Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 351

The full moon is in the sky.

The brilliant moonlight from the stars above the bright starry sky, scattered on the sea, forming a sparkling beautiful scenery.

In this scene, there is an island covered with a veil by moonlight.

"Uurz6 has reached the target point. Now start the final check before the test."

CIC's voice rang out in the command hall.

"Inform uurz6. Once the inspection is completed, start the test immediately." Teresa, surrounded by Richard and gallinin, sat in the command post and gave an order, then looked back at the girl sitting on the other side with a white cat in her arms.

"Mira, don't worry! We've taken enough protective measures. Your Excellency Lei Mingkai will be fine. I can guarantee this in the name of Teresa Testarosa."

Facing Teresa's promise, Mira nodded slowly, but didn't say anything.

But Theresa was not.

Because, during this period of time, Theresa already knew that Mira was the same face to everyone except Lei Mingkai.

"Your Excellency Colonel! Really? The 76mm sniper gun used by my M9 is no joke. As long as it is hit head-on, it will be finished. Is it really like this?"

Just then, Cruz's voice rang out on the communication channel.

Now, the son of Danu, who has returned to the Merida base, has ushered in an important body test.

For this important body test, Teresa and other senior staff of Danu's sons were present, and Cruz wiba, who has the highest sniper level among SRT, was sent as the main attacker of the test.

of course.

This body test is not Cruz's one-sided personal show. Instead, Cruz was asked to drive his favorite plane and conduct a target test of attack test on a cutting-edge body listed as top secret.

If there is attack, there must be defense.

The attacker is Cruz wiba.

The defender, of course, is Lei Mingkai.

The M9 corresponding to Cruz is the arx-7 crossbow that has been placed on the son of Danu, but missed out with his good family because of Lei Mingkai's activity.

"Proceed as planned! Uurz6. This test is allowed by the headquarters of operations. So, do your best to complete this test."

Kalinin looked at Teresa and said in a deep voice.

"Yes! Even though the major said so, I'm not polite."

With accurate orders, Cruz entered the final stage without hesitation.

"Hey, Mr knight. Are you ready?"

"Well, ready at any time."

His hands relaxed, and after he adapted to the somatosensory operating system, which was completely opposite to Lancelot's operating system, Lei Mingkai nodded slowly.

This is the result of another transaction.

Mira wants to design and make a new body for Lei Mingkai.

Then, to fulfill this wish, Lei Mingkai only has and must temporarily rely on the power of Mithril.

Therefore, Lei Mingkai contacted Mallory, who had been waiting for a long time.

Mallory agreed to Lei Mingkai's request, and also put forward a mutual exchange condition.

That is, Lei Mingkai must work on the son of dannu for three months, and assist the son of dannu to complete the test of arx-7 crossbow, and even λ The performance of the drive system shall be analyzed and effectively applied as much as possible.

At this point, Lei Mingkai had to sigh that Jiang was still old and spicy.

When Teresa and Kalinin and others still know how Lei Mingkai killed Kowloon, Mallory, who is also the top-level personnel of amalgam and secret silver, has found that Lei Mingkai is right λ The fact that the drive system knows something.

The terms of exchange are not harsh.

On the contrary, some of them fell into the arms of Lei Mingkai.

Especially under the guidance of Xiang liangzong, he can drive arx-7 strong crossbow to attack. What do you think? Lei Mingkai thinks he has made money.

Therefore, Lei Mingkai took the knight as the code name and temporarily joined the son of Danu to become the test pilot of arx-7 crossbow.

"Uurz6, and the Knights! Now, 30 seconds before the test. The last ten seconds will be counted down!"


Lei Mingkai answered, then slowly closed his eyes and began to concentrate his mind.

tell the truth.

Although Lei Mingkai λ The data of the drive system are familiar, but this is the first time Lei Mingkai has been in close contact with it λ Drive system. Can it start λ Lei Mingkai is not fully sure of the driving system.

