Luxury Marriage: Uncle vs Little Wife

Chapter 148

Ye Qingxin heard the buzzing voice outside, got out of bed and put on his hat.

She was stunned by the people and wreaths in the yard.

The people who suddenly appeared in the courtyard were all dressed in extraordinary clothes, and all of them were very smart. They didn't look like the relatives of the Ye family or the Zhou family. The wreaths were placed directly from the mourning hall to the outside of the courtyard, and there should be a lot of them outside.

Ye Qingxin's eyes swept around quietly. Jingboyuan was not there. The middle-aged man last night was busy greeting the guests. From the way he was polite to those people, they were afraid of coming.

Song's mother and Ji Yi are also busy greeting the guests, but song's mother's words and expressions show the humble feeling of the common people when they see the emperor. Ji Yi is very arrogant among the people, and others are polite to her.

The small courtyard, which was originally cold, suddenly became crowded.

Some people noticed that ye Qingxin came out, saw the hat on her head and the hemp rope around her waist, and immediately recognized her identity. Many people came up to her and said some comforting words about "the dead are gone" and "I'm sorry for your change.".

The tone was very polite, with a hint of flattery.

Ye Qingxin puts down the sadness and doubts in her heart and deals with them appropriately. There is another wave of people coming to the door with wreaths to express their condolence outside the door. Suddenly, ye Qingxin is overwhelmed.

In addition to the people who don't know who are wearing shirts, suits and shoes, gradually some near or far relatives come to the door to express their condolence, and neighbors also begin to come to the door to greet.

Ye Qingxin had an idea in her heart. Taking advantage of the gap between greeting people, she pulled song's mother aside and said, "Why are there so many people all of a sudden?"

Song's mother's sense of busyness had not gone away. Her eyes were shining, and she seemed a little excited. Hearing the words, she said, "today morning, Mayor Lu and city officials came to mourn with wreaths, and then the city and county leaders and clerks followed suit. Look at the man in the blue shirt..." Song's mother pointed to the 50 year old man who was standing at the gate of the yard talking to Ji Yi, "He's a senior county official who just took office this year, and that one..."

"That's the director of the Municipal People's Congress..."

"That's the director of the Public Security Bureau..."

Song's mother pointed out the past one by one, and they were all leaders with extraordinary bearing.

"Xinxin, what's the origin of your fiance? It's amazing that these leaders can be mobilized. "

The last time jingboyuan's family came, his mother felt that they were not ordinary people, but she didn't expect that even the city leaders were polite. Thinking of the city officials' polite attitude towards jingboyuan, her mother was more and more awed.

Ye Qingxin is stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembers what she heard at the gate of the yard last night and her later state. Jingboyuan must have seen that she was sad for the desolation of the funeral

These people are all here for jingboyuan.

And those relatives and neighbors probably came for these municipal and county-level leaders.

But no matter whether these people come to express their condolence sincerely or give up in vain, at least the funeral seems to be beautiful.

Ye Qingxin has a sour nose and suddenly wants to see jingboyuan.

"What about the others?" She asked mother song.

Although she didn't name who it was, song's mother understood it, so she said, "I left with city officials and Mayor Lu in the morning. She said that there was something wrong and told me that I would urge you to eat when I wait for you to get up..." when it came to eating, song's mother patted her head, "look, I'm so busy. I've steamed a lot of breakfast in the kitchen. I'll take you to eat."

They were about to go to the kitchen when another group of people came to the door. They were ye Jundong's relatives, whom song's mother knew.

Ye Qingxin saw that song's mother wanted to be entertained, so he said, "you go, I'll have dinner myself."

Mother song hesitated for a moment and said, "well, I've been helping you in the kitchen for a long time. You go in and look for her."

Ye Qingxin goes into the kitchen. Song Jiu and several older aunts pick vegetables together. Seeing ye Qingxin come in, she puts down the dishes in her hand, washes her hands, holds a bowl of porridge for ye Qingxin, and takes two steamed buns from the steamer.

