freedom Gundam.

In Aslan's idea, stabbing the cockpit of freedom GAODA directly may be the best way to complete the entrustment of father Patrick Sarah.

However, Lei Mingkai and even freedom GAODA will not be fulfilled by Aslan's plan.

Between the lightning and flint, a terrible throb swept through Aslan's heart.

The throbbing that almost suffocated Aslan had not been carefully tasted, and his innate instinct to seek good and avoid bad drove the body to make the first reaction.



At the fastest speed,

With the most sensitive response,

Avoid the inducement that causes the throbbing at the first time!

At the moment when the bright light lit up in Aslan's eyes, justice GAODA separated from freedom GAODA at full speed under Aslan's instinct, and brushed past the two beams of light that burst from freedom GAODA's shoulders.

"How fast!"

The whale plasma beam gun on freedom GAODA's shoulder was fired, but it didn't hit justice GAODA.

This made Lei Mingkai frown slightly.

It was a near zero range attack. Aslan was able to avoid it in time?!

This is quite different from Aslan before and after the military academy, which should not be said to be the capture of Gundam.

This is just a little sigh in the fierce battle!

Because the other party will not set aside much time for Lei Mingkai to lament the rapid change of human beings.


The blazing beam broke through the darkness and went straight to the other end of the void, trying to hit the waist key of freedom.

But he was easily avoided by free Gundam.

The attack did not come from others, but from the rebirth of a large beam gun.

Unexpectedly, after being charged again, rebirth Gundam will give up fighting with Freedom Gundam in the way of super acceleration, and choose the long-range fire support that can cover Justice Gundam.

However, just relying on the rebirth of Gundam, a beam gun with powerful firepower but unintentional means change, can contain Gundam freedom?

Since ERICO has chosen the rebirth of GAODA as her seat plane, she naturally has her own plan.

After she reached out and pressed several keys on the keyboard on the right, there were some changes in the large beam gun in GAODA's hand, which Lei Mingkai didn't know.

"This is a weapon designed for Aslan! Lion! Let you be the first sacrifice!"

Cursor lock,

Pull the trigger.

From the ordinary barrel shape, it has been changed to have six heat dissipation grooves in the rear of the gun body in turn, and there are three small muzzle around the main muzzle. Suddenly, the main gun burst out a terrible recoil, which pushed the rebirth of Backpack power as hard as hundreds of meters away.

The real murderer who produced this terrible recoil was like the rising sun. He wantonly waved his own brilliance and launched an impact on freedom GAODA.

The terrible high temperature made the surrounding space appear a slight invisible distortion. While approaching freedom, it split the light clusters of five smaller but shining "small stars" from a dazzling "Star".

But from that momentum, from that scene, as long as it is hit by even a "small star", freedom GAODA will definitely end up either dead or injured.

"Kay! Get out of here!"

Without the white cat zero shouting, Lei Mingkai knew how to deal with it now.

However, as soon as Freedom Gundam moved, there was a slight change in the light mass that should have moved in a straight line.

Come on!

Come on!

At the moment of free GAODA's acceleration, the light mass also began to accelerate!

At the moment of free GAODA turning, the light group also began to turn!


This is a light mass with tracking performance?!


This is a beam weapon with tracking performance!!

You know, in the seed world, I'm afraid there has never been such an amazing beam weapon!!

"What is the Parliament?"

I'm afraid the only thing that can explain the current phenomenon is the final Yan Parliament.

"Light transmitter, full power!"

Without hesitation, Lei Mingkai raised the power of flying wing brilliance transmitter to full power operation on the spot.


Suddenly, the figure of freedom GAODA turned into a streamer.

The light group chasing after him ran around like a headless fly without a head.

It was not until they found the remains of Jin en and Xigu, which still had a trace of thermal reaction around them, that they flocked to devour all the already fragmented debris.


At the moment, fireballs, which are common on the battlefield, burst up again and again, but did not arouse ERICO's joy.

"The propeller of that body is terrible!"

Perhaps this conclusion has already been reached.

It's just that Erica is not willing to admit it.

The streamer crossed the battlefield, making Cruze's alarm ring.

"Are you looking for me again? Look for me, a sin that shouldn't exist in this world!!"

The only dragon cavalry left by the Oracle GAODA poured out and quickly interwoven a beam network in front of the Oracle GAODA. The old technique was repeated and tried to stop free GAODA.

This time, free Gundam stopped in front of the beam network.

The streamer disappeared quietly, and the figure of free GAODA appeared at the other end of the beam network.

"Why? Do you want to learn your royal highness?"

Free Gundam stops, but it doesn't mean the Oracle Gundam stops attacking.

In kruze's higher and more presumptuous voice, the Dragon cavalry continued to attack, constantly shooting deadly beams, trying to shoot down free Gundam.



The remaining dragon cavalry shot wildly, but did not touch the edge of freedom.

As the battle intensified, Lei Mingkai's intuition became clearer and more sensitive.

No matter how strange the maneuver of the Dragon cavalry is, at the moment of its attack, Lei Mingkai can always capture the position of the Dragon cavalry one second ago and respond accordingly.

Therefore, the moment when each light beam of the Dragon cavalry is emitted is the moment when freedom GAODA sees through it.

In this seemingly prophetic intuition, the quantum computer controlling the Dragon cavalry exhausted all resources and was unable to calculate the next action of Freedom Gundam.

Every moment,

Every second,

Free GAODA's actions can always be launched one step ahead of the quantum computer, so that all its attacks can be hit in the void of nothingness.

"Jill, this is the power of God you insist on!!!"

Seeing this, Cruze's voice was very gloomy.