Love Dependency Disease

899 899 Evolution


Liu Yi was stunned when he heard this, and it was strange to think about it. How could he know that he had an accident in Washington when his master was in Kyoto University of Science and Technology.

"Dao Ran, you come to see this kid."

"Infinite Heavenly Venerable!"

A somewhat sloppy priest came out from the side, carrying a whisk in his hand, decently.

"Right, please tell him."

Ma Hua sighed at her "friend".

"Leave it to the poor."

The old Taoist walked to Liu Yi\'s side and stroked himself with a beard and said.

"This little friend, the poor Dao has used Zhoutian gossip to help you calculate the gossip. Your trip must be dangerous, or don\'t go for it."

"Fuck, you are old, you can\'t do it if you say no!"

Liu Yi was suddenly angry and insisted on leaving.

"Liu Yi! Sit down for me!"

Ma Hua yelled and made Liu Yi quiet a little.

"You don\'t look at it, what is your body like now? If it weren\'t Dao that you were killed in Washington, do you think you can still talk to us now?"

"Master, no matter what, I have to take back my chick!"

Liu Yi clenched his fists.

"Little friend, listen to the poor saying, now you are not his opponent!"

Daoran said.

"Why are you so sure?"

Liu Yi was quite unconvinced.

"Stinky boy, you are too presumptuous, dare to talk to Daoran like this!"

Ma Hua snorted, "Do you know who my friend is? Tell you that before he became a monk, he was a famous master in Xiu Xianjie, Cheng Wenhang!"

Cheng Wenhang?

Liu Yi felt vaguely as if he had heard the name.

"Sister Fox Fairy, did you hear the name of Wen Hang?"

Liu Yi asked Lin Tong.

"Have not heard."

Lin Tong shook his head, but Mengxi seemed to remember something, exclaimed.

"Ah, Eun Gong, the slave family seems to know this person... Cheng Wenhang... seems to be very powerful..."

"Which way?"

"This... the slave family also forgot... Anyway, it was very powerful..."

The specifics of Mengxi are not clear.

Cheng Wenhang...Where is sacred?

"Brother Ma lifted it up."

And Cheng Wenhang waved his hand and smiled humbly. "Compared with the brother Ma who was famous in the world, I am nothing. It\'s just that I am proficient in some Zhouyi techniques and it\'s not worth mentioning."

"You are so tight!"

Ma Hua admired when he spoke, "How many people were asking you to give you a divination, and today I begged you, and it was also a hexagram for me, an undisputed apprentice!"

"Since Brother Ma has spoken, he will help himself."

Cheng Wenhang said, narrowing his eyes and glancing at Liu Yi, "This little friend, if the poor way is not wrong, you should be the one you loved by someone, right?"

"You should have guessed what I said just now."

Liu Yi snorted, "This is not new."

"Oh, this man is the biggest demon in your heart, is it right?"

Liu Yi was silent for a moment. He didn\'t say anything about this.

"Poorly calculated, this man\'s strength can definitely be the king in the Six Realms! With the current friend, he is not his opponent."

Cheng Wenhang\'s words shocked Liu Yi more and more.

How much does he know this ghost Taoist?

"Then... Look at the master, what should I do?"

"In fact, sometimes, in order to achieve the goal, it may be useful to carry out some very means."

This is a mystery in Cheng Wenhang\'s words.

"What does Dao Chang mean? May be express!"

"Oh, not to be said, not to be said."

Unexpectedly, this old Taoist deliberately sold a pass and said, "But you can give the little friend a hint. Among your enemies, maybe there are people worth learning from."

"Is there someone worth studying?"

Liu Yi froze for a moment, Ma Hua said a little unpleasantly.

"You stupid Taoist, what time is it, and you still have to play the machine?"

"Tianji cannot be leaked, and Tianji cannot be leaked!"

The old Taoist continued mysteriously and said, "There are some things that you have to let your apprentices understand!"

"You old god stick, get out!"

Ma Hua has been practicing the magic path for a long time, but his temper is not so good.

Cheng Wenhang continued to sell Guanzi, causing him all kinds of unhappiness.

"Haha, you are so anxious, you should really cultivate yourself."

"I\'ve lost all my skills, and I\'m self-cultivation P!"

Ma Hua snorted, "I can just take the apprentices!"

"Master, I\'m fine..."

Liu Yi said, endure the pain, get out of bed, and then drink that Peiyuan tea.

A warm feeling suddenly overflowed from his lower abdomen and spread to Liu Yi\'s internal organs.

Liu Yi was a lot more comfortable immediately. Sure enough, this tea had the effect that Master said.

"Heal well with me, it\'s quiet here."

Ma Hua said.

"No, Master, I have to do a very important thing."

"You stupid boy, still want to grab someone?"

"No, I want to increase my strength, I have to work hard."

"Really decided? Your injury has not recovered yet!"

