Luxury Marriage: Uncle vs Little Wife

Chapter 203

Ye Qingxin didn't answer him. He just went to kiss him on the cheek and said with a smile, "this is a reward."

She knows what he did for her.

Jing Boyuan turns his head and looks at Ye Qingxin. His eyes are sharp and he seems to be able to see her heart.

He released his right hand and stroked her cheek. His voice was steady and powerful. "They are your colleagues. They have helped you a lot. As your husband, I should get out of the car to say hello. You always say thank you, but it seems that they are very close to me."

Ye Qingxin looks up at the man's deep eyes, where there is no wave, but she feels the strong feelings.

"Well, I won't say thank you later." She laughed: "after that, I will be responsible for rewarding you."

With that, she kisses the man's thin lip and sucks it gently.

Jing Boyuan reached out to hold the back of her head and deepened the kiss.

Back to Nanshan villa, it's more than nine o'clock.

Ye Qingguo is sitting in the living room sofa watching cartoons, holding the supermarket shopping bag in his arms. The bag is full of chocolates. His mouth is full of dark chocolates, and his feet are covered with chocolate paper.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, he turns to see ye Qingxin and jingboyuan. Ye Qingguo is like a cat whose tail has been trampled on. He stands up and hides his bag behind him in a hurry.

"I, I didn't eat chocolate..."

Ye Qingxin looks at the chocolate paste all over his mouth. His head is a little big.

Ye Qingguo likes chocolate too much. She worries that he will eat bad teeth sooner or later.

"Xiaoguo, you promised your sister that you would only eat two pieces a day. Now, my sister is very disappointed. You can eat whatever you want. My sister doesn't care about you." Ye Qingxin decided to take a cold treatment for this. Sometimes too much will backfire.

After that, she stopped caring about him and went upstairs.

Ye Qingguo was in the same place and wanted to cry.

Ye Qingxin went upstairs and looked back at him. He saw his pitiful appearance. He couldn't bear it, but he didn't give in.

Jing Boyuan takes a look at Aunt Zhang standing beside him. Aunt Zhang immediately understands what he means and goes to coax Ye Qingguo back to his room to sleep.

Ye Qingguo's feet are still swollen and he limps when he walks.

In the master bedroom.

Ye Qingxin was sitting on the foot of the bed with a daze in his expression.

Ye Qingguo is 19 years old. He can't be so ignorant all his life.

But ye Qingxin doesn't know how to help him.

Jingboyuan pushed the door in, took the door with his backhand, came over, took off his coat, put it on the bed, sat down beside her, put his arms around her shoulder and comforted her softly, "don't worry, he needs us to guide him slowly."

Ye Qingxin leaned on his shoulder and said nothing.

The generous warmth of the man's arms gave her a great sense of comfort and security.

After a while, jingboyuan patted her on the shoulder, "take a bath. I'll go downstairs and heat you a glass of milk. I'll go to bed early at night."

He said similar things to her almost every night.

not to mind taking the trouble.

Ye Qingxin willfully depends on his arms. Jingboyuan just hugs her, clasps her head with his big hand, caresses her gently, and occasionally lowers his head to kiss her forehead.

I don't know how long it's been.

There is a knock at the door.

"Sister, I know it's wrong. Don't ignore the small country, OK? Xiaoguo promised her sister that she would only eat two chocolates a day. "

Ye Qingguo's voice is a bit afraid, probably afraid that ye Qingxin will really ignore him.

Ye Qingxin is silent for a moment and gets up to open the door.

As soon as ye Qingguo saw her, two tears fell down, "sister, Xiaoguo knows that she is wrong."

Ye Qingguo felt distressed and raised her hand to wipe off the tears on her cheek. She said in a soft voice, "it's not that my sister doesn't give you chocolate. It's just that chocolate is too sweet. If you eat too much, your body will go wrong and your teeth will be broken. If your teeth are broken, you can't eat anything. Do you know?"

Ye Qingguo nodded with tears in her eyes.

"Sister, don't leave Xiaoguo. Xiaoguo will be obedient in the future..." the childlike words make ye Qingxin suddenly think of her mother.

After her mother became seriously ill, the most common words she said to her were: heart, you should never abandon Xiaoguo in your life.

Ye Qingxin smiles, "elder sister won't leave you, don't worry, go back to the room to sleep, does the foot still hurt?"

Ye Qingguo shook his head, "no pain."

Ye Qingxin looks at Aunt Zhang helping Ye Qingguo down the stairs. Ye Qingguo takes two steps and looks back. At the corner of the stairs, he looks back at her with a silly, shy and clever smile.

Ye Qingguo stayed in the villa for another week. When his feet were almost ready, jingboyuan sent him back to school.

On the same day, Mrs. Jing was discharged from hospital.

Also in the afternoon of the same day, ye Qingxin had an antenatal examination.

Dr. Bai and Dr. Ning did B-ultrasound for ye Qingxin. When they finished, they were relieved and congratulated: "congratulations to Mrs. Jing and Mr. Jing. The three fetuses have no problems at present. The fetus without fetal heart also had fetal heart last time. Mrs. Jing and Mr. Jing can relax for the time being."

Ye Qingxin relaxed the tension of the heartstrings, smile: "thank you, Dr. Bai, Dr. Ning."

Dr. Bai and Dr. Ning also laughed: "Mrs. Jing is very kind."

Jingboyuan goes over the curtain and helps Ye Qingxin clean her stomach.

