Luxury Marriage: Uncle vs Little Wife

Chapter 149

Ye Qingxin listens to Pan Yang's words, but he can't react for a moment.

The family of four who just came in is the Tai Zhengting family.

She recalled what Tai Shiyun and Tai Shishi were wearing and asked Pan Yang, "is the injured girl wearing a skirt or shorts?"

Tai Shiyun was wearing shorts and Tai Shishi was wearing a dress.

Pan Yang replied: "if you wear a skirt, why do you think the father is so cruel? Why do you want to beat your daughter to death? It's really a sin. If we can't save it, I'm afraid that the family will be scattered. You don't see how the mother is crying out for heaven and earth. I'm sad when I look at it... "

Ye Qingxin stares at jingboyuan.

Tai Zhengting's sudden anger should have something to do with jingboyuan's words. Before Li Shufen came to her in a low voice. Even if she didn't say what she wanted, she guessed that Tai Zhengting's company must have encountered difficulties and wanted to catch up with jingboyuan through her.

The performance just now was also for Jing Boyuan.

Jing Boyuan tells Tai Zhengting that Zhou Qiaoqiao's death has something to do with Tai's poetry. Tai Zhengting definitely feels hopeless to climb up to Jing Boyuan and vent all his anger on Tai's poetry.

I'm afraid Tai Zhengting didn't expect such a result.

Pan Yang arranged for someone to deal with the blood at the door.

Ye Qingxin went to jingboyuan and asked him, "why do you... Tell Tai Zhengting that my mother's death has something to do with Tai Shishi?"

At that time, although Tai Shishi brought Xiaoguo to the hotel to destroy their in laws, later, the appearance of Xiaoguo did not lead to anything bad.

Ye Qingxin didn't want to excuse Tai's poems, but he didn't know what Bai jingboyuan meant.

With one hand in his pocket and the other hand hanging, Jing Boyuan casually replied, "she is in a bad mood and should be responsible for her own evil deeds."

Ye Qingxin didn't say anything more. She understood what Jing Boyuan meant. He wanted to teach Tai poetry by Tai Zhengting's hand.

In the past, ye Qingxin's impression of Tai Shishi was not good or bad. Later, she gradually felt that she looked innocent and innocent. Sometimes she spoke and looked uncomfortable. She also realized that she was not as white as she saw on the surface. Especially when she cheated everyone to be with Chen Yu'an, ye Qingxin felt that she was not simple.

That time in the hotel, Tai Shishi suddenly brought Ye Qingguo to the hotel, which was obviously uneasy and kind-hearted.

Ye Qingxin has always been like this. She treats others as they treat her.

Tai Shishi was suddenly hit by this misfortune. Although the punishment she got seemed to be too severe compared with her evil deeds, ye Qingxin would not repay her good for her bad deeds and blame jingboyuan for her sake.

What's more, it was Tai Zhengting who caused Tai's poems to become like this, which had nothing to do with others.

Someone comes in to mourn outside the courtyard. Song's father is leading people to the mourning hall. Jingboyuan accompanies Ye Qingxin in the past.

The visitor is a man in his forties. Ye Qingxin has never seen him, and he doesn't look like other people. He guesses which leader he is. Sure enough, the man goes to the incense, bows, says a word of comfort to Ye Qingxin, and starts to shake hands with Jing Boyuan.

Jing Boyuan leads people to talk outside.

Ye Qingxin turns his head to see that Jing Boyuan is standing with the middle-aged man who is much older than him. No matter in temperament or momentum, he wins a lot. He is more like a leader than these leaders.

I'm in a trance.

"Heart." A familiar voice sounded.

Ye Qingxin takes back her sight, and Wen Zeyan's caring and distressed face is in her eyes.

"Xiao Yan, this way." Song's father called wenzeyan.

Wenze Yanshou's eyes on Ye Qingxin's face gave Zhou Qiaoqiao a fragrance, and he kowtowed three times respectfully.

Song's father looked at Wen Zeyan and nodded.

Wen Zeyan used to take care of Ye Qingxin's family. Zhou Qiaoqiao was eager to help her with any work she had. He also took good care of Ye Qingguo. Song's parents saw that he liked Ye Qingxin and he was a kind and excellent boy. They were very optimistic about them and thought that ye Qingxin would be with him in the future.

Who knows what happened to Wen's father later? Wen Zeyan had to agree to the pursuit of Lu Jian's daughter, who was the county magistrate at that time, and take advantage of Lu Jian's power to clear his father's grievances.

