Luxury Marriage: Uncle vs Little Wife

Chapter 202

Ye Qingxin knows! Yu Qingyou's heart suddenly slipped by something, "it's about you, isn't it?"

After asking, Yu Qingyou suddenly understood.

At the beginning, she didn't agree to marry Lou Liangchen, but in the detention center, in the dead of night, in the dark room, she heard children crying in her ears, sometimes children laughing in her ears, which made her hairy. She spent the whole night in fear, so she had to agree to the arrangement of her family and marry Lou Liangchen.

She wanted to leave the ghost place first, and then divorce Lou Liangchen.

Who knows, wedding night.

Lou Liangchen handed her a glass of red wine, agreed to her request not to let him go to bed, unexpectedly let strange man sleep her! And video threats.

He is perfect in front of outsiders, and the image of a good man and husband is perfectly interpreted. No one believes that he treats her like a beast behind his back.

She has long suspected that she and Lou Liangchen have no grievances or grudges. Why does he treat her like this? Why does he show such crazy, gentle and considerate before marriage, giving her everything a woman dreams of, but treating her like a dog after marriage.

"Ah Yu Qingyou hugged her head and screamed, "it's you! It's you! It must be you

Otherwise, how can ye Qingxin know what kind of life she is living, and she is vented by different men every day.

The movement here disturbed the waiters outside the box. Some waiters came to ask if they needed help.

Ye Qingxin shook his head.

"It must be because of you!" Yu Qingyou screams, gets up and rushes to Ye Qingxin.

Ye Qingxin is not afraid. It's easy to deal with Miss Yu Qingyou, who doesn't touch Yang Chunshui, even if she is pregnant now.

"Qingyou, what are you doing?" Suddenly, a low voice came, gentle, with an imperceptible warning.

All of Yu Qingyou's movements are still in an instant, just like others point acupoints.

For a moment, she slowly turned her head and looked at the source of the sound.

Lou Liangchen, dressed in a black coat, came over gracefully, reached for Yu Qingyou's waist, looked down at her, his eyes were so gentle that he was soaked in water, "why did you go to the toilet so long? What's up? Get angry? I hear you from a distance

Mingming's voice is full of tenderness, but it makes Yu Qingyou's face full of fear and fear.

"No, I just met some acquaintances and talked a few words..."

"Is it?" Lou Liangchen's eyes fell on her red and swollen cheeks, and the corners of her lips were hooked. If nothing happened, she turned her eyes. "It's good if you're not angry. I'll feel sorry if you're angry."

After that, he turned to ye and said, "I'm sorry, Mrs. Jing. Qingyou has just lost her child recently, and her mood fluctuates greatly. Please don't worry about her in general."

Maybe it's because ye Qingxin once broke the secret of Lou Liangchen. He looks very gentle, and even has some respect for her. But she clearly feels the darkness hidden under his warm appearance, which makes people feel cold.

She said with a smile: "how can I? I know Miss Yu very well. I'm not comfortable with her like this."

Lou Liangchen said with a smile, "thank you for your generosity."

Ye Qingxin nodded to him politely and distantly, and turned to the bathroom.

After seeing ye Qingxin's back, Lou Liangchen said to the waiters: "it's OK. You're busy."

After that, he embraces Yu Qingyou and goes back to the box.

The sound insulation effect of Tang pavilion's box is quite good. Once the door is closed, there are two isolated worlds inside and outside.

"You forgot what I said?" Lou Liangchen sat down on the chair, picked up the cigarette box on the table and lit a cigarette for himself. His eyelids were hanging all the time and his tone was heavy.

Standing at the table, Yu Qingyou looks at Lou Liangchen's pretty face.

"Why on earth are you doing this to me? We clearly... Have never met each other, and there is no injustice or hatred. "

"Why?" Lou Liangchen overlapped his legs and looked calm. He lit a cigarette on his side and raised his eyelids to look at Yu Qingyou. "I'm not good enough for you?"

His posture, like the master, and Yu Qingyou, is a pet at his feet.

A pet that is not in favor.

"Lou Liangchen!" Yu Qingyou thought of the possibility that she had just realized outside. She was afraid of him. At the same time, a stream of jealousy and despair came out of her heart. "Is it related to Ye Qingxin? I grow up so big, the only one who makes a feud is her. Did she make you do it? Right? Is that right? "

"Oh." Lou Liangchen chuckled, "what ability does she have to instruct me?"

"Can't you guess who ordered it? Or... "He got up and approached Yu Qingyou step by step." don't you dare to guess that person? "

There's nothing to hide.

Yu Qingyou stepped back two steps, and then he fell to the ground.

"No way." She shook her head and turned pale.

At the beginning, jingboyuan threatened to sue her for intentional homicide with the evidence that she hit ye in love with her car. Finally, she forced her father to take out shares of the group to save her, with the additional condition that she should get married.