From the B-ultrasound room, ye Qingxin hugs Jing Boyuan's waist and looks up at him with a smile. "I knew the babies would be OK, but the third one is a little lazy and grows slowly."

Jingboyuan encircles Ye Qingxin's waist and gives a low "um". The quiet voice hides the joy that outsiders can't detect.

Ye Qingxin noticed that he was very concerned about the children.

Thinking of the night when she thought she couldn't have a baby and wanted to be separated from him, he knew what she thought. In the car, he said "children and you, I choose you", which made me feel inexplicable.

In fact, he cares about children very much, but he would rather have no children all his life for her. This kind of feeling deeply moved her.

Thinking, ye Qingxin's eyes are moist, his face is buried in his arms, and he hugs him tightly.

Fortunately, there was no real separation at the beginning.

Fortunately, it's dark and bright.

"Hey, I said, can you pay attention to the image? This is a hospital, not a cinema." Cheng Ruyu came over in her white coat, her face full of banter.

Ye Qingxin retreated from jingboyuan's arms, "doctor Cheng."

Dr. Cheng smilingly put his hands in the pockets of his white coat, "look at your relaxed face, the examination results are very good, right? Congratulations

Ye Qingxin smile, eyes can not hide the joy, "thank you."

Jing Boyuan took a look at Cheng Ruyu and said coolly, "it seems that you are more idle than other doctors. No patients come to see you?"

"..." Cheng Ruyu said with grief, "I'm kind enough to take time out of my busy schedule to come and see you. You should say that to me."

Jingboyuan ignored his affectation, put the leaf in his arms, light tone: "we go first, you busy your."

Come out of the hospital.

Ye Qingxin receives a phone call from old lady Jing, asking her how the result of prenatal examination is.

She told the truth. Mrs. Jing laughed on the other end of the phone and asked them to go back to the old house for dinner in the evening.

All the Jing family will be here tonight.

After hanging up the phone, ye Qingxin has been seated in the co driver's seat. She turns to jingboyuan and says, "grandma asks us to go back to dinner in the evening. Let's go to the mall and buy something to take with us."

Jing Boyuan said nothing and drove to the nearest shopping mall.

On the way, the sign of "piaoxiangju" flashed by Yu Guangli. Ye Qingxin blurted out, "I want to eat chestnut."

Jing Boyuan turns at the intersection in front of him and finds a parking space to stop the car. He asks Ye Qingxin to wait in the car. He gets off and walks to piaoxiangju.

Ye Qingxin is lying on the car window, looking at the man's upright and steady posture, standing in front of the small window of fragrance house to buy her chestnuts. The man's strong atmosphere makes the small facade more and more low.

Men's actions of probing their hands into their arms and taking out their wallets are particularly natural and charming.

Ye Qingxin looked at it, his eyes were a little trance, but also a little crazy.

She reached down the window to see better.

Just as the window came down, a middle-aged man with ragged clothes and disordered hair came out of the car. He held the window with one hand and put his hand into the car with the other. He spread his palm upward and kept bumping. The meaning was very obvious: give money.

Ye Qingxin frowned at him.

The man looked like he was in his forties, strong and had nothing to sympathize with.

Ye Qingxin's heart is neither soft nor hard. When she sees the one who is really worth helping, she is not stingy to lend a helping hand. However, this one is obviously capable of working, and her begging attitude is very tough, which makes people very unhappy.

She backed away, avoiding his hand. "Sorry, I don't have any change."

The man looked at him, his eyes were fierce, he didn't speak, and he didn't leave without paying.

Two people deadlock for a moment, the man to the window, want to grab Ye Qingxin bag.

This is a hard fight.

Just then.

"For what?" A male voice came. At the same time, a man in a black down jacket came up, grabbed the beggar's clothes, tugged at him and threw him away from the window.

The man in the black down coat was fierce, and the beggar got up and left.

Ye Qingxin looks at the man in the black down jacket. He looks ordinary and has nothing to remember, but... Ye Qingxin feels that he looks familiar.

She was about to say thank you when the man walked away without looking back.

Jing Boyuan has bought chestnuts and is going back.

When he gets on the bus, ye Qingxin tells him what just happened.

Finally, he said, "I feel like I've seen the man in the black down coat. I can't remember him for a moment."

Jing Boyuan quietly listened to her and raised the window.

When she finished, he said, "pay attention later."

Ye Qingxin opened the paper bag containing chestnuts, took out one of her two fingers and pinched it gently. The chestnuts cracked with a click. The sweet smell immediately ran into her nose. She swallowed her mouth. With a sound of "um", she pulled out the chestnuts and stuffed them into her mouth.

Jing Boyuan has put his car back on the road.

Chestnut is very sweet.

She turned her head and looked at jingboyuan, who was driving seriously. She peeled one and sent it to his mouth.

"I don't eat." Jingboyuan road.

Besides rice, ye Qingxin has never seen him eat snacks every day.

"It's delicious. Try it." She said, pointing to his lips, "open your mouth."

Jing Boyuan glanced at her, opened his mouth with chestnut meat, took advantage of the situation, and sucked the fingertips of Xiaye.

Ye Qingxin's heart trembled and her cheek turned red.

She looked at the man's calm chewing action, can't help sighing, sure enough, thick skinned what, can't compare with this old man.

In the past, every time she teased him, she would blush first, but every time he teased her, she was always calm and calm.