Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 352

With just a flick of the sword, it caused enough damage to compare with that caused by cruise missiles.

Such a scene is constantly lingering in people's minds.

"This, this is λ The true power of the drive system? "

Now the scene has gone beyond the moment when the M9 76mm sniper gun bounced back, which is even more amazing and incredible.

But no matter how incredible everyone is, the truth is still the truth.

On the main screen of the command hall was the scene of devastation and dilapidation. It's not difficult to see the quilt when you scan the picture with your eyes λ The power of the driving system rips and destroys the target and bunker.

"Knight. Report the situation."

Teresa gently breathed out a breath and asked Lei Mingkai.

"I feel good. There is nothing abnormal in my body. In addition, strong crossbow λ The drive system is performing a self-test. "

Lei Mingkai was also relieved.

Finally, don't be despised by the zero guy.

"Knight. λ The self inspection of the drive system is completed and there is no abnormality. The test can be continued. "

Al's report sounded at the right time.

"No. that's all for today."

Lei Mingkai shook his head and then showed a bitter smile.

"Even if I want to continue, I'm afraid there are few places on Merida where strong crossbows can be used."


In front of the strong crossbow, the shooting range area used for shooting test has been damaged and can not be operated again in a short time.

"Understand!" Al responded and entered the standby state in a blink of an eye.

So, for the first time λ This concludes the drive system test.

The next day.

The report collected and gathered during the test yesterday was placed in front of Lei Mingkai.

Early in the morning, Teresa, who got the report from the data analysis section, came directly to the door with Kalinin. Although at this time, Lei Mingkai is going to take Mira around the island.

"Captain Teresa. Is it in such a hurry?"

Lei Mingkai looked helplessly at Teresa who put the report in front of him.

Even Mira, who rarely expressed her emotions, was dissatisfied with Teresa's sudden attack.

"I'm sorry, knight, and miss Mira. Because λ The power shown by the driving system is too amazing. We must find out its true face as soon as possible. "

Teresa first apologized to Lei Mingkai and Mira, and then directly guided the topic λ On the drive system.

"Brother, I don't care. First solve captain Teresa's question!"

Mila gently pulled the corner of La Lei Mingkai's clothes and offered her request.

Reluctantly, Lei Mingkai had to nod.

"Please sit down! Captain Teresa and major Kalinin. I don't know what I can answer for you?"

"Why, knight, can you do that? According to the subsequent data analysis, this seems to be a force that is difficult to explain with modern science."

Kalinin was the first to speak after Teresa sat down.

As the commander of the Western Pacific team, Kalinin felt it necessary to λ Know as much as possible about the power of the drive system.

"Why? It's just λ Just the power of the drive system. Captain, major. Why do you think λ Can the drive system have such power? "Lei Mingkai shook his head and kicked the problem back to Teresa and Kalinin.

Kalinin was silent.

Teresa, on the other hand, expressed her opinion after thinking for a while.

“ λ The driving system seems to be a system that can convert the pilot's spiritual ideas into physical energy. Therefore, at a critical moment, λ The drive system can produce a screen wall similar to the protective force field. "

At this point, Teresa looked at Lei Mingkai.

"It can also cause the terrible scene of yesterday. I should be right about that, sir Lei Mingkai."

Lei Mingkai nodded, indicating that Theresa's statement was not much wrong.

"Roughly. But there is a key point here. That is, the pilot's mental mind must reach a certain threshold, otherwise it can't be activated at all λ Drive system. Let alone use the screen wall that bounces back the attack and attack. "

"Spiritual thoughts reach a certain threshold?"

Teresa and gallinin were stunned and lost in thought.

Lei Mingkai's statement was never heard of by Teresa and Kalinin.

Even Teresa herself just stays right λ The degree of knowledge of the driving system, not to mention how to λ The drive system uses a skilled method.

"That is to say, you should be able to use it skillfully λ The drive system must be applied to some special pilots? "

Teresa frowned slowly and spoke her conjecture with some uncertainty.

"For example, some people who are extremely unstable in spirit, or have an extremely terrible tendency of spiritual paranoia to some extent?"

"Yes. Worthy of Captain Teresa. At present, no..."

Suddenly, Lei Mingkai's voice stopped. There was a meaningful smile on his face.

"In A21, some people may have noticed this feature and have already prepared the corresponding pilots and equipment λ The body of the drive system. "


Lei Mingkai's sudden intelligence surprised Teresa and Kalinin.

They did not expect that Lei Mingkai would suddenly tell such a key intelligence at this time.

You know, in the process of bargaining, which was called communication before, Lei Mingkai's intelligence was like squeezing toothpaste, revealing it bit by bit, which cost Teresa a lot of brain cells.

"Is A21 going to attack?"

Kalinin's reaction was the fastest, and he suddenly understood what was behind the intelligence thrown out by Lei Mingkai.

"Major, can we summarize and analyze the information we can collect related to A21?"

Theresa believed leimingkai's words without hesitation.

As far as the current situation is concerned, with the permission of the combat headquarters, Lei Mingkai, who joined the son of Danu under the code name of knight, has confirmed his ability. In this regard, Teresa also treated Lei Mingkai with high trust, just like other warships.

"Yes, sir. Now, I'll send someone to sort it out at once."

But when Kalinin turned and left, Lei Mingkai suddenly called Kalinin.

