Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 250


A gunshot broke the deadlock.

"Lu Lu Xiu!"

C. C, who stood powerlessly watching, exclaimed.

"No. I'm fine!"

Lu Luxiu calmly looked at the emperor who shot with a gun on the throne.

"Why? I'm so angry?"

"Hum! Whatever you like“

The emperor snorted coldly, but he didn't look much ashamed. In other words, up to now, he and Lu Lu Xiu are the only ones left in all the multiverse. At present, the emperor's mind is beyond Lu Lu Xiu's estimation.

All the way, all hell.

As long as the emperor continued to move towards what he thought was the Savior's plan, he was bound to see a sad and desperate look on Zhang nanali.

Under this torture, Lu Luxiu could not imagine how the emperor persisted.

However, this does not mean that Lu Lu Xiu would understand and accept the emperor's practice, nor would he be willing to become the emperor's sacrifice on this road.

"Sure enough, do I have to do it myself? Lu Lu Xiu."

The dark muzzle of the gun moved up and locked Lu Luxiu's forehead. The emperor's expression was colder and colder.

At the moment, Lu Lu Xiu smiled.

"Hahaha! If you can do it, shoot! Emperor!"

Lu Lu Xiu flashed a light in his eyes, and a confident smile appeared at the corners of his mouth. It seemed that he had caught some key points.

The emperor was suddenly silent.

He knew that lulushu had indeed found some key points.

"Emperor! You can't shoot me!"

Lu Lu Xiu shouted loudly.

"In this C world, you can't shoot me!"

The emperor frowned, then let go of his hand, let the gun fall on the ground, and disappeared into a streamer.

"Indeed. I can't shoot you. It's me."

"No! I am not you, and you are not me! Emperor. Although we have the name of Lu Lu Xiu, in the end, we are not the same person."

"No! We are the same person. Because we will do anything for nanali. Even if we destroy the world." the emperor waved and denied lulushu's words.


These words aroused Lu Luxiu's anger.

"That's right! For nanali, I can destroy the world! However, nanali's wish, the world nanali wants is not like this! Emperor! Maybe your idea was good at first, but after so many Lu Lu Lu repairs, you have changed!"

Lu Lu Xiu's tone became sharper and sharper.

"In the long road, you have become selfish, wishful thinking that all lulushu will die for your great plan, and wishful thinking that nanali will finally recognize your practice!"

"But you don't know how Nana Li looks at the world destroyed in the name of saving after she wakes up?"

"Joy? Moving? Or pain!!"

Under the pressure of Lu Luxiu, the emperor suddenly flew into a rage.

"Shut up!"


After Lu Lu's self-cultivation, a figure suddenly flashed, and a pair of iron fists smashed at Lu Lu's self-cultivation.

"Lu Lu Xiu! Be careful!"

C. C was about to rush through, but he was bound by a rope flying out of the dark.

"Be quiet! Witch! Now is not the time for you to act."

The emperor took a cold look at C.C. and then looked again at Lu Luxiu who was beaten by the iron fist.

"Hey! Are you angry?"

Lulushu was not hurt.

Although the attack of the iron fist was so unexpected, it was blocked by a screen wall when it hit Lu Lushu.

Under the iron fist, Lu Luxiu slowly straightened his waist.

"We are young birds and the world is a shell. Now I understand the meaning of this sentence, Emperor."

The corners of the emperor's eyes beat, and there was a look of surprise in his eyes. But he said calmly:

"So what? It's just a phenomenon caused by the gathering of all lulushu's forces on you and me. Do you think you can defeat me with this level of understanding?"

"Hey! Of course not. But I see the hope of defeating you!"

Lu Luxiu laughed and shouted:

"The world is a shell!"


The screen wall blocking the iron fist suddenly burst into light, and in the twinkling of an eye, it scattered the dark figure waving the iron fist, making him completely disappear in the world.

The collapse of the iron fist shocked the emperor's calm face, but soon the shock subsided.

But there was a trace of dignity in the depths of the emperor's eyes.

"So what? Lu Luxiu, even if you find the existence of this force, you still can't be my enemy!"

In words, the emperor raised his right hand and shouted loudly.

"We are birds, the world is a shell!!"


In the emperor's loud voice, the whole audience hall was suddenly shrouded in a violent vibration.

The high throne took the emperor and C. C up to a higher altitude, while the standing position of lulushu was lowered to a lower position.

The throne,

Between the positions where Lu Luxiu stood, there was a ladder with countless numbers, and on both sides of the ladder, there were black figures holding long swords.

