Luxury Marriage: Uncle vs Little Wife

Chapter 201

Ye Qingxin goes to the hospital to accompany old lady Jing every day.

It was Saturday.

When Jing Boyuan is away, ye Qingxin accompanies old lady Jing in the hospital all day. At 5:10 p.m., she comes out of the hospital and asks master Lu to take her to Tang Pavilion.

Originally, I made an appointment with Si Mingjing to go to tangge on Friday, but something happened to Si Mingjing. The time of the treat was changed to 6 p.m. on Saturday.

Ye Qingxin originally wanted to invite Connie, but for Connie's help, she would not have been qualified to participate in the cnno young fashion designer competition. The basic requirements of the competition for contestants are that they must be designers of the company or studio and have worked for more than one year.

It's just a bad time. Connie went to France to attend the joint exhibition of photography.

Ye falls in love with Tang Pavilion, and both Si Mingjing and Zhang Hanhan arrive. After waiting for about 20 minutes, Han Huohuo arrives late.

"I'm sorry to meet an acquaintance on the way. It's been a while." Han Huohuo apologizes.

"Sorry, you can't just say it with your mouth. You have to drink it." Si Mingjing said to the waiter, "open a bottle of red wine first. Don't use the most expensive one. Just medium price." With that, she turned to ask Ye Qingxin, "is that ok?"

Ye Qingxin joked: "today I listen to you, what you say is what."

Si Mingjing patted the table, "have a good time!"

She is a straightforward woman.

Soon, the waiter opened a bottle of red wine and poured wine for the four people sitting there. Ye Qingxin gently stopped the waiter by raising her hand. "I don't drink."

"How can that be? There's no one who doesn't drink and doesn't come back tonight! " Si Mingjing was the first to disagree.

Ye Qingxin smiles, a touch of joy of motherhood appears on his face, "it's not that I don't want to drink, I can't drink. I'm pregnant, sister Jing."

Si Mingjing, Han Huohuo and Zhang Hanhan

a moment.

"Are you pregnant?" Si Mingjing was surprised and said in a high voice, "haven't you graduated yet?"

Speaking of this, ye Qingxin is embarrassed. She doesn't seem to be a good student.

"And the man? Did you say you wanted to marry me? " Si Mingjing is old enough to be ye Qingxin's mother. She also has a daughter of Ye Qingxin's age. If her daughter is like this, she will die of heartache and anger.

Ye Qingxin hears the heartache and anger in her words and says with a smile: "he and I have got the certificate. The wedding will be on the sixth day of the new year."

"What? Do you have a date for your marriage? Why don't you tell us? It's not interesting enough Zhang Hanhan interjected, "is your husband the one we met in Shanghai?"

That's right.

"..." Ye Qingxin: "I want to tell you when the invitation is finished..."

"Have you ever seen my husband?" Si Mingjing asks Zhang Hanhan if she is sure that ye Qingxin is going to get married. Her anger and heartache suddenly disappear. Instead, she asks some gossip: "what do you look like?"

"I can't remember exactly what it looks like. I didn't dare to look at it carefully at that time." Zhang Hanhan recalled the scene when she saw jingboyuan in Shanghai. She didn't know where to put her hands and feet. She didn't dare to look at his face carefully. She only remembered that he looked very powerful.

"Why not look?" Si Mingjing said with a smile: "is it really scary?"

Zhang Hanhan thought about it and said, "do you remember Wang Cong, the boss of Haotai group, who came to our company last month? I remember Mr. Wang's bluffing manner. As soon as he came in, the studio was silent. "

"I remember that Mr. Wang is famous for his harshness. I have an old classmate who has been his assistant for more than ten years. Now I'm still afraid of him. Seeing him is like seeing a cat with a mouse." Si Mingjing smiles.

"My husband is more bluffing than Mr. Wang."

"What does your husband do?" Si Mingjing asks Ye Qingxin.