After kowtowing, Wen Zeyan goes to Ye Qingxin and says, "I have something to say to you."

This is to take a step.

Ye Qingxin smile alienated, "what to say."

She felt that she had nothing to say behind his back to him.

What what brother Wen Zeyan waged in her eyes was that he was persistent and cold. He didn't know what it was like. At that time, he had something to discuss with him, followed by the brother who was shouting Yan Yan, who would walk with him under the Wutong tree, so he was lost.

He gathered the emotion in his chest and asked her in a deep voice, "why didn't you tell me so much earlier?"

Yesterday, he heard that the leaders of the city and the county had sent out to mourn for a civilian, so he listened to it and didn't take it to heart. At noon today, he overheard Lu Jian talking about Zhou Qiaoqiao, the person who mourned. When he asked for the specific address, he realized that it was Ye Qingxin's mother who died.

Ye Qingxin said in a light voice: "it's not too late for you to know now."

"Xinxin..." Wen Zeyan put his right hand into his pocket and leaned forward. Then he took out his right hand to hold Ye Qingxin's little hand and pushed something into her hand. "What happened in those years was that I was sorry for you. Once we were together, I didn't give you any decent gifts. For a long time, I regretted that I should have treated you better..."

Ye Qingxin felt what was in his hand and asked with a smile: "so, do you want to compensate me? Or are we helpless? "

Wen Zeyan put the card into Ye Qingxin's hand and took it back. He stepped back and kept a suitable distance. "I know you don't lack this now, but the heart and the heart of men are fickle, especially the rich and powerful men. There are too many women and temptations around them..."

Before he came here, he heard Lu Jian mention that Zhou Qiaoqiao's son-in-law was a noble man from the capital. If he donated money, it would be the financial revenue of the city government for a year. Would such a man really like Ye Qingxin, a beautiful girl who goes out in such a small place?

There is no shortage of young, beautiful and attractive women in this society.

Most of the time, men just play on occasion

Especially rich men.

"I'm afraid it's not done by a gentleman to tell the truth behind his back."

A familiar male voice came in, with a gentle and casual tone, but in the listener's ears, he didn't really dare to think that he was casual.

Ye Qingxin looks for the sound. Jing Boyuan stands at the door with a cigarette in one hand and a pocket in the other. He doesn't know how long he has been standing and how much he has heard.

It's just that his eyes are so deep that they look like Belize blue hole, which makes people feel fear and fear.

Ye Qingxin tightly holds the card in his hand, and does not dare to look into jingboyuan's eyes.

Jing Boyuan threw away the cigarette end, stepped over, took out the card from her hand, and then turned to Wen Zeyan and said, "your name."

Wen Zeyan looks at the man who is a little higher than himself. Although he is not afraid, he is not at ease.

Some people are born this way, do not need to deliberately do what to say, just a pair of eyes watching, you can be at a loss, confused thoughts.

It's a deterrent from the top.

Wen Ze Yan is only 26 years old. No matter his experience or temperament, he can't compare with a mature man who is nine years older than him.

He clenched his fist and said, "excuse me, Wen."

Jingboyuan hooked his lips and said, "Mr. Wen, can you take a step to talk?" Without waiting for wenzeyan to respond, he raised his hand and made a "please" gesture, "please."

To do this, even if Wen Zeyan is not willing, it is not easy to refuse.

Ye Qingxin watched them go to the yard. Jingboyuan handed the card back to Wen Zeyan. She didn't know what to say. Ye Qingxin only saw that Wen Zeyan's face was ugly, and she could see his constraint.

Jingboyuan occasionally raised his hand and patted Wen Zeyan on the shoulder, like an elder encouraging the younger generation, Wen Zeyan's head is getting lower and lower.

The person who has the identity and status is the leader.

Some people come to express their condolence. Ye Qingxin takes back her sight from them and is busy waiting for guests. Wen Zeyan has already left. Jing Boyuan is shaking hands with a middle-aged man in a suit.

Today, in addition to relatives and city and county leaders, there are also some businessmen who come to mourn. The wreaths can't be placed, and they are disposed of by song's father.

Almost all the people in T city have come to show their faces, and the eyes that relatives and neighbors look at Ye Qingxin are quite different from before.

She used to be a wretch in their eyes, but now she is a golden phoenix that can only shine.