Just when her family was choosing her son-in-law, Lou Liangchen suddenly appeared in infatuation. In addition, her appearance and family background were very good, which naturally entered her family's eyes.

Everything, too much coincidence.

"No way." Tears rolled down from Yu Qingyou's eyes. She looked up at Lou Liangchen's cold face and said: "you lied to me. I grew up with him. Jingsheng's family are friends. How could he treat me like this? Is it Ye's love? It's her who ordered you, that's her

She can accept that Jing Boyuan wants her to go to prison for ye Qingxin's sake. She can accept that she married someone else. Even, in order to live, she endured the humiliation of Lou Liangchen.

But I can't accept the humiliation she suffered. It was Jing Boyuan who gave it to her.

Lou Liangchen squatted down her tall body, reached out and pinched her chin heavily, "you are not stupid, you should have thought of it."

Yu Qingyou's body trembles gently.

I don't know whether my body is cold or my heart is cold.

The humiliation she has suffered for so many days is not as severe as the news today.

"It's impossible..." she murmured. She didn't know whether she wanted to persuade herself or Lou Liangchen, "he won't... when I was a child, I always liked to follow him. In order to attract his attention, I deliberately tore his textbook and damaged the model he liked, but he never attacked me once. Even if he didn't love me, he couldn't do this to me. Don't talk nonsense here, I don't believe it

Lou Liangchen gets up and looks down coldly at Yu Qingyou's sorrow and ashes with a sarcastic arc on his lips.

"I have something else to do. I'll leave first. Before ten o'clock, I'll see you in the surveillance screen at home. Besides, don't make trouble for me. I don't like trouble very much."

There is only one trouble he said.

Don't provoke Ye Qingxin.

Lou Liangchen mercilessly throws the box door to leave. Yu Qingyou keeps the posture of sitting on the ground, with empty eyes.

All of a sudden, she forgot how she got here.

At the beginning of this year, she and jingboyuan were still friends

I still remember that the first time I saw Ye Qingxin was the opening of a restaurant owned by Bowei. They went to congratulate him. On that day, Jing Boyuan couldn't go, but later somehow changed his mind.

It was on that day that he left the box for a long time. She came out to look for him and saw the picture of a man and a little girl in the same frame at the end of the corridor.

Later, she kept thinking, that day jingboyuan said not to go, and changed his mind, is it related to Ye Qingxin?

Yu Qingyou burst into tears, laughing and finally crying.

On the other side.

Ye Qingxin back to the box, simingjing mouth is stuffed with snacks, see her way: "you don't come back, I will go to you."

"I met a friend and said a few words." Ye Qingxin passed by, "have you had a good meal? Would you like some more refreshments? "

"No, I'm fed up. It's really a star picking restaurant. It's delicious." Zhang Hanhan said.

Michelin 3-star is not so easy to pick up.

After a while, everyone had a good meal, and ye Qingxin paid the bill.

Four people, 5835.

This consumption, Zhang Hanhan a little meat pain.

Ye Qingxin swiped the card without blinking an eye.

"Xinxin, didn't you graduate? Where can I get so much money? " Zhang Hanhan can't help sighing that people are more popular than others. She has to feel sorry for eating a fast food of more than 40.

Si Mingjing said with a smile: "my husband is in business. He has plenty of money."

Ye Qingxin smiles without denying.

The money on her card was from Gu Jiao for her by jingboyuan. It was jingboyuan's.

Four people come out of Tang Pavilion. It's cold outside.

Han Huohuo and Si Mingjing both drive here.

"I send Han Han." Si Mingjing said: "Xinxin, will your husband come to pick you up? Or shall I give you a ride? "

"If you don't, I will." Han Huohuo also said.

"No Ye Qingxin just said these two words, a black Cayenne stopped at the gate of tangge. She looked at the position of the front passenger's window, laughed and pointed to the black Cayenne, "he's coming to pick me up."

Simingjing looks at Ye Qingxin's line of sight, a low-key black SUV.

She opened her eyes, ready to see Zhang Hanhan mouth frightening Ye Qingxin husband look like.

"How about your husband? Why don't you come down and meet him?"

"He doesn't like contact with strangers... I'll go first. You'll drive a little on the road." Ye Qingxin waved goodbye to the three.

It's not that she wants to hide jingboyuan. She just thinks that with his boss's airs, she certainly doesn't want to get off the car and say hello to her at the same time.

Just, words did not finish, she was acutely aware of three people's eyes.

Ye Qingxin turns his head, and the man has come down from the car. Because of his appearance, the aura of this space becomes extremely depressed.

It's a deterrent from the superior.

Jingboyuan white shirt, dark gray suit, black striped tie, meticulous hairstyle and tie knot, upright black coat, and high-end watch on the left wrist show the mature and steady charm and taste of men everywhere.

He came over with one hand and nodded to the three people, polite and self-contained, with a sense of distance.