Ye Qingxin smiles: "he ah, he... In business, he wants to control the bottom people, so he looks more serious. In fact, others are very easy to get along with... Let's order first."

Si Mingjing picked up the menu and said, "that's the boss."

Ye Qingxin smiles and does not deny it.

Han huohuohuo, who has never spoken, said while looking at the menu: "when it comes to serious boss, I think of someone."

Zhang Hanhan casually said: "who is it?"

"Jing Boyuan, founder of Bowei group." Han huohuohuo seemed to recall something. His eyes were a little empty. He said: "in May last year, our studio cooperated with bower. Mr. Shen went to bower to discuss cooperation with jingboyuan. At that time, he took two people with him. I was one of them. After waiting for half an hour in the reception room of bower group, he was free. As soon as he entered the reception room, I felt the air became heavier, It took a lot of effort to breathe. I didn't dare to look him in the eye from the beginning to the end. "

Mr. Shen in Han Huohuo's mouth is Connie. Her surname is Shen and her name is sunfish.

"But his voice is very nice and magnetic. When I heard his voice, I guess he must be very handsome." Han Huohuo smiles: "later, when I left, I secretly looked up at him..."

"Ugly, scared?" Si Mingjing interjected.

Han Huohuo said seriously, "no, I'm really handsome. I took my soul away at that time. For a long time after I went home, I always remembered that startling glance." Said, she sighed, "hurt for a long time single Acacia, I'm afraid he will never know in this life there is such a person as me, once secretly loved him."

"Is that exaggeration?" Si Mingjing didn't like it, and even sneered, "you're too unpromising. It's a shame to see you as a fashion queen."

Han Huohuo didn't say anything more, and he looked disappointed.

Several people ordered.

The box attendant went out with the menu.

Ye Qingxin droops her eyebrows and purses her eyes, drinking tea quietly.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Her husband is so popular outside.

For a long time.

Han Huohuo held his cheek and sighed, "he's the most charming man I've ever seen. He's full of charming hormones, which makes people want to get close. Because of his strong aura, he doesn't dare to get close easily. He doesn't know what kind of woman he will marry in the future. He really wants to attend his wedding to see what kind of goblin he is, He'll be in the bag. "

"Poof... Cough..." Ye Qingxin choked by the tea in her mouth.

"Are you all right?" Si Mingjing patted her back for her, "more adults, drinking water can choke."

Ye Qingxin coughed and waved her hand to show that she was OK.

She looked up at Han Huohuo.

If Han Huohuo knows that the goblin in his mouth is her, he doesn't know how he will react.

Thinking, ye Qingxin wants to laugh.

It must be wonderful.

The waiter began to serve.

When ordering, people take care of the children in Ye Qingxin's stomach and order light dishes.

Ye Qingxin was a little moved. Because of her childhood experience, she was instinctively defensive and distrustful of people she was not close to. The staff of Paer studio were close to each other. She felt that kind of atmosphere, but did not really integrate into it.

She always felt that there was no pure feeling between a group of strangers.

Even though she didn't plan to invite her colleagues from the studio to her wedding, the previous sentence, "I'll let you know after I've written the invitation," was just a casual and embarrassing remark.

Now, she changed her mind.

She used to live so lonely, maybe she should try another life and make more friends.

She didn't know how she suddenly had such a psychological change. Maybe her relationship with jingboyuan became more and more harmonious, and love made her change; Or maybe the care of the three people of Si Mingjing, intentionally or unintentionally, moved her.

After three people knew that she was pregnant, they stopped drinking wine and only ate some vegetables. Si Mingjing had a baby and knew what to eat was good for the fetus. What they ordered was suitable for pregnant women.

"That's right." Soon after eating, Han Huohuo suddenly remembered something and said to ye, "your designer competition is in the top three. After a while, you will go abroad to participate in the t-show. How do you get pregnant?"

Ye Qingxin thought about this problem.

"Can't the designer be absent? Or find someone to take my place. " This is the way that ye Qingxin came up with. If it doesn't work, he should use jingboyuan's relationship.