After dinner in the evening, there were only two or three neighbors chatting in the yard.

The sun is still in the West.

"The funeral car has been contacted and will be here at six tomorrow morning," Pan said

Song Fu then said, "I've shown you the geomantic omen of the cemetery. It's not far from your grandparents. Yu Er helps to find some people to go to the tomb tomorrow morning..."

Ye Qingxin nodded, "thank uncle song and uncle pan. Thanks for your help, otherwise I don't know what to do."

Father Song said, "I didn't help much either. I just started fighting. It was mainly Mr. Jing who helped me a lot. If it wasn't for Mr. Jing, Qiao Qiao was afraid that she would be desolate and lonely. I saw more cadres these two days than I saw on TV. If I say it later, I'll see who dares to look down on me..."

Song's mother saw that he was more and more ridiculous and kicked him under the table.

Song's father probably realized that he had said something wrong. He closed his mouth and looked at jingboyuan awkwardly.

Jing Boyuan's expression didn't change much. His legs overlapped. He leaned lightly on the back of his chair. He was calm. He didn't seem to hear song's father's inappropriate words at all.

He reached into his pocket and took out his cigarette case. Suddenly he remembered something and threw it on the table.

Ye Qingxin naturally didn't care about song Fu's words. He changed the topic with a smile: "what's the matter with Tai Shi?"

Pan Yang then said: "the girl injured outside the yard today? I don't know. " He didn't know the Tai Zhengting family.

Song Fu sighed and said, "just now I heard someone mention it. It's said that I'm still rescuing. I don't have much hope of rescuing. Even if I save my life, I'm afraid I'll be a useless person in my life..."

Song's mother said with regret: "this Tai Zhengting is too cruel. How much hatred can her daughter have when she is angry? She is a dead hand. Moreover, I think that poem is very clever. She is a lovely little girl."

At eleven o'clock in the night, the yard quieted down.

Ye Qingguo has been asleep for a long time. Ye Qingxin and jingboyuan are in the hall. She leans on jingboyuan's shoulder and her eyes are slightly moist. "Tonight is my last chance to accompany my mother. Don't rush me to sleep, OK?"

These days, she is busy with the funeral, and has no time or mind to clean herself up. Jingboyuan has the smell of a mature man sweating, mixed with the smell of tobacco burning, which is neither heavy nor unpleasant. She even smells in Ye Qingxin's breath, which makes her feel at ease.

Because of the sudden death of his mother, the heart, which was in a state of uncertainty, was slightly stable at this moment.

The reason why people love home is that there is a mother at home. The mother is a rope tied to the child, leading thousands of children to find their way home no matter how far they go.

When the mother is gone, the rope will be broken, and the child will be a kite with broken line. Where the wind makes you go, you will go.

Jingboyuan hugs her. His thick, dry palm doesn't touch her hair. He doesn't give her any consolation. He doesn't order Ye Qingxin to go back to her room to sleep as hard as he did two nights ago, but ye Qingxin opens her eyes again and is still in her room.

She was awakened by the alarm clock.

Get out of bed, the sky is gray outside, the East just spit white.

The relatives and neighbors who came to help have all come. There are many people in the yard. They are busy, but they are organized.

Jingboyuan is smoking outside the mourning hall.

Ye Qingxin noticed that his face seemed to be thinner than before, and his already cold and serious facial lines were more severe, which was a little more fierce.

Since he arrived in T City, he has not had a good sleep and has done everything that should have been done by her.

Ye Qingxin walks over and reaches for his right little finger, which shows the heart of a little girl.

"Bo Yuan..."

Jingboyuan saw her coming, put out the smoke, and held her hand in his backhand, "go and eat something."

When ye Qingxin is holding a bowl of porridge, some people come to the yard one after another. Wen Zeyan, who was caught by jingboyuan yesterday and "encouraged" to have a meal, also comes. He just doesn't go to Ye Qingxin's side and finds a corner to smoke quietly.

The Tai Zhengting family did not appear. I want to know that the Tai family must be in a mess now.

At six o'clock, the funeral car stopped at the entrance of the alley on time.

A group of people who knew and didn't know went to the crematorium with the funeral carriage.

The moment that Zhou Qiaoqiao is pushed into the cremation furnace, ye Qingxin's legs soften, and Jing Boyuan hugs her from behind.

Until now, ye Qingxin understood more deeply that since then, there was no more Zhouqiao in the world, and she had no more mother.