"Come and have breakfast."

Ye Qingxin looks at the big pot in the small kitchen, and several people in chef's uniform are busy. He turns to song Jiu and asks, "are they..."

I didn't invite a cook yesterday, and I usually invite a cook at home. There are private people in the town. But the cooks in the chef's work clothes seem to come from some hotel.

Song Jiu grabs the vegetables and sits beside Ye Qingxin. Picking them, he says, "it's not your boss who asked people to come all night. Last time your boss invited me to the South China Sea banquet, do you remember? These chefs are from Nanhai banquet. "

Ye Qingxin noticed that the word "Nanhai banquet" was embroidered on the chef's work clothes.

"You're asleep and don't know anything. I'm so sorry that I was pulled over to do this and that in the early morning. My arms are sore."

Ye Qingxin whispered: "hard work."

Song Jiu laughs: "I'm not as hard as your boss. You fell asleep last night. He took you back to your room and kept a vigil for you. I got up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet and saw him take Xiaoguo back to his room. Your boss is really strong. Xiaoguo is an 18-year-old man no matter how he says it. His face doesn't change and he can't feel weight at all."

Ye Qingxin held the bowl, no appetite, but also forced himself to drink a few porridge.

"And he didn't sleep?"

Song Jiu thought, "I don't think so. I was called up to work at four in the morning. I saw him sitting in the mourning hall, like a sculpture. I thought he was asleep. I wanted to go and have a look, but he didn't come near. He turned around and scared me to turn around and run. His eyes were too frightening."

Ye Qingxin doesn't know what it's like in her heart.

"Didn't you let him go last time? What happened this time?"

Song Jiu said: "I don't know. Although he looked serious last time, he didn't come as frightening as this time. At that time, I felt numb and subconsciously turned around and ran away."

Ye Qingxin didn't say anything more. He drank a bowl of porridge with the pain in his stomach.

It was almost ten o'clock.

When she came out of the kitchen, the funeral band changed a tune and continued to play. There were fewer people in the yard than before, but they were still full of people who knew and didn't know. It was very lively.

Because of the leadership, several relatives and neighbors volunteered to stay and help. The middle-aged man was assigning tasks. The yard was in a mess. In fact, everything was going on in an orderly way.

When the middle-aged man finished the distribution, ye Qingxin took a glass of water.

"Uncle, drink water."

The middle-aged man was flattered and said with a smile, "just call me Pan Yang."

Ye Qingxin: "that how line, should call you uncle pan." After a pause, she asked, "what's your relationship with Boyuan?"

Pan Yang truthfully replied: "I am the director of the branch of Bowe group in s city."

Ye Qingxin nodded, "I heard song's mother say that senior city officials and Mayor Lu came this morning. How do they know about my mother? How did you come? "

Pan Yang hesitated.

Ye Qingxin said: "he asked you to disclose the news?"

Seeing that Pan Yang nodded, she asked, "our family doesn't know the city's senior officials and mayors, and their status is far different. How can they come to mourn my mother? And so many leading cadres came to express their condolence. "

I'm afraid this news has already caused a sensation in the whole T City, otherwise even distant relatives who are not in the same city would not have come to express their condolence.

Ye Qingxin thinks that when ye Qingguo's accident happened, Mayor Lu and several important leaders of the city also suddenly appeared. At that time, she felt that jingboyuan could invite Mayor Lu to come forward, and there must be some interest disputes. But later, she asked, jingboyuan just took it with a hand.

It's such a big move this time. The leaders at the municipal and county levels are here, and Jing Boyuan goes out to talk with the city's senior officials and Mayor Lu

Pan Yang didn't know whether to answer truthfully.

Ye Qingxin saw that he clearly knew something. He drooped his eyelashes and said in a soft voice, "well, I won't tell him. I just don't know."

Pan Yang gritted his teeth and thought about it, then said: "last time my wife's family met with difficulties, Mr. Jing donated a sum of money to the municipal government in your name, which was used to build the new eight bureau building. This time Mr. Jing said that the road in s city was not good, and it should be repaired. I told Mayor Lu what he meant and revealed that the funeral was a little lonely by the way..."

