Luxury Marriage: Uncle vs Little Wife

Chapter 448

Dou Wei'er thought a lot, but only speculated. She also knew that when she asked Hu Jing in person, she would not admit it.

On the third day, at the breakfast table, Hu Jing claimed that Mrs. Dou's funeral was over and she wanted to go back to live in the city. When she married Dou Jinwen, dou Wei'er paid the down payment and decoration money to buy them a house in the city.

"Then I'll go and bring you Miaomiao?" Dou's mother also wants to live in the city. However, sun's daughter-in-law is a fierce one. She has never been allowed to live with Dou's father. Even if Hu Jing and Dou Jinwen are not at home, they send Miaomiao back to his hometown.

"No, it's inconvenient for you. Miaomiao, I'll take it with me. Besides, Jin Wen and I can't live at home for a few days. It's troublesome for you to move around." Every time, Hu Jing can refuse with different reasons.

Dou's mother was not very happy. "We bought that house, and we decorated it. We haven't lived in it for a day, and our neighbors are laughing at us behind our backs..."

"Mom, it was agreed that you and Jinwen would not live with you." Hu Jingcai didn't pay attention to her miserable sale.

"Grandma's body is not cold, you just can't wait to leave, is that right?" Dou Wei'er, who didn't speak all the time, said: "elder brother and sister-in-law, grandma hurt you so much before she died. Shouldn't you wait for her to leave after the first seven days? They all say that seven days after death, I want to go home to see my family for the last time. How sad that grandma will not see you when she comes back. She can't go all the way to the city to find you, can she? "

Dou Wei'er's last words sound inexplicable and gloomy. Hu Jing's mind quickly comes to the scene that old lady Dou appears in front of her bed. Her scalp is numb, and her whole figure is thrown into the ice cellar. Her whole body is cold, and she has no intelligence to fight against Dou mu.

Dou's mother naturally helped her daughter-in-law to talk, "Xiao Jing, if you want to go back, you can go back. Isn't there me and his father guarding here? Make sure Mom eats and drinks well on the day she comes back, and don't make her hungry. "

Dou Wei'er turns to look at Dou Jin Wen, "big brother, what do you say?"

Dou Jinwen receives Dou Wei'er's warning. Now He Yiyi can't get in touch with her. He doesn't know what's going on there. Maybe he still needs to rely on Dou Wei'er in the future. Now it's really hard to offend her. "My sister is right. We should wait until grandma has passed the seventh day, so that those people outside can't gossip. Xiao Jing, grandma loves you the most."


"It's better for my sister-in-law to stay. The house in the city is so big and empty. It's not good for grandma to come to you in case she scares you again. There are so many people here. It's better."

Hu Jing turned pale.

Dou Wei'er repeatedly reminded her that old lady Dou wanted to find her. The more terrible picture she had in her mind, the colder she was. She even felt that someone was close to her neck and blowing air conditioner into her neck.

Hu Jing said with a smile, "OK, ok..."

As soon as she finished her meal, Hu Jing went into her room. Dou Jinwen and Dou Fu went to work in the city. Dou's mother was busy cleaning up. In the past, dou Wei'er would ask her to do something when she came home. This time, she didn't ask her to do anything. Dou Wei'er knew that it was a blessing to he Jifan.

"So fond of children?" When he Jifan sees Dou Wei'er and Miao Miao enjoying themselves in the yard, she feels a lot less sad these days. He thinks that she used to be so intimate with the three children of jingboyuan's family, as well as Zhou Zhou. She has a bad time with Shiying, and she can treat Zhou Zhou that way, which is enough to show her love for children.

"Children are lovely." Dou Wei'er pinches Miao Miao's chin bib to wipe his saliva. A child is like a white flower, pure and free of impurities. When he is with a child, he never has to worry about being counted.

Moreover, it may be because I don't have it, so I feel very precious.

Thinking of this, the light in Dou Wei'er's eyes gradually darkened, "he Jifan, choose to be with me, you may not have other children in the future."

"Then we'll live a life of two, and that's good." He Jifan had heard Dou Wei'er say this before and kept it in mind.

"I'm afraid you'll regret it." Dou Wei'er said: "but now it's too late to go back."

He Jifan suddenly approached, "you can try whether I will regret it."

Some ambiguous posture, dou Wei'er blushed, pushed him away, "you'd better be more serious."

He Jifan: "I'm talking serious."

