Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 251

"Ah ah ah!"

There was a terrible howl in the palace. "What happened? Doctor."

Hearing the sound, sunezer rushed into a room filled with experimental instruments with a group of guards.

"Your Highness schneizer?!"

The man in white coat surrounded by the experimental instrument hung his head powerlessly and said sadly.

"Your Highness chanezel! No! Your majesty, let's go."

"What? Your majesty, gone?!"

Shonaizel was surprised and subconsciously looked at the deep place of the experimental instrument, which was specially made into the pattern of the dormant cabin, but found that the dormant cabin was empty.

At this moment, sunezer clearly understood the meaning of the man in white coat.

Your majesty, let's go.

Sunezer, who understood, showed a look of shock.

After a while, he slowly bent down and knelt down to the empty sleeping cabin:

"Congratulations, your majesty!"

Although the guards behind sunezer didn't understand, they also knew something about the laboratory. Therefore, in shock, the guards subconsciously followed sunezer and knelt down to the empty sleeping cabin.

In this salute, a gorgeous figure quietly came out of the shadow and stood behind the man in white coat.

"Doctor, your Majesty's consciousness has disappeared. We can no longer detect your Majesty's consciousness fluctuations."

"Well, it's unexpected, but it's not what we expected. Phyllis. Get ready."

"Yes, doctor." the woman bowed slightly and disappeared into the shadow again.

The man in a white coat stood quietly to one side, watched xiunaizel lead the guards through a simple ceremony to send his majesty to heaven, and arranged the aftermath, then stretched out his hand to stop xiunaizel.

"Your Highness, please stay. I have a message from your majesty. It seems that your majesty has long expected his future."

"What? The message your majesty left? It's for me?" xiunaizel's eyebrow moved, looking a little surprised.

"Yes, your highness. It's about the abyss army we just released. Perhaps, in your Majesty's eyes, only his highness shonezer is qualified to command this army."

After the eyes of the man in white coat stopped slightly on sunezer's face, he crossed his shoulder and fell out of the window, the imperial capital that had burned half the sky.

The imperial capital, pandoragon.

After the emperor decided to enter the world of C, the man who became a doctor by him, zisali gradually released the army he carefully prepared according to the covenant between the two sides.

Now, it's time for zisali, the doctor, to perform the next step of cooperation.

Although the emperor who cooperated with him has disappeared.

But for doctors, it doesn't matter whether the collaborators are still there. It is important that the strength he has released is time to find a home.

Otherwise, if found by those enemies who have a keen sense of smell, he will not be able to get out of the stronger vortex in time.

"Abyss... Legion."

The doctor's eyes naturally caught the attention of sunezer.

The powerful force that suddenly appeared, but could flatten the defense ability of more than half of the planet in a short time, naturally could beat the heart of sunezer, which was almost dead and could only respond to the prayers of others.

"Dr. zisali, you mean your majesty will give me this power?"

The doctor tilted his mouth slightly and nodded.

"Yes, your highness. In this world, no one is better suited to control this power than you."


Meanwhile, the kingdom of kirkstan.

The flames of war,

No matter how many times it is detonated, it will inadvertently restore the black unidentified body in good condition,

And panicked people.

All this, all this, has doubled the pressure on Cornelia, veretta and others.

"Your Highness, let's go back to the temple!" valkiri, who was driven by vireta, hit the enemy's attack with the radiation shield of his left hand, kicked the enemy with a foot, and shouted to Cornelia through the channel.

Hearing the speech, Cornelia showed a trace of dignity.

The enemy is too powerful.

Although this country has the title of the country of soldiers, even the most powerful soldiers will be exhausted in the face of an enemy that can hardly be killed.

After a fierce battle, the coalition temporarily composed of wzero troops led by gilkstan, Cornelia, the Black Knights and Leila has been pressed on the only bridge to the city center.

"Your Highness. Why don't we blow up the bridge and buy some time."

In addition to vireta's proposal to use the temple as a base for defense, Leila also proposed a way to blow up the only bridge.


Cornelia bit her teeth and couldn't make a decision for a moment.

Because this is not the Brittany Empire where she came from, but the kingdom of kirkstan.

Even if she intends to adopt Layla's method, she should also take into account the ideas of the host family.

"Foguna, do it!"


What Cornelia didn't expect was that the young king who dragged the sick body and drove the body to fight showed a decisive courage at this time.

"Your majesty! But we still have some people staying outside! If the bridge is blown up now..."

Then, foguna's words cooled the hearts of all present.

"Save people first!"

Cornelia did not hesitate and gave the answer directly.

"If I die here, I'm afraid I'll be scolded by Youfei when I see Youfei!"

When Cornelia's Messiah took the lead in rushing down the bridge, Cornelia's words of determination also sounded.

"Keep up with your highness!" vireta and others followed.

"Dada dada!"

When the bullet hit the enemy's armor, the sparks burst out one after another.

In this deadly and beautiful "fireworks conference", the KMF fleet led by Cornelia kept shuttling back and forth in the outer city to save the people trapped in the outer city as quickly as possible.

"Come on! Vireta, arrange for someone to send them back to the rear."

After driving the body, waving a long lance and crashing the enemy into the empty house, Cornelia gave a loud order.

"Yes, your highness!"