Later words, needless to say, ye Qingxin understood.

The sun was so hot outside that ye Qingxin felt dizzy and got up to sit in the hall.

I don't know if there is a dead person in the hall. It's a little chilly, which is quite different from the heat outside.

She looked at the ice coffin, stunned.

I'm afraid my mother never dreamed that she would be so beautiful after her death.

City leaders and county leaders came to express their condolence and said that they had more face.

Ye Qingxin wanted to laugh, but he didn't know how to shed tears in his eyes, and the rising corners of his mouth gradually collapsed.

The people who came to mourn kept coming. From time to time, there were people passing by, and the sound of "I'm sorry for your change" never stopped.

Jingboyuan didn't come back until more than four in the afternoon.

The man is still yesterday's gray shirt and trousers. Even though he has been wearing them for two days, they are still straight and upright. The facial contour is cold and deep, and they are handsome. Everyone in the yard knows that the city leaders and county leaders come to mourn Zhou Qiaoqiao because of him. The eyes that look at Jing Boyuan unconsciously bring respect. The people who used to sit can't help but stand up and look restrained.

With a cigarette in his hand, Jing Boyuan swept the yard calmly. He didn't see the figure. He walked straight towards the hall, but he didn't forget to nod to the people who were looking at him. It was a greeting. The upper class was full of momentum and style.

Pan Yang came forward and seemed to have something to say. Just as he called out the voice of general manager Jing, Jing Boyuan raised his hand to stop him.

After entering the hall, I saw the girl sitting on the bench in a daze.

Jingboyuan throws away the cigarette end and grinds it out. He goes to sit down beside the girl and holds her cold hand. His voice is calm and reassuring

Ye Qingxin turned his eyes and looked at him. He slowly laughed at him. His arms passed through the gap between his arms and waist and hugged him. He heard his heart beating in his chest and said softly with tears: "you're back."

After a moment's silence, she said, "thank you."

Following Pan Yang for two seconds, he turned and left.

Jingboyuan bowed his head, wiped the tears on the girl's face with his finger, and held her quietly.

In summer, there are many mosquitoes in the evening, so we all go to dinner at five o'clock. The mourners have already left, leaving only those who help with the funeral and the funeral band.

There are three tables in the yard.

Last night, the member of the funeral band who was talking in disorder came up with a glass. The cylindrical Colin cup poured a full glass of Baijiu. He said to the leaf, "I talk rubbish last night. I also asked Mrs. Jing to forgive me, and I would pay for myself."

After that, he raised his glass and drank it clean. Suddenly, his face, which was a little red by the sun, was a little more red.

In fact, ye Qingxin didn't care about anything with him, and what he said was also true, but there was nothing to worry about. He said with a smile: "I forget if you don't mention it, it's no big deal."

The man was a boy in his twenties. He had big eyes and was pretty good-looking. When he heard that, his face relaxed and he said gratefully, "thank you, Mrs. Jing."

As we all know, Zhou Qiaoqiao's son-in-law, whose surname is Jing, is a very important person.

When the boy returned to his companion's table, someone half joked and half admonished him: "I want you to pay attention to what you say. You're almost at a loss, aren't you? Fortunately, Mr. and Mrs. Jing don't care about you. I'm afraid you don't know how to die if you're a little more considerate. "

"No, I've been in this business for so many years. For the first time, I saw so many leaders all at once. In the daytime scene, I made several mistakes on the stage. I don't know if you found them."

"It's not just you. I've been out of tune all the time. I don't know what happened to Mr. Jing. The leaders in the city are so polite to him."

"Yesterday, as soon as he came in, I felt that this man was different, like a leader. Later, when I saw him personally dress the dead, I didn't think that any leader would do such a bad thing in person..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the woman next to him, "what do you know? Do you see if Mr. Jing has been bringing food to Mrs. Jing all the time? For the sake of the woman he really likes, this man can sometimes give up when he is waiting, not to mention dressing the dead? When I look at Mr. Jing, I'm really kind to Mrs. Jing. My girlish heart is overflowing. If I'm ten years younger, I'd like to find a man like this... "

"Then you have to have a face that everyone loves."

