Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 648

The dark body scattered deadly light beams in the void, suppressing the moving range of freedom GAODA to a certain range, but also came to the side of justice GAODA and rebirth GAODA.

"Aslan gates can go to the other side. Here, three of us are enough!"

As soon as he came out, kruze offered to let the remaining gates leave the battlefield and move to the other side to fight with the earth's joint lunar fleet.

Aslan didn't speak, but ERICO nodded and agreed to Cruze's request.

In fact, it is.

Although Gates's pilot was driven by the photocopier, the photocopier was no different from other miscellaneous soldiers driving King en in the face of an enemy whose combat power obviously exceeded the level that the photocopier's troops could cope with.

A command was issued, and the remaining gates surrounded by Freedom Gundam accelerated to leave, re formed and flew towards the way of the earth joint lunar fleet, leaving Freedom Gundam in confrontation with Justice Gundam, rebirth Gundam and the Oracle Gundam in and out.

"The Oracle is Gundam kruze."

The emergence of the Oracle GAODA did not surprise Lei Mingkai.

However, the timing of the Oracle Gundam appeared a little earlier.

According to Lei Mingkai's prediction, the Oracle GAODA should not appear until justice GAODA and rebirth GAODA are hit hard by the freedom GAODA they drive.

But unexpectedly, the Oracle GAODA appeared in advance.

"Hello! Kay. There's something wrong with that plane! Be careful!"


At a glance, the white cat saw that the dangerous procedure of the Oracle Gundam was far higher than the rebirth of the free Gundam.

This is true!

Lei Mingkai's fear of rebirth of GAODA is far from the moment when he saw the Oracle GAODA appear.

The emergence of the Oracle GAODA represents the appearance of the strongest boss in this battle.

This is different from the previous situation in which Lei Mingkai was able to roll kruze by relying on the performance of the body.

As soon as the light wings spread, freedom reached and dragged several residual shadows, they separated from the shooting range of the Dragon cavalry hidden in the dark.

Moreover, with the light wing behind freedom GAODA, the streamer gradually became bright, and the flexible dragon cavalry faintly showed some signs that they could not catch up with freedom GAODA.

This surprised Cruze a little.

"It seems that the speed of freedom is a little faster than before. Aslan."

The Dragon cavalry chasing free GAODA stagnated and turned around and returned to the position of the Oracle GAODA.

It seems that it is ready for the next round of charging.

However, at the moment when the Dragon cavalry retreated, rebirth Gundam caught up with Freedom Gundam again.

In an instant, the ultra-high speed battle between the two aircraft was set off again.

However, this time, Erica did not hold the idea of destroying free Gundam as before, but tangled with free Gundam to control the maneuvering range of free Gundam within its controllable range as much as possible.

The reason for the great changes before and after is the emergence of the Oracle GAODA.

As one of the people who participated in Freedom Gundam, Justice Gundam, Oracle Gundam, covenant Gundam and the rebirth of the first nuclear energy body designed and produced by ZAFT, Erick knows exactly what power the Oracle Gundam has.

Even though the current Oracle Gundam has just completed the emergency offline preparation, he can still play his power level under the driving of kruze.

"Was it removed?"

In the ultra-high speed battle, whenever she fought with free Gundam in close combat, ERICO always tried to start a device and start a wake-up program, but the result was as unresponsive as a bull in the sea.

As a result, there is no doubt that his backhand was buried when he participated in the design and manufacture of the first batch of ZAFT nuclear energy bodies, such as free Gundam, which has been cracked by Lei Mingkai.

"Kai! There was an abnormal signal just now. It is suspected that the device activation signal I found before."

The white cat blinked and stared at the rebirth of Gundam, which gradually lagged behind the speed of free Gundam because of the depletion of super accelerated energy.

"The source of the signal should be sent from the body."

"Activation signal?"