Vireta answered and said, "Your Highness, it's time for us to withdraw! Now these are the last survivors." Cornelia frowned and looked around at the houses submerged by the sea of fire and the black bodies gradually surrounded by the flickering flames.

"These undead bastards. Let's go! Vireta."

They've done their best.

No matter how hard Cornelia, veretta, even the wzero troops and the Black Knights try to kill the enemy, they can't strangle all these enemies who can recover in a period of time even if they are stirred into debris.

"Is that all we can do with our attack?"

After everyone reunited, Cornelia and others returned to the bridge again.

Young king charlio and general foguna are leading the soldiers here.

"Cornelia. Thank you!"

The young king charlio moved his lips and finally expressed his thanks to Cornelia.

If we only rely on the existing troops of the kingdom of kirkstan, I'm afraid we can only watch the people trapped in the outer city die.

"No. It's not for you."

Cornelia shook her head and didn't care about charlio's thanks.

"Your Highness. Now we can withdraw to the temple. The task of blowing up the bridge can be left to our AI."

At this time, Leila, who had arranged everything, sent a signal.

"Commander Leila, are you sure?" as the only bridge to the inner city, it will be strengthened at the beginning of design and manufacture. I'm afraid ordinary bombs and shelling can't break them in a short time.

"HMM. yes. Thanks to the help of AI named Leo pard, with the help of the software he developed, I have arranged everything at the key points of the bridge."

Leila nodded and easily conveyed the program she had developed to everyone's body system.

"This, this? How can you see through our reality in such a short time?" foguna looked at the demonstration animation in front of him in surprise.

"Let's go! Foguna. Cover the retreat!"

Charlio once again showed the courage that the king should have, and let foguna lead the soldiers and cooperate with Cornelia and others to gradually withdraw from the bridge.


Under Leila's determined eyes, the only bridge exploded.



Among the flying gravel and sand dust, the black body surging up the bridge rolled powerlessly in mid air, was hit by flying stones, and finally fell into the water, setting off bursts of water spray up to 10 meters.

Although regretted, foguna was relieved to see the black body that had brought them great pressure and was temporarily trapped on the other side.

"Your Majesty. What about the princess's prophecy?"

Relieved, foguna asked charlio subconsciously.


Just as shalio was speaking, shamna's voice suddenly came from the rear.

"Charlio, my brother! You've done a good job. Now, take a break! And you, foguna, and the soldiers of the Kingdom, are the same. Take a break!"

The appearance of shamna not only surprised everyone on the foguna side, but also puzzled.

"Princess, but now..."

Foguna's eyes did not dare to leave the black bodies gathered on the other side., I'm afraid that in the next moment, those undead enemies will cross the sea and rush to the temple.

"No. step back! From now on, our kingdom of kirkstan will usher in powerful allies. Our destiny has been broken. Foguna."

Shamna's voice was passionate and undeniable.

"Ally?! sister, what are you talking about..."

Before shalio finished speaking, two white lights suddenly rushed up from the temple behind shamna and extended to the nine days.

"Yufei?! is it Yufei?"

Cornelia felt a familiar smell at the sight of the white light.

"Soldiers and people of kirkstan, raise your heads and watch carefully! This is the moment when we kirkstan break history and break reincarnation. From now on, our kingdom of kirkstan will no longer be trapped in this barren land!"


Top of white light,

Nine days above,

A sound,

The sound like a bell shook the world and attracted everyone's eyes in the past.


A sound seemed to be the sound of lightning.


The sky, which has been looked up by the people of the kingdom of kirkstan for a hundred years, is broken.

Like broken glass,

The sky is broken,

It reveals a world that the people of kirkstan have never seen or imagined.


lustrous and dazzling,

More importantly, in this colorful and strange world, a huge warship with an unprecedented shape is slowly driving out of the strange and glorious world and entering the world.

"That... That's..."

Foguna was shocked.

Charlio's eyes were staring wide, and his expression had already solidified in shock.

"Look! People of kirkstan! This is our ally of the kingdom of kirkstan, the God from the starry sky!"

When shamna cheered the people of kirkstan for the strange and huge warship, Cornelia and veretta also showed an expected look.

"Sure enough. They are still hidden in the world."

As early as the battle of Kyushu, the two men who had witnessed the same type of huge warship looked very familiar with the warship in front of them, but there were different warships in details, which were both strange and familiar.

"This is the reinforcements invited by your Excellency and your highness?"

Veretta looked back, as if relieved.

"I'm afraid so."

Cornelia did not withdraw her eyes like veretta, but stared at the warship that entered the world from the unknown world.


Under her gaze, a light spot suddenly appeared on the left side of the huge warship, which looked like the cantilever of the deck.

"That, that's the body used by the girl?!"

The high-power camera of the Messiah was zoomed to the extreme by Cornelia, and then the figure of the light spots flying from the huge warship was captured.

"Fighter? No, it's not a fighter. It's a deformed body!!"

At first glance, Cornelia found that the real bodies of those light spots seemed to be somewhat similar to the warplanes served by the Brittany Empire, but the next moment, when these warplanes met the enemy, they turned into a human or semi human state, strangling all the black bodies gathered on the other side with dazzling means of attack.

When Cornelia was even more surprised, under the attack of these deformed bodies, those black bodies no longer reflected the terrible repair power and simply disappeared into the world.