The woman threw the chopsticks at her and said, "go away! Son of a bitch

After dinner, the funeral band played again.

Different from last night's desolation, the neighbors came to jingboyuan after dinner, and their eyes fell on jingboyuan intentionally or unintentionally. They caught song's mother to inquire about jingboyuan's identity.

Song's mother knew that people were from the capital, rich and capable, and knew nothing else.

Neighbors tut tut tongue, "really did not see, Zhou Qiao Qiao this chicken nest actually flew out of a Golden Phoenix, found such a golden turtle son-in-law back."

Song's mother was not happy to hear that, "what kind of chicken nest Phoenix, you so belittle Qiao Qiao, be careful that she will come to you at night to reason with you!"

The people in the small place were all in awe of ghosts and gods. The neighbor was frightened, patted his chest and said, "ah, how can you talk so frightening?"

The dining tables in the yard were cleaned up, but they didn't put them away. Some of the neighbors brought their children to watch the band play suona. They sat at the table chatting in twos and threes. Some of the children were running and making noise in the yard, which made it more lively.

Ji Yi saw nothing to help, so she went back to the hotel.

Ye Qingxin sent her to the hutongkou, sincerely thanks: "three aunts, thank you these two days."

Ji Yi laughs: "it's all a family. You don't have to be so polite, but you don't know how to help. As a result, people don't know where they are. Don't mind."

Ye Qingxin said with a smile: "how can it be? I'm very grateful that you're here."

Ji Yi said: "go back, there are many mosquitoes outside."

Ye Qingxin still insists on watching Ji Yi's car leave.

Back in the yard, I happened to see jingboyuan smoking in a corner of the yard. A four or five-year-old girl stood in front of him and looked up at him, as if she was talking to him. The suona was loud, but ye Qingxin couldn't hear what she said. He only saw jingboyuan playing a cigarette with one hand and touching the little girl's head with the other. In that scene, there was a sense of seeing her father and daughter.

Ye Qingxin stands at the door, leaning against the door, looking at the picture inside, unconsciously caressing her abdomen with her right hand.

If the belly is a daughter, maybe when it grows up, the scene will really be staged in life.

"Heart, what are you doing? Don't mosquitoes bite you? " Song's mother came out to pour the dishwashing water, saw Ye Qingxin pestle, and called her.

Ye Qingxin came forward to help. Song's mother said, "no, people with body should have a good rest."

"Thank you, aunt song. I don't know what to do if it wasn't for you and uncle." Song's mother smiles, "Qiao Qiao had the best relationship with me when she was alive. I should help her, but even without our help, you don't still have him. I think he is more capable than us, and he is also a capable person in that season."

Song's mother said that she looked at jingboyuan deliberately.

Ye Qingxin pursed her lips and said nothing.

At night or jingboyuan and ye Qingguo wake, ye Qingxin also want to keep, was jingboyuan tough command back to the room to sleep.

Ye Qingxin lies on the bed and can't sleep.

The light outside is bright. The light comes in through the window. The bedroom is bright.

Look at the cell phone. It's eleven o'clock.

Thinking of what song Jiu said jingboyuan didn't sleep last night, and he didn't have time to sleep during the day, ye Qingxin can't help feeling a little uncomfortable.

When he got out of bed and opened the door, he saw jingboyuan coming out of Ye Qingguo's room.

See ye Qingxin, jingboyuan brow wrinkled, came, "how come out."

Ye Qingxin did not answer, looking behind him, "Xiaoguo is asleep?"

Jing Boyuan nodded, "well."

Ye Qingxin looked at the man's slightly tired eyebrows, "I'm guarding, you go to sleep."