As soon as the free Gundam wing was retracted, the body rolled continuously for several circles. After avoiding the beam attack jointly launched by the rebirth Gundam and the Oracle Gundam, it accelerated to the battle periphery of the four nuclear power bodies.

At the same time, Lei Mingkai's eyes also shifted from the Oracle GAODA's body to the rebirth of GAODA.

The activation signal in the white cat's zero mouth is probably the device that can control the pilot previously found in the free up cockpit.

"What a coincidence!"

He said so, but Lei Mingkai showed no mercy.

Even if what appears in front of us now is Justice Gundam.

Although the reborn GAODA, who has exhausted the super acceleration energy, retreated, under the control of the Oracle GAODA and the small back plane equipped by himself, justice GAODA rushed to freedom GAODA quickly.



This is Aslan's melee moment!

Two bright sword lights, at the moment when justice GAODA waved his hands, cooperated with the Dragon cavalry offensive launched by the Oracle GAODA again, forcing freedom GAODA to have a close combat with him.

"Fighting? Aslan!"

With his left hand raised, freedom GAODA directly blocked the first beam sword attack of justice GAODA with a shield.

Then, freedom GAODA clenched his fist and hit justice GAODA's left wrist.

The fierce collision immediately let the beam sword held by zhenggouda's left hand out, and cracked the beam sword attack of zhenggouda on the spot.

Aslan remained unmoved.

Instead, the action quickly started the head Vulcan gun of justice GAODA. At the moment when the middle door of freedom GAODA was wide open, a series of Vulcan guns bombarded the trunk of freedom GAODA and the cockpit of freedom GAODA.

The flames of different lengths wantonly covered the armor of freedom high with a layer of bright and dark light yarn, and the roaring shells drew dazzling sparks on the armor.

But in that terrible spark, Justice Gundam's head Vulcan gun can't do any harm to Freedom Gundam.

The seemingly appalling attack did not cause any harm, but the violent shock caused by the attack was nothing more than an insignificant thing for Lei Mingkai, who was increasingly moving towards inhuman development.

Justice Gundam's head firecracker was still roaring, but Freedom Gundam suddenly lowered his head. In an unimaginable way, he interrupted Justice Gundam's attack with an unexpected head hammer that allowed Aslan, Ellie and kruze.


Sound cannot be transmitted in a vacuum.

However, at the moment when freedom GAODA's unexpected head hammer hit justice GAODA's trunk, Aslan roared in his ear, making him temporarily lose control of justice GAODA.

By the time Aslan reacts, the brilliance of freedom GAODA's wings has long disappeared from justice GAODA's eyes.

"Lei Mingkai!!"

Aslan is no stranger to this blow.

Even now Aslan is still controlled by the red mask, but in his mind, he can't help recalling an event that happened among the people who just completed the MS driving course and began the basic training of MS warfare in the military academy.

Aslan, who carried out combat training with training king, was driven by Lei Mingkai of the same model and ended the first MS combat training with a head hammer.

The memory of the past was gradually combined with the battle in front of him, and the terrible colic like a storm swept Aslan's mind.


The pain was so severe that Aslan couldn't help yelling.

"Aslan! Are you hurt?"

Once again, the rebirth of Gundam full of "super acceleration energy" came to Justice Gundam. Before ERICO's eyes, Aslan's pale face still couldn't hide even with a red mask appeared.

"No. No! Go on!"

Aslan ignored ERICO's Distressed eyes.

Now in his mind, there are only free solutions as soon as possible, so that the pain sweeping through his mind can dissipate.

However, Aslan and ERICO's delay, short of the constraints of justice and rebirth, freedom GAODA has rushed to the Oracle GAODA.

"Hum! Fast, not everything! Knight!"

Perhaps it was predicted that freedom GAODA would break through the obstacles of justice GAODA and rebirth GAODA. At the moment when freedom GAODA's gorgeous wings crossed the darkness, the Dragon cavalry wandering around the Oracle GAODA immediately turned their guns neatly and shot at the empty airspace in front of the Oracle GAODA.