But before that, the white cat zero glanced disdainfully at Lei Mingkai and left the words full of contempt.

"Knights who can survive the turbulent flow of time and space are still worried about whether they can activate that little λ Drive system? You let me down. Kay. "

When the white cat's zero mockery still echoed in Lei Mingkai's ears, Lei Mingkai's spirit also moved towards a peak.


Far away,

The M9 that Cruz was driving exploded a spark.


A flash of fire,

When the gunfire across the jungle could reach Lei Mingkai's ears, a white light had appeared in the front of the powerful crossbow driven by Lei Mingkai.

"That, that is!?"

At this moment, the strange phenomenon in front of the strong crossbow made Teresa, Kalinin and Richard straighten up and stare at the live broadcast from the experimental site.

"Woo woo!"

In addition to the camera that faithfully transmits the scene of the experimental site back to the command hall, there is also a sound capture setting that captures and returns the sound exactly.

With the more and more bright white light, the sound of the howling wind constantly tore everyone's hearing.

At the moment when the roaring wind reached its peak, a loud noise exploded.


The white light at the front end of the strong crossbow flashed, and the running bullet fired from the 76mm sniper gun flew backwards in an instant. It crossed the jungle at a faster speed than ever before. It flew past M9, which had no time to react, and blew the stone pillar ten meters high from the ground behind M9 into fragments.

Cruz, sitting in the M9 cockpit, looked dull. He couldn't believe that the attack just now was an attack launched by his own M9.

"What the hell is going on?"

However, before Cruz could figure it out, Kalinin's voice sounded again.

"Uurz6, keep attacking!"


The soldier's instinct made Cruz wake up from the mess and return to the state of the sniper with excellent sniper level again.

"Let me see it again! Mr. knight, are you ready?"

The 76mm sniper gun once again locked the strong crossbow standing in place in the center.

"Al. The state of strong crossbow!"

After stopping Cruz's blow, Lei Mingkai slowly breathed out a breath.

λ The power of the drive system is really strong.

Just by concentrating, Lei Mingkai can block the bullets of the 76mm sniper gun fired by Cruz's M9 and bounce back faster.

If not, Lei Mingkai had no intention of aiming at Cruz's M9, I'm afraid Cruz would be killed like the original track in the attack just now λ The power of the drive system turns the car over.

"Good condition! Knight. Now the strong crossbow is still in the best combat state."

Thinking, the AI - Al carried by the strong crossbow responded to Lei Mingkai's question.

"Good! Signal! Continue the test!"


Al faithfully executed Lei Mingkai's orders.


The next second, the unique sound of 76mm sniper gun broke the air attack.


Change reappearance!

Under the gaze of everyone in the command hall, the change in the scene just now happened again.

The sudden white light easily blocked the bullet of the 76mm sniper gun again, and recreated the amazing scene before.


In the flash of white light, the right side of M9 driven by Cruz exploded.

It is also the flying debris after the stone pillar was blown up.

without doubt.

M9's attack was rebounded again.

"Come on! Replay that scene! Ten times slower!"

Richard's eyes flashed and gave orders immediately.

With the flash of light on the main screen in the command hall, the whole process of M9 attacking the powerful crossbow with 76mm sniper gun was played in front of everyone at a ten fold slow speed frame by frame.

The bullet came out of the chamber, swept over the jungle and went straight at the crossbow.

Then, a white light appeared. After the bullet was blocked, the whole process of bouncing back, everyone looked at it without falling to the ground.

"Well, is there such a magical power in this world?"

Kalinin, who had lived and died in the battlefield all his life, looked at the instant picture of the bullet of the 76mm sniper gun bouncing back by the fixed crossbow.

"That's it λ The power of the drive system? Captain. "

Richard took a deep breath and looked down at Teresa sitting in her seat, constantly rubbing her braids.

Obviously, even Teresa, who designed the son of Danu herself, was right λ The power of the drive system at the moment.

