Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 353

The test continues.

This is the actual test after the last test.

Although the strength of the powerful crossbow driven by Lei Mingkai was enough to shock the whole Mithril, some people still doubt it.

Therefore, the test order from the combat headquarters was passed to Teresa.

"Alas. What is uncle thinking? After seeing such a scene, does it need another actual test to prove it λ The power of the drive system? "

Teresa, who stood at the port and watched the logistics personnel prepare the son of Danu, was particularly dissatisfied after receiving this order.

Because she knows that it can only be fully reflected on the battlefield λ The power of the drive system. Before, there were no casualties because of relatively simple tests at the shooting range.

If so, according to the meaning of the operation headquarters···

Theresa, who flashed several plans in her mind, quickly shook her head.

No matter which plan, the final result is very likely to cause casualties.

λ The power of the driving system is too powerful.

"Captain Teresa, are you worried about the actual test command of the combat headquarters?"

Just when Teresa was distressed by the order, Lei Mingkai's voice sounded.

Teresa looked back and found that Lei Mingkai and Richard were coming here together.

"Knight? And Richard is coming with you?"

Richard standing next to Lei Mingkai immediately stood at attention and saluted: "yes, captain. In fact, just now I have communicated with the knight on the task of actual combat test. The knight itself seems to have another opinion."


Teresa blinked and put her eyes on Lei Mingkai.


Lei Mingkai nodded and organized the language.

"In fact, Captain Teresa already knows the information of A21's imminent attack, so they can be regarded as opponents in the actual combat test."


Teresa frowned and instantly guessed what Lei Mingkai meant.

"Knight, do you want the combat headquarters to watch a game λ "Battle between drive systems?"

Lei Mingkai nodded.

"No! That's impossible. According to intelligence, A21 may launch an attack in a big city. If there were two planes at that time, they would have the same ability λ The battle between the bodies of the driving system must cause great casualties to the city, and even casualties to the people who cannot retreat in time. "

Seeing Lei Mingkai so readily admit that he tried to equip two planes λ There was a battle between the bodies of the drive system, and Teresa refused first.

"Cough. Captain, calm down."

Looking at Teresa who denied for the first time, Richard knew it was time to speak.


Teresa was stunned and then calmed down.

"Richard, tell me about you and the reasons between knights! You should also agree with the Knights' proposal?"

Richard nodded slowly.

"Yes, captain. I agree with the knight's proposal. Because before that, our Mithril staff had been working on the target for a long time. I thought and captured it. Now it is being detained in our facilities."

But before Richard finished, the intelligent Teresa had guessed what Richard was about to say.

"Wait! Richard. Do you mean to use jiuwushan as bait to attract the enemy to the area we choose to fight?"

"Yes, neither."

It was not Richard who answered, but Lei Mingkai.

Thunder looked at Teresa calmly and said in a slow voice:

"In fact, I have learned that the A21 attack depends on a plane far beyond everyone's imagination."

"Far more than everyone imagined?"

Teresa repeated this sentence and then looked at Lei Mingkai sharply.

"A21 may be equipped λ We already know the information about the driving system. But with this information, have we adopted this plan with great risk? If jiuwushan's thinking is not as important as we thought, A21 may launch an attack in advance when jiuwushan is thinking about being moved by us. "

"Well, it depends on the clever captain Teresa."

To Teresa's surprise, Lei Mingkai didn't refute or further explain, but pushed everything to her side.

"Knight, you?!"

Lei Mingkai waved his hand and said frankly:

"Captain. Now, I'm just a soldier. When it comes to the battle plan, I'll leave it to captain Teresa."

After that, Lei Mingkai turned smartly and left in front of the stunned Teresa.

"Knight!! who the hell are you?!"

After Lei Mingkai left, Teresa reacted and shouted to Lei Mingkai's back.

The information like squeezing toothpaste,

Lei Mingkai, who shirked responsibility at the critical moment, made Teresa suddenly feel angry.

"Cough. Captain, pay attention to your image."

Richard's reminders always ring at the right time.

"Richard! Should we fire the knight?" Teresa took a deep breath and said after her mood calmed down:

"Anyway λ We have collected a lot of information about the drive system, which should be enough for the R & D department to carry out the next research. "

Richard coughed again.

"I'm afraid not. Captain. If the knight is fired at this time, we will lose the ability to use strong crossbows, λ The key person of the drive system. "

"It's just a pilot. What about Sergeant Xiang liangzong?"

Teresa subconsciously said a name that made Richard frown.

In Richard's view, xiangliangzongjie simply can't deserve Teresa's favor.

"Captain, I'm afraid that no one can be as good as Lei Mingkai and knight λ The drive system has a deep understanding and even can be operated freely λ People who drive the system, especially the latter, can operate freely on the eve of the upcoming action on A21 λ The pilot of the drive system is even more important. "

Richard took a deep breath and continued:

"With all due respect, captain. Sergeant xiangliangzongjie's combat effectiveness and as handling ability are trustworthy. But as the leader of the latest cutting-edge weapon system λ I'm afraid the drive system can't be mastered overnight. "

Richard's reasons are almost impeccable.

λ The power of the drive system is known to Mithril.

However, throughout the pilot group owned by Mithril, only Lei Mingkai can control it freely λ The body of the drive system. This is a shameful but realistic fact.

In desperation, Theresa could only sigh.

"That's right, Richard. Then, let's start arranging the battle! While reducing casualties, lead the enemy to the battle area we have arranged."

