Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 249

"C.C. wake up and get up!"

Standing among the corpses on the ground, Lu Luxiu lowered his eyes and looked coldly at the girl who had fallen to the ground from the beginning.

He knew that although the girl stopped the gun for herself, she was not the familiar C.C.

From the moment he found himself back to the beginning of fate again, he had figured everything out.

This happened in front of us,

This is right in front of you,

It's not the memory that I'm familiar with and experienced, but everything that the emperor and even other teenagers who have the name of Lu Lu Xiu have experienced.

"Will you die again?"

The idea flashed through Lu Luxiu's mind at this moment.

To tell you the truth, in the previous incredible experiences, even if Lu Luxiu didn't specifically record it, he already felt that he should have died no less than dozens or even hundreds of times.

The deja vu world in front of us may also want to die again.

"What a surprise! Lu Luxiu. How do you know I'm not dead?"

While Lu Luxiu was thinking, the girl who should have died stood up slowly, scanned the surrounding scene, and looked at the boy meaningfully.

"Hum! These things will be discussed later. Now, we have other things to do."

In addition to Lu Luxiu's voice, there was also the sound of KMF body rushing over.

"Here we go."

When seeing the Sunderland plane break through the wall and appear in front of him, Lu Luxiu flashed a cold light in front of him.

"Come on! Emperor, let me see your trick!"

In the audience hall, the emperor leaned comfortably against the throne, and a funny smile hung on the corners of his mouth.

"Hehe. It seems that your Lu Lu Xiu is very aggressive."

While talking, the eyes that launched the power of Geass also looked at the witch who was still hanging in mid air.

"What do you want? If you want the world of C, just take it! Anyway, I'm tired of the world."

The green haired girl's eyes gleamed with despair.

"Bored? Hum. That's right. You're really bored with the world. But you have a glimmer of hope for him. It's ridiculous to say, C.C. your despair began to collapse after you met lulushu Lampe."

The emperor snapped his fingers and asked the witch to be down-to-earth again. After releasing her hands, he said softly:

"Go! If you want him to die faster."

C. C's eyelids beat a few times and finally endured.

All this did not surprise the emperor.

As he said, in a distant time and space, C. C there once had the same tacit understanding with him, but at a certain time, everything changed.


The sound of water sounded in my ears, which is a rare rainstorm in this season.

Lu Luxiu, who had decided to go out, had to cancel his trip and stay at home with his sister nanali.

of course.

In addition to their brother, sister and son, there is a girl who has lived in this family for some time, C.C.

"Why? Are you upset because you can't get out?"

After lunch, Lu Luxiu, who returned to his room, frowned at C.C's light words.

"Don't provoke me at this time! C.C."

Reaching out to open the curtain, Lu Lu Xiu frowned deeper.

No matter how the world changes, at least the familiar weather changes have traces to follow.

However, in this case, the originally sunny day suddenly turned into a rainstorm.

This made Lu Lu Xiu's heart a little agitated.

I'm afraid this is the moment when change is coming.

"It's rare! Such an arrogant kid still has time to be upset."

Perhaps C. C, who did not hit the south wall and did not look back, was stopped by Lu Luxiu once, still made a light mockery.


A dark shadow smashed C. C into the bed.

It's a doll!

During this period, C. C continuously collected pizza coupons and finally exchanged them for successful dolls.

C. C, who was hit on the bed, turned over, held a large doll and leaned against the back of the bed.

"What do you perceive?"

Lu Lu Xiu's eyebrows wrinkled more and more, but he had no thoughts. All he knew was that the betrayal mentioned by the emperor was about to happen.

In addition, lulushu knew nothing about C.C's betrayal. Whether it's motivation or means.


"What? Did you think of anything?"

Lu Lu Xiu's call made C. C holding the doll straighten his waist, revealing a look of listening carefully.

"No. nothing. I'm going out for a while."

Lu Lu Xiu's mouth moved, but he still gave up the idea of directly asking C.C.

"This weather?"

C. C looked out of the window.

"Not in the way."