"I don't know. Richard. Now I've been able to λ The drive system is made, but we can't know λ The limit that the drive system can reach. "

As she spoke, Theresa suddenly smiled.

"However, now I know why my uncle made such a decision. For us, for the son of Danu, and even for the arx-7 crossbow, we can use it familiar λ The pilot of the drive system is valuable. "

Hearing Teresa's words, Kalinin showed a trace of meditation, and finally nodded slowly.

"OK! Now that the first stage has been completed, can you let Mr. Lei Mingkai proceed to the next stage?"

Seeing that everyone had no doubt, Teresa immediately put forward suggestions for entering the next stage.

"Uhm! Uurz6, retreat to a safe area for standby. Then, the knight moves to area A3 for the next stage of testing."


Cruz responded, drove the M9, gave a thumbs up to Lei Mingkai, and turned away from the area.

Lei Mingkai drove a strong crossbow to the next test area, A3.

At the same time, Lei Mingkai asked al.

"Al. Report the current status of Qiang crossbow."


"Good balance, no abnormality in bilateral angle, no abnormality in system operation. No abnormality in monitor performance."

“ λ What about the drive system? "

"No exception."

Strong crossbow is in a much better state than Lei Mingkai expected. I experienced it myself λ After driving the power of the system, Lei Mingkai suddenly felt that maybe the world was in his hands.

No wonder Kowloon will speak out λ The driving system will change the power of the world.

"Reach area A3. Knight, please prepare to start the next stage of the test."

At the moment when the crossbow entered the A3 area, Al immediately sent out a reminder.

"Well, send a signal to activate λ Drive system. "


In the command hall, after receiving the signal from Lei Mingkai, Teresa thought for a moment and nodded slowly.

"The second stage test starts!"


With the procedures issued in the command hall, the strong crossbow located in the A3 area was immediately surrounded by various targets.

This time, it is the test λ Attack performance of drive system.

"Target confirmation! The number of tank targets is 10, the number of as mobile targets is 6, and the number of armed helicopter targets is 6. Knight, please start the test."

Al counts the total number and classification of all targets at the moment when the target rises.


Lei Mingkai answered and concentrated again.

This is different from the previous defense of 76mm sniper guns. Lei Mingkai must concentrate more and strive for the first shot as much as possible to succeed λ Drive the system to attack.

"Attack? Then, use the most commonly used means of knights to concentrate!"

The idea flashed through Lei Mingkai's mind.

Born in the Royal Knight academy, Lei Mingkai is most familiar with his own Knight Sword skills. During that college time, Lei Mingkai often picked up the Knight Sword and subconsciously concentrated his spirit to a very high level.

Therefore, the strong crossbow slowly pulled out the long sword that Lei Mingkai specially asked to be temporarily installed at the waist of the strong crossbow before the test began, and held it tightly in his hand.

"Sword... In hand!"

The somatosensory operation of as gives Lei Mingkai a very high intuitive feeling. When controlling the crossbow to pull out the long sword at his waist, Lei Mingkai had a moment of illusion that he had pulled out the knight sword that he had forgotten in the knight academy again.

Under the illusion, Lei Mingkai had no distractions, just like waving the knight's sword at the beginning, controlling the strong crossbow and holding up the long sword,





The whole command hall was filled with a strange wind, as if something had torn the void at that moment.

"Well... Turn off sound capture!! come on!"

Teresa frowned tightly and shouted the command to turn off the voice as loudly as she could.


After CIC hammered down the sound off button, the command hall was finally quiet.

However, everyone's eyes were once again attracted by the amazing scene presented on the home screen.

It was a piece of land that had been ploughed by something and had become beyond recognition and messy.

Trees, vines, and all kinds of targets used for shooting and testing, even the inactive blockhouses were turned out and scattered on this messy land.

At the front of this land, it is the strong crossbow that slowly retracts the long sword.