Luxury Marriage: Uncle vs Little Wife

Chapter 449

"You still pretend!" Hu Jing pointed to Dou Jinwen's nose. "I heard Dou Wei'er call He Yiyi. He Yiyi is pregnant with your child. You have to discuss how to drive me out so as to make room for him. I tell you dou Jinwen, don't think about it! I'll sue you for infidelity. I have evidence of infidelity with He Yiyi! "

Hu Jing takes out her mobile phone and turns out the photos of Dou Jinwen and He Yiyi kissing that night.

"This is the evidence!"

When the photo was presented to the public, Dou Jinwen was stunned, but his father and mother were not clear. So they heard that they were still confused. Dou's mother pulled Dou Jinwen's arm and said, "what's the matter? Who is this woman

"No matter who this woman is, Dou Jinwen cheated on Xiaojing during her marriage. You must give me an account of this!" Hu Fu bluff, trying to divert people's attention, "Xiaojing, you say this woman is pregnant, really something?"

Hu Jing got her father's eyes and nodded, "I didn't lie. I heard Dou Wei'er say that on the phone."

Hu Fu was angry and glared at Dou Jinwen. "It's too much for you to bully my daughter. I'll tell you that if you cheat on my daughter and have children, you're going to jail."

Hu Fu had a nephew who was in a bad mood after he married his daughter-in-law. They separated. His nephew fell in love with another woman during the separation and gave birth to a child. When his nephew's daughter-in-law knew about it, she directly took him to court. His nephew was sentenced for two years and is still in prison.

"You're bullshit. My son didn't have a baby with another woman. Explain quickly, son. There's nothing like that." When Dou's mother heard that she was going to jail, she was in a hurry.

Dou Jinwen looks at Dou Wei'er and vaguely feels that things are not so simple.

Hu Jing kept saying that Dou Wei'er said on the phone that He Yiyi was pregnant with his child, but he knew that he only had a kiss with him once, how could he make her pregnant?

Hu Jing doesn't look like a liar. That's Dou Wei'er's lie.

Dou Wei'er pinched her nails into her palm, and the sharp pain failed to suppress her anger and heartache. She approached Hu Jing step by step and said, "you say again, how did my grandmother die?"

"I..." Hu Jing on Dou Wei'er's fierce vision, heart tremble, can't help but back.

Hu Fu stands in front of his daughter and looks at Dou Wei'er sternly, trying to suppress Dou Wei'er with the authority of his elders. "Don't try to change the topic. You dou family must give us an account of the affair!"

"Account?" Dou Wei'er turned her eyes and looked at Hu Fu? You call the police. If you don't call the police and arrest him, how can you put him in jail? Just when the police came, I asked them to help me find out how grandma died! "

Hu Fu: "the old lady has turned into dust now. I see what else you can find out!"

Dou Wei'er laughs, but her eyes are cold. She raises her mobile phone and says, "I've recorded all your daughter's words just now. I believe you still remember what she said? There are also my grandmother's nursing workers, which can prove that your daughter had been to the hospital before the accident. There are records of grandma's illness in the hospital. My grandmother was stimulated before she fell ill and died. During that time, there was no third person present except your daughter. "

"When the police handle a case, they rely on evidence. It's not that you can get rid of the crime if you don't admit it. Brother, call the police."

"No, no, don't call the police." Dou's mother was the first to object, "what if the police come to arrest Jin Wen?"

"Big brother didn't break the law." Dou Wei'er looks at Hu Jing and says, "it's Hu Jing who should be arrested. She killed my grandmother!"

Dou Mu hesitated: "then you say that other women are pregnant with Jin Wen's child..."

"I didn't say that. Besides, Yiyi is a wealthy family. It's good to have a tutor. How can he get along with a married man? I don't know where my sister-in-law heard that. It's on my head. "

Hu Jing suddenly looked at Dou Wei'er, "that's what you said! I heard it with my own ears

Dou Wei'er looks at Hu Jing coldly and contemptuously.