Ye Qingxin took jingboyuan's arm and introduced them, "he's my husband."

Zhang Hanhan didn't dare to look directly at jingboyuan, and his eyes seemed to dodge.

Han huohuohuo was stunned. It was him

Si Mingjing is the oldest, still calm, but the smile at the corner of his mouth is a little unnatural, "hello."

Jingboyuan gave her a polite smile and nodded again.

However, he was arrogant, but he didn't lose the style of the boss.

Immediately, his eyes fell to Ye Qingxin, raised his hand to take away a wisp of hair sticking to the corner of her eyes, and asked softly, "can we go?"

Ye Qingxin nodded and was about to say goodbye to the three

"Mr. Jing, Mrs. Jing."

A group of people happened to come out of the gate, headed by a middle-aged man in his 40s. Seeing jingboyuan and ye Qingxin, they looked very moved. They yelled at them and came to shake hands with jingboyuan.

Ye Qingxin gives a smile to the visitor and leaves the space.

Ye Qingxin, the middle-aged man, was a bit impressed. He had met Jing Boyuan before. He exchanged greetings with Jing Boyuan. No matter his posture or his words, they all seemed to be vague, with a hint of flattery.

Si Mingjing has lived half his life, but he still has the ability to observe what he says. The middle-aged man is with Ye Qingxin's husband. Obviously, ye Qingxin's husband has a higher status.

What shocked her even more was that the middle-aged man was Mr. Wang of Haotai group whom they mentioned at the dinner table not long ago.

At the beginning, the group boss, who was supreme in front of them, now treats a young man who is so much younger than him with such a flattering attitude. This kind of contrast has great impact.

Who is Ye Qingxin's husband?

The conversation between men soon ended.

When that wave of people left, ye Qingxin said goodbye to the three, "it's late. We'll go back first. Sister Jing and sister Huohuo drive carefully."

Ye Qingxin finished, and waved to the three people with silly expression.

Jing Boyuan naturally embraces Ye Qingxin's shoulder, leads her to turn around and walk to the black Cayenne, opens the front passenger's door, protects her head and lets her sit in.

When the black banyan disappeared in the field of vision, Siming calmed down for a long time before he regained his mind. With a long sigh of relief, he said to Zhang Hanhan, "who does ye fall in love with his husband? Mr. Wang was so polite to him. " After a pause, she sighed: "the aura is so strong that people do not dare to look directly at it."

Zhang Hanhan was also relieved, "I didn't cheat you. I don't know how my heart gets along with such a man. If it's me, I can't stand this kind of oppression."

"He is jingboyuan." Han huohuohuo, who had never made a sound, looked back at the direction where the black Cayenne left. He was silent for a moment and added: "the one from Bowei group."

Si Mingjing is stunned, some don't believe, "can't you? Is she the boss of the famous Bowei group?

Just now, Mr. Wang called Mr. Ye Qingxin "Mrs. Jing". His attitude was very respectful.

Again, it seems that's true.

Han Huohuo thought of his words at the dinner table before. Rao was in his thirties, but he still couldn't help blushing.

No wonder Ye Qingxin listened to her and took a sip of tea.


Ye Qingxin, the little girl, is hiding so much from everyone. Otherwise, how can she say that kind of silly words in the face of Ye Qingxin.

After listening to Han Huohuo's words, Zhang Hanhan was stunned for a long time! I actually met the boss of Bowei, and accidentally became a friend of the boss of Bowei! If I say it, no one will believe it

"Who said it wasn't?" Si Mingjing also sighed, for a moment, the topic changed, "in other words, the boss of Bowei is really good at heart."

"Where do you see that?" Zhang Hanhan knows that ye Qingxin's husband is good to Ye Qingxin, but since then, ye Qingxin's husband has not done anything special. How can Si Mingjing be so sure that he is good to Ye Qingxin?

Si Mingjing ordered Zhang Hanhan's forehead and said, "don't you understand? The boss of Bowei group, who is a big man above, is it necessary to get out of the car and nod to our three little shrimps? By doing so, he is giving face to Ye Qingxin. Do you know? I ask you, if today's Xinxin husband doesn't get out of the car to say hello to us, what will you think of him? What do you think of Xinxin? "

Zhang Hanhan thought for a moment, "he will feel very impolite, and he will feel that he doesn't care about his heart, so he will neglect his heart friends like this..."

Said, she sensed the meaning of simingjing, suddenly realized and nodded, "sister Jing, you are powerful."

Black Cayenne stops at the intersection and waits for the red light.

Ye Qingxin smiles at the man in the driver's seat.

"Thank you, Boyuan." She said suddenly.

Jing Boyuan turned to look at her, "thank you for what?"

Ye Qingxin clung to his arm, the man's breath is clean and pleasant, mature male hormone makes her heart beat faster.

Ye Qingxin didn't answer him. He just went to kiss him on the cheek and said with a smile, "this is a reward."

She knows what he did for her.