Love Dependency Disease

900 900 Glory of the Soldier

Pieces of flesh began to grow on the bone.

Just like recombination and rebirth, Liu Yi\'s body appeared again in front of the two women.

It\'s just naked and naked. Little Liu Yiangyang made Lin Tong and Mengxi blush in the eyes of the two girls.

And Liu Yi can\'t care about his handsome image at this time, he is not very good now.

Although it is integrated with the small Taiji, let yourself be transformed into a device, carrying the demon sword technique.

But the desires and desires of a beast are constantly striking in Liu Yi\'s body. Liu Yi knows that if he continues this way, he will lose his mind and become an outright demon beast!

Never let this happen!

Liu Yi took a deep breath and suppressed his beast-like desires!

At this moment, Liu Yi\'s left hand fluttered and a white light flew out.

An Qi\'s figure appeared in front of Liu Yi, she was a little panicked.

"What\'s wrong? Why do you feel that you have a powerful evil force inside you?"

After the Nether Angel was resolved, the person who affected Angel disappeared.

However, An Qi enjoys being in Liu Yi\'s body. Liu Yi\'s body has a warm power that makes her very comfortable, and she sleeps peacefully here.

But now, an evil force appears, making Angel feel cold all over, like falling into an ice cellar!

Therefore, she hurriedly ran out of Liu Yi\'s body and jumped outside.

Liu Yi saw Angel, a hunger sensation spontaneously emerged.

Angel seems to be very delicious... This is not just a ***, but also an appetite!

He wanted to eat Angel...a kind of naked-naked desire-desire!

Liu Yi hastened to suppress his emotions, which made people want to drool...

"Liu Yi, what\'s wrong with you?"

An Qi looked strange at Liu Yi, and asked with some anxiety.


Liu Yi swallowed, "You look delicious..."

Angel suddenly blushed and smirked, "You... what are you talking about..."

"I...I don\'t know..."

Liu Yi didn\'t understand how he said such a thing, but he understood that the girl on the opposite side absolutely wanted to be crooked.

"But... you look really delicious..."

"Damn idiot, have you gotten your sperm!"

Lin Tong appeared beside Liu Yi, and patted his shoulder with his hand. "How can I say this to An Qi! For no reason! Ya put on her clothes first, is she crazy?"

"No no no... not what you think..."

Liu Yi asked Xiaoxuan to put on a black turtleneck coat while quickly explaining, "Yes... It\'s a...I really want to eat people..."

"Have you become a beast?"

Lin Tong was a little surprised, "This is... terrible... what method did you use for yourself!"

"It\'s okay... I can control it..."

Liu Yi took a deep breath and touched his chest, saying, "Probably Angel\'s unique power is more attractive to me... speaking, Shengli is a very interesting ability."

Thinking of Angel\'s abilities, Liu Yi was really envious.

Next time you catch an angel, swallow them to see!

Won\'t they get their power!

The choice becomes this...maybe not a wrong decision!

No matter what, you must make yourself stronger!

Whether it is the Moon Dream mentality or the Holy Power, you have to get it yourself!

Chick, wait for me, uncle will definitely save you back!

Thinking of this, Liu Yi was planning to consolidate his new strength, and at this time, Xiaoxuan suddenly received information.

"Master, there is Liu Hongxian\'s phone!"

"Ah? Right!"

Liu Yi remembered this. Before that, he still discussed with Liu Hongxian about the plan to deal with the United States, but then he met the great god leader.

This girl must be crazy!

Liu Yi checked, and sure enough, she couldn\'t make more than a hundred calls these days!

With a big wave of his hand, Liu Yi connected the phone with Liu Hongxian.

"Liu Yi! Are you okay? Where did you go!"

Come over the phone, a series of questions!

Although it was a question, it was not difficult to hear Liu Hongxian\'s worried tone on the phone.

This girl is really in a hurry.

Liu Yi hurriedly explained, "Sorry, sorry, last time I met an enemy, and he fought with him, and suddenly disappeared...Sorry for the leadership, I worried the organization!"

"Humph! You know it!"

After snorting, Liu Hongxian began to worry again, "Do you fight with the enemy, are you injured? Then you can cultivate at home..."

"If you have any questions, you can talk about it!"

Liu Yi knew that Liu Hongxian must have something to do.

Liu Hongxian hesitated and said.

"It\'s okay, we can do it ourselves."

"Why are you kind to me, don\'t hide it, let\'s talk."

Liu Yi asked.

"In fact, it was still the task. We found the offshore oil well you discovered and found a large energy source signal there. We estimate that it is a secret base built by the United States. So, today we have to go there to perform the task. …The purpose of the mission is to destroy the American Plan X!"