Jing Boyuan didn't say anything. He just reached out and hugged her into his arms and brought her into the bedroom. Whether she wanted to or not, he autocratically hugged her to the bed and covered her belly with a thin quilt.

The palm of the man's scalding palm caresses her little stomach, "sleep well, if you don't sleep, our daughter will also sleep."

Ye Qingxin thought of the scene she had seen before and asked, "do you like your daughter?"

Jingboyuan's slender fingertips lifted the broken hair sticking to her forehead, "I like what you gave birth to."

Ye Qingxin smiles, and suddenly thinks of his dead mother, birth and death, the laws of nature, and the truth. But it's really his turn, and he can't see it so easily.

"My mother doesn't even know that I'm pregnant. If I told her earlier, would she be happy, and then in a good mood, she wouldn't walk so fast?"

Jing Boyuan touched the girl's cheek with a big hand. "I think what she hopes more is that you and Xiaoguo can live happily. Maybe she will be angry when you are so sad."

"Sleep, for your mother's peace of mind, for our children."

I don't know if I'm bewitched by jingboyuan's voice, but ye Qingxin falls into a deep sleep unconsciously.

The next day she woke up earlier.

As yesterday, there was an endless stream of mourners.

In the afternoon, unexpectedly, the Tai Zhengting family came.

Many people also know about the relationship between Tai Zhengting and Zhou Qiaoqiao. In addition to the fact that they were repented of their marriage at the beginning, the neighbors talked about the care and care for the orphans and widows in the next ten years. People's eyes on Tai Zhengting were obviously abnormal, but Tai Zhengting didn't seem to notice at all. He sent a wreath and incense to Zhou Qiaoqiao.

After the incense, Li Shufen took Ye Qingxin's hand. She was really like a good aunt, crying and comforting. Her heart and soul came out of her mouth.

Ye Qingxin vaguely knows who she is doing this play for.

Besides jingboyuan, who else is worthy of her hard work here.

In front of his mother's face, ye Qingxin didn't want to make everyone look ugly, so he dealt with it.

Turning his head, he saw Tai Shiyun and Tai Shishi standing dry. Ye Qingxin reminded him in a light voice: "two cousins, it's your turn."

Tai Shiyun didn't like it. He looked at the ice coffin thoughtfully, and his face was a little abnormal.

Li Shufen pushed them forward and said, "how do I teach you at home? I still don't give incense to your aunt."

The two were given incense.

Ye Qingxin pushed the futon to their feet. "Two cousins kowtow and put this on. Be careful to hurt your knees."

Tai Shiyun is stunned. She is not ready to kowtow at all.

But a lot of people looked at it, and Tai Zhengting's advice when he came, so they had to comply with the kindness and kowtow to Zhou Qiaoqiao three times.

It can also be regarded as a return of her previous verbal insults and abuse to Zhou Qiaoqiao.

Tai Shishi then kowtowed three times.

When ye Qingxin's attention turns away from the mother and daughter, he sees that Tai Zhengting has taken the opportunity to talk with jingboyuan.

I don't know what they talked about. When Tai Zhengting left, he was as pale as ashes.

Ye Qingxin came to jingboyuan and asked him, "what did you say to him?"

The sound of the suona is very loud, so you have to speak louder.

Jingboyuan saw her come over, put out her cigarette and said, "I just told him that your mother's sudden death had something to do with his daughter."

Just then, there was a sudden commotion outside. I heard a woman's scream, like something happened.

Someone ran in and said something to his father. His face changed and he ran out.

Ye Qingxin wants to go and have a look. Jingboyuan holds her, "there are so many people, don't run around."

After a while, Pan Yang came in from the outside of the yard and ran straight to the two people's side, panting: "the four members of the family who just came in, the man didn't know how to suddenly get angry, slapped a girl and fell down. The back of his head just bumped into the sharp corner of a raised brick. He fainted on the spot and bled. He was just sent to the hospital, but he didn't know if he could live."

Then he turned his mouth and shook his head. "I think the corner of the brick has been inserted into the back of my head. I'm afraid I can't live."