The long sword with flashing cold light was held high, as if as long as people rushed up the ladder, they would be cut by this sharp sword.

"What a battle! Emperor!!"

Lu Lu Xiu looked at the throne, which had been raised to the sky and could hardly see clearly, and showed a mocking smile.

"I didn't know I was so afraid of death!"

"Afraid of death? Don't be kidding! Lu Luxiu! Now, you either rush up or watch the world collapse and become a withered white bone."


Thunder came from the sky.

An unknown breath rises rapidly from the depths of C's world at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if to devour C's world in a short time.


Just then, Lei Mingkai and his team arrived.

"Zero?! lulushu? Have you taken off your mask?" Lei Mingkai shouted out the name of zero, but saw lulushu's face stained with blood.

"Kai, Youfei, and princess shamna, you're coming." Lu Luxiu pulled off his black cloak and nodded to Lei Mingkai and others.

"All the actors are here! Hum, then the good play should start."

Before Lei Mingkai and Lu Luxiu could exchange information, the emperor's voice came from the throne.

Then the magnificent palace collapsed, revealing the sky reflecting the scenery of another world.

The world reflected on the sky shocked shamna.

"Well, that's kirkstan!! our kingdom!! how can this happen?"

Endless war,

Screaming people,

Black unidentified bodies raging everywhere,

There are also soldiers who always stick to the last line of defense in the capital, KMF.

Among them, shamna saw her brother and her subordinates.

Lei Mingkai and ufimia also saw Cornelia, vireta and wzero troops led by Leila.

Of course, there are zero, that is, the Black Knights led by lulushu.

These people all stood in the last line of defense and fought side by side to resist the attack of black unidentified bodies.

"How? How does it feel to see your home burned by fire? Princess shamna."

The emperor's voice came from the throne.

"Emperor Lu Lu Xiu! People from different world, why attack my country!!"

Shanna snapped.

"Why? Because you are an obstacle! That's all."

The emperor smiled coldly.

The picture on the sky suddenly changed.

This time, Europa and pandoragon, the imperial capital, appeared in the picture.

They also suffered at a glance with the kingdom of kirkstan.

However, the enemy's strength is more powerful.


Looking at the strange body raging in the city in the picture, Lei Mingkai's eyes showed a trace of dignity.

All the speculation that has been made has come true.

The emperor was indeed connected with the abyss.

I'm afraid that the current situation is a trap deliberately designed by the emperor to avoid Lei Mingkai and ufimia hindering the advancement of the abyss in reality.

"Princess shamna, is there a way to leave the world now?"

Eufemia, standing next to shamna, asked in a low voice.

But unexpectedly, the emperor saw through.

"Youfei, I advise you not to do too many useless actions. Since you have been attracted in, there is no need to leave flaws and allow you to enter and leave the C world freely."


As soon as the emperor's voice fell, Lu Luxiu loudly denied the emperor's words.

"There are flaws! That's you. Emperor!!"

"Oh? Really? Then, just rush up!"

Under the throne,

Before the stairs,

Lu Lu Xiu rushed up the steps without hesitation facing the cold shining sword.


At the moment Lu Lu Xiu stepped onto the steps, the sharp sword shrouded over the steps immediately started, and one after another chopped down towards Lu Lu Xiu.




Lu Lu Xiu's speed was so fast that he could hardly be caught by the sharp sword.

Perhaps this is the change brought about by the combination of all lulushu's forces.

Under this force from the multi universe, the once physical waste materials broke out an amazing force, reaching the limit that Lu Luxiu had never imagined.

"Be careful!"


Without warning, a cold light crossed in front of Lu Luxiu and split towards Lu Luxiu.

Just when Lu Lu Xiu was about to be cut off by his waist, a white flash suddenly rushed out of Lu Lu Xiu's body, and cut off the cold light of Lu Lu Xiu's cutting off by raising his hands and feet.


Lu Luxiu, who had not stopped, looked at Lancelot in front of him in surprise.

"Come on! Lu Luxiu."

Lancelot opened his left hand towards lulushu.

Lulushu jumped without thinking and landed on Lancelot's left hand.

"Sit down!"

In Lei Mingkai's reminder, Lancelot moved again.

This time, it was not like lulushu rushing up the steps alone. Lanslot made more noise than that.

Even if Lancelot wanted to repair lulu in his left hand for the time being, he still couldn't hide the sharp cold light of the radiation vibration sword held by his right hand.




No matter how many swords were in front of Lancelot, the radiation vibration sword in his hand was cut off in the blink of an eye.