"Major, wait a minute. I may have information here that can help captain Teresa and you."


Teresa was a little stunned and then showed a funny smile.

"It seems that our knight really knows everything! When we are in trouble, we can always come up with a solution to the current dilemma."

Teresa's praise made Lei Mingkai smile bitterly.

If I hadn't been born in another earth with a variety of aircraft warfare works, I'm afraid I would have fallen into a dilemma like Teresa.

"I've been thinking about it for a long time."

With a wry smile, Lei Mingkai said a name.

"I've been thinking for a long time? Is it the true face of A21?"

Teresa repeated the name.

"No. It should be just a pilot of a certain type of as. And this is probably the mentally abnormal person speculated by Captain Teresa."

As soon as Lei Mingkai spoke, Teresa and Kalinin immediately reacted.

“ λ Drive system. Knight, you mean A21 wants to use it in the city λ Attack the body of the drive system? "

Kalinin's face suddenly became dignified.

If it is true as he speculates, according to the strong crossbow λ In terms of the performance of the drive system, it is undoubtedly a massacre of indifference and rolling.

"Yes. Anyway, the suggestion I can give now is to arrange people to pay attention to the customs situation of East Asian countries as soon as possible. As long as I can catch this person at the first time, A21 hidden in the dark will certainly go out and try to recapture jiui mountain."

"Lead the snake out of the cave?"

Teresa said the word, but she didn't dare to expect it too much. After all, in her opinion, in the past style, it showed that A21, which regarded human life as grass mustard, would not put a pilot in such a high position.

"Yes. As I said before, if I think about it for a long time, it is really a speculation λ The pilot of as driving system, then his importance is far more than that of ordinary pilots. "

Lei Mingkai knew what Teresa thought and made a reminder.

For what we already have, but we can't know much λ Naturally, Teresa and others will not know that one can skillfully use the driving system λ How important the pilot of the drive system is.

"Colonel, if you don't mind, maybe we can start assigning tasks. After all, we don't know which country A21 will appear in."

"OK! Major Kalinin, come with me!"

Teresa nodded, stood up, raised her hand, saluted Lei Mingkai and Mira, apologized again and thanked:

"I'm very sorry to disturb your time. In addition, I thank your excellency Lei Mingkai for the information provided. Today, please relax your excellency Lei Mingkai and miss Mira! I still have this power."

Just as Teresa turned to take Kalinin away, Lei Mingkai suddenly shouted to Kalinin.

"Major, do you know the name Wu Zhizheng?"

Kalinin stopped and replied slightly puzzled.

"No. I don't know him. What's the problem? Knight."

"He used to be a mercenary wandering in places of war. After returning home, he engaged in charity. The name of this charity is A21."

At this moment, it was Teresa's turn to stop.

This is something Lei Mingkai never mentioned in the previous intelligence exchange.

"Is A21 actually a charity? Shell?"


Lei Mingkai shook his head.

"Maybe it's a real charity organization. But his approach is a little extreme. A21 specially recruited bad teenagers who committed crimes at the beginning, and threw them on no man's island to teach combat skills and survival skills with Spartan education."

"This, isn't this making soldiers?"

Teresa said subconsciously.

"No, Colonel. It's not making soldiers. It's just teaching these bad teenagers who have been abandoned by society the skills to continue to live in the world."

Kalinin, who knew the world, saw through why Lei Mingkai mentioned it.

"Knight, I see what you mean. But in the face of the imminent threat of destruction of the whole city, I may not have much choice."

But Lei Mingkai shook his head slightly.

"No, major. I'm just saying what I know. What's more, if the battle happens, I should be the one standing on the front line."

"Hum. What a cunning little fellow! Knight."

"Each other."

The salty sea breeze came out.

In the distance, even late at night, there is still a considerable degree of lighting, and the port is still clearly visible.

"Da, Da, Da..."

Behind him came a sound of stepping on the steel plate.

Then, a sharp and familiar smell came from behind and stood beside the woman named Shengnai.

"It's rare! I didn't expect you to come here in person." Shengnai took his eyes back from the port and fell on the woman standing beside him with long hair and expressionless face. Even his eyes seemed to have lost the emotional light of human beings.

This is the twin killer kept in Kowloon.

Cruel and ruthless.

"Has the task been sent?"

The long haired woman ignored the words of Saint Nai, but asked coldly about the progress of the task.

"Yes. It has been sent out. The rest is waiting to meet us."

"That's good! Saint Nai. This mission is your business. We won't intervene. But if it appears in the white body, you should know how to do it? Our goal is only it. In addition, other things and enemies are solved by yourself."


Gemini killer.

Xia Yulan, Xia Yufang.

The pair of female wolves raised in Jiulong seem to have set an eye on some prey. To this end, they did not hesitate to come here and forcibly intervened in their mission in the name of assistance.

Although Shengnai is a little unhappy, it's good to have more security.

"White light wing body?"

Organizational intelligence is synchronized to some extent.

The death in Kowloon and the appearance of the white light wing almost after sunrise spread throughout the organization, making most people break their glasses.

"Will you come? White light wing."

Among the ship's sirens, sennai looked at the approaching port and thought to himself.

However, before that, I'm afraid that what Saint Nai has to face is the situation of being reminded by Lei Mingkai to think about and detain jiuwushan first.