Dou Wei'er opens her mouth to talk. Yu Guang catches a glimpse of Hu Jing coming out of the room and going to the back of the room.

Dou Wei'er takes a look at he Jifan and follows him quietly.

Most of the toilets in rural areas are dry toilets, and the sanitary conditions are hard to explain. Even when Hu Jing grew up in rural areas, she can't stand such a toilet environment. She is holding her nose and raising her head in disgust, trying not to look at her feet. Suddenly, dou Wei'er's voice comes from outside.

"What can I do for you? It's mysterious. Let me find a place where there is no one. OK, now there is no one around me, you say

Hu Jing immediately held her breath, intuition Dou Wei'er may want to say something secret.

Sure enough.

Dou Wei Er pauses and says, "are you crazy? Who do you like? You have to like my elder brother. You already know that he has a wife and children. If you do this, you will be a junior. If your elder brother knows, he will not forgive you. What's the good of my elder brother? It's worth your liking as a lady of gold? "

"What? Are you pregnant? He Yiyi, what do you want me to say about you? When did it happen? Don't you know my elder brother just now? Why are you... Oh, I'm so angry with you

"Come on, don't cry. You are Jifan's sister. Of course I'm facing you. Do you know about your pregnancy You already know? What did he say? Do you want to marry you Since he said he would be responsible for you, what are you worried about? It doesn't matter if my sister-in-law doesn't agree to divorce. I'll help you. "

"Don't worry, my uncles and aunts will like you. I know them too well. Compared with my sister-in-law, one is a gold spindle, the other is a scrap metal. My elder brother knows how to choose, and my aunt and uncle know how to choose. Well, don't cry. I'll discuss with my uncle, aunt and elder brother later on how to drive my sister-in-law out, Then I will arrange for you to marry my elder brother as soon as possible... "

Hu Jing trembled with anger.

Say she's broken? His family named Dou is a broken iron!

Dou Jinwen is so kind that he even planted it behind her back!

"Ah At this time, dou Wei'er screamed, "he Jifan, when did you stand here? It scared me to death!"

"Who are you calling?" It's the sound of he Jifan.

"Didn't, didn't follow who..." dou Wei'er was a little guilty, "Oh, it stinks here, let's go back."

"Who's pregnant?" He Jifan obviously intends to get to the bottom.

"Did you hear that?" Dou Wei'er's voice is weak, "yes, it's Yiyi. She says she's pregnant with my brother's child... Don't get angry first. Listen to me first. Things are already like this. Even if you're angry, you can't help it. Yiyi says she also likes my brother. I think it's better to help them. In this way, we'll get closer, right?"

"Dou Wei'er! What do you think? Don't forget your brother has a family He Jifan is angry.

"The elder brother has said that he wants to divorce his sister-in-law. When they get divorced, won't he be able to marry Yiyi? Anyway, the elder brother has no feelings for his sister-in-law for a long time. Divorce is a matter of time. Jifan and Yiyi are pregnant, and she and my elder brother really love each other. Now the only choice is to let them get married, don't you think? "

After a while of silence, he Jifan's voice rang again, "this dead girl, so self-respect, see how I go back to deal with her!"

"So you agree?" Dou Wei'er is surprised.

"You stand on Yiyi's side, what can I do if I don't agree?" He Jifan is helpless and has a headache.

"Now our only problem is how to get Hu Jing to agree to divorce. I'll go to discuss with my aunt to see if she has any good idea. Jifan, you say that my elder brother and I are married to your brother and sister. Will the he family be able to join the upper class in Beijing? It's like a dream... You pinch me. "

"Why don't you hide your greed? Don't worry. If you have the he family in the future, you will have a place in the upper class of the capital. "

"Jifan, that's very kind of you!" Hu Jing heard Dou Wei'er's voice of congratulating Jifan.

Outside, the sound of footsteps gradually faded away. Dou Wei'er was happy. Hu Jing was so angry that her face was livid and her lips were bitten.

This is the family that she had to marry at the beginning. The whole family was so selfish!

Want to kick her away and live a high-class life in the capital? you must be dreaming!

Hu Jing was so angry that she completely forgot Hu's father's advice. She picked up her trousers and rushed into the front yard. Just as Dou Jinwen and Dou Fu came back from the city, Dou's mother and Dou Wei'er were in front of them. Dou Wei'er whispered something, and their faces were solemn.

Hu Jing's rush was a bit loud. Several people turned their heads to see if it was a psychological effect. Hu Jing saw calculation and contempt in their eyes.

