Luxury Marriage: Uncle vs Little Wife

Chapter 150

Jing Boyuan held the girl's body tightly and gave her wordless comfort with a generous and warm embrace.

The embrace of a mature man is like a safe haven, quietly blocking the wind and rain outside, calm and reliable.

Wen Zeyan stands behind the crowd and looks at the girl who is held in his arms by a man. She remembers hearing from her neighbors in Ye Qingxin's yard that Jing Boyuan once dressed Zhou Qiaoqiao as her son-in-law and kept the mourning hall for ye Qingxin for three nights without sleeping

Rich and powerful men for a woman to do this, it seems, has gone beyond what he thought.

Wen Zeyan slowly clenched his hand on his side and turned to walk out.

Once he wanted to protect the girl in his arms for a lifetime, but now he is being protected by another man. He is unwilling but helpless.

From the moment he said goodbye to her, from the moment he turned to marry someone else, he lost all qualifications and opportunities.

Back from the crematorium, it's over ten o'clock.

T City side, funeral, holding the urn is the filial son, holding the portrait is the sun.

Ye Qingguo was arranged to walk in front of the funeral procession with Zhou Qiaoqiao's urn. Zhou Qiaoqiao had no grandson, so he arranged a distant nephew to follow Ye Qingguo with a portrait.

Ye Qingxin followed his nephew and grandson, and behind them were other relatives and funeral bands. The procession was very long, and the people behind them were full of people with wreaths, and they had a vast momentum.

The cemetery is a little far away.

After walking for more than ten minutes, ye Qingguo in front of him suddenly stumbled under his feet, fell into a dog's excrement, and the urn rolled away.

There was a commotion in the procession.

Ye Qingguo's feet were twisted, so painful that he sat on the ground and only shed tears.

Ignoring him, song's father quickly picked up the urn, dusted the soil, picked up the black cloth, covered it, and yelled to the team, "a nephew will hold the urn."

No son, no nephew.

It's just that Zhou's nephews are all too young. Song's father looks at the kids walking out of the line and shakes his head. "Don't you have any older ones?"

Ye Qingxin some distressed, mother's life is rough, this is gone, but also not smooth?

She took two steps forward, "Uncle song, I'll come."

Song's father looked at her stomach and said, "there's a long way to go. I'm afraid your body can't bear it."

Seeing that the time was coming, song's father was in a hurry. "I saw Zhou Shan in the morning. Didn't he come with me? If anyone has a phone call for him, call him

There were humanitarians in the crowd: "Zhoushan child was ill, suddenly convulsed, and went to the hospital. I'm afraid I can't catch up."

Song's father looked at Ye Qingguo with tears in his eyes and tears in his nose. "What can I do..."

Then he looked at the thin leaf and said, "can you stand it?"

Ye Qingxin nodded and reached forward to pick up the urn in Song Fu's hand. "It doesn't matter."

But before her fingers touched the urn, she was taken away by her other hands.

Jing Boyuan's clothes have been changed in the morning. Her dark gray shirt and trousers are straight. The smell of a mature man mixed with the smell of tobacco rushes into Ye Qingxin's nose to make her feel at ease.

Ear, jingboyuan steady voice sounded, "I'll hold."

Song's father hesitated, "it seems inappropriate."

The crowd did not know who said, "I like it. As the saying goes, a son-in-law is half a son-in-law of the deceased, that is, half a son-in-law of the deceased. It's OK for him to hold the urn. Let's go. It's late. Don't delay the time."

The team set off again.

Ye Qingxin looks at jingboyuan in front. The man's back is broad and tall, like a mountain, steady and deep, which makes her feel warm and reliable.

The sun was burning overhead, and there was no breath of wind.

The smoke of burning paper curled up. Ye Qingxin knelt down in front of the tombstone and used a branch to pull the Ming coin stuck in the fire to make the fire more vigorous.