"I\'m afraid this mission is extremely dangerous, and the difficulty index is twelve stars!"

Liu Yixin said that since it is the X plan that the United States attaches great importance to, the defense must be very strict!

If you don’t go, Liu Hongxian must go too!

Let her go, Liu Yi one hundred is not assured!

"I know, but this is the task of the motherland. If it is not completed, I am the sinner of the entire Chinese people."

"Not so serious, I will go with you."

Now that the security officer has found Blatter, it means that there may be fallen creatures guarding that base.

Liu Hongxian, even if these agents are excellent, how can they deal with fallen creatures?

"Speak, where are you now?"

Liu Yi asked.

"Well, since you want to come, then come to our base, I will send you the coordinates."

After Liu Hongxian finished, Xiaoxuan immediately received a series of coordinates.

"I will pick you up at the base of the base, move fast, we will act tonight."


Liu Yi nodded, then hung up the phone.

"Sister Foxxian, Mengxi, come back, we are ready to go."


The two beauties nodded together, then each returned to Liu Yi.

Liu Yi feels that he is really a bit violent. He brought two big beauties with him, but he has never enjoyed it...

Thinking this way, the evil thoughts in your head are even heavier.

God, I have refined the demon sword technique into my body. I really don\'t know if it is a blessing or a curse!

But for his own chick, even if hell, he can get it!

"Where are you going?"

Asked Angel.

"Exactly, you send me."

Liu Yi said the coordinates that Liu Hongxian sent him, "Can you still be attached to me?"

"It may be...but it\'s no longer in hand..."

An Qi said, "You have too much evil energy, I want to find a slightly lighter\'s there..."

With that, An Qi\'s hands gently hugged Liu Yi from behind.

In an instant, Liu Yi passed through the space and came directly to a desert!

It was already night outside, and the desert was a bit cold.But Liu Yi, as a fairy cultivator, was completely unaffected by the cold and hot.

Angel was gone, and a pair of white wings tattoos were printed on the skin behind Liu Yi.

Every day Liu Yi goes south and north, and certainly cannot put An Qi outside, so letting her possess herself is the best choice.

"Liu Yi, here!"

From afar, I saw a military base in front of me, which should be the place of Liu Hongxian\'s mouth.

Sure enough, Liu Hongxian stood at the gate of the base at this time, and an off-road vehicle was standing beckoning against Liu Yilian.

The patrols at the gate of the base are somewhat different, because Liu Yi appeared alone in the desert!

Could it be that he came on foot?How could it be desert here!

Coming here is either thirsty or sunburned!

How can normal people do it?What is the origin of this sudden mysterious man?

Regardless of the eyes of other people, Liu Yi walked straight to Liu Hongxian, pressed the body, jumped into the car, and then sat beside Liu Hongxian with his feet in front of the car.

A group of soldiers around was shocked!Liu Hongxian’s rank here is not low, who dares to be so pretentious in front of the chief!What\'s the point of this man?

"When are we going?"

"After an hour, start with the special team."

As Liu Hongxian drove deeper into the base, he said, "Those people are grumpy. Don\'t talk when you get there, just follow me."

"Follow the orders, all follow the leadership arrangements!"

Liu Yijing gave a military salute, which attracted Liu Hongxian\'s eyes.

"However, leadership, what is meant by ordinary people involved in this matter, we two can\'t do it? Even you don\'t have to go, just let me come."

"This has been our task, and you are halfway in."

Liu Hongxian explained, "Even if you are a law enforcement officer, you can\'t just go beyond the authority to intervene in the work of other departments. Bringing you with me is an abuse of my authority."

"Can\'t say that, with me alone, you can sacrifice a lot of people\'s lives!"

Liu Yi used the tone of questioning, "Why doesn\'t even this point of judgment make it above?"

"It\'s different."

Liu Hongxian\'s eyes are very serious, "Liu Yi, you know, we are soldiers, and the duty of the soldiers is to obey orders! We eat royal food, but not as worms! It is our responsibility and our glory to perform the task. If there is One day can die on the battlefield, that is also our glory! Liu Yi, if we soldiers see the mission and push three, four, greedy for fear of death, then Huaxia, who will protect?"

Liu Hongxian\'s words made Liu Yi feel a little ashamed, and he might have thought that he was really selfish.

Huaxia could have soldiers like Liu Hongxian, he felt very proud.

"No, aren\'t you MI? Why did you come here again?"

"This mission is our joint team with the special forces!"

There is a trace of pride in Liu Hong\'s fairy tales, "Military Twelfth Bureau is in charge of all secret intelligence! It can be said that every special operation cannot be separated from us!"