Theresa said as she habitually pinched her hair braids.

"But before that, there is one more thing we must accomplish. That is to release jiuwushan without trace at the right time and guide the enemy to act according to the script we have written. Can you do it, Richard?"

"Yes, captain. Our son of Danu has no mission he can't complete."

Richard replied sonorously.

In this regard, Theresa showed a confident smile.

"That's right! Knight, we'll see!"

Teresa made up her mind and began to carry out the mission of the combat headquarters.

Lei Mingkai, who slightly stimulated Teresa, left Merida island with Mira and returned to her original residence according to the original arrangement.

This is not as simple as returning Mira to college daily life.

It's a decision made to fulfill Mira's request.

As the door of Lei Mingkai's and Mira's house slowly opened, an old man in housekeeper's uniform and carefully combed silver hair was bowing to Lei Mingkai and Mira standing there to welcome their return.

"Long wait! Your Excellency Lei Mingkai, Miss Mira. From today on, I will serve the two adults for a period of time. During this period, please drive them to serve the two adults."

This is the old housekeeper Jack who has been following Mallory.

His arrival is also one of the conditions for Lei Mingkai to promise to become a crew member on the son of Danu.

Another condition is the supercomputing array behind jack, which is filled with the whole room. This is an important tool for Mira to complete the new body design required by Lei Mingkai in the shortest time and at the fastest speed.

"Miss Mira, please look! This is the supercomputing array we can prepare in the shortest time under the personal order of the master. In order to complete the installation of this supercomputing array, we have bought this apartment building."

"Bought it?"

Jack's calm tone surprised Lei Mingkai a little.

Unexpectedly, Mallory was very heroic in terms of exchange commitments. Just to install supercomputing arrays, he bought all the apartment buildings overnight.

"Yes. You can't let two adults lose their place after installing the supercomputer array."

Jack bowed slightly and raised his right hand to the door.

"Two adults, please follow me! Their residence is ready."

Led by old Jack, Lei Mingkai and Mira went to the room on the upper floor.

Here is the new residence of Lei Mingkai and Mira.

Watching Mira carefully walk into the room on the luxurious red carpet on the ground, Lei Mingkai said softly:

"Jack, please give my thanks to Sir Mallory. He has a heart."

"No. as the master said before, it's his honor to solve difficulties for his friends." Jack's attitude is very respectful.


Lei Mingkai said it silently and then smiled.


This is one of the effects of showing your strength.

Although Lei Mingkai had previously made it a trading condition to become a member of Danu's son, in fact, Mallory, who took pride in refitting the whole apartment building into a supercomputing array, may have "forgotten" this condition.

"Lord Lei Mingkai. If you are satisfied with this, a team of 100 technicians selected from various fields will report tomorrow. They will become the effectiveness of Miss Mira's upcoming body development plan."

Keenly aware that Lei Mingkai was very satisfied with the arrangement, Jack took advantage of the iron to say the next arrangement.

"One hundred technicians?"

Lei Mingkai raised his eyebrows, but he was not surprised.

He knew that compared with the apartment building converted into supercomputing array in a short time, this 100 person technical group was probably Mallory's real purpose.

Sure enough,

Ginger is still old and spicy.

But why not!

"Yes, Lord Lei Mingkai." Jack felt Lei Mingkai's difference, but didn't say anything. He just waited silently for Lei Mingkai's decision.

"Good! Thank Sir Mallory for me! Jack. I'll have a task to solve in the next time. Then Mira's life will be yours."

"Yes! Then, please allow me to prepare dinner for the two adults first."

"Go, Jack."

"Yes! Lord Lei Mingkai."

Jack's arrival liberated Lei Mingkai temporarily.

After all, in terms of safety, the white cat can zero protect Mira, but the proud white cat from time to time can't take care of people. On the contrary, it's almost like having someone else take care of it.

"Mira. Tomorrow, there will be a technical team to assist you in completing the body design. Is there any problem? If you think of it, you can tell me and I will solve it for you immediately."

Sitting on the sofa, watching Mira paddle the tablet computer Lei Mingkai gave her, Lei Mingkai asked.

"A hundred? A hundred?"

Mira put down her tablet, but she couldn't help showing a trace of fear on her face. In the end, Mira summoned up her courage and made up her mind to face the fear left by this inhuman treatment.

"I have no problem. I will try. Brother."

Lei Mingkai showed a gentle smile that reassured Mira. Then Lei Mingkai reached out and touched Mira's head.

"Don't worry! Zero will accompany you."

"Me? Why me again?"

Since entering the new house, the white cat zero, who has been lying on the top of the refrigerator, immediately raised his head and looked at Lei Mingkai as soon as he heard Lei Mingkai's words.

"This is the case. Zero, Mira, please."

After staring at Lei Mingkai for a while, the white cat closed her eyes and went back.

"Whatever you want! But are you going to drive Lancelot in the next battle? The system is equipped λ The body of the driving system should be more and more. Lancelot may not be able to withstand the next battle. "

What white cat zero said is true.

But Lei Mingkai already has countermeasures.

"Don't worry! Although I'm sorry for this decision, I've found a body that can replace Lancelot."

Lei Mingkai said embarrassed words, but he wore a funny smile.

The white cat opened his eyes slightly and glanced at Lei Mingkai.

"Body? That's the equipment λ The body of the drive system? The name seems to be strong crossbow? Forget it! Now that you have made a decision, I'll stay with Mira! "