Ye Qingguo knelt aside, looking confused, and asked Ye Qingxin: "elder sister, uncle Song said that his mother would live here and not go home. Why? It's so small here. How do you sleep at night? Who makes braised pork for a small country

Ye Qingxin smiles and tears fall down. "Xiaoguo is good. Will Xiaoguo be with her sister in the future? My sister cooks pork in brown sauce for Xiaoguo and buys chocolate for Xiaoguo. "

Ye Qingguo's eyes brightened, but he hesitated, "isn't that mother with us?"

Ye Qingxin touched Ye Qingguo's head and said with a smile, "Mom will accompany us all the time."

Ye Qingguo still doesn't understand. Mingming hasn't seen his mother for several days. Mingming's uncle song says that his mother will live in this small place and won't come back. How can his mother accompany him all the time?

What else did he want to ask.

"Heart." Dou Wei'er's voice suddenly rings out behind them.

Ye Qingxin turns to see Dou Wei and Jing suoso's dusty appearance, a little surprised, "Why are you here?"

Dou Wei'er's eyes turned red. "Why don't you tell me such a big thing? If I hadn't met soso and heard from her, I wouldn't have known that my aunt would have gone like this. "

The day after Zhou Qiaoqiao arrived in Beijing, jingboyuan asked her and ye Qingxin to move to Nanshan villa.

Therefore, dou Wei'er doesn't know that ye Qingxin has been away from Beijing for several days.

Jing Suo solemnly puts a bunch of white chrysanthemums in his hand in front of the tombstone, and Dou Wei'er also has a bunch.

Ye Qingxin was grateful: "thank you for coming to see my mother. My mother will be very happy to know."

The banquet lasted until one o'clock. At about two o'clock, almost all the guests left.

Jing suoso and Dou Wei'er came together by plane. When they left, they took Ji Yi's car.

Jing one after another came to the courtyard on the first day. Later, he didn't even show his face. Ye Qingxin didn't care, and he didn't care.

The yard is full of tables. There is a mess on the table. Ye Qingxin stands at the gate of the yard, and suddenly a sense of sadness comes from the bottom of his heart.

Song's father and Jing Boyuan are settling accounts. The gift money they received, excluding the expenses, actually has a balance of nearly 500000 yuan.

500000, which is a huge sum of money in small towns.

Song's father couldn't help sighing: "after living most of his life, I saw so much money for the first time. In the past, when other people's families held weddings and funerals, most of them received tens of thousands of gifts. Mr. Jing's face is really extraordinary."

Jing Boyuan reached out to flick the ashes, but he didn't say anything. He was used to listening to such compliments.

Ye Qingxin helps to clean up the table. When he looks up, he can see the shade. Jingboyuan sits on the bench with his legs overlapping. The account book is on his legs. He turns the account book with his hands holding cigarettes and his eyebrows drooping. He focuses on the account book. He is calm, like the man of the family.

At this moment, she suddenly felt that her heart seemed to have settled.

Without her mother, she still has this man.

This man will be her root in the future. Where he is, that's what she wants.

Song Jiu rubbed Ye Qingxin in front of her, approached her ear and whispered: "your boss is very kind to you. He's wearing a shroud, a wake and holding an urn. Does he really take himself as aunt Zhou's son? Do you know such a man? Introduce one to me, too. "

Ye Qingxin

"It's said that birds of a feather flock together. There must be a lot of golden bachelors around boss Jingda, right?"

Seeing that ye Qingxin didn't speak, song Jiu said to himself, "I also want to go to the capital and catch a golden turtle son-in-law to return home. You can be regarded as returning home in rich clothes. You are so jealous of the neighbors that your eyes are red..."

As if he had thought of something funny, song Jiu laughed twice and said, "did you see Uncle Du at the banquet just now? He brought his 18-9 niece over and deliberately sent it to the big boss of your family. It's so funny. I don't know what kind of virtue his niece looks like. You can't even compare with a finger. "

Ye Qingxin

Looking at jingboyuan, song's father sat next to him explaining something. He only looked at the account books and occasionally nodded his head. The boss's style was revealed in every move. With his handsome facial features and tall body, he was very manly.