With the door closed, Lu Luxiu's figure disappeared in front of C.C.


Behind the door, Lu Luxiu fell into a pool of blood.

"You... Why?"

Lu Luxiu looked at the rapidly expanding bright red in his heart in surprise, and looked at the thin figure in the wheelchair and the woman standing behind him with a gun in his hand.

And they are sister nanali and her son.

At this time, the familiar little face is only cold.

"Devil, give me back my brother!"


Although his clothes had been dyed red, Lu Luxiu didn't feel the slightest pain.

Because he knew that everything in front of him was just a repetition, a repetition of history, based on the memory of the emperor.


Behind him, the door was opened.

"C.C. will my brother come back?"

Nanali asked eagerly at the sound of the door opening.

"HMM. yes. Nana Li." C. C glanced at Lu Lu Xiu who fell at the root of the wall and looked at Nana Li and nodded slightly.

"C.C. you!!"

At this moment, Lu Luxiu finally understood.

Why did the emperor say C.C. was a traitor.

It turned out that in his world, C. C deceived nanali in the name that lulushu was a devil, so that nanali regarded the real lulushu as a devil.

Just, how could nanali believe C.C's lie?


There was no room for Lu Luxiu to explore and think. The son of Kan standing behind nanali shot the last bullet and sent Lu Luxiu into the dark.

"Do you understand?"

In the dark, the emperor's voice sounded slowly.

"Why did C.C do this?"

Lu Luxiu was silent for a while, but finally he couldn't figure out the key.

Everything seems so contradictory.

As an ally,

As an accomplice,

C. C there is no need to betray him.

"Why? Hehe. It's also true. Lulushu, maybe you don't know the truth of the world or the true face of the woman named Mariana v. Brittania."

The figure of the emperor slowly emerged from the darkness.

"Mariana? Mother?!"


A light flashed through the darkness.

Subsequently, a laboratory full of scientific research equipment and even an array of several large culture tanks was displayed in front of Lu Luxiu.

Lu Lu Xiu's mouth moved, but he didn't make any sound.

Because he saw that nanali, accompanied by C.C. and Shizi, walked into the research room from the side gate.

"C.C, will my brother be here?"

Nanali, who knew nothing about her arrival in this strange laboratory, whispered to C.C.

"Well, as long as Nana Li sleeps, she can see Lu Lu Xiu."

Under the persuasion of C.C., nanali finally entered the culture tank with the help of kagoshiko.

Then, a familiar figure, surrounded by many researchers in white coats, walked into the laboratory.

"C.C. are you ready?"

"Mariana. Ready." C. C looked at the surrounded figure and nodded slightly.

"Ha ha. Very good. In this way, our akaxia has an absolute guarantee."

In Mariana's smile, the picture suddenly changed.

The blood red sun hung high in the sky,

The earth is burned by endless black fire,

On the fragmented land, there are those "Woods" in human form.

On the blurred face, there was wailing, pain, begging for mercy, and death despair.

In the middle of the woods, a scarlet stone column straight into the sky suddenly appeared in front of lulushu.

"That, that's the scarlet giant?"

The scarlet stone pillar gave Lu Lu Xiu a strong sense of familiarity, as if he had witnessed it not long ago.

On second thought, Lu Luxiu immediately remembered the battle that had just ended.

"The sword of akaxia. Look at the top." the emperor's voice was colder and colder.

Lu Lu Xiu looked up at the speech.

At the top of the scarlet pillar called akaxia's sword, a small figure appeared there.


At the sight of the little voice, Lu Luxiu exclaimed in disbelief.

The whole body is covered with zigzag red streamers.

Except for the head and the mouth of the heart, all other parts are integrated into the scarlet pillar.

"Charles, Mariana did not hesitate to merge nanali and akaxia's sword and kill the gods of the world in order to make the world permanent at this moment."

The emperor briefly explained the reason for the scene in front of him.

"Kill the gods? Is that why C.C. betrayed?"