Ma Hua was a little worried.

"It\'s okay, Tu\'er\'s body is iron."

Liu Yi said, without looking back, he went straight out, Ma Hua sighed in the room.

"This stupid boy, and I were a temper at the time!"

"Blessings and misfortunes depend on each other, maybe it is also a blessing for him."

Cheng Wenhang touched his beard and said with a smile.

"What does this mean, sect Taoist, can you explain the point?"

"We drink tea, drink tea!"

"Drink your sister, rely on!"

The two old men chattered, and Liu Yi had already come to the artificial lake of the University of Science and Technology and jumped into it.

Now the underground laboratory of the University of Science and Technology has been vacated. There is a large underground space, which is very safe and can be used for cultivation!

He swimed out of the lake and fell into a hole in the ground, but there was no water stain on his body.

"Eun Gong."

Mengxi turned into a prototype, a beautiful girl fell to the side, "Nujia came to protect the law for Engong."

"it is good……"

Liu Yi nodded, then summoned his own Tai Chi sword.

"Sister Foxxian, come out too."

Liu Yi leaned on the Tai Chi sword and summoned it.

"what happened?"

Lin Tong turned into a humanoid, wearing a Vulcan armor, standing in front of Liu Yi, "Why call me too?"

"Sister Foxxian, Mengxi, you two help me protect the Fa together."

Liu Yi said, reaching out.

"Love Sword Art!"

The two girls groaned at the same time, and then two beautiful swords flew out of their bodies and floated into the air.

He returned the two love swords to the hands of the two girls and said, "If you will find something terrible happening to two will kill me."

"Your sister, what do you stink guys say?"

Lin Tong glared at Liu Yi, "What will kill you, what are you going to do?"

"I want to learn Liu Haisheng."

Liu Yi said, holding up the little Tai Chi high, "Sister Fox Fairy, Mengxi, if there is something unexpected, don\'t be soft-hearted!"

After he finished speaking, without waiting for Lin Tong and Mengxi to stop, he directly thrust Xiao Taiji into his lower abdomen!

"Be careful!"

Lin Tong pulled Mengxi and immediately walked backwards.

A dazzling white light exploded from Liu Yi\'s body and spread out.

The two women used their love swordsmanship to resist this terrible shock wave!

While Liu Yi was half kneeling on the ground, Xiao Taiji penetrated his belly.

As his own sword, Xiao Taiji is very spiritual and has not devoured the flesh of the owner.

And Liu Yi came this way, not for anything else, but for being one with Xiao Taiji!

Demon sword technique, Liu Yi practiced in the traditional way, and Liu Haisheng\'s cultivation method was a bit cruel!

He turned himself into a demon sword, Liu Yi swallowed the soul with a small Taiji, and Liu Haisheng swallowed the soul with himself!

By swallowing the soul, you can gain the fastest ability and power!

But the price is likely to fall into the path of demons and change your temperament!

But in order to quickly increase his strength, Liu Yi decided to give it a try!

After entering his body, Xiao Taiji felt a violent tear.

This feeling quickly spread out from the wound and flooded the body.

Liu Yi gritted his teeth and didn\'t let himself scream.

Hold back... Must hold back...

It seemed that there were ten thousand ants biting every flesh and blood on his body, which really made Liu Yi crazy.

It’s too painful!

Little Tai Chi began to cut off one by one, and then, like a fish, continuously burrowed into Liu Yi\'s body, and then slowly opened up.

He is blending with his little Tai Chi!

If it were not that 40% of Liu Yi\'s body was composed of energy, I am afraid that he would die from pain.

All the green bars on Liu Yi\'s skin exploded, proving how much pain he is suffering now!

Really hurt...

Give up... Give up... as if someone told him in his ear.

Liu Yi really wanted to give up, according to his traditional cultivation method, he was a pseudo-spiritual vein, and progressed equally fast.

Why use such a painful way...

When Liu Yi couldn\'t help but want to give up, the figure of Ai Ling suddenly appeared in front of him.


Liu Yi reached out to Ai Ling blankly.


The chick also reached out to Liu Yi, "Forget the chick..."


Liu Yi\'s eyes turned red, "Even if I die, I won\'t forget you!"

"Hahaha, she is mine!"

And the figure of the great god leader appeared behind Ai Ling, and grabbed Ai Ling directly, "You waste, lie here and wait to die!"

After he finished, he stood up and stabbed Xiao Taiji once again!

No matter how painful you are, you can\'t compare to the pain in your heart!

Liu Yi shouted twice, and the entire Tai Chi completely disappeared into his body.

Suddenly his body exploded like this, turning into a white bone!

"Eun Gong!"

"Liu Yi!"

Both Mengxi and Lin Tong were terrified and their souls were scattered!

Liu Yi, is this...Is it all right?

At this moment, the remaining bones suddenly moved.