At about four o'clock, the yard was finally cleaned up. The song Jiu family and their relatives and friends left one after another, and the yard was completely empty.

Ye Qingguo sat on the stool at the gate of the yard in a daze.

Ye Qingxin goes to jingboyuan and sits down.

Jing Boyuan pinched out her cigarette butt as she walked this way.

Ye Qingxin noticed that there were more than ten cigarette ends scattered around his feet. He smoked heavily these days, but she never stopped him. Jingboyuan didn't sleep for several nights. If he didn't smoke, he was afraid that he couldn't stand it.

Thinking of this, she felt a little distressed.

"Bo Yuan, you go to sleep. I'll call you for dinner."

Jingboyuan held her hand, smelled the speech and laughed, "it's OK."

Ye Qingxin didn't listen to him, so she pulled him up from the stool and pushed him into her bedroom until she pushed him down on her little bed, "sleep for a while."

She turned on the fan to blow on the bed, and then pulled the quilt over the man's stomach.

Jingboyuan coagulated her serious face and laughed, "I haven't bathed for several days. I have a smell on my body. Don't you dislike it?"

Ye Qingxin glared at him, "if I dislike it, what are you going to do?"

Said patted his hand, coax the child like way: "fast sleep, dinner I call you."

Jing Boyuan couldn't help laughing. After more than 30 years, he was coaxed by a little girl as a child for the first time.

Close your eyes, smell the girl on the pillow and go to sleep.

Xu is tired. He has a deep sleep.

Ye Qingxin specially delayed cooking. When the meal was ready, it was just eight o'clock and it was dark outside.

Put the meal on the table, told ye Qingguo not to steal a few words, just went to the bedroom called jingboyuan.

Almost as soon as she put her hand on jingboyuan's arm, the man opened his eyes. The deep fundus of his eyes was a bit sleepy. His voice was a little hoarse. "What time is it?"

"Eight o'clock." Ye Qingxin said and stretched out his hand to pull him up.

Jingboyuan gets up with the girl's delicate strength.

"Are you better?" Ye Qingxin asked.

Jingboyuan rubbed her hair, "well."

When they came to the kitchen, they saw Ye Qingguo shove something into his mouth quickly. He was startled when he heard the door open. Then they closed their mouths and looked at the wall, pretending nothing happened. But the squirrel like cheek had already betrayed him.

Ye Qingxin walked over and said seriously, "what did you steal?"

Ye Qingguo shakes his head with his cheeks bulging.

Ye Qingxin reached out and poked his puffy cheek, angry and funny, "not yet, look at your face."

Ye Qingguo blushed, bowed his head and silently spit out the meatballs in his mouth and put them back on the plate.

Ye Qingxin and Jing Boyuan

After dinner, ye Qingxin is about to get up to clean up the table. Jing Boyuan starts with her and says, "you sit."

Looking at the man rolling his sleeve and busy in front of the pot, ye Qingxin's heart became more stable and satisfied.

After a long time, she asked him, "when will you return to the capital?"

Jing Boyuan did not turn around, only said: "with you."

Ye Qingxin said: "I want to wait for my mother to go back after the first seven, and wait for her to come back and eat the last bowl of rice."

According to T City, the soul of the deceased will go home on the first seven days, and the family will prepare a bowl of rice for the deceased. Ye Qingxin doesn't want to see an empty house when her mother comes back.

"You go back first. I think you have a lot of phone calls these two days."

Jingboyuan washed the dishes, wiped his hands, came over and sat down beside her, "I've made arrangements before the company's business comes. If there's anything, Luo Feng will look at it and deal with it. Don't worry."

Ye Qingxin didn't say anything more. He held his hand to play.

After a moment of silence, she said, "when you go to bed in the afternoon, I'll buy you some toiletries. Take a bath and have a good sleep. Thank you for your hard work these days."