In less than a few minutes, Lancelot had taken lulushu to the steps half the distance from the throne.

"Kai! Hurry up! I have no problem! Now this body is enough to bear Lancelot's strength!"

In the strong wind set off by Lancelot, lulushu shouted loudly to let Lei Mingkai speed up his breakthrough.

Lei Mingkai frowned, looked at the sky reflecting the end of the world, and nodded silently.



The white cat's zero figure flashed, and the energy circuit inside Lancelot's body suddenly burst into a red light.

In the blink of an eye, Lancelot's output doubled.

Lulu xiudang, who stayed in the palm of Lancelot's left hand, was almost relieved as if he had been hit in the heart by a hammer.

But Lu Luxiu did not pursue this problem.

Because the scene in front of us has almost turned into a blur.

Lancelot broke out.

"What a struggle!"

The emperor glanced at Lancelot, who was about to rush to the front of the steps, and waved his right hand in a murderous manner.

A cold steel figure immediately emerged behind him.

The next second, a diamond appeared in front of the steel figure.

"Go to hell! Lu Luxiu."


As soon as the emperor's order was issued, dozens of light beams burst out in front of the diamond, covering lanslot below with the potential of blocking the sky and the sun.

"Mirage?! what a surprise!"


This seemingly amazing blow did not make Lancelot hate.

On the contrary, Lei Mingkai's voice came from the light beam blocking out the sky and the sun.

"I didn't expect that the organism that never appeared in this world would see it now. This world is really interesting!"

With a flash of light, Lancelot, who opened the radiation shield with both hands, rushed into the sky from the attack of the mirage intact.

"Radiation shield! Lancelot! Even without rosefinch, will you be an obstacle to me?"

The mirage looked up and was attacked by a crazy beam of light.

However, with Lancelot fully deploying the radiation shield, these beam attacks did not seem to have played much role.

"Lu Lu Xiu! Opportunity!"

Under the attack of mirage, at the moment when Lancelot stepped on the platform where the throne was located, Lu Luxiu jumped up from Lancelot's cockpit and rushed to the emperor.

"Emperor Lu Lu Xiu!!"

In a flash of light, Lu Luxiu had a sharp sword in his hand.

"Tut! Lu Lu Lu Xiu!"

The emperor stretched out his hand to the throne and the gun was in his hand.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The bullets roared out and kept flying towards lulushu.



Even hands,

His face was broken and wounded by the screaming bullets.

But this did not stop Lu Luxiu from moving forward.

"We are young birds and the world is a shell!!"

Looking at Lu Lu Xiu getting closer and closer, the emperor shouted this meaningless slogan again.



Among the slogans, the ground crashed or suddenly raised stone pillars, constantly blocking Lu Lu Xiu's progress.


Lu Lu Xiu, who was careless for a moment, was hit by the stone pillar rising from his feet and hit it heavily on the stone pillar not far away.

However, when Lu Lu Xiu was in great pain, some sentences suddenly came to his mind.

"If we do not destroy the shell of the world, our young birds will die!"

Lu Lu Xiu's subconscious chanting caused the emperor's severe anxiety.


As soon as he heard the emperor's call, the mirage that was fighting in Lancelot suddenly disintegrated, and the fraction that was dissolved into countless parts rushed to the emperor, and condensed the mirage again in front of him.

"Lu Lu Xiu! This is my consciousness!! to destroy the shell of the world! To regenerate the world!! mirage, kill him!"

However, the action of mirage is a step slower.

At the moment when he disintegrated and returned to the emperor, Lu Lu Xiu's figure rushed over the distance of only less than ten meters and came to the emperor.

"For nanali, give me the power to innovate the world!!"

Lu Lu Xiu's sword ran through, bringing the pain of long absence to the emperor.

"Uh... Poof!"

The bright red that quickly spread from the corner of his mouth made the emperor look down at the sharp sword that pierced him.

"Ha ha. Did you lose? Lu Luxiu. You won."

The Emperor didn't make a desperate counterattack, but raised his right hand and wiped his blood on Lu Lushu's face in the disappearance of the mirage.

"Remember! Lulushu. From now on, you are the only one left in the multi universe. Our long cherished wish, our sin and our hatred will be your curse!"

Lu Lu Xiu nodded and answered faintly.


"Ha ha! As a result, Lu Lu Xiu could only die in Lu Lu Xiu's hands. This ending is not bad."

The emperor's pupils began to dissipate.

"We are young birds and the world is a shell. If we do not destroy the shell of the world, our young birds will die. Destroy the shell of the world! Lulushu v. Brittania."