In an instant, the beam interception network dominated by three large dragon cavalry with nine beam guns and supplemented by eight small dragon cavalry with two beam guns suddenly appeared in front of freedom GAODA.

If freedom GAODA goes any further, it will inevitably hit this beam network.

Even if it won't be blown up on the spot, I'm afraid it won't end well.

of course.

This beam net looks really terrible, but just as Cruze predicted the actions of Lei Mingkai and free Gundam, Lei Mingkai also predicted kluzer's actions.

At the moment of the emergence of the intercepting beam network, the light wing on the back of free GAODA suddenly pressed down, and made a decision to directly rush over the Oracle GAODA by sticking to the beam network at a very close distance.

"Hum! Your skill is not bad!"

Kluzer snorted coldly, the Oracle GAODA suddenly turned to the right, and a light beam broke the air attack, wiped the Oracle GAODA's shoulder armor and disappeared into the darkness below.

"Each other!"

It was Lei Mingkai who responded to kluzer's interception beam network.

Both sides know that the previous attack is unlikely to cause much harm to each other.

Yes, it's just testing each other.

"Kay! Coming! Back!"

The Oracle's attack was like a huge wave, wave after wave, and would not give any breathing time at all.

Each attack of the Dragon cavalry can accurately appear in front of free Gundam, forcing free Gundam to change its moving route.

"Lao Lu Cruze. Is this man's prediction so terrible?"

Lei Mingkai thinks that the speed of freedom is high enough to take pride in the whole battlefield.

But I didn't expect kluzer to take the lead in allowing the Dragon cavalry to appear on the mobile route of free GAODA.


There is no escape!

Then, it is a word "dry!"

Under the ultra-high speed maneuver, free GAODA continuously changed its position. While the Dragon cavalry of the quantum computer loaded by the Oracle GAODA adjusted the pursuit route, he repeatedly raised the muzzle and detonated two small dragon cavalry that were too close to free GAODA and just blocked in front.



In the two small explosion fire groups, the gorgeous shadow of the light wing appeared in front of Cruze.

But looking at the figure pushed to him by the gorgeous light wings in front of him, Cruze was unmoved and didn't show a look of panic.

In the void, an arc of light flew out from below and went straight to the waist of freedom.

I'm afraid this blow would be cut off by an ordinary pilot.

However, Lei Mingkai only moved his fingers slightly, and free Gundam easily avoided the unexpected attack in the scattered shadows.

At the end of this arc brilliant flight path, justice GAODA finally arrived.

Without saying a word, kruze, who got the support of Justice Gundam in time, immediately drove the Oracle Gundam back again, and let the remaining dragon cavalry cover and attack for Justice Gundam's next action.


Lei Mingkai's eyes moved quickly on the screen.

Inadvertently, something seems to be moving rapidly in the dark space flashing the light of the joint fierce battle between ZAFT and the earth.

In this scene, as if it were natural, Lei Mingkai saw the Dragon cavalry who quickly fled under the cover of dark space and quickly occupied a favorable attack position with a maneuver track that ordinary people could not detect.

"Right there!"

The light wing suddenly darkened, and the speed suddenly dropped. GAODA quickly launched the colorful cannon. It was a burst of volley in front of the seemingly empty space, but in fact there were several terrible figures lurking in it.


At the moment of the volley of colorful cannons, the dazzling brilliance suddenly made Cruze feel a tingle.


The multicolored cannon is not aimed at empty space, but several dragon cavalry who have just entered the best attack position.

Among these dragon cavalry, there are large dragon cavalry and small dragon cavalry.

Under a burst of volley, nearly half of the Dragon cavalry equipped by the Oracle GAODA had been lost.

"This power?! is it what you call divine power? Jill!"

Cruze was shocked and subconsciously remembered the excitement after the return of Gilbert who participated in the rescue after the unius 7 Incident.

This is a very rare thing for him.

"Kruze. We may have found the key to change the world!"