"Yes. C.C. has lived too long. She wants to die." the emperor took back his eyes from akaxia's sword and looked at lulushu.

"Lu Luxiu. My purpose is to save nanali. Give me a hand!"

Perhaps now is the time for the emperor to see.

For a long time, Lu Lu Xiu had many guesses about the emperor's purpose.

But unexpectedly, the emperor's purpose was unexpected and reasonable.

If Lu Lu changed his position as emperor, I'm afraid he would make the same choice.


Lu Lu Xiu looked as like as two peas in front of him.

"In order to save nanali, did you not hesitate to dispose of lulushu lampeiji in other worlds? Those memories, I'm afraid, are those lulushu memories?"

Facing Lu Luxiu's question, the emperor nodded.

"Yes. I need their strength, as well as yours. In order to save nanali and our sister, I need the strength of lulushu lampeki and lulushu V Brittania."

"For this, do anything?!" Lu Lu Xiu asked the boy in front of him in a cold voice.

"Yes. By all means, at all costs!"

"Hum, hum, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Looking at the resolute emperor who did not hesitate to sacrifice everything, Lu Luxiu suddenly stepped back and laughed loudly.

"Unscrupulous?! that's ridiculous! Lulushu!! if you really are lulushu Lampe, then you should know nanali's wishes! You should also know Charles and Mariana's selfishness!!"

Lu Luxiu's laughter gradually stopped, raised his finger to the emperor, and there was a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Unexpectedly, you have become the new Charles."

"Shut up!!" the emperor's eyes were red and Geass was about to start!

"Hehe! Are you angry? Lulushu v. Brittany. Tell me! How many lulushu did you get rid of? How many nanali did you let lie on your brother's body and cry!! tell me!"

Lu Lu Xiu shouted and questioned the emperor.

The emperor's face changed sharply.

"This, this is to save nanali!! they, I will compensate them after successfully saving nanali!!"

"Compensation?! people are dead! How can you compensate!! do you think you are the Savior?" Lu Luxiu seemed to gradually take the initiative.

"Yes!! I am the Savior!!"

However, what Lu Luxiu didn't expect was that the emperor's changeable face suddenly calmed down.

"Ha ha! Are you crazy? Savior?! are you kidding!?"

"No! I'm serious! Lulushu! You should feel the change. Whether it's physical or mental."

At the emperor's prompt, Lu Luxiu was silent.

Whether lulushu admits it or not, his body and his spirit have indeed changed.

Once a waste of physical strength, he was able to run out of the speed of a flying man of 100 meters inadvertently. With a gentle jump, he was able to jump from the ground to Gao Wen, and so on.

You know, these actions were unthinkable to Lu Luxiu before.

"This is him. No, this is our strength."

The emperor slowly clenched his right fist and said in a slow voice.

"The universe is diverse. Among the many universes, there are all kinds of self existence, and after these" I "die, the power accumulated by him will be shared with the" I "of other universes. However, due to the existence of many" I ", these powers are not obvious."

"So you got rid of me?"

Hearing this, Lu Luxiu understood some of the key information even if he didn't understand it.

"Yes! As long as all my powers are gathered on me, I will become the Savior and get the power to save nanali." the emperor looked at Lu Luxiu with blazing eyes.

"Madman! There is no God in this world!!" Lu Luxiu's eyes were very cold.

"Hehe. So, what's the explanation for the world you're in now?"

The emperor sneered, looked at Lu Lu Xiu and said.

"Lulushu. Now, in this multiverse, we are only one step away from saving nanali."

"So what? Even if nanali is rescued, do you think nanali will be happy after knowing the truth? At the expense of lulushu and nanali of the multiuniverse."

Lu Lu Xiu's lack of interest and even repeatedly refuted his behavior have made the emperor angry when he saw that his wish was about to be achieved.

"Shut up! I said! I'll make it up to them!"

Lu Lu Xiu's sneer remained the same, and the sarcasm in his words remained the same.

"Compensation?! you're just a human who wants to be a god like Charles! Emperor lulushu!!"