Jingboyuan raises his hand and touches Ye Qingxin's face. Ye Qingxin can smell the smell of dishwashing essence on his fingertips.

"You don't have to say thank you to me. It's too raw."

Men's palms are cool because they are soaked in water. It's very comfortable to stick them on the skin in this hot summer.

Ye Qingxin slowly smiles at him and nods.

When Jing Boyuan takes a bath, ye Qingxin takes out his notebook and opens it.

Connie had only given her a week at that time. She had almost finished it a few days ago, and only a small part was left.

She hasn't forgotten it these days, but she can't settle down to do anything else. In this respect, she hasn't practiced enough.

Now that mother is in peace, she can't delay any longer.

Although Connie agrees to give her a few more days, she can't regard other people's tolerance as her own indulgence capital.

Jingboyuan comes out after a bath and walks into the bedroom. He sees Ye Qingxin concentrating on the computer.

"Small countries." He came up and asked.

Ye Qingxin's eyes are still staring at the computer, one hand holding the mouse, one hand tapping on the keyboard, absent-minded back: "sleep."

Jing Boyuan walks up behind her, bends down, holds her two busy hands, and puts her in his arms. The man after the bath has some fragrance, mixed with the taste of male hormones, which makes Ye Qingxin come back from his own world.

The man's chin was against her shoulder socket and said in a deep voice, "take a bath and go to bed. If you have anything to do, it's too late tomorrow."

Ye Qingxin was made uncomfortable by his actions, "wait a little longer."

Jing Boyuan took out that tough posture again, "are you going to close it by yourself or I'll help you close it?" He was talking about computers.

Ye Qingxin is not happy.

Jingboyuan said, "if you don't sleep, the child will sleep."

When it comes to children, ye gives up, turns off his computer and takes his clothes to the bathroom.

After the bath, Jing Boyuan came back, holding a small book in his hand, half lying on her little bed, with two long legs bent. Her bed is not big, and men's legs can't stretch straight.

Ye Qingxin saw that he was absorbed in reading the little book. He wiped his hair and asked, "what are you looking at?"

Jingbo yuan did not lift his head, "your composition."

Ye Qingxin is stunned. He stretches his neck to see that the little book is a composition book of primary school. Because of its age, the paper turns yellow, and the font on it is childish and crooked.

On the page that Jing Boyuan turned to, the title of his composition was "my father.".

The first line of the composition, the first sentence, says: my father's name is ye Jundong.

Ye Qingxin was surprised.

Ye Jundong and her relationship, Jing family people do not know.

In a hurry, she grabbed the composition book. "It's all children's nonsense. What's good to see?"

She didn't know what she was flustered about. Maybe she was afraid that Jing Boyuan might misunderstand her relationship with ye Jundong, or that Jing Boyuan might despise her because she knew that she was an illegitimate daughter whose mother didn't know.

Ye Qingxin didn't ask her mother about her life experience. On the one hand, she didn't want to stimulate her mother. On the other hand, she was afraid that the result would be cruel.

Jingboyuan looks as usual, reaches out and pulls Ye Qingxin to sit beside the bed, takes the towel in her hand, and cleans her hair gently and carefully.

He didn't ask anything, but ye Qingxin was more worried.

Half ring, or she can't help but say: "don't you have anything to ask?"

Jing Boyuan's hands kept moving, and his voice hit Ye Qingxin from the top of his head. He couldn't hear any emotion, "what do you want me to ask?"

Ye Qingxin bowed his head and was silent.

For a long time, he confessed: "in fact, the father who abandoned us I told you about, you've seen him, and you're very familiar with him..."

Jingboyuan rubbed the girl's long soft and smooth hair with a towel. She didn't make a sound when she heard the words. She was like a listener, listening to her story quietly.

Ye Qingxin looks up at Jing Boyuan's indifferent eyebrows. Suddenly, there is a guess in his heart. Has he already known?