Although it's important to grow up on one's own, at present, the baby in the belly is the most important, but you can't give up the opportunity to grow up just because you have a baby. She thinks that jingboyuan won't refuse to help.

"I'm not very clear about that. It depends on the sponsor. You can communicate with them and explain the specific situation to them. It should be feasible." Han huohuohuo said, "if you can't, ask Mr. Shen for help. Mr. Shen has a little friendship with the organizer."

"Thank you, sister Huohuo." Ye Qingxin sincerely thanks.

Her cell phone rings when the voice falls.

I took out my cell phone from my bag and saw that it was jingboyuan's number.

"I'll go out and answer the phone." Ye Qingxin said to the three people, got up, walked out of the box and brought the door.

Answer, there came jingboyuan low voice, "I wait for you outside the Tang Pavilion."

Ye Qingxin listens to the man's beautiful voice. She smiles sweetly and says, "well, we're almost finished. Have you eaten?"

Jingboyuan gave a "hum".

"I'll see you later." Ye Qingxin smile, corner of the eye brow is the little girl's happiness.


After hanging up the phone, ye Qingxin turns around and suddenly sees the place three meters away from her behind. Yu Qingyou stands there silently.

This is the first time that she has seen Yu Qingyou since her abortion.

Wearing goose fur, white tights, knee high boots, curly hair and drooping shoulders, Yu Qingyou looks noble and elegant, but the hateful light from his eyes destroys the noble beauty.

Ye Qingxin's hand holding the mobile phone slowly tightened.

The four eyes were opposite, and the fire flashed everywhere.

For a long time, she slowly smile, "I heard that Miss Yu married a good husband. Congratulations, your husband must love you very much, right? It makes Miss Yu more beautiful than before. She must enjoy being polygamous. "

Yu Qingyou's face changed slightly. He stepped forward and his eyes were grim: "what did you say?"

Ye Qingxin looked back calmly, "what did you say, didn't you hear?"

Yu Qingyou stares at Ye Qingxin's rosy white face and raises her hand to fight.

Ye Qingxin doesn't give way. He is holding up his hand to block

But at this time, there is a man in blue down jacket passing by. The aisle is narrow. He accidentally bumps into Yu Qingyou, who stumbles into the wall.

Ye Qingyou takes back her hand to block Yu Qingyou and looks at her. "Miss Yu, how can you beat someone so carelessly? You should beat her like this..."

With that, ye Qingyou won't be given any chance to react. She clasps her wrist with her left hand, pulls her forward, raises her right hand, slaps her hard, and slaps her back.

There is no pause, there is another round,.

Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop!

Four applause, very loud and clear.

Ye Qingxin pushes hard, and Yu Qingyou falls down in a panic. Ye Qingxin moves very fast, but Yu Qingyou doesn't even respond. He has already got four slaps.

Ye Qingxin looked down at Yu Qingyou on the ground with a cold voice: "last time you pushed me behind my back and killed my two children, these four slaps are cheap for you."

When saying this, ye Qingxin looks at the man who has walked several meters away and bumps into Yu Qingyou.

I don't know if it's an illusion. Just now, Yu Guang caught a glimpse of his side face. He felt a little familiar and couldn't remember where he had seen it.

Yu Qingyou's mouth is bleeding, his ears are buzzing and his brain is confused.

"Yu Qingyou, congratulations on your marriage."

When Yu Qingyou comes back to himself, he hears Ye Qingxin's words of ridicule.

"How do you know? What do you know? " Yu Qingyou covers her face and asks her viciously.

Everyone thought that she was very happy. No one believed that Lou Liangchen abused her like that. She even told Mrs. Sheng that when Lou Liangchen treated her badly, she was always in love with her. Mrs. Sheng even scolded her to make her feel better.

Ye Qingxin knows! Yu Qingyou's heart suddenly slipped by something, "it's about you, isn't it?"