Luxury Marriage: Uncle vs Little Wife

Chapter 447

"Besides, you must not be in your hometown in the future. If it's windy and rainy, and if the old man's monument is washed down, we need money to repair it. We take the money for the old man, don't we?" Dou's mother said how filial she was.

What a high sounding reason, dou Wei'er looks at the undisguised greed on Dou's mother's face, and gets bored at the bottom of her heart.

Before Grandma's bones were cold, she cursed that the tombstone was washed down by water for this money.

"Don't talk about it. We won't take any of that money. You can live with that money."

Dou Wei'er's tone and face are not good, and Dou's mother is a little unhappy, "am I wrong to do this? Will you stay at home in the future? It's not our family who takes money to burn paper on New Year's day. I don't keep this money for myself. "

"Come on, don't make any noise." It's a pity that Dou Fu's efforts are useless.

"Am I going to fight? Look at your niece's attitude, as if I'm just greedy for this money. " Dou Mu's face was not satisfied.

Dou Wei Er sneers: "isn't it?"

"Well, do you have any conscience when you say that? You grew up in my family. If we hadn't provided for you to go to school, you would have been admitted to the University in Beijing and found such a rich boyfriend? Can it make a great success? Now you're good. You think we're poor, aren't you? In your eyes, we are greedy people, aren't we? "

Dou's mother said that she was wronged and tears flashed out of her eyes.

Dou Wei'er is too lazy to watch her performance. She has been watching it for nearly 20 years and has been tired of it for a long time.

Hu Jing sits on one side, looking a little uneasy. Dou Wei'er doesn't want to talk with Dou Mu Fei. She turns around and prepares to go back to her room. Yu Guang notices that Hu Jing is out of her mind, and doubts arise in her heart.

Dou Wei'er still knows Hu Jing well. She has always had an opinion on her grandmother's going to see a doctor in Beijing. She thinks that it's a waste of money, even if it's not her money.

It's hard to say that for Hu Jing, the death of her grandmother is definitely a relief,

Therefore, dou Wei'er does not think that Hu Jing's trance state is sad for her grandmother.

And Hu Jing seems to be more afraid.

"Is my sister-in-law afraid?" The sudden sound in her ears excited Hu Jing, and the whole person jumped out of the chair.

"No, No." Hu Jing's eyes were in a mess. "I just... Grandma just left. I feel very bad."

Dou Wei Er picks eyebrows, "sister-in-law is so reluctant to give up grandma? It's a pity that grandma can't see it. If you can show her your filial piety when she is alive, she will be very happy. "

Dou Wei'er's words mean something. In Hu Jing's ears, it seems that Dou Wei'er already knows something. Her heart beats very fast. "I'm a little tired. I'll go back to my room to have a rest and just go to see Miaomiao."

Dou Wei'er looks at Hu Jing's back and doubts her. She always feels that Hu Jing has been abnormal since her grandmother died.

Looking at Dou Jinwen again, it seems that he is also preoccupied.

Dou Jinwen did have something on his mind. The next day he and He Yiyi had a kiss, he called her number, but she didn't answer. In the past few days of the funeral, he has been trying to dial her number and sent text messages, but there was no response. Just this afternoon, he couldn't get through to her.

He was upset.

Hayi has never been like this before.

And Hu Jing's stupid work. If Dou Wei'er knows about it, he won't be able to keep his small company.

Now he does not dare to divorce Hu Jing again. If she does something impulsively again, he will lose more than gain.

Dou Jinwen is very upset.

The houses in Dou's hometown are in the village. Although they are simple and dilapidated, they are better than many rooms.

He Jifan's room is next to Dou Wei'er. Dou Wei'er didn't sleep until midnight. He simply got up, put on his coat and went to the next room.

He Jifan woke up at the moment when she opened the door. He stretched out his hand and turned on the light. When she came near, he pulled her down and sat down beside him. "What's the matter? Can't sleep? "

"Can you get me the number of grandma's attending doctor?" This is by no means difficult for he Jifan.

"You want to ask about grandma's condition?"

"Well, when I left, my grandmother was in a good spirit. She died suddenly. I had doubts in my heart. I didn't take the initiative to find out how she got sick after grandma's accident. Now that grandma is buried, I want to find out." Dou Wei'er thought about it, but she still expressed her doubts. "After grandma's accident, my sister-in-law behaved strangely, and my brother was also full of worries... I was wondering if something happened when I was away..."

He Jifan looks at Dou Wei'er's wrinkled face and suddenly finds that the woman in front of her is not as easy to fool as she looks.

It's also true that the intrigue of the modeling industry is no worse than that of the entertainment industry. Although he paved the way for her, if she doesn't have some real skills, she won't be able to make it.

Xu is his eyes too direct, dou Wei'er noticed, "so looking at me to do what? What's wrong with me? "

He Jifan shook his head. "You're right."

Dou Wei Er a Leng, "what meaning?"

"You first promise me that after listening to my next words, don't be too excited or impulsive." He Jifan looks serious.

Dou Wei'er followed him seriously, "you say."

"I heard Xiaoyu say that before she got sick, your sister-in-law went to the hospital and paid for breakfast. When the nurse came back, she found that her grandmother vomited blood and fainted on the bed. The hospital monitoring showed that during this period, your sister-in-law ran out of the ward in a hurry."

Dou Wei'er's face changes slightly. He Jifan holds her hand tightly. He doesn't intend to hide it from her. He respects her choice. No matter what she does, he will hold it for her.

"The attending doctor said that the old man was stimulated, and his heart was in a rush, which led to hematemesis, and he died because of untimely rescue. No one knows what happened. We can only rely on what we know to figure out the course of things, but it may not be the truth, and there is no evidence."

Dou Wei'er's body trembles gently, and grandma's death is not worth it!

She thought about all the things she could think about. There were only two or three things that grandma didn't know and could stimulate her old people. Among them, the only thing that could stimulate the old people to vomit blood was that she went through the underwear show.

Will it be Hu Jing who told Grandma about it? But why? What's good for her?

Dou Wei'er doesn't understand that Hu Jing and Dou Jinwen still rely on this matter to ask her for money and things. Hu Jing takes so many valuable things from her, but she doesn't give them away. This is one of the factors. If you don't take old lady Dou into consideration, with Dou Wei'er's temperament, you may just slap your hand in the past, then take back your things and throw them away, and don't give them to Hu Jing.

Dou Wei'er racked her brains and thought of only one possibility.

I'm afraid it has something to do with Dou Jinwen and He Yiyi.