They must be plotting how to get rid of her! Hu Jing's first reaction was this.

Dou's mother is holding a basin of water in her hand. Hu Jing rushes over and grabs it. Without hesitation, she splashes Dou Jinwen in the face.

"I tell you, Dou Jinwen, and you! You want to leave me and go to the capital to enjoy the splendor, dream

"Hu Jing! You are crazy Dou Jinwen was so cold that he was splashed with a basin of water and suddenly became angry.

When Dou Mu saw that her son had been splashed with water, she was naturally not happy. She reached out and pushed Hu Jing, "what are you doing splashing my son?"

"I'm crazy. You're not driving me crazy! Well, Dou Jinwen, I really can't see it. You said that you met with He Yiyi only a few times. I really believe you. Only a few times, can you put all kinds of things in other people's stomach? If you want me to make room for you, there's no way! Even if I don't live with you, I won't agree to divorce. I just want He Yiyi to be a junior and let your children bear the name of illegitimate son! "

"What are you talking about?" Dou Jinwen didn't understand what Hu Jing said. He just felt that the woman was unreasonable. At the beginning, he didn't know how he fell in love with her.

"Still pretending, your family are all thinking about how to remove this obstacle. It's really OK! I was blind when I saw you, a shameless scum

"Who do you call shameless? What do you want? At the beginning, it was better to sell your daughter than to marry her. If you want a house, you have to have a betrothal gift. If it's more than 100000 yuan, your Hu family's face is really big, and you don't have to look at your own virtue. If you haven't graduated from high school, you think you're so great. If Jin Wen doesn't like you, who do you think you want to be your daughter-in-law? You're better than anyone else on the road! "

Dou Mu protects Du Zi, and her fighting power is also strong.

"Sister-in-law, don't you want to pay more for your trouble? How much do you want? You can say it directly. We all understand. Please be happy

Dou Wei'er's face of charity and high posture, but also stimulate the nerve of Hu Jing.

She turned her head and sneered at he Jifan, "is such a snobbish family worthy of your sincere treatment? You can't worry about marrying your sister to such a family? "

He Jifan's face is expressionless, "as long as Wei'er is happy."

"Oh Hu Jing laughed angrily and turned to Dou Wei'er, "what about you? What do you want? Dou Jinwen and He Yiyi are together. What's good for you? "

Dou Wei'er looks just: "we are a family."

"Family? He killed grandma. Don't you have the best relationship with grandma? It's unfilial of you to help him like this Hu Jing roared.

Hu Fu and Hu Mu are worried about their daughter. They rush to have a look. Unexpectedly, as soon as they get outside the door of Dou's house, they hear their daughter's roar.

Hu father's heart was shocked, and he ran in three steps at the same time.

Dou Wei'er's hands slowly clenched into fists on her side, and her face was just right surprised. "It's really funny that you said that. Grandma died because of her illness. What does it have to do with elder brother? Do you think this can provoke us?"

"Xiao Jing!" Hu Fu and Dou Jinwen share the same voice.

Hu Jing has lost her mind, where can she still listen to their words, "if Dou Jinwen and He Yiyi didn't kiss me shamelessly behind my back and divorce me, how could I go to tell Grandma that she was angry when she heard that Dou Jinwen wanted to divorce me? Dou Jinwen was angry with her! Dou Wei'er, what you are trying to help is the murderer who killed grandma! "

"Xiao Jing!" Hu's father was distressed and slapped Hu Jing in the face.

Hu Jing was beaten to the wrong side of her face, and her brain was confused for a moment, "Dad?"

"Did you drink? Bullshit. What's that? " Hu Fu's face turned red with anger.

"I..." Hu Jing glanced at everyone one by one, and everyone looked at her with strange eyes, which made her feel like a frog skinned and exposed to the sun, stinging and embarrassed. "Yes, it's Dou Jinwen. He got involved with he Jifan's sister, and made people upset. The whole family discussed how to drive me out, Then let him marry he Jifan's sister, Dad, they all bully me! "

"Yes, yes, that's right. Dad and mom, they all bully me. You should make decisions for me!"

"Hu Jing, what are you talking about? Yiyi and I are innocent. Who do you hear that she is pregnant? You're sick, aren't you? As soon as grandma entered the earth, you made our family uneasy. What do you want to do? " Dou Jinwen hates this fool to death. How did he like this stupid woman at first?