He Jifan said at the right time: "Wei'er has been with me all the time. I haven't seen her answer the phone all morning. Mrs. Dou must have misunderstood."

Hu Jing was stunned for a long time before she realized that she had been fooled by Dou Wei'er and he Jifan! They put together a play for her!

"You, you..." Hu Jing angrily pointed to them, unable to speak. Dou Wei'er had already taken out her mobile phone and was ready to call the police. Hu Jing was even more annoyed. She rushed up and grabbed Dou Wei'er's mobile phone, raised her hand and slapped her in the face.

Dou Wei'er subconsciously reaches out to block it, but he Jifan takes the lead. When Dou Wei'er sees that Hu Jing is under control, she slaps Hu Jing back, and her backhand slaps her again.

"These two slaps are for my grandmother. You just came to the house, and she was so kind to you. She gave you the silver bracelet that Granny passed to her. Although the bracelet is not worth much, it is granny's recognition of you. You, because of your selfish desire, killed her. I tell you, I will pursue this matter to the end!"

Other people on the scene were stunned by the sudden scene. When Hu's father and mother reacted, dou Wei'er had finished the fight, and Hu Jing's cheeks swelled immediately.

"You dare to beat my daughter, I..." Hu Fu raised his hand to Dou Wei'er and took it back under the gaze of he Jifan.

He Jifan stands in front of Dou Wei'er and looks at him without saying anything.

Hu Fu pondered for a moment. I'm afraid that the old lady of the Dou family's affairs can't be done well, and can't annoy the people of the Dou family.

After slowing down, Hu said, "it's Xiaojing who's wrong about the old lady. But Xiaojing just told the old lady a fact. She didn't expect that the old lady would go so easily. For the sake of her being the daughter-in-law of the Dou family, for the sake of Miaomiao's being young, she can't live without her mother. You can forgive her. This time, we won't investigate Jinwen's infidelity. It's all a family, There's no need to look like an enemy. "

"Yes, Wei'er, don't call the police. Miaomiao can't live without her mother." Dou's mother advised her that in order to get her son to marry Hu Jing, the Dou family spent a lot of money. The daughter-in-law was gone, so it would cost money to marry another one. Why? Anyway, the old lady is gone. Why bother to get rid of the living for the sake of the absent.

In Dou Mu's eyes, this is not a good deal.

"I'm just a daughter. If she goes in, I'll die!" Hu's mother hugged Hu Jing and cried bitterly.

Dou Wei'er was unmoved and finally called the police.

Hu pointed to the sky and scolded: "you are so cruel, be careful of retribution!"

Dou Wei'er sneered: "if there is retribution, your daughter should be punished."

The Dou family went to the police station to take notes. It was evening when they came home again.

Hu Jing was detained on suspicion of intentional homicide. Hu's mother burst into tears at the police station. Hu's father broke the phone and entrusted relationships everywhere. Dou Wei'er didn't know the result, but seeing Hu's father's increasingly ugly face, she knew it was useless.

"Alas... What evil have you done? Just a few days after the old lady left, her daughter-in-law went in again." Dou Mu sighs and looks at Dou Wei'er with dissatisfaction. What strength do you say you have? This man is dead. Why bother living people? It's not Xiaojing who killed the old lady.

Dou's father has no right to speak at home. Sitting on a chair, he smokes dry cigarettes. Dou Jinwen is also silent. Thinking of the polite attitude of the people in the police station towards he Jifan in the afternoon, he knows that Hu Jing is detained and has nothing to do with he Jifan.

Hu Jing's case can be big or small. Now she is charged with the most serious crime, which is obviously to punish her to death.

"Mom... Mom..." in the afternoon, he asked Grandma Wang next door to take care of Miaomiao. I don't know if Miaomiao felt something. He kept crying for his mother, and even Dou Wei'er didn't coax her.

Miaomiao cried herself hoarse.

"Darling, don't cry." Dou's mother hugged Miaomiao and coaxed her: "Mom will come back soon. Miaomiao goes to ask her aunt to help her mom."

Miao Miao is too young to understand complicated words or speak. She can only utter a tone similar to "mother".

Dou Wei'er sat there quietly without saying a word.


Dou Wei'er was about to go to bed when the door was knocked unexpectedly. She put on her coat and went to open the door. Dou Jinwen stood outside.

She thought it would be an aunt.

"Come in." She made room for Dou Jinwen to come in.

Dou Jinwen closed the door behind him.

"You come to persuade me to let Hu Jing go?" Dou Wei'er can guess his intention.

"After all, she is Miaomiao's mother. I don't want Miaomiao to have a murderer's mother. Xiaojing is wrong, but her mistake is not so serious as to be charged. She just told the truth, and she didn't expect that her grandmother would suddenly die."

"So?" Dou Wei'er looks light, "don't forget, just because of her a few words of truth, Grandma lost her life, what's the difference between her and the murderer?"

"Wei'er, for Miao Miao's sake..." Dou Jinwen knows the relationship between Dou Wei'er and her grandmother, and she won't let it go. "I know you like Miao Miao, too. Just think it's for Miao Miao. If he has a murderer's mother, how can you make him grow up?"

"Brother, go back to tell my uncle and aunt, let them stop trying to persuade me, I must get justice for grandma." Dou Wei'er said, "I'm going to sleep."

The next morning, dou Wei'er heard that Hu's father didn't know how many turns he had made. He invited the director of the police station to have a meal. Hu Jing's rich cousin also went to fight, but he didn't achieve his goal. In the afternoon, Hu's father and Hu's mother came to ask Dou Wei'er for help, but Dou Wei'er didn't see them.

On the third day, the local police station came to the news. The local police station contacted the police in the capital and helped provide relevant videos, documents and confessions. From the existing evidence, there is no evidence that Hu Jing killed Mrs. Dou.

Hu Jing refuses to admit the authenticity of the recording in Dou Wei'er's hand. She will go to court in the future and may be ruled out by the judge.

In short, there is not enough evidence to convict Hu Jing.

Dou Wei'er asked the police station to press down the progress of the case and not disclose it to the public. Because of he Jifan, they agreed without hesitation.

There are relatives in the he family who are in the officialdom. Although they are in the capital, they can't compete with each other, but they have a high status in the capital. If you say hello to them, they still have to give you a third face.

Hu's father and Hu's mother come to Dou Wei'er to plead, but Dou Wei'er doesn't refuse to see them.

"What do you want us to do to let Xiaojing go? We'll go as long as we can." Hu's mother couldn't eat, drink or sleep for her daughter's sake. In just a few days, she lost a lap.

Hu Fu also haggard a lot, a lot of white hair on his head.

Dou Wei'er looked at them, and then at Miaomiao, who kept crying. She frowned and said, "I want her to kneel down in front of grandma's grave and confess her mistake. For three days and three nights, except for eating and drinking, she is not allowed to get up, and no one is allowed to accompany her there at night. Go and ask her if she can do it. If she can, I can no longer pursue her criminal responsibility."

Hu mother a joy, "well, I'll ask now, she will be able to do." Kneeling for three days is better than going to jail.

Hu Fu was also relieved.

Soon they came back and said that Hu Jing agreed to go to the old man's grave to repent. Dou Wei'er waited a day before she went to the police station to get Hu Jing out.

That night, Hu Jing knelt down to Mrs. Dou's grave and confessed her crime. Dou Wei'er hired a bold middle-aged man in the village to stare at her for 24 hours. The Hu family also knew about this. Apart from delivering three meals during the day, they didn't dare to accompany Hu Jing for the rest of the time. For fear that Dou Wei'er would repent, they would investigate Hu Jing's criminal responsibility.