I still remember the time when she lost her horse in the racecourse. Yu Qingyou once said in front of Jing Boyuan that she and ye Jundong were chatting in public, but Jing Boyuan didn't ask or say anything, and said that she didn't have to explain

Now think about it, his indifferent reaction at that time was that he knew the relationship between her and ye Jundong, so he didn't care, because there was nothing to care about.

"Did you know that ye Jundong was my father long ago?" Ye Qingxin asked.

Jingboyuan touched her hair. It was almost dry. She put down the towel and took a comb to comb her hair.

"Isn't it?" Ye Qingxin asked again.

This time, jingboyuan gave a "um".

"He told you that?" Ye Qingxin's "he" is naturally ye Jundong.

Jing Boyuan did not say yes or no.

In fact, as early as Yu Qingyou sent that video to him with Yu's updated mobile phone, he had already asked someone to investigate.

At the beginning, he was also surprised that his uncle was the father of his girlfriend.

Ye fell in love only when he was acquiescent.

"Did he tell you anything else?" Did ye Jundong tell Jing Boyuan that he was not her father, she was Zhou Qiaoqiao's illegitimate daughter outside?

Will ye Jundong tell jingboyuan that ye Qingguo is Tai Zhengting's illegitimate son?

Aware of the girl's nervousness, Jing Boyuan put down her comb and put her in her arms. Instead of answering, she asked, "what else should he tell me?"

Ye Qingxin

She looked into the man's eyes and tried to see something in them.

But that pair of dark eyes, like midnight deep well, palpitating, nothing to see.

"It's late. Go to bed." Jing Boyuan said.

Turn off the light, adapt to the sudden darkness, through the window shining in the moonlight, vaguely can see the outline of the bedroom.

The electric fan at the foot of the bed is Hula working, and the cool wind blows to them.

Ye Qingxin nests in jingboyuan's arms and feels the warmth and security he gives. Suddenly, he has an impulse to confess to him.

I don't know how long it took.

Ye Qingxin went into jingboyuan's arms and put his hand around his back. "Are you asleep?"

She asked softly.

Jingboyuan gave a "um" signal that he was not asleep.

A man's voice sounds very low and sexy in the dark.

"In fact, ye Jundong... Is not my own father..."

Jing Boyuan held her tightly in his arms.

Ye Qingxin listened to the powerful heartbeat in his chest and continued: "I didn't know at the beginning. I always resent his abandonment. I resent his indifference for ten years. I resent him for making my home full of holes. I resent him for letting me live a life of relying on others...."

In fact, it was not easy for Tai Zhengting to live in those years. Li Shufen's hidden needles were learned from her childhood.

"I didn't know that I was not his daughter or even his son until I went to ask him for help when something happened to Xiaoguo and needed a lot of money."

"It was hard to accept at first, but then I suddenly understood him. If it was me, the two children were not my own, I would divorce, and I would not take care of the two children..."

Ye Qingxin chuckled, "isn't it ridiculous?"

Jingboyuan stroked her head with a big palm, "I'll be enough for you in the future."

Ye Qingxin's nose was sour. His face rubbed against his chest, "well."

After a pause, she said, "I thought... You'd look down on me."

Jingboyuan seemed to smile and press her head in her arms, "how can it be?"

Ye Qingxin's bed is by the window.

Moonlight sprinkles on the bed, to embrace a pair of men and women plated with a layer of silver, the man's tall and strong, the girl's petite and soft, like a perfect picture.

Ye Qingxin closed her eyes and enjoyed the peace of this moment.

Just when she was sleepy, jingboyuan suddenly spoke again, "wenzeyan is your first love?"

This makes Ye Qingxin instantly awake. He looks up at the man's face. The man's eyes are dark, and his tone is clear. He has the meaning of settling accounts after autumn.

Ye Qingxin's heart suddenly jumps twice. He didn't mention wenzeyan from yesterday to today. She thought he had forgotten.

Without waiting for her to say anything, jingboyuan said, "you didn't have a good eye before, but now you've made a lot